Saturday, April 16, 2022





Junious Ricardo Stanton


Resurrection: return to life, transformation, rebirth, coming back into notice,


            Millions of Christians around the world completed their celebration of Easter, the essence of the Christian ethos; the rising of Yeshua from the dead, thereby accomplishing his earthly mission: the redemption of humanity, victory over death and providing righteous immortality to the believers.

 On a less lofty yet practical note the word resurrection also means: rebirth, renewal and transformation which is something we can attain and accomplish here and now.  Transformation is not a strictly religious idea or notion although it is at the core of most organized religions today. Unfortunately we have consigned the notion of personal transformation to an idealistic naiveté, something one rarely accomplishes or if they do it’s done to earn more money, gain higher social status or some other goal such as losing weight.

All too often personal transformation is promoted by gurus who are in it for the money as they sell and hype their books and other media. Don’t allow hucksters and charlatans to dissuade you from actualizing your full potential! History has shown there are people who genuinely love humanity, who want us to grow and master the vicissitudes and challenges of life. The world’s most popular religions are based upon the teaching of enlightened beings like Moses, The Buddha, Yeshua bar Joseph, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Lao Tzu, Confucius and countless others. Their message to us is that transformation, rebirth, resurrection is possible and doable.

All of the great avatars and teachers, those known recorded and unknown, recognized that personal transformation takes arduous effort; there is no easy path to personal enlightenment and self-mastery. This truth is even more evident in a society like ours where conformity, groupthink, rigid social constraints, selfishness and grass materialism are the norm. The rulers of this social order have created a system whereby we are indoctrinated to fit into a mold to serve and enrich them by being their workers, their managers, overseers and enforcers. They tell us we are free and have equal opportunity but we really don’t because most of the time our options are limited to what they present as possible, acceptable and permissible even if it harms us or society.

Repentance means to change your mind, how you think what you believe you are capable of, it means having confidence in the latent powers within you; it is the first step in personal transformation. Personal transformation is a form of resurrection, rising from the uninspired thinking, moving beyond restrictions, constrictions and stultifying limitations. Transformation means getting out of the rut, a rut is nothing but a grave with open ends. Transformation means seeing beyond where we are and envisioning (visualizing) something different, meaningful and better.

The idea there is something better and greater for us can be scary, it goes against the grain; this is why most of the teachers who promote personal transformation are viewed by the keepers of the status quo as troublemakers, rabble rousers engaged in seditious activity. This is why Yeshua was lynched for sedition, why Socrates was murdered for teaching alien ideas (which he learned from our Nile Valley ancestors) or why Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others were assassinated for their  divinely ordained work to free our people mentally, socially, economically and politically. 

As frightening as nonconformity, marginalization and ostracism can be, all too often the first and sometimes greatest opponent we face when we attempt to rise up and move beyond our present boundaries is ourselves! We are constrained by our beliefs, fears, doubts and habits. Our own lack of faith in ourselves and our innate powers and potential holds us back, keeps us in bondage to dead end ideas, unenthusiastic pursuits, lethargy and sloth which are a living death!

Rise up! There is a Divine Spark within you, allow it to energize and transform you. Introspection, quietude, trust and action are the keys to resurrection. Turn within; learn to distinguish between idle mind chatter and intuition the unlearned knowledge that while it may seem crazy is never wrong! Learn to cultivate your intuition and have the courage of your convictions because it will always prompt you to do things beyond your present comfort zone (habits patterns d proclivities). Unlike a lifeless corpse, we still have the Animating Life Force working within us. Stoke it, arouse it and allow it to transform our lives and bring us into positive notice; have the courage to allow it to do a great work in your life!



Saturday, April 09, 2022

Spin, Lies, Disinformation and Propaganda = Brainwashing


Spin, Lies, Disinformation and Propaganda = Brainwashing

Junious Ricardo Stanton


“We see the world through the lens of the major media-for most people that means television. Book newspapers, magazines and the Internet play a role, but the vast majority of people around the world get their information from television. And, if those who own the global media conglomerates, and those who run the television networks and cable channels decide to feed us disinformation and lies that serve the agendas of those in control, then instead of being told the truth, we wil learn not about the real world, but about the world they wish us to see, one that will serve their plan for global control.”


            Isn’t it fascinating how the monopoly corporate and digital media narratives so seamlessly shifted from constant COVID fear porn to all Ukrainian War 24/7/365? Is this a coincidence?  What is it about Ukraine that is more important than say the wars and conflicts going on in: Libya, Yemen, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Myanmar, Nigeria and Afghanistan and other places around the world?

            I call the corporate media the mind control apparatus because it has been co-opted by conglomerates, Big Tech, global governments and the ruling classes and deployed as a weapon to bludgeon and condition us to believe their artificial reality. We find ourselves in a similar situation to the 1998 motion picture The Truman Show where Truman Burbank the main character played by Jim Carrey lived in an artificial (fake) world created and maintained by television producers. The show followed Truman’s every move from his birth to the present and streamed live 24/7 for the world to see. Everything in his world was artificial; his parents (his father had been written off the show) his wife, the town he lived in, everything was fake.  The film was made before the advent of  TV “reality shows” which are  scripted and fabricated programs the shows’ producers in classic Orwellian doublespeak call “reality.”

            Instead of having a nefarious producer controlling our lives, we are subjected to the whims of corporate executives, bureaucrats, marketers and master manipulators. We are exposed to incessant messages overt and subliminal, dishonest commercials, propaganda, lies, images and content designed to manipulate us on deeply psychological and emotional levels. This is designed to influence our thinking (where we are not aware our thoughts are being programmed and manipulated), our purchasing habits (we are continuously tracked monitored and analyzed while sophisticated algorithms are used to stimulate and manipulate what we buy) our behavior (we imitate what we see and hear in the media) and our sense of reality (how we see the world and how we think it operates).

            Of course the media is not the only factor shaping our psyche and how we navigate in the world. Education better referred to as indoctrination, our parents, our peers and our socio-cultural milieu also play a pivotal role in how we think and act. We are conditioned to follow the herd. We are coerced and programmed to adopt a hive mentality and groupthink conformity.

            For example we have been lied to by our government on numerous occasions to get us to go along with their agenda, policies, wars and imperialist misadventures. We were lied to about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. We were lied to about Slobodan Milosevic being a war criminal. We were lied to about 9-11 and Osama bin-Laden. We were lied to about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, we were lied to about Bashar al-Assad gassing his own people and we are being lied to daily about the Ukraine situation. They censor and suppress the truth!

            We are being lied to about the economy, inflation and the COVID “pandemic” a virus that has a 98.9% survival rate if you are relatively healthy with no serious comorbidities. The ruling oligarchs and their media deliberately misled us to hype the hysteria and reduce our critical thinking capacities so they could promote “vaccines” that are not vaccines in the technical or literal sense.

These jabs are ineffective because coronaviruses, like the common cold and flu for example, are constantly mutating so there is no vaccine that can ever eradicate them. The FDA, Fauci, the CDC and most public health bureaucrats lied out of ignorance, pressure, coercion or greed; it’s all about the money and power. In fact the inoculations are proving dangerously problematic due to the growing numbers of adverse side effects.,

When coronavirus mutate they usually become more communicable but far less deadly and lethal which is the real reason these new variants are not causing high death rates. The lower fatality rate is not due to the efficacy of the injections, because the fact of the matter is, the coronaviruses are not that lethal.

Don’t believe the government narratives and propaganda about Ukraine or the virus, it’s all hype and deception.
