Thursday, January 31, 2019

In The Information Age, We're Deliberately Being Dumbed Down

                       In the Information Age We’re Being Deliberately Dumbed Down
                                                Junious Ricardo Stanton

            “Since 1985 the technological control over the masses has deepened and overwhelmed any resistance to its creeping governance of our daily lives. The proliferation of computers, 24-hour cable TV and “smart” phones for the masses has given the unseen manipulators of the public mind, known as the invisible government, the ultimate tools for engineering our minds and deciding what will be perceived as the central beliefs guiding our daily lives. We have come to love our oppression and learned ignorance, adoring the very technologies enslaving us in trivialities, disinformation, shallow displays of virtue signaling, and eliminating our capacity to think.” Technology: Distracting, Deceiving and Deluding Ourselves To Death

I came across a Website whose critique of current US culture is right on target. In an article entitled Technology: Distracting, Deceiving and Deluding ourselves to Death, they point out how pervasive media influence is and how coupled with the indoctrination provided by the US education system, American people and the world are being systematically induced into a catatonic state, not by force or coercion, but through our own foolishness as we fall for every fad and Trojan Horse technology the corporate puppet master of the kleptocracy put before us.
We have been brainwashed to believe that when the US succumbs to totalitarian fascism it will be through force, an outside attack or sudden shift in politics and the socio-economic structure. The fact is we are already here, it happened right in front of our eyes but we were too ossified, distracted, duped and deceived to recognize what was happening.  The US is as corrupt as any a banana republic, but unlike most banana republics whose corruption makes them impotent, the endemic corruption in the US with its concomitant hubris, greed and megalomania it is showing it real face as the bully of the world.
But in order to minimize dissent, opposition, reform, rebellion or revolution the ruling class has developed and employed the technology to dumb us down, pacify and short circuit us. The Website article I referenced points this out and striking terms, “The tyranny being inflicted upon the masses by the likes of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and other tech behemoths on behalf of their Deep State benefactors is chilling in its depth and depravity. The oppression from the current day Big Brothers through censorship, banning of truth tellers, demonetization of those who don’t conform, and public shaming of dissenters has replaced the soft tyranny of mental manipulation. The establishment now openly suppresses the truth through their control of all mainstream media channels and outlets. The alternate media is scorned and ridiculed as conspiracy theorists, nutjobs, and Russian collaborators. The level of fake news vomited by Deep State propagandists has reached a new level of hysteria. Dissenting viewpoints are crushed through economic penalties inflicted upon those who dare go against the approved doctrine of the state. The use of technology to control the minds of the masses has produced unintended consequences which threatens the power of the Party.”
            I have been saying the same thing for decades; now more white people are noticing and trying to wake people from their comatose state. The people know, even in the midst of their technology, media, alcohol and opioid induced stupors, something is amiss, something is wrong. Perhaps this is why the opioid crisis and suicide are on the rise and US life expectancy is on the decline!
            We are being feed not just fake news but a fake reality, what some call the Matrix. Like in the Matrix films we have the option to opt out of our illusionary daze and see the world as it is. But I must warn you, seeing the world as it is will be shocking and overwhelming. At first the shock will repulse you and cause you to want to return to your stupor because part of the Matrix message is, resistance is futile, you can’t win.
            But deep down inside we know this is just another one of their many lies. Deep down inside, we know we can transcend the illusions and delusions they use to keep us submissive, misdirected running around like chickens with our heads cut off.
 But let’s be honest, mental decolonization, self-determination and self-mastery require work, vigilance, persistence and perseverance. The good news is we can do this. When we learn to think critically, with our own minds and for ourselves, we will do the right thing to save ourselves and this planet from the debasement and destruction the ruling class intend.



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