Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Devils Are Still At It

The Devils Are Still At It

“The West has benefitted from the plunder carried out by Uganda and Rwanda in eastern Congo. The mining of coltan, an ore that provides tantalum, a key element in so-called “pinhead capacitors” used in cell phones, was a major source of profits to those armies and a major reason for their continued operations – of course, they received mere pennies for every dollar the cell-phone makers made...T he West is, of course, also responsible for the brutal history of Congo that led up to this. Belgium essentially turned the entire country into a massive slavery and forced labor plantation, killing an estimated 10 million in the process. After independence, Belgium and the United States collaborated in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, a leader who held out genuine hope to the people of Congo, and his replacement by the tyrannical and corrupt Mobutu.”

Everywhere on this planet where we find massive disruption, social upheaval and war, if we do even a little cursory research we will see the diabolical hand of the white West. It is obvious in Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and Columbia but what about the regional and local conflicts in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. If you scratch the surface you will find at least some Western involvement if not in the sale and distribution of weapons and supplies to one or both sides of the dispute. Also your research will most likely reveal mineral resources, land or geostrategic location as the focal point of Western interests that are spurring their involvement and instigation of these wars. In a post on the Empire Notes blog, Rahul Mahajan points out just how the West (read Europeans) stirs up and agitates wars and mischief in Africa that will benefit themselves but which cost the lives of countless Africans. “The latest issue of the Lancet, the well-known British medical journal, contains a shocking report on mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Between April and July 2004, a multinational team of researchers carried out an exhaustive survey of 19,500 households in randomly selected clusters, leaving out the roughly 10% of the country where violence was too great. They conclude that excess mortality in Congo, a nation of 64 million people, is 38,000 per month – this excess measured with respect to the baseline of sub-Saharan Africa’s already staggeringly high crude mortality rate of 1.5 per 1000 per month. This dwarfs the sanctions on Iraq, where the excess mortality was 5-10,000 per month and was also calculated with respect to a baseline of much lower mortality. Ever since the overthrow of Mobutu’s kleptocratic regime in 1997, Congo has been wracked by violence. Starting in 1998, it was the site of what is sometimes called Africa’s First World War, a civil war that involved eight other nations -- Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Angola, Namibia, Chad, Sudan, and Libya – as well as numerous indigenous armed groups. That war officially ended in 2002, with an estimated death toll of 3.3 million.” This nothing but a continuation of the long history of European imperialism exploitation and rapine not only in Africa but throughout the world. All over the continent the villainous machinations of the Europeans have resulted in wholesale death and destruction whether it was the civil wars in Nigeria, Sudan, Liberia, the genocide in Rwanda, regional strife between Eritrea and Ethiopia or the wars to maintain their colonial death grip in Angola. The Europeans’ goal is always divide and rule with the focus of securing the riches, cheap labor and controlled markets of Africa.
In the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo the Europeans covet the mineral wealth embedded in the region. The US CIA World Book of Facts lists these minerals: gold, diamonds, cobalt, copper and zinc, tin and manganese all vital for the technology and value for the “progress” and maintenance of Western lifestyles. The West has been expropriating the mineral wealth since the nineteenth century when King Leopold of Belgium made the region his own personal fiefdom. From then on the pale leeches sucked everything they could out of the Congo region. In his book A Biography of the Continent Africa author John Reader writes, “By 1959, the Congo was producing 9 percent of the world’s copper. 49 per cent of its cobalt, 69 per cent of its industrial diamonds and 6.5 per cent of its tin. Palm-oil, cotton, and coffee alone contributed 53 million to the country’s exports. No other colony in Africa could boast of such riches, so profitably exploited. No wonder commentators looked upon the Congo as a paragon of colonial virtue.” page 651 The key word here are profitably exploited. Reader goes on the say “The country was highly profitable, efficient and peaceful.” I suspect our African brethren would dispute his claim the country was peaceful given the Belgians were notoriously ruthless in their treatment of the indigenous peoples of the area. King Leopold’s murderous legacy was carried on even following “independence”, when AmeriKKKa and Belgium collaborated to assassinate Patrice Lumumba a pro-African nationalist leader and replaced him with a sociopathic puppet like Sese Seko Mobutu. The devils (and the use of this word is not to imply Europeans are supernatural or perversely divine in any way, it signifies they are the personification of evil!) are continuing their program of devastation and rapine not only in what is now called the Democratic Republic of Congo but all over the continent. The Congo is merely a microcosm of what the devils are doing throughout Africa. “The West is, of course, also responsible for the brutal history of Congo that led up to this. Belgium essentially turned the entire country into a massive slavery and forced labor plantation, killing an estimated 10 million in the process. After independence, Belgium and the United States collaborated in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, a leader who held out genuine hope to the people of Congo, and his replacement by the tyrannical and corrupt Mobutu. After doing so much to create Congo’s problems, the West has no interest in trying to fix them. There is no imperialist imperative to control the country; why should there be when resources flow freely without requiring any trouble on the part of the West? The UN peacekeeping force was recently increased to 16,700, or one person per 60 square miles, but in 2004 the UN was only able to raise half of the funds allocated for them. Nobody is pushing to get control there any more than they were in Liberia or than they are in Darfur.”
As we focus attention on Iraq and Iran let us not forget what the devils are doing to our people in Africa and Haiti. We are in a global struggle and war, a titanic battle of life and death proportions, let us not stick our heads in the proverbial sand and pretend not to know what we know. Because as the personification of evil it is only a matter of time before these devils, sociopaths, psychopaths whatever you choose to call them, turn their collective wolfish attention on Africans here in AmeriKKKa.



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