Saturday, July 16, 2005

Global Big Brother

Global Big Brother

LONDON – After 9/11, many European voices criticized the United States for passing the Patriot Act, which they felt sacrificed too many civil liberties in the name of cracking down on terrorism. Now, one week after 7/7, European governments are wrestling with the balance between security and privacy as never before. And their efforts are giving new energy to counterterrorism cooperation. In a flurry of activity this week:

• France announced plans to reintroduce border controls such as passport checks that were scrapped under the Schengen free- borders agreement with 14 other European countries.

• Italy announced closer monitoring of its northern border. And it detained 174 people suspected of being involved in Islamic militant groups. Italy's interior minister also asked parliament to expand police powers, including the right to question terrorism suspects without a lawyer.

• Germany drew up plans for a national antiterror database.

• In Brussels, meanwhile, British Home Secretary Charles Clarke called for better information sharing among law enforcement services and for redoubled efforts to stanch the flow of terrorist funds.

He also persuaded his counterparts to move ahead with plans to compel telecommunication firms to store phone and Internet records for possible intelligence use, saying the data would be vital to connect the dots of terror networks. - Mark Rice Oxley Christian Science Monitor 07-15-05

Following the bombing in London we are seeing a constant revision of the facts during the so called investigation. From bombs set using timers now we are being told four Islamic fanatics (why are all terrorists portrayed as Muslims?) did the deeds. As the controlled corporate media does its job demonizing Arabs, the politicians and security forces in European will roll over and do their part by pushing for national ID, more information gathering storage and surveillance on ordinary citizens as a “preventive measure”. The question is, will all this spying and checking stop terrorists? I doubt it. If supposed Islamic fanatics could circumvent the mammoth multi-billion dollar US defense system, military and civilian safe guards and long established protocols on 9-11 allegedly from caves in Afghanistan, how can the rest of the world feel safe? While it takes a major suspension of disbelief to entertain something this preposterous, the mainstream media and Bush administration expect us to believe nonsense like this! In many ways this says a lot about their arrogance, their confidence in their mind control apparatus and the low regard they have for our intelligence.
Right after 9-11 the Bush administration pushed through the PATRIOT ACT which by all accounts had already been written by the administration. Sadly Congress passed it without any legislators having read it or conducting any debate?! The PATRIOT ACTs I and II have raised concerns that 9-11 is being used a cover to erode civil rights and Constitutional guarantees and usher in a totalitarian police state. The London bombings seem to be having the exact same effect in Europe. In an article in The Christian Science Monitor entitled How Far Will Europe Go To Stop Terror the writer says, “British Home Secretary Charles Clarke called for better information sharing among law enforcement services and for redoubled efforts to stanch the flow of terrorist funds. He also persuaded his counterparts to move ahead with plans to compel telecommunication firms to store phone and Internet records for possible intelligence use, saying the data would be vital to connect the dots of terror networks.” Hmm, let’s get this straight, European officials want to spy on all their citizens without probable cause in the vain hope it will allow them to “connect the dots of terror networks”. If that’s the case what’s the function of the billion dollars they spend for the global Echelon Spy Satellite system employed by the US Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada that has the capability to monitor telephone conversations, faxes and emails or the proposed Project P415 another global spy system that includes Japan, China, Germany, Britian and the US. What about what is called Communications Intelligence (Comint) a far reaching system of global telecommunication spying? Didn’t know about any of these systems? Don’t feel bad most people don’t. The New World Order feels the need to spy on the world and 9-11 and the London bombings are ruses being used to get their tentacles into more and more of our lives. In a report entitled Interception Capabilities 2000 by Duncan Campbell, IPTV Ltd. it is revealed: “1. Communications intelligence (Comint) is defined by NSA, the largest agency conducting such operations as ‘technical and intelligence information derived from foreign communications by other than their intended recipient’. (4) Comint is a major component of Sigint (signals intelligence), which also includes the collection of non-communications signals, such as radar emissions.(5) Although this report deals with agencies and systems whose overall task may be Sigint, it is concerned only with Comint.

2. Comint has shadowed the development of extensive high capacity new civil telecommunications systems, and has in consequence become a large-scale industrial activity employing many skilled workers and utilising exceptionally high degrees of automation.

3. The targets of Comint operations are varied. The most traditional Comint targets are military messages and diplomatic communications between national capitals and missions abroad. Since the 1960s, following the growth of world trade, the collection of economic intelligence and information about scientific and technical developments has been an increasingly important aspect of Comint. More recent targets include narcotics trafficking, money laundering, terrorism and organised crime.

4. Whenever access to international communications channels is obtained for one purpose, access to every other type of communications carried on the same channels is automatic, subject only to the tasking requirements of agencies. Thus, for example, NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ, used Comint collected primarily for other purposes to provide data about domestic political opposition figures in the United States between 1967 and 1975.” This lengthy and technical report is available at I suggest you check it out because this is the foundation upon which the New World Order plans to implement their global data collection and spy systems. The NWO has accelerated their plans in light of the massive resistence to their invasion and occupation of Iraq and Bush’s bungling of that operation. Hence they stagged the London bombings to scar us into accepting the next round of surveillance and police state policies. Now that you know their game plan don’t fall for the okie-doke!



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