Monday, July 27, 2020

Did You Know?

Did You Know?
Junious Ricardo Stanton

“If you are not a conspiracy theorist, you are a coincidence theorist” Catherine Austin Fitts

            Did you know that a handful of people control most of the assets, media, food processing conglomerates and corporate holdings in this country? Imagine the power a small group of people could weld working together in cooperation, collusion and concert to get what they want, how they want it and how they could use this power to shape the world in their own image?
            Take the media for example, did you know only six conglomerates control almost all we watch, listen to and read whether it’s over the air, digital or hard copy?  “In modern America, it feels like you have an unlimited variety of entertainment and media options right at your fingertips. Television, film, and video game companies seem to come out of the woodwork in today’s startup-centric economy. Who knows what they’ll do next? But while it may seem like you have limitless options, most of the media you consume is owned by one of six companies. These six media companies are known as The Big 6. While independent media outlets still exist (and there are a lot of them), the major outlets are almost all owned by these six conglomerates. To be clear, ‘media’ in this context does not refer just to news outlets — it refers to any medium that controls the distribution of information. So here, “media” includes 24-hour news stations, newspapers, publishing houses, Internet utilities, and even video game developers.” The Six Companies That Own (Almost) All Media – The WebFX Team
This means a handful of CEOs totally control the flow and content of information and programming most of us consume. No wonder there is so little diversity in the news or programming. We think there is variety and of course there is quantity and volume but when you critically analyze the media it is really quite shallow and limited. This means we are being programmed and brainwashed by a small group of people.
            Did you know a handful of companies control our food and beverage supply as well as almost all of our consumer products? “A small number of companies control almost everything Americans buy. From food to fashion to beer, choice is more often than not simply an illusion. Brands that seem to share nothing in common, like Gerber baby food and Hot Pockets, are often actually owned by the same company (in this case, Nestlé). As a result, a handful of multibillion-dollar companies control everything from what we eat to how we dress.” A handful of companies control almost everything we buy, beer is the latest victim Kate Taylor Nestlé%2C%20PepsiCo%2C%20Coca-Cola,dollars%20in%20revenue%20every%20year.  
The same situation exists in the pharmaceutical industry. This means that if they wanted to poison us using GMOs, chemical additives, unsafe and untested medicines and vaccines they easily could. You say but what about the FDA?  I hate to be the one who tells you this; the FDA is in their hip pocket!
Lastly did you know three investment companies: BlackStar, Vanguard and State Street control 88% of all shareholdings of the top S&P 500 firms and they vote as a block and almost always on the side of management? “Through an analysis of proxy vote records we find that the Big Three do utilize coordinated voting strategies and hence follow a centralized corporate governance strategy. However, they generally vote with management, except at director (re-)elections. Moreover, the Big Three may exert ‘hidden power’ through two channels: First, via private engagements with management of invested companies; and second, because company executives could be prone to internalizing the objectives of the Big Three… In 2008, Gerald Davis pointed at the historically unique situation in the United States that had emerged when a small number of active mutual funds, such as Fidelity, became large shareholders in a surprisingly high number of firms. This situation was reminiscent of the early twentieth-century system of finance capital when business was under the control of tycoons such as J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller.” Hidden Power of the Big Three Passive Index Funds- Reconcentration of Corporate Ownership and New Financial Risk
So what? What does this mean, you ask. It means a very small handful of people control our view or reality, our entertainment, our food and beverage supply and they hold huge influence and check in the financial system, in corporate board rooms and the government! It means that the policies and agendas that impact our daily lives are set by or greatly influenced by this handful of people who own or control almost everything. How does this make you feel?



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