Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Hi Tech Lynching

A Hi Tech Lynching

The Clinton’s fiendishly cunning plan to destroy Barack Obama’s non-threatening public image by directly linking him to an outspoken unabashedly pro-black minister is succeeding beyond their widest expectations. This was a calculated and choreographed campaign to undermine Obama in the minds of white folks. The groundwork was laid by Clinton supporters like Geraldine Ferraro and Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell. Ferraro played the “bad cop” charging Obama was only where he was because he was Black. She was adamant, she refused to back down from her statement so she willingly took the hit. Her resignation helped bolster Clinton’s position with whites because it played out older whites worst nightmare, a white person losing their job because of a black person. That incident forced white people to acknowledge the elephant in the room, race. Ed Rendell played the good cop making the rounds on the cable networks when Hillary Rodham Clinton was at her nadir. Obama was beating Clinton like she stole something making her look bad as he garnered delegates left and right winning eleven straight primaries. Rendell went on the air whining that Obama was getting a free pass from the media. Rendell even had the audacity to say the media was not scrutinizing Obama’s speeches or his campaign. Yet no one in the mainstream media challenged Clinton or her supporters on their cockamamy assertion she had more experience to be Commander in Chief than Obama; as if being married to Bill Clinton gave her presidential experience!?
Both Ferraro and Rendell were setting us up for what was to come, a vicious yet subtle attack on Obama by playing the race card. The attack was aimed primarily at Obama’s core, the young white people. That’s why they first used You Tube to get the snippets of Rev. Wright out to the people who use that particular medium, young folks. As many of us who are familiar with You Tube know, something can be hot there but not make any impression outside that medium or have any impact or influence beyond the circle of folks who frequent You Tube. To penetrate the consciousness of older whites who don’t know anything about that technology and to get more folks to log onto You Tube to see it, the corporate media colluded with the Clinton’s to manufacture a controversy. Images of a Black preacher railing against the hypocrisy, mendacity and rapine of AmeriKKKa, daring to make moral judgments about AmeriKKKa’s crimes against humanity triggered deeply rooted psychological angst. The images and words of Rev. Jeremiah A Wright Jr. shocked and unsettled most white people. Wright’s words immediately put them on the defensive, a position that makes them extremely uncomfortable. Wright exposed their evil. The righteous indignation of his sermon was genuine, rightly so because he was chastising AmeriKKKa for her wickedness and wanton inhumanity. But for whites who have been snookered and brainwashed into believing they have exemption from moral accountability and their perceived “white skinned privilege” gives them the right to do whatever they want, anywhere they want, Wright’s message cut to the quick. Wright challenged their “we’re the good guys” delusions.
The Clinton’s knew this strategy would work. They knew showing an angry Rev. Wright denouncing AmeriKKKa’s ruthlessness and the imperial blood lust that has guided AmeriKKKa since before its founding as a nation, would generate animosity against Wright and by extension Barack Obama. “How dare he say such things.” is the thought of many whites. To them Wright is unpatriotic even though he served honorably in the US military. By linking Obama to Wrights’s words, Obama was put on the defensive just like the Clinton’s knew they would. When they tried to tie him the Louis Farrakhan that didn’t work. When they tried to say he was a Muslim to exploit the Islamophobia the US mainstream media has created, that didn’t work either. But they knew about Rev. Jeremiah Wright from the git go. They knew he was pro-black, an anathema to most whites, because their fragile self-images are threatened by people who are not mindlessly Eurocentric. The media tried to make an issue about Wright’s theology early on, but Obama cut them off at the pass by disassociating himself from Wright and not inviting him to participate in his campaign launch. The Clinton’s, simply filed the information away for use another day.
While Obama has faced the firestorm and controversy head on, major damage has been done. He was sailing smoothly along as the “Good Negro”, articulate, enthusiastic and intelligent a Black (the one drop rule is still in effect) candidate who never mentioned race. Obama eschewed the topic because to do so made whites uncomfortable, and to make white people uncomfortable is to court disaster. Race and color are the festering sins of AmeriKKKa, sins white folks avoid ‘fessing up to at all costs. Like the sin of genocide against the Native Americans, which also undercuts their “we are moral and civilized” image, the race issue also forces them to see themselves outside the bogus parameters they have constructed about themselves. They are forced to confront behaviors that undermine their delusional notions of being civilized. Their collective behaviors are so egregious and pervasive, to maintain their sense of comfort and domination whites and their victims, the Native Americans and Blacks expend inordinate amounts of energy deluding ourselves things are getting better, but they are not.
Racism and violence have metastasized deep into the marrow of AmeriKKKa. Obama’s message offered hope, he exhorted the need for change generating a false sense of healing. He seems to actually believe AmeriKKKa can be better. Alas even if that is true, people like the Clintons really don’t want change. They want the status quo because they benefit from things not changing. So to prove how committed they are to the status quo they offered up Rev Jeremiah Wright Jr to the racism gods as their sacrifice. Just like Bill Clinton offered up Sistah Souljah when he was running. Now Rev. Wright is being demonized, vilified and castigated by the white media. They have to, because he poses a serious threat to their self-image and their policies. If this were sixty years ago an uppity Negro like Buddy Wright would have been found hanging from a tree or his church would have been bombed. But today they lynch you electronically, for the whole world to see. The difference between the old time lynchin’ and today’s version is, back in the day when they lynched you, you were dead for good. Today if you aren’t strong enough to withstand the vilification, and character assassination, you become a living example of a broken man or woman, which is what they really want. They want a symbolically castrated, emasculated man, psychologically wounded and hobbling for all the world to see. Buddy Wright can take it and he will bounce back stronger than ever.
The Clintons and the media mind control apparatus are playing the tried and true slave massa role/game: beat down or lynch an “uppity” black leader and the rest of us will fall in line. By fall in line whites mean: go along with their okey-doke, swallow your manhood and humanity, think like they tell us to think and don’t get out of our “place”. It remains to be seen how successful that part of their strategy will be.



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