Peace on Earth Good Will Towards Al
Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards All
Junious Ricardo Stanton
“The Creator has a master plan, peace and happiness for every man.” - Pharaoh Sanders, Leon Thomas
As we enter this season we need to become mindful there are alternatives to the ways we are living, behaving and doing things. When we look around we see violence, disrespect, abuse, war, hostility, division and rancor. It seems people are going insane, that we have lost the capacity to be civil and loving towards one another.
In the Bible story in Luke Chapter two the writer tells of the announcement of the birth of Yeshua to a group of shepherds tending their sheep. The story says an angel of the Lord came upon them and assured them there was no need to fear for he had great news. Upon the angel telling them of the birth of Yeshua the writer says, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace good will toward men.”
From a metaphysical perspective the story is about us, we are all shepherds, our conscious mind is the shepherd protecting our deeper consciousness from harm in the form of negative thoughts and emotions and providing good nourishment (leading us to green pastures and still waters) so we grow and thrive. Shepherds protect the animals from predatory threats. They keep the sheep quiet and calm. which Metaphysically is our natural state, inner peace.
Angels represent messengers from THE MOST HIGH who come to us to give us inspiration, information, encouragement and guidance. Sheep represent innocence, non-violence and our natural state of inner being. Our conscious mind is the shepherd tasked with protecting and nurturing the sheep (the deeper unconscious parts of our being). So angels (messages) are always coming to our conscious mind to provide guidance and encouragement. Often the messages come when we are asleep, during meditation or when we are in a relaxed quiet state of mind when there is less agitation, distraction or anxiety.
In a deeper sense the story is about each one us because we are both the shepherd and the sheep; we need to look for the profound meaning within the story which is: the announcement THE CREATOR has a master plan, peace and happiness for every man (every one). All of us are provided many annunciations (like when the angle Gabriel told Mary she was with child) of the great plans and potential for and in our lives. What greater plan could there be than for peace and happiness for all of us?!
This brings me to the present; currently there is war, genocide, mistrust, acrimony and violence all around us, on the local and international levels. This is not our natural state. During the course of human interaction disputes do occur, disagreements happen but we must realize we are being deliberately programmed and conditioned to accept war as a normal way of life; as a means of profit and making a small cabal rich and empowering evil.
What if we did our duty as shepherds and protected our peace of mind from the ravages of predatory thoughts, emotions, the propaganda and the mind control of warmongers? What if we listened to the age old messages from THE CREATOR, from countless messengers and angels proclaiming the message of great joy: the possibility and potential of Peace on Earth, good will towards all?
The story in the Bible is really about each of us. On a deeper level it is an allegory about our mental state; messengers/messages coming telling us not to be afraid, assuring us the heavens (the higher realms of consciousness) desire peace on Earth, good will towards all. What if we like the shepherds in the story believed the message, got up and went to witness for ourselves peace can and does exists and we can spread it far and wide?
Peace is not an external condition, it is an internal one cultivated from within so it radiates outward and can be seen and experienced first by us then by others. Real PEACE is not legislated by governments, it is cultivated within the hearts and minds of the people. If a government truly desires peace it must promote and cultivate a consciousness of peace, peaceful lifestyles, acknowledge and generously reward those who embrace and adopt PEACE as a way of life.
Looking at America and the world today we do not have those types of government, in fact it is the exact opposite; we have governments who brainwash us for war, promote violence and reward those who commit crimes against humanity! We have media that promote violence, incivility, disharmony and disunity.
The good news is we don’t have to go out like that. We can choose PEACE, we can choose Good Will towards all! We can be at peace within ourselves and radiate it outward to the world. We can be influencers and ambassadors for PEACE. We can be good shepherds protecting our minds from internal and external predatory, mean spirited ideation, propaganda and violent media.
There is a song written by Vince Gill entitled Let There Be Peace; here are the lyrics, “Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me. Let There Be Peace on Earth The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father Brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother In perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me Let this be the moment now. With ev'ry step I take Let this be my solemn vow. To take each moment and live Each moment in peace eternally Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me.”
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