Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Living In A Conundrum


                                                           Living in A Conundrum

                                                             Junious Ricardo Stanton

The Chinese have a saying, “May you live in interesting times.” Well, we’re certainly living in interesting times to say the least. We are living in an Orwellian scenario where the world is upside down, language has been weaponized in an effort to maintain and reinforce the Bizzaro World reality we are living in. For example we are told war is peace, invasion and genocide is defense, oligarchy and plutocracy rule by the rich and powerful is democracy. We are living in a dystopian nightmare.

We find ourselves in the midst of a conundrum, a puzzling situation in which we are being gaslighted, deliberately confused, bamboozled and deceived by the government, the mass media and even the institutions we’ve relied upon in the past for truth and guidance like religion and education. The plutocratic overlords are successfully turning the world upside down. Their agenda of social reengineering and global realignment is moving at an accelerated pace. These misanthropes are not only attempting to reconfigure the global economic and political system, they are aggressively working to alter what it means to be human! The adverse consequences of their arrogance and hubris are being experienced globally.

The healing profession is knowingly making us ill and killing us; it’s called iatrogenic injury. The food industry is not providing nourishing foodstuffs and the government allows them to create, distribute and market harmful products, this is called regulatory capture or institutional corruption. The politics and electoral process is contaminated by lies, deceit and overly influenced by bribery aka campaign contributions, “donations” and gifts. Our organized religions have turned their backs on ethics and morality, they tolerate or are openly engaged in activities which don’t reflect their professed creeds, doctrines and dogma.

This upside down discombobulation is taking a heavy toll on our mental, emotional, psychological as well as physical health and well being. We have allowed self-styled experts, fakers, fraudsters and con artists to sway us and drag us into an abyss of ignorance, benightedness, vulgarity, decadence and debauchery. Their goal in addition to making obscene profits is to reshape our values, worldview and behaviors. We have been lied to incessantly by advertisers, the government and the media in general which has created an alternative reality that far too many of us internalize and accept as our every day norm.

We are addicted to gizmos, gadgets and media that are literally rewiring our brains, making us less competent, less interdependent and divided. The great irony is “Social Media” has been documented as making us less social, it is decreasing our social skills and competencies, making us more isolated, mentally deficient and less astute especially the younger demographics.

Our options are being constricted, the power elites have manipulated us into a position of being so stupid (in a stupor) we think choosing the lesser of two evils is a viable and acceptable choice! Evil is evil no matter what degree or level it presents itself. This is the conundrum we find ourselves in today.

How do we pull ourselves back from the abyss? How do we regain our mental acuity, confidence, decisiveness and self- determination. How do we reverse the slide into insanity, decadence and Zombification? Survival is the first law of nature, but we are being conditioned to suppress our innate desire to live lives of meaning and purpose and acquiesce to this dystopian hellscape? How do we shake off our lethargy, arouse ourselves from our somnambulance, energize and invigorate ourselves and reassert our agency? How do we determine we are not going to go out like this?

First we have to realize and acknowledge the dire state we are in and decide to snap out of it. It takes courage to go against the grain. Maya Angelou said, “The greatest of all the virtues is courage. Because without courage you cannot consistently practice all the other virtues. You cannot be consistently loving, kind, forgiving and compassionate without courage pushing you onward.” To that I add you cannot live with purpose, intention and meaning in a society such as this without courage. We have to have the courage of our convictions. We have to generate the courage to live with intention, live in peace, practice kindness and ethics Have the courage to be all the CREATOR intends for you to be, to be authentic, live in integrity to your purpose and actualize your potential. Courage will dissolve the conundrum and you will see clearly and act in accordance to your values, purpose and intention.



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