Saturday, October 05, 2024

Blessed Are The Peacemakers


                                                    Blessed Are The Peacemakers

                                                         Junious Ricardo Stanton

As the world spirals towards war on multiple fronts: Eastern Europe, West Asia and in the not too distant future Taiwan, it behooves us to think about the alternative to global destruction. The only way the planet can survive the madness metastasizing around the world is if more and more of us make a genuine commitment to peace, true peace. Peace depends upon one deciding to live a life dedicated to peace and nonaggression. Peace begins and spreads one person at a time.

The plutocrats have duped us into thinking peace is secured only by arming ourselves to the teeth, possessing huge stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. That type of thinking is what drives and enriches the US Military Industrial Complex. The military industrial complex thrives because of the consciousness of the US misleadership, they love war because war is profitable.

Looking at the history of the United States through a filter of rationality and truth, we realize this country loves war, it cannot be denied since it has been at war with one tribe, group, nation state or other for ninety-three percent of its existence! Let that marinate for a few minuets, ninety-three percent of this nation’s existence has been taking up arms and killing fellow humans!

Today there are wars raging around the globe many we don’t know about because the corporate mind control apparatus doesn’t cover them, places like Sudan, Burkina Faso, Myanmar and Columbia just to name a few. War is counterproductive, disastrous and rarely accomplishes anything positive. In modern warfare it is the innocents who bare the brunt of suffering and death, children, women and male noncombatants are the ones displaced, maimed, wounded, traumatized and killed during these conflicts. For what, mineral resources, geo-strategic positioning, the egos and pride of warmongers, profiteering and money?

Life is precious, sadly most of the world doesn’t even pay lip service to this fact. Yeah they may say it on occasion but the actions of the oligarchs and plutocrats who run multinational corporations and governments demonstrates daily our lives do not count, we do not matter unless it is profiting them!

In the cosmos peace is preeminent. When we look into the heavens we do not see clashes of worlds, eruptions of wanton violence and destruction, we see expansion in an orderly harmonious fashion. The word universe means one song. We are all linked together in a magnificent ecosystem that blends spirit and the material. The ancients had a saying, “As above so below” meaning on this physical plane, our personal activities and interactions should mirror the peace, harmony and orderliness of the universe. We have gotten away from this notion as we push the limits of modernity and so called progress.

If we are to prevent the annihilation of humanity we must return to thinking and acting peacefully. Since peace is not a priority in America we have to take the initiative to place real peace in the forefront of our ideation and actions. What does peace mean to you? How much thought have you actually given to what this world would be like if peace permeated our conversations, discussions and activities? What is your idea of peace collectively and personally? Is it the absence of negative thoughts, hostility, is it compassion, empathy, tolerance and non-violence?

You don’t have to be a monk, a saint or a hermit to live a peaceful life. It doesn’t mean you never get angry, it does mean you use restraint and self-mastery. To be a peaceful person you just have to make a commitment to being at peace in every situation. Is this possible? Yes because others have done it. Yes because there are/were cultures in human history around the world where peace self-knowledge and self-mastery were encouraged and practiced. Ancient Egypt was such a place, the Society of Friends is a group that promotes personal and collective peace as are many mystical and metaphysical organizations. Is everyone perfect? No. The goal is personal peace or equanimity remaining calm, collected, focused and in control, even in the most dire, stressful and trying situations.

Peace is not the conscious suppression of one’s emotions. Peace is a state of mind, a consciousness that allows one to tap into an inner reservoir of clam even if you are a “type A” personality. Peace doesn’t mean you allow folks to walk over you or exploit you. In fact it is the opposite. During a tense situation remaining peaceful (full of peace) is beneficial in practical ways. You will be more alert, more focused and aware rather then uptight and overwhelmed by emotions, you will be less apt to say the wrong thing to make the situation more volatile. You will be in control of yourself which is all you can be and do.

Am I suggesting you become an evolved master in this lifetime? No, I am suggesting there is another way to live rather than highly agitated, on edge, high strung and emotionally discombobulated. Peace and calm generate good health, you are not in constant fight/flight mode which saves your vital organs and prevents the constant secretion of the fight flight hormones cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine and norepinephrine. You are more balanced and in harmony within yourself. Peace generates eustress the good/beneficial stress like when you are doing something you really enjoy and you lose track of time.

Practice deep breathing several times a day, calm your mind as you breathe deeply, refrain from fighting the thoughts and images that pass through your consciousness, remain quiet, observe them without judgment or energizing them; stay serene. Practice this when you are alone but also when you are out and about in the world, when you are faced with stressful situations, events and people you might perceive as threats. In the calmness you will realize usually they are not a threat and if they are you will be better prepared to deal with them.

There are blessings attached to being peaceful: you are calmer, more reserved, less agitated, you think more clearly and you act more rationally than when you are not agitated. Good health is a by-product of inner peace. Blessed are the peacemakers.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Choosing Evil


                             Choosing The Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Choosing Evil!

                                                     Junious Ricardo Stanton

We are at a crucial crossroad in this country. As we approach the upcoming presidential election, we are faced with a major conundrum; do we vote, who do we vote for, is voting relevant and will voting actually solve anything. I do believe voting in local elections is important because it decides local issues, helps citizens stay abreast of what is happening in their communities and provides a sense of empowerment and involvement. But as for the presidential election I think the American people deserve much better than what we are getting.

At this point we have a choice between two major parties neither of which has our best interests at heart. Neither party seeks to redress and resolve the myriad of challenges and issues facing this nation at this time. Neither party nor their candidates are telling the truth about inflation, its real causes and the only ways it can be mitigated. High prices and the exorbitant cost of living are not the causes of inflation they are the results, the consequences of policies enacted by the Federal Reserve Bank a private corporation in the US and the other central banks around the world.

When the Fed authorizes the US Treasury Department to print money (which is not backed by anything tangible or deemed valuable like gold, silver or platinum) the more money placed in circulation, the more the currency is devalued and debased. It now takes more dollars to buy the same products and services because the money is worth less! The Fed also determines and controls the prime interest rates, the cost of borrowing and lending money. When rates go up, loans cost more but the interest on savings decreases so there is an incentive to borrow at cheaper rates but a disincentive to save because the rates are so cheap! This is what has caused the massive increase rise in personal, corporate and government debt and the paucity of personal savings.

Is Donald Trump explaining this to his base? Does he offer a real plan to deal with this issue? Will he admit cutting taxes while increasing government spending and the money supply during his time in office did not work? Is Kamala Harris telling people her policies will do nothing to curtail the printing of massive amounts of US dollars which will further debase the currency and rob savers of the value of their savings and investments?

Neither of them mentions the Fed or the role it plays in US monetary policy in their speeches. This is because the banksters who control the system don’t want us to know the game they are playing on us. Are the “experts”, the teleprompter readers and elected officials sharing this information? No, they are not. They are gas lighting us, peddling BS and lying about everything. The powers that shouldn’t be are engaged in a massive campaign of censorship and suppression to keep the truth and any sane alternative narratives from reaching and resonating with the people.

Both political parties support war. How and why is it notions about peace are excluded from all discussions on current events by both candidates? How is it, if the US is the main purveyor of arms and violence in these conflicts, no one except college students are proposing or demanding that the US stop enabling genocide and war?! What’s up with that? And now the Zionists have pressured the government and colleges to shut down the protests and demonstrations and censor the college students. Is this democracy in action?!

As the wars in Europe and West Asia escalate, is either candidate mentioning the word peace? Is either candidate talking about ways to insure the US does not inadvertently (or on purpose) kick start a regional or global conflagration by supplying Israel and Ukraine with ever more lethal weapons and funding? Is the media explaining to the American people the potential consequences of our government’s actions as they arm, support and enable a totally corrupt Neo Nazi regime in Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal plan for ethnic cleansing and war in West Asia? Are we being informed about the potential for global conflagrations as these and other developments expand around the world?! The answer to these questions is a resounding no!

Not only is this irresponsible on the part of elected officials and the media it is also giving material aid and psychological support for war crimes, genocide and evil to the warmongers! Make no mistake this is evil. The vast majority of casualties in these conflicts are innocent children, women and men, who are noncombatants, who have not taken up arms for either side in these conflicts.

The war in Ukraine is the direct result of the United States spending $5 billion dollars to overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine as part of an overarching plan by the US to bring NATO, it’s thug army, right up to the borders of Russia to intimidate Russia into cowering before the US and its lapdog vassals in Europe.

In the case of Israel their government despite its blatantly disingenuous propaganda seems to relish collateral damage as it expropriates more and more territory from the Palestinians. Look at a map of Israel in 1948, then look at a map of Israel now. The additional lands were not ceded peacefully they have been expropriated by endless wars, abject aggression and expropriation all a vital part of what the Zionists call “Greater Israel”. Their goal is for the boundaries of Israel to stretch from the Nile River in Africa to the Tigris- Euphrates in Mesopotamia!

The Zionist claim their god promised this land to them; like the Hebrews in the Bible (who are not the ancestors of the Ashkenazim Zionists). They say their god told them to forcibly and brutally seize it leaving nothing behind. The problem is the Zionists are not the descendants of the Hebrews, Israelites or Judeans, this is a scientific genetic fact! Their claims to that land are fraudulent and bogus.

I don’t know about you but to me this is evil, it is religious fanaticism, psychopathy and ethnic cleansing. Neither presidential candidate is standing up for true peace. Neither candidate has a vision of what peace would actually look like.

Why, because America loves war. This nation has been at war for ninety-three percent of its existence, two hundred twenty-two out of two hundred thirty-nine years! Think about this and remember this when you go into the voting both in November. Voting for the ”lesser of two evils” is still voting for evil! It’s time to break the cycle.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Eisenhower's Warning Has Fallen on Deaf Ears


                                        Eisenhower’s Warning Has Fallen on Deaf Ears

                                                         Junious Ricardo Stanton

In his farewell address to the nation delivered on January 17, 1961 outgoing President Dwight David Eisenhower specifically warned against what he called the acquisition of power by the Military Industrial Complex. He said, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades. In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government. Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.”

Eisenhower was extremely prescient in his warning and insight. His experiences as a soldier, officer and Commander in Chief while observing the conditions of his country in 1961 shaped his farewell views. He knew first hand having served for decades as a soldier rising to the position of Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during WWII the brutality and savagery of war. As Allied Commander Eisenhower authorized the relentless bombing of German civilians and he saw how the US unleashed atomic weapons on innocent Japanese civilians.

As president Eisenhower was privy to CIA plans to assassinate world leaders, destabilize countries and incite regime change around the world. He was well aware the upper echelons of the military, academia and Wall Street were colluding to make even more mischief around the world to expand the American Empire. He saw think tanks pushing pro-war policies under the guise of fighting communism, he knew the massive funds for research and technology being appropriated were designed to further a US imperialist agenda and he was well aware of the nexus between these initiatives and the plans the financial and corporate elites were hatching. He also knew the media was in on the shenanigans.

Eisenhower was fully aware of the adverse consequences that mindset would have on the American socio-economic-political system. He knew what was coming and he tried to warn us in his swansong. Sadly Eisenhower’s warning fell upon deaf ears and has over the years been drowned out by a chorus of warmongers, fear peddlers and demagogues cranking out jingoist Cold War propaganda to enrich and build the very entities Eishnhower was warning us about!

Eisenhower left office in 1961. The decade of the 1960’s was marked by the unbridled hubris, and arrogance of the US government and Military Industrial Political Complex who accelerated the escalation of US imperialism and neocolonialism around the world and a ruthless repression at home to counter opposition to the government’s pro-war policies. Eisenhower warned of the debilitating affect of the mentality behind the Military Industrial Complex “As we peer into society's future, we-you and I, and our government-must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage.”

Unfortunately Eisenhower’s message has been submerged beneath a cacophony of boisterous propaganda clamoring for incessant wars, war profiteering and power. Eisenhower was correct he just didn’t foresee the Military Industrial Complex and the media merging and colluding to prevent his message from reaching and resonating with the people. So in the fall of 2024 we find ourselves experiencing the loss of what little morality the US has left, exchanging our humanity for war profits that only benefit a cabal of psychopaths, money grubbing warmongers and their flunkies.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

We Deserve Better


                                                           We Deserve Better

                                                          Junious Ricardo Stanton

Originally I decided not to watch the “Presidential Debate” last night because I knew it would be a political circus, a side show yet another indication the US was in deep degeneration. But like the proverbial moth to a flame I was drawn to it so my wife and I watched it anyway. However I did not watch it uncritically with passion or a partisan leaning towards one contestant over the other. I watched it critically and my take-away was, we deserve better as a nation, we as a people deserve much better than what was on display last night!

No one in their right mind would call what we saw that an actual debate. Anyone who grew up during the era where middle school, high school and college students actually were taught how to formally debate, anyone who knows the rules of debating knows what occurred last night was not a debate in any shape form or fashion! It wasn’t even an informal debate. While there were ground rules and both sides agreed to them, what we saw was was two adults trading sound bytes and talking points, personal attacks, vague rhetoric passing as policies and two so called moderators trying to keep control of the antics but who obviously favored Kamala Harris over Donald Trump. The moderators constantly “fact checked” Donald Trump but rarely did so to Harris. It was worse than a parody or a satire of American politics.

In a formal debate there is audience participation, members of the audience are allowed to ask questions and in some cases vote to determine who won the debate, or announce which team was most persuasive in their arguments. Obviously that did not happen last night since that was not the format for that “debate”. We the people will decide that on November the 5th, 2024.

In a formal debate there are two teams or two participants taking sides on a specific issue, one side argues in the affirmative the other side argues in opposition. The contestants are required to cite their reasons and back their assertions by supplying data, facts and logical arguments. There is usually a judge or moderator, the contestants are required to be civil, they are expected to do their homework to become knowledgeable about the topic or question and in some cases such as a debate class, they may be instructed to subsequently switch sides; those arguing in the affirmative then argue against and vice versa.

What we saw last night was not a debate, it was a circus. The moderators asked questions and neither participant answered them even when pressed by the moderator for a simple yes or no answer! In a formal debate the participants are expected to be civil and respectful towards their opponent, that was not the case last night; each called the other a liar, each made wild claims and engaged in Ad-hominem personal attacks on the other. To me it was reminiscent of a junior high or middle school election campaign for student government with each side promising longer recesses a better variety of deserts in the cafeteria or less homework, assertions everybody knows will not happen; or a campaign where one candidate makes bombastic claims and assertions too good to be true. That’s what last nigh was, that’s how bad it was.

Neither candidate offered any details on their “plans” and both made some outrageous and outlandish claims. Trump said he would end the wars in Gaza and Ukraine while he was president elect if he won because Putin and Zelenskyy feared and respected him. Kamala Harris promised government money for down payments for first time home buyers, child care tax credits for infants and an assortment of tax cuts and give-aways but provided no mention how she was going to pay for all of this or the impact her policies would have on the rapidly compounding government debt and interest payments! It was an insult to the collective intelligence of the American people!

As bad as the “debate” was, the post debate analysis was even more bizarre. Surrogates for the candidates made the rounds in the media spin room (I kid you not that is what the media called it a spin room) proclaiming with straight faces and righteous fervor their candidate won, their candidate was the most presidential, most believable etc. It was like an episode of the Twilight Zone or an issue in a Superman comic book about Bizzaro World.

Meanwhile the talking heads, teleprompter readers and “influencers” on the various cable news channels did the exact same thing shoveling their biases on their viewers. The only station/channel that exhibited even a modicum of objectivity was New Nation; meanwhile Fox, MSNBC, CNN, New Max and the over the air channels held onto their usual ideological biases trying to sell them as objective journalism and reporting.

It was bad, really really bad. We deserve better. We deserve better candidates, we deserve better campaigns and we definitely deserve better outcomes. Alas that pitiful display, that so called debate merely reflects the consciousness, the values, the incivility, partisanship, animus, fractiousness and mendacity of our society. We deserve better but in order to have better we must demand better, do and be better ourselves!

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Remaining Sane Amid Constant Gaslighting


                                          Remaining Sane Amid Constant Gaslighting

                                                        Junious Ricardo Stanton

Arthur Blair who wrote under the pseudonym George Orwell said, “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Let that statement marinate in our psyche and consciousness for a while and make the connection to our current predicament. We are indeed living in a time of ubiquitous and intense deceit. Lies, disinformation and mendacity permeate our space and reality. It is everywhere: in advertising, in politics, in education, in government and even in religion or I might say especially in religion. The megalomaniacs who desire to control the whole planet and manipulate us use deceit, fear, and coercion to accomplish their nefarious goals and agenda.

This is menticide the deliberate destruction of our minds! We’ve experienced this on an ongoing basis during the past two decades. Classic examples of gaslighting and manipulation that can easily be singled out are the “official narratives” regarding: the 2000 presidential election, 9-11, WMDs, the 2008 financial implosion, the various pseudo-pandemics leading up to COVID-19 such as HIV/AIDS, the Bird Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, Mad Cow Disease, West Nile Virus, Monkey Pox to name a few, Operation Warp Speed, the 2020 election and of course the October 7th Hamas attacks (which was allowed to happen by Israeli security forces)!

The globalist oligarchs and their captured agencies and institutions such as: the World Economic Forum, the US FDA, the CDC, World Health Organization and the US military industrial security technology censorship apparatus are all in on these charades. As are the corporate media which they own and control as well as the bought and paid for politicians who are beholden to them for the bribes, better known as campaign contributions, insider trading tips and other perks they’ve exchanged for their souls.

There is an African proverb that says, “Truth is in the marketplace, is anyone buying?” Objective truth is always available but it is being vigorously suppressed and mangled via censorship and the bogus “fact checkers” in the employ of the oligarchs, their acolytes and minions. The deceit and mendacity are so ubiquitous almost everything mislabeled as news and reality are fake. We exist in it like fish in an aquarium totally oblivious to it, mostly unaware it is all around us.

So how do we adjust and adapt to living in a milieu such as this? How do we survive and function amid an environment of universal deceit? First, we have to recognize, realize and admit we are living in times of abject propaganda, deceit, mendacity and disinformation. We have to fully grasp there is an omnipresent war going on for our minds; that there are layers of propaganda and mind control similar to an onion. For example there are half-truths, lies of omission, out and out fabrications often simultaneously layered and embedded within complex psychological operations designed to distort reality, control our perceptions, undermine our will and volition by controlling the images, subliminal symbols and narratives to engineer a somnambulant, Zombie population. As far as the oligarchs are concerned for us, ignorance and discombobulation are bliss. They treat us like my friend Catherine Austin Fitts says like mushrooms, “keeping us in the dark and feeding us cow manure.”

This is part of their program to demoralize us. In this ignorant and deluded state we uncritically believe whatever they tell us, buy anything, eat or drink anything no matter how toxic it may be to our health, behave in ways that are self-destructive that enrich or accomplish the goals of our misanthropic ruling elites. This is the state most Americans and Westerners find themselves in today and most don’t realize it.

Our challenge is to be vigilant, discerning, skeptical, consciously examining everything we are told through a psychological filter of self-preservation by asking ourselves, is it in my best interests to internalize, accept or believe this? I know it seems taxing and daunting but we are innately equipped to do this. This is how we should be living anyway. This is what our minds are designed for, this is what intuition is for, to help us discern and navigate our lives in ways that enhance and benefit us rather than the misanthropes and miscreants who view us as “useless eaters”, mere commodities or consumption units.

We are not in this alone we have access to a Universal Higher Consciousness and humanity as our support we just have to find like minded people to form a conscious community of free thinkers, truth seekers and dissidents. We have the power of choice, we have agency, we can be self-determining, self-actualizing sentient beings or we can be Zombies, automatons and cannon fodder for the New World Order. These two choices are mutually exclusive, we can’t do both simultaneously nor is it wise to go back and forth; be one or the other!

I don’t know about you but I don’t plan to go out like that. I know I have a greater purpose for living than just being a mindless consumer, a target for harvesting DNA material or collateral for psychopaths. I do not intend to be one who uncritically lives life going along with the propaganda and insanity this ruthless cabal has in store for humanity. We all have to make a decision to take control of our minds, disengaged from the Matrix, think and act for ourselves. It will not be easy but the stakes are high and both the consequences and rewards are too great to abdicate our responsibilities! We can do it once we put our minds to it.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What If


                                                                 What If …?

                                                      Junious Ricardo Stanton


During the 1960-70;s when the US government targeted Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia) to expand its imperialist and neocolonialist empire, there was great opposition to the wars in that region and someone asked the question, “what if they gave a war and no one came?” There was much resistance and noncompliance towards the war and military conscription. Protesters burned the American flag, men burned their draft cards, refused induction, some left the country, a few had the courage of their convictions and went to jail rather than kill for the war profiteers and the US military-industrial complex. It was a tumultuous time in America. The country was deeply divided along racial and ethnic, ideological, class and political fault lines.

Having lived through that era I see numerous similarities to what is going on in this country today. History is repeating itself. Back in the day, we had to sift through the lies and propaganda about the reasons for the war, the casualty numbers and the outlook and prospects for victory. We need to do that again now as the US prepares for even more war.

As a young man I opposed the Vietnam war, I could not see myself going halfway around the world to fight and kill people I did not know for abstract concepts like freedom and democracy that me and my people did not have or experience in real time here in America! To me that was hypocritical especially when the draft was taking Black men languishing in the US racialized cast system in disproportionate numbers compared to White males and because well to do Whites were able to get out of being drafted!

On top of that my mother’s family had been traumatized a generation earlier when the US government took their property in Caroline County Virginia to expand Fort A.P. Hill a military training base there. They were given just thirty days to vacate their property and they weren’t given any compensation for its confiscation and appropriation by the government. They were put off of their own land by a government that gave them no respect when racial caste and oppression was the law and norm in this country.

I always sensed a pall of sadness whenever my great aunt and her husband with whom we lived and other relatives spoke of those occurrences. Their experiences shaped my stance on Vietnam despite being brainwashed by the public education propaganda and indoctrination system to be gong ho regarding US imperialism, manifest destiny and such.

I also heard tales of my great uncle who served as a Dough-boy in WWI. He lost an eye in Europe “fighting for his country” and returned to America to face deeply entrenched racism and rigid color cast restrictions. Growing into young adulthood during those times, fairness and justice were critical aspects of patriotism. In my mind it was a two way street a mutually beneficial agreement and arrangement between the government and its citizens not just mindless obedience to the government. I did everything I could not to go off to war and fight for a government that had so egregiously wronged my people.

Fast forward to 2024, the nation is still deeply divided along the same lines as in 1960’s and 70’s but now we add the immigrant, gender, trans and LBGTQ+ chasm and hardening economic apartheid to the mix. In 2024 it appears, if one is observant, the ruling oligarchs are heading towards more wars, they are moving beyond the proxy wars like Korea before the escalation in Southeast Asia and the various “police actions” and covert ops towards direct confrontation with nations like Russia China and Iran.

In 2024 war takes on a new face, we’re seeing economic sanctions, commercial coercion, asymmetric cyber-warfare, geoengineering, aerial drones, unmanned boats and advanced technology being employed by the US, its allies and potential adversaries alike. Yet as with most modern wars the main casualties are innocent civilians, men women and children. Classic examples of this are the genocide and ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinians and the devastatingly injurious consequences of economic sanctions the US has imposed on over twenty nations around the world!

Like most invaders and aggressors the Israelis justify their war crimes under the guise of “defense”. Rubbish! The whole world sees what is going on in Gaza. Two international criminal courts have issued condemnations but they lack enforcement powers! Plus the United States and it allies fully support the bloodbath there as well and the escalating war in Ukraine/Russia. The US and its NATO allies have given the green light to the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to directly attack Russian territory which they are doing. None of this is going to end well. The US economic sanctions are just as deadly but they are tolerated since they receive very little media coverage and no bullets or missiles are used!

What if there was a revitalization of a bona fide Peace Movement and people were willing to sacrifice for Peace to the same degree we acquiesce to war? What if people stopped believing and tolerating the government’s lies and asked what are the real costs of human suffering on all sides and called the government on its war profiteering and warmongering? What if more people supported the young students who stood up for Peace against Israeli genocide, or demanded an end to the wars in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America? What if the young people now subjected to conscription and mandatory military service said Hell no we won’t go? What if people were more sensitive and empathetic towards the suffering of their fellow man, what will it take for us to see it’s only a matter of time before the government warmongers turn their sights on us? What if we asked ourselves what would we do if a global war was staring us in the face; because it is. What if we boycotted and unions called strikes until the government changed its policies? What if you, me and more people were willing to sacrifice for what is right instead of remaining disengaged as the world teeters on the brink of war? What if we decided to be resolute and steadfast for Peace even in the face of an onslaught of propaganda and lies, government coercion and force? What if peace lovers had the courage of our convictions, what type of world would this be?


Friday, August 23, 2024

Metanoia On The Solari Platform

 For several years I have been hosting a program entitled Metanoia on the Solari Report platform created by my good friend Catherine Austin Fitts Metanoia is an interview program where we present thought leaders and activists who are working to transform and change society for the better. We discuss current events from the perspective of doing the work to better ourselves our communities and the world. Health advocates, nutrition specialists, social critics, writers, Website hosts, metaphysicians, mystics people who have a genuine heart for humanity. The latest program has been posted. Full disclosure Solari is a subscription service similar the The Trends Journal or The Kiplinger Report. However you can watch a snippet of this episode at My guest is Geoff Shoun O’Keefe the Executive Director of Zen Peacemakers an organization committed to self-transformation, healing, and promoting peace around the world.

If we are to alter the planet’s current trajectory towards war devastation and human annihilation we need to change how we think, rethink how we think, what we think about, what we think is possible and create a new vision for ourselves and our world. Zen Peacemakers offers a way to cultivate peace and personal transformation in a simple, easy, non-dogmatic, non-ideological, apolitical way. We can all use more peace in our lives, please check out the promo.