Thursday, September 26, 2024

Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Choosing Evil


                             Choosing The Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Choosing Evil!

                                                     Junious Ricardo Stanton

We are at a crucial crossroad in this country. As we approach the upcoming presidential election, we are faced with a major conundrum; do we vote, who do we vote for, is voting relevant and will voting actually solve anything. I do believe voting in local elections is important because it decides local issues, helps citizens stay abreast of what is happening in their communities and provides a sense of empowerment and involvement. But as for the presidential election I think the American people deserve much better than what we are getting.

At this point we have a choice between two major parties neither of which has our best interests at heart. Neither party seeks to redress and resolve the myriad of challenges and issues facing this nation at this time. Neither party nor their candidates are telling the truth about inflation, its real causes and the only ways it can be mitigated. High prices and the exorbitant cost of living are not the causes of inflation they are the results, the consequences of policies enacted by the Federal Reserve Bank a private corporation in the US and the other central banks around the world.

When the Fed authorizes the US Treasury Department to print money (which is not backed by anything tangible or deemed valuable like gold, silver or platinum) the more money placed in circulation, the more the currency is devalued and debased. It now takes more dollars to buy the same products and services because the money is worth less! The Fed also determines and controls the prime interest rates, the cost of borrowing and lending money. When rates go up, loans cost more but the interest on savings decreases so there is an incentive to borrow at cheaper rates but a disincentive to save because the rates are so cheap! This is what has caused the massive increase rise in personal, corporate and government debt and the paucity of personal savings.

Is Donald Trump explaining this to his base? Does he offer a real plan to deal with this issue? Will he admit cutting taxes while increasing government spending and the money supply during his time in office did not work? Is Kamala Harris telling people her policies will do nothing to curtail the printing of massive amounts of US dollars which will further debase the currency and rob savers of the value of their savings and investments?

Neither of them mentions the Fed or the role it plays in US monetary policy in their speeches. This is because the banksters who control the system don’t want us to know the game they are playing on us. Are the “experts”, the teleprompter readers and elected officials sharing this information? No, they are not. They are gas lighting us, peddling BS and lying about everything. The powers that shouldn’t be are engaged in a massive campaign of censorship and suppression to keep the truth and any sane alternative narratives from reaching and resonating with the people.

Both political parties support war. How and why is it notions about peace are excluded from all discussions on current events by both candidates? How is it, if the US is the main purveyor of arms and violence in these conflicts, no one except college students are proposing or demanding that the US stop enabling genocide and war?! What’s up with that? And now the Zionists have pressured the government and colleges to shut down the protests and demonstrations and censor the college students. Is this democracy in action?!

As the wars in Europe and West Asia escalate, is either candidate mentioning the word peace? Is either candidate talking about ways to insure the US does not inadvertently (or on purpose) kick start a regional or global conflagration by supplying Israel and Ukraine with ever more lethal weapons and funding? Is the media explaining to the American people the potential consequences of our government’s actions as they arm, support and enable a totally corrupt Neo Nazi regime in Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal plan for ethnic cleansing and war in West Asia? Are we being informed about the potential for global conflagrations as these and other developments expand around the world?! The answer to these questions is a resounding no!

Not only is this irresponsible on the part of elected officials and the media it is also giving material aid and psychological support for war crimes, genocide and evil to the warmongers! Make no mistake this is evil. The vast majority of casualties in these conflicts are innocent children, women and men, who are noncombatants, who have not taken up arms for either side in these conflicts.

The war in Ukraine is the direct result of the United States spending $5 billion dollars to overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine as part of an overarching plan by the US to bring NATO, it’s thug army, right up to the borders of Russia to intimidate Russia into cowering before the US and its lapdog vassals in Europe.

In the case of Israel their government despite its blatantly disingenuous propaganda seems to relish collateral damage as it expropriates more and more territory from the Palestinians. Look at a map of Israel in 1948, then look at a map of Israel now. The additional lands were not ceded peacefully they have been expropriated by endless wars, abject aggression and expropriation all a vital part of what the Zionists call “Greater Israel”. Their goal is for the boundaries of Israel to stretch from the Nile River in Africa to the Tigris- Euphrates in Mesopotamia!

The Zionist claim their god promised this land to them; like the Hebrews in the Bible (who are not the ancestors of the Ashkenazim Zionists). They say their god told them to forcibly and brutally seize it leaving nothing behind. The problem is the Zionists are not the descendants of the Hebrews, Israelites or Judeans, this is a scientific genetic fact! Their claims to that land are fraudulent and bogus.

I don’t know about you but to me this is evil, it is religious fanaticism, psychopathy and ethnic cleansing. Neither presidential candidate is standing up for true peace. Neither candidate has a vision of what peace would actually look like.

Why, because America loves war. This nation has been at war for ninety-three percent of its existence, two hundred twenty-two out of two hundred thirty-nine years! Think about this and remember this when you go into the voting both in November. Voting for the ”lesser of two evils” is still voting for evil! It’s time to break the cycle.



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