Business Goes On As Usual
Business Goes On As Usual
“In that sense, the outcome of the 2006 elections is pre-ordained. Top Democratic Party officials moved systematically, after their defeat in the 2004 presidential election, to recruit candidates committed to more openly right-wing policies on social and political issues: opponents of abortion and gay rights, advocates of fiscal austerity and intensified domestic repression in the name of the “war on terror,” open defenders of militarism and war. The result is that if a massive antiwar and anti-Bush vote does place the Democratic Party in control of Congress, the new congressmen and senators will be supporters of the war in Iraq, advocates of budget-cutting rather than any expansion of social services, and sympathetic to the reactionary views of the Christian fundamentalists who dominate the Republican Party.”
The Democrats riding the wave of massive discontent with the Bu$h administration and their fascist policies and the out and out rejection of perpetual war swept both the Congress and US Senate promising to “take the country in a new direction”. Alas it seems the Democrats have revealed themselves to be merely the flip side of the same policy coin. For the hapless, frustrated and naïve AmeriKKKan voters who held their noses and voted for the Democrats it is a clear case of being duped and hoodwinked one more time. On Thursday the Democratic caucus chose their leadership electing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House and Steny Hoyer as majority leader. The AmeriKKKan people lost big time or more correctly were sold out big time by the Democrats. After staging a dog and pony show about nominating John Murtha a prime critic of the Iraq war and a man who openly calls for a timely withdrawal of AmeriKKKan forces from the Mesopotamian quagmire as Majority Leader, the Democrats promptly rebuffed Murtha’s supposed patron Nancy Pelosi and instead chose Steny Hoyer of Maryland a cold blooded warmonger who has not seen fit to vote against any AmeriKKKan imperialist military action during his tenure as a congressman; ever! Hoyer is a staunch supporter of Bu$h’s bogus war on terror; meaning he sides with the fascists and warmongers.
So much for change! Don’t expect this upcoming Congress to do anything to reward the anti-war sentiment that swept them into office! In fact the Democrats make no bones about the fact they will shuffle to the tune of the big defense contractors, the corporations and the Zionist lobby that funded their campaigns just as the Republicans did. An anti-war former military man who sees the dangers and folly of the Iraq occupation got kicked to the curb and a warmonger gets elected second in command in the Democratic caucus?! “Arrayed against Murtha was a united front of the Democratic Party establishment, from a George Soros-backed "liberal" consumer-complainer group to an anonymously run, featuring replays of the infamous Abscam tapes. In the video, Murtha rejects an offer of a bribe while FBI agents disguised as wealthy Arabs – the Borat-style mustaches are a riot – try to lure him into a compromising position, without much success. Murtha was completely exonerated in a subsequent investigation – but that didn't stop the smear brigade from surfacing this age-old sludge…The Great Realignment of 2006 lasted a little over a week before it turned into the Great Sellout. It is a perfect illustration of how the War Party controls the leadership of both major parties and maintains its grip on the levers of power. Given near-monopoly status on account of repressive ballot access laws in most states, the parties can thwart the popular will. Given a mandate for peace, the Democratic Party leadership has effectively rejected it and reversed the election results. Americans voted for peace, and they're going to get more war.” The Mugging of Murtha Congressional Democrats Betray the Antiwar Movement Justin Raimondo The Democratic leadership sold its anti-war constituency out again. The honeymoon with the AmeriKKKan voters appears to be over quickly and irreconcilable differences now loom on the horizon.
Now that the mid-term elections are history, it’s back to business as usual with the corporate media mind control apparatus beating the drums for continued carnage, corruption and waste in
The ruling plutocrats are pulling out all the stops to prevent their puppets in Congress from thwarting their imperialist agenda or doing anything they don’t approve of; like ending the carnage in
The con game continues this time with the Democrats serving as shills for the establishment oligarchy. The twelve step program’s definition of insanity is doing he same thing over and over with the same people expecting things to turn out differently. If we want peace we will have to do things differently. We cannot depend upon the politicians to do it for us. Selective patronage, economic boycotts and massive civil disobedience are the only ways the plutocrats will take notice and be forced to alter their policies. Anything else is business as usual.
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