Saturday, April 16, 2005

People's Tax Revolt

People’s Tax Revolt

“The Internal Revenue Service is reeling under the tax rebellion, as unpaid taxes reach $300 billion, according to outraged tax collectors. Do-It-Yourself Tax Cuts: The Crisis in U.S. Tax Enforcement by economist Max Sawicky found the tax rebellion ‘encompasses about 15 percent of all taxes owed to the government— or about one dollar of every six owed in individual and corporate taxes.’ Unfortunately, Sawicky views this news as bad. Most of the unpaid taxes—at least $250 billion of the total $300 billion—results from taxpayers either underreporting income or claiming too many deductions, he said. About $30 billion of the unpaid total is from nonfiling and another $32 billion results from underpayment. Individuals in the so-called tax honesty movement account for the lion’s share, the report found. Underreporting of individual income accounts for $150 billion to $187 billion in unpaid taxes, while another $30 billion is from underreported corporate income, $66 billion to $71 billion from payroll taxes, and $4 billion from death and excise taxes. ‘The tax enforcement system has become so dysfunctional that it is now its own worst enemy,’ Sawicky said. Many Americans ‘are dealing themselves a do-it-yourself tax cut.’ Sawicky and others called for more funding for IRS enforcement efforts.” James P Tucker Jr. IRS Reels Under Tax Revolt

I finished doing my taxes around 11:20 last night, jumped into my car and headed to the US Postal Distribution Center so I could make the Midnight deadline. Usually there is a long but orderly line of cars and US Postal workers manning stations collecting envelopes. Last night even though I got there around 11:45 there was less of a line and not that much traffic. Perhaps folks aren’t procrastinating like me, maybe they got here earlier or maybe there is a tax payers revolt brewing. I wondered as I handed my state and federal envelopes to an exceptionally congenial postal worker, what would happen if the majority of AmeriKKKans decided not to pay any federal income taxes as a protest against the Bush administrations policies? Hmm? Not that I’m advocating anything like that because I mailed mine off minus the check but I already have an account where the IRS takes $150 a month from my checking account for two years of owed taxes. ( I put up a good fight all by myself without any lawyers but they overwhelmed me and I capitulated due to threats of liens and fines.) Lo and behold I’m checking the World Wide Web and discover that is exactly what is happening! There’s hope! Joe and Jane Sixpack aren’t’s so gullible after all. They like the young people who have stopped enlisting in the volunteer military know what is happening and in their own personal way have decided enough is enough! According to an article taken from the American Free Press Website ( , the IRS is having difficulties collecting taxes. Imagine that. They actually used the term tax rebellion, interesting. That means on some level there is still some fight and gumption left in the heart and soul of AMeriKKKa. Even though I filed my 2004 taxes, I admire those who had the courage not to file or pay Uncle Sam. The article quotes an economist named Max Sawicky (author of the book Do It Yourself Tax Cuts- The Crisis In US Tax Enforcement ) who says the scop of the rebellion “encompasses about 15 percent of all taxes owed to the government— or about one dollar of every six owed in individual and corporate taxes.” What this means is that disgruntled (or possibly cash strapped ) AmeriKKKans are withholding about $300 billion in unpaid taxes from the Us coffers. According to the article, “most of the Most of the unpaid taxes—at least $250 billion of the total $300 billion—results from taxpayers either underreporting income or claiming too many deductions, he said. About $30 billion of the unpaid total is from nonfiling and another $32 billion results from underpayment. Individuals in the so-called tax honesty movement account for the lion’s share, the report found. Underreporting of individual income accounts for $150 billion to $187 billion in unpaid taxes, while another $30 billion is from underreported corporate income, $66 billion to $71 billion from payroll taxes, and $4 billion from death and excise taxes.” This means its not just the super rich who are skimping on their tax bills, Joe and Jane Sixpack are finding ways to not give Uncle Sam a huge chunk of the income! Maybe just maybe that will get the ruling elites attention. Odd, it certainly hasn’t caught the attention of the corporate media. But then again maybe the article on is one of those tongue in cheek pieces? Or maybe the corporate media doesn’t want to give the rest of us any ideas, you know they are afraid of “copycats” bilking the fascists out of tax money just like they are scamming and cheating us with their War on Terror rip offs, Spreading Democracy cash cow and tax cuts for the super rich boondoggles. Well all I can say is if you are one of those souls who is engaged in the taxpayer rebellion, God Bless you and I ain’t mad at ya!.



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