Oil Drives The West's Push To Destabilize East Africa
Oil Drives The West’s Push To Destabilize East Africa
“The mass media in the U.S., France and Britain are writing a great deal about the suffering in the Darfur region of western Sudan and the tensions between the Sudanese government and neighboring Chad. Not surprisingly, they write very little about the economic interests these three imperialist countries have in the oil recently discovered in this part of Africa. Chad, which was once a French colony and still is occupied by French troops, is accusing Sudan of supporting and encouraging an April 14 raid on its capital, Ndjamena. It is threatening to expel 200,000 Sudanese living in Chad who get their support from the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Sudan—which at one time was a British colony, but has since been using its oil to develop an independent economy—charges that Chad has been supporting rebellion in Darfur. Sudan wants the UNHCR to financially support the 15,000 Chadians who have fled to Sudan recently to escape heavy fighting in eastern Chad.”
The Western mind control apparatus is in high gear attempting to brainwash the masses to continue believing the European mantra Africa is a place of disarray and chaos due to African tribalism, ethnic infighting, corruption and mismanagement. Almost all depictions of Africa in the Western media show famine, poverty, disease, war ravaged scenes, AIDS and starvation. Rarely if ever, do the sound bytes and snippets even pretend to go behind the scenes to examine the impact of Neo-liberal imperialism and neocolonialist machinations of the West. For example East Africa is in the news quite a bit these days; Sudan, Chad and Somalia are all experiencing conflicts and social disruption. But what is not being reported, shown or explained is the West (AmeriKKKa and its’ European cousins including Israel) are funding, arming and instigating the carnage throughout the region. “After Sudan achieved its formal independence from Britain in 1956, the country went through a period of internal struggles. Beginning in the 1970s Sudan began moving in a radical Islamic direction, rejecting the neocolonial relations that the United States and other European powers wanted to impose. A well-organized and well-financed rebellion in southern Sudan began soon after. The United States supported the south financially, politically and militarily in order to divide and conquer. By tightening an economic embargo on the Sudanese government, the U.S. could also exert economic pressure. Washington even went so far as military attacks, like the cruise missile strike in 1998 that blew up the only pharmaceutical plant in Sudan. No proof was ever offered to back up the imperialist pretext that the plant manufactured chemical weapons, or that Sudan was somehow connected to terrorist bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. A delegation led by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark of the International Action Center visited the ruins of the plant and confirmed that it had simply been making medicines.” What Imperialists Don’t Say: Oil Is Behind Struggle in Darfur http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/sudan/2006/0427imperialists.htm
Why you ask are whites instigating, funding and arming numerous factions to foment strife and wars in developing countries that have no connection to the West other than being former colonies? The answer is simple. The West covets what lies beneath the surface in these regions, diamonds, gold, uranium, manganese, but more importantly crude oil (black gold) natural gas and in the case of Israel water! “The link between Tel Aviv and Addis Ababa has been seen by the West primarily as an arms-for-immigrants trade-off, in which Ethiopia gets arms for its fight against Eritrean separatists and Tigrean insurgents. In exchange, Addis Ababa has reportedly agreed to allow an estimated 15,000 Jews remaining in Ethiopia to emigrate to Israel. But according to widespread reports in the Arab press, the real reason behind Israel's involvement in Ethiopia is to establish a foothold in its decades-old push for access to the Nile. Salem Nassar wrote in the July 1990 issue of the Paris-based Ab Dawliyeh International that Israel has supplied Ethiopia with technology and expertise for plans to dam the Blue Nile, a major tributary to the Nile.” http://www.wrmea.com/backissues/0791/9107026.htm
The troubles throughout East Africa have their roots in white designs on the mineral resources within the region. The countries in the news now like Sudan, Chad and Somalia are at an epicenter of Western imperialist cunning and maneuvering. The whites are exploiting territorial, ethnic and religious differences (that in many instances the Europeans created) to achieve several long standing goals, depopulation, social displacement and controlling and expropriation of the regions natural resources. “Once the rebellion in Darfur began, the Sudanese government set up counter-militias, called Jinjaweed, recruited from nomadic ethnic groups in Darfur who mainly speak Arabic. The Sudanese Liberation Army and the Movement for Justice and Equality recruited from ethnic groups in Darfur who don’t use Arabic. The U.S. government, among others, is trying to exacerbate these differences by defining this conflict as between 'Arab vs. black.' Washington has accused Sudan of 'genocide' and 'ethnic cleansing.' However, Paul Moorcraft, a British expert on Sudan, points out, ‘Darfur’s Arabs are black, indigenous African Muslims—just like Darfur’s non-Arabs.’ The African Union has 7,000 troops in Darfur trying to keep the peace. But the imperialist powers want more direct control by replacing the African Union forces with either NATO or UN troops in order to further imperialist interests in the region and to deny the Sudanese control over their own territory.” http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/sudan/2006/0427imperialists.htm
The same thing is going on in Somalia but in that case religion and "terrorism" rather than ethnic differences are the pretexts used by the West (and their proxies in the region) as an excuse to intervene and gain a foothold in the region to steal that nation’s resources and control its’ territory. “The recent fighting in Mogadishu between Islamic Courts Union (ICU) forces and the now defunct Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT), reportedly formed in February 2006, further complicates the political crisis in Somalia, but also represents an important shift in the balance of power in Mogadishu. The so-called Alliance was the creation of well-known warlords in Mogadishu who have been the main source of instability and violence in Somalia. These warlords include Muse Sudi Yalahow, Mohammed Qanyere Afrah, and Omar Finnish. The recent crisis received unusual international attention in large part due to reported U.S. support for the so-called anti-terror Alliance. The American decision to support the Alliance seems largely driven by longstanding concerns that terrorist individuals and groups have used and continue to use Somalia as transit and a place to hide. Some of the ICU leaders are seen by U.S. officials as being extremists or terrorists. The newly elected leader of the Council of Islamic Courts, Hasan Dahir Aweys, was one of the top leaders of Al-Ittihad and was designated as a terrorist by the Bush Administration. Aweys is dismissive of his designation as a terrorist and contends he is being targeted because of his religion. In a recent interview, Aweys stated that ‘if strictly following my religion and love for Islam makes me a terrorist, then I will accept the designation.’ Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, was appointed chairman of the Council’s Executive Committee and is expected to lead the day-to-day affairs of the Courts. A number of key players in the Islamic Courts Union were named to key positions, including Omar Imam Abubakar and Abdullahi Ali Afrah. Mr. Muhamoud Sheikh Ibrahim Suleh, a man who reportedly declared a 'jihad' against the warlords, was named Secretary General. Some observers have expressed concern that the election of Aweys may push the organization toward a more radical position. The forces of the Islamic Courts Union expanded areas under their control after the defeat of the warlords in Mogadishu. ICU forces captured the towns of Jowhar and Beledweyne in mid-June 2006. Moreover, for the first time in years, Mogadishu appears relatively peaceful and the Islamic Courts Union seems to have the support of the population in areas it controls. The level of support enjoyed by the ICU is difficult to measure, although the group seems to consist of constituencies from multiple sub-clans and appears to have broad support among Somali women. During the Mogadishu fighting, women supporters of ICU played an important role. The ICU success in Mogadishu effectively led to the collapse of the ARPCT and forced the warlords to flee or join the ICU.” Somalia: Expanding Crisis in the Horn of Africa Testimony by Ted Dagne, Congressional Research Service Before the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations and the Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation June 29, 2006 Washington, D.C. http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/109/dag062906.pdf
In Chad the World Bank, IMF and other loan sharking agencies have put the country in a lurch and are part of a one-two punch along with “diplomacy” designed to both steal the nation’s resources and put undue influence on the government. “The World Bank has forced a deal on Chad that restricts how that country can spend its oil revenue and that limits its oil income per barrel to $10 to $15 less than world market prices. (Jeune Afrique, April 16-22) Opposition to the World Bank oil deal is growing in Chad. And many Chadians also resent the fact that French soldiers are still guarding government buildings 45 years after independence. The U.S. want to get President Déby out and a new president in who relies on it, not France. The very day of the attack on Ndjamena, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick called on Chad to adopt a ‘different political process’ and to reach a ‘satisfactory arrangement’ with the political opposition. Undersecretary of State for African Affairs Donald Yamamoto began a two-day visit there on April 24”. http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/sudan/2006/0427imperialists.htm
Unfortunately for the West other factors have recently come onto the scene to provide assistance and support. China is a big player in Sudan as well as other African nations offering aid and deals for Sudan’s oil and natural gas and is partnering with them to help build the Sudanese economy in ways the West would never do. “Despite the image of Sudan as a land of cracked earth and starving people, the economy is booming, with little help from the West. Oil has turned it into one of the fastest growing economies in Africa — if not the world — emboldening the nation’s already belligerent government and giving it the wherewithal to resist Western demands to end the conflict in Darfur. American sanctions have kept many companies from Europe and the United States out of Sudan, but firms from China, Malaysia, India, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are racing in. Direct foreign investment has shot up to $2.3 billion this year, from $128 million in 2000, all while the American government has tried to tighten the screws. ‘Khartoum is hot — in all ways,’ said Hashim Wahir, chairman of Petronas Sudan, a branch of the Malaysian national oil company. It was 115 degrees outside, but Mr. Wahir was also talking about business. As long as Asian countries are eager to trade with Sudan, despite its human rights record, the American embargo seems to have minimal effect. The country’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, keeps demonstrating his disdain for the West by refusing to allow United Nations peacekeepers into Darfur, despite continued bloodshed and pressure from the United States to let the peacekeepers in. ‘The government knows it doesn’t need America,’ said Abda Yahia el-Mahdi, a former finance minister, now in private consulting. ‘The only people who are being hurt by the sanctions are the Americans, who are missing out on this huge boom.’” War in Sudan? Not Where the Oil Wealth Flows By Jeffrey Gettleman New York Times October 24, 2006
So don’t go for the okey-doke there is much political and economic intrigue going on all over Africa; especially East Africa. The West is up to its’ old tricks and is behind the scenes trying to use their age old stratagem “divide and rule” to get what they want; control of the natural resources, the governments and the people. Of course in this equation if AmeriKKKa and the West get what they want, the people of Africa; our brothers and sisters will lose.
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