Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Globalists Attempt To Peddle Frankenfoods

Globalists Attempt To Peddle Frankenfoods

NAIROBI, 15 July (IRIN) - Research into genetically modified (GM) crops is crucial to improving food security and reducing poverty in Africa, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). "Food security is of serious concern to the African continent and public sector research into GM foods is of direct importance to the smallholder farmers, who need something both to eat and to sell," said Joel Cohen, IFPRI senior research fellow, at a media briefing on Thursday on biotech crop research in Nairobi, Kenya.

Its bad enough the West disrupted Africa ecologically and socially by bringing diseases, forcing the indigenous inhabitants off their traditional lands and coercing them to abandon their l land to slave in mines, on plantations and do the back breaking work of constructing roads and rail lines to carry their larcenous goods to European markets; now to ad insult to injury, the West is pushing genetically engineered (genetically altered) foods on Africa! What are genetically engineered or genetically modified (altered) foods? According to a report filed for USAToday by John Fagan in March of 1997 genetically engineered foods are foods that have been tampered with by scientists that have not been fully tested or researched concerning their negative impact on humans or the ecosystem. He said, “Scientists have altered foods by inserting into them genes from bacteria and viruses. Many more such products containing foreign DNA from insects, fish and even humans are in the R&D pipeline and soon will be headed for our dinner plates. Foods altered through genetic engineering often contain proteins and other components that have never before been part of the human diet: proteins from bacteria and viruses and, in the future, proteins from insects, scorpions and people. There is no way to predict whether those foods are safe to eat. The only way to tell is to test them rigorously. Yet our government does not require such testing.” Common genetically engineered foods in the US are: corn, soybeans, squash, tomatoes, papaya and many animal hormones. What most AMeriKKKans are unaware of is that Europe has been fighting against GM foods for years. Last year I had Jeffrey Smith the author of Seeds of Deception on my Internet radio program. His book takes a serious look at genetically altered foods and how the US Food and Drug Administration have capitulated to the lobbying efforts of giant biotech and agricultural conglomerates like Monsanto in their rush to market these Frankenstein foodstuffs to the world. To their credit many of the nations in the EU have rejected genetically engineered foods. Unfortunately in the US, the biotech conglomerates set the tone, agenda and terms of the dialogue about these potentially dangerous foods.
Since genetically engineered foods are unwelcome in Europe companies like Monsanto are pushing them on so called developing nations. Officials in many of these so called third world nations are doing their homework and are sounding an alarm against the importation and imposition of Frankenfoods into their countries. One such country is Kenya. A recent report by the IRIN news service shows Kenya opposes imposition of GM foods/seeds from the West preferring instead to continue researching natural seeds and foods. “‘We have not exploited research into conventional seeds enough,’ Angela Wauye, officer in charge of food security at Action Aid Kenya, told IRIN. ‘In Kenya, we are not ready to handle GM crops - we do not even have a biosafety bill in place. We must address the real reasons our agricultural sector is performing so dismally,’ Wauye said. ‘Poor farmers must be empowered by the government to be able to access credit, cheaper farm inputs and better infrastructure. She pointed out that ‘because of poor roads, transporting crops from Marsabit [northern Kenya] to [the eastern Kenyan port of] Mombasa is more expensive than transporting the goods from Mombasa to Europe.’ Wauye also said not enough was known about the effects of GM crops on the environment and on human health. ‘We may not have seen any effects of GM crops so far, but more research needs to be done into their side effects over prolonged periods.’ Although research was a very important component of the struggle to end hunger, Wauye noted that it was important to focus the research on issues that were relevant to Africa. ‘The research must be driven by national needs - we must be our own agenda-setters,’ she added.’”
The sistah is right on the money. Africans aren’t poor because they have nothing. Quite the contrary they are poor because of the legacy of colonialism, neocolonialism and the stultifying, disadvantageous conditions placed upon Africa by the West’s economic shock troops the IMF, World bank and US-AID. The IMF, World Bank and US-AID discourage the very solutions Wauye says are needed to fix the problems in Kenya: access to credit, cheaper seeds and farming equipment, improved domestic infrastructures and fair trade agreements.
Africans throughout the diaspora should be asking the question, why are multi national biotech conglomerates and their Western governmental sponsors forcing genetically engineered foods on Africa and Africans when the EU won’t allow GM foods into their countries?! Remember the smallpox infected blankets Europeans gave to the Native Americans? Same game different day. Depopulation is a real goal for the New World Order honchos. Genetically engineered foods are not the solution to Africa’s food problems. In fact they may be portals for even more severe health problems given the hazards associated with these Frankenfoods. White people never do anything out of the goodness of their hearts, that’s an oxymoron. We should oppose GM foods both for ourselves and our African brethren at least until more extensive research is done to insure their safety.



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