Monday, March 30, 2020

Mass Manipulation

Mass Manipulation
Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Being in a state of fear allows us to be easily manipulated. Advertisers and politicians have learned to capitalize on this biological aspect of humans also known as the lizard brain. Unfortunately our fast-paced lifestyles (mentally), combined with our relatively stagnate physical activity (driving, working at computer, etc.) causes our bodies to be ineffective at releasing built up stress which manifests in our thoughts as fear or anxiety.”  How To Release The Stress Stored In Our Bodies - Jacob Devaney

What if the media was deliberately inducing fear and panic about the COVID 19 coronavirus as a way to manipulate the public, to keep us in a state of anxiety so we are more easily controlled, manipulated and compliant to a predetermined social reengineering agenda? What if the usual advertising and mind control techniques were being ramped up by the 1% to dupe us into going along with a prearranged agenda, an agenda designed to garner more power and authority for them at our expense?
All societies have some form of leadership and governance; whether it is so called primitive stateless societies where rule is shared by the elders of the village or tribe to supposedly sophisticated forms of government like republics where the leaders are preselected by political parties or special interest groups then voted on by the people. Every society has leaders formal and informal, known and secret.
 In this country we live under the illusion of democracy. We think our elected officials do our bidding for the common good and benefit of us all. This is not the reality of power in this country on the national level. If you doubt what I say pay close attention to current events then juxtapose what you see and your beliefs with the research of Professor G. William Domhoff on his Website Who Rules America
There he succinctly says “As argued in Who Rules America? the owners and top executives of the largest corporations, banks, investment firms, and agri-businesses come together as a corporate community. Their enormous economic resources give them the ‘structural economic power’ that is the basis for dominating the federal government through lobbying, campaign finance, appointments to key government positions, and a policy-planning network made up of foundations, think tanks, and policy-discussion groups. The CEOs and owners in the corporate community, along with the top executives at the foundations, think tanks, and policy-discussion groups, work together as a leadership group that I call the power elite. However, they do fight among themselves sometimes, leading to moderate-conservative and ultra-conservative factions in the power elite. This class-domination theory developed out of Power Structure Research, going back to the 1950s.”
            These powerful factions vie for domination and control of the system and they use their media, education and religions to mold public opinion, manufacture consent then use the government to coerce compliance to their wishes and agenda. They craft sophisticated propaganda campaigns to get their target audiences both small and large to go along with their programs.
Our hero Marcus Mosiah Garvey warned us years ago about propaganda. He said, “Propaganda is a method or medium used by organized peoples to convert others against their will. We of the Negro race are suffering more than any toer race in the world from propaganda-Propaganda to destroy our hopes, our ambitions and our confidence in self.” Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Edited by Amy Jacques–Garvey page 15.
The COVID 19 situation is being propagandized as a psychological weapon so we will become fearful, anxious and compliant to an organized group’s program. Our anxiety and fear make us more susceptible to heightened levels of internal and external stress which in term impacts our bodies, our social surroundings and our health.
I am not saying the virus is a hoax I am saying it is being used to jack up fear and panic for nefarious purposes. What purposes? I am not exactly sure at this time other than a grab of more and more authority. But consider this, there are almost eight billion people on this planet and seasonal flu are normal global occurrences for many of the people on earth.
One researcher pointed out the mortality figures for COVID 19 is being blown totally out of proportion in relation to the annual global flu figures and mortality rates. “Finally, let’s look at figures for ordinary flu, for the whole planet. A study published in the journal, Pharmacy and Therapeutics states, “Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory illness that is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Approximately 9% of the world’s population is affected annually, with up to 1 billion infections, 3 to 5 million severe cases, and 300,000 to 500,000 deaths each year.” A BILLION cases EVERY YEAR. Is this called a pandemic? Is the whole world locked down every year? No.
 Read his full report at then ask yourself why would these people do this? Could it be to prime our consciousness so we are duped or forced to take whatever vaccine is in the wings ready to be rolled out to combat COVID 19?! Could it be another naked power grab by the people who rule America, the people G. William Domhoff talks about in his book, his research and on his Website? Make up your own mind, don’t allow them to dupe and manipulate you.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Social Reengineering

Social Reengineering
Junious Ricardo Stanton

Social reengineering: the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society.

            The response to the COVID 19 pandemic is prompting the reengineering and restructuring of the world’s social system as governments grapple with ways to stop the spread and ostensibly keep their citizens safe. I say ostensibly or supposedly because in many ways the “solutions” are more draconian than the virus.
Remember how after 9-11 the ruling class and their media told us America would never be the same again? Remember how the Bu$h administration chose to respond to 9-11 as if it was an act of war rather than a terrorist crime? Remember how 9-11 enabled the government to go on a global rampage of wars under the guise of their bogus War on Terrorism? Remember how the US invaded Afghanistan when the Taliban had nothing to do with 9-11 and all they asked the US government for was evidence Osama bin-Laden was the culprit? Remember how the US government refused to give the Taliban leaders any evidence whatsoever and invaded their country anyway?!
Do you remember the anthrax scare right after 9-11, when deadly anthrax was sent through the US mail to select Democrats who questioned and pushed back against some of Bu$h’s policies? Do you remember how Bu$h invaded Iraq based on lies?   Did you know that the USA PATRIOT ACT was written and sitting on a shelf way before 9-11 happened? Do you remember how the media made us afraid there was a terrorist around every corner? Do you remember the see something, say something campaign?
Do you remember a time when you didn’t have to go through airport screening, cavity searches and baggage checks? That was before 9-11. Do you remember when you weren’t spied on 24/7 or treated as a potential terrorist? That was before 9-11. Do you remember the ruling class telling us their imperialist wars would last generations?  That was after 9-11. Do you remember George W. Bu$h shouting, “you are either with us or you are with the terrorists”? Do you remember what the ruling elites did to dissidents like  talk show host Phil Donahue, the singing group Dixie Chicks and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who dared to question these policies?
All of that is social engineering. Social engineering is not necessarily a bad thing. It is negative when the planners are doing it to usurp authority for themselves; creating and using it turn us into mindless automatons and compliant zombies. This is what the ruling class is doing now, using COVID 19 as a way to reengineer society ostensibly to protect us. I get it, it is the duty of leaders to protect their people, look out for their best interests and safety but that has not always been the case.
We need to keep in mind, if the ruling class was really concerned about our health, safety and welfare they wouldn’t allow companies to produce and sell defective products, foods laced with GMOs, and poisonous additives nor would they tolerate the fact US pharmaceutical companies spend far more on advertising and marketing than they do on research and development. We need to keep in mind there are people in this world so demented, callous, so power mad and greedy the will engage in the most despicable
behaviors to get what they want.
            The current response to the COVID 19 is social reengineering. Fear is being used to condition us to go along with whatever the government says and demand a solution. Yes we should quarantine infected people yes we should practice good hygiene, get plenty of rest, eat healthy nutritious diets and use common sense, but social isolation is not good. Human beings are social creatures. We grave and need social interaction, engagement and contact. We need the nurturing and feeling of intimate belonging to truly be healthy! Shutting down the daily lives of the masses is social reengineering which may prove to be counter productive if it is maintained over a long time. Check out for chilling perspective on this.
            Another way of dealing with this would be to resort to indigenous ways of healing using indigenous knowledge systems to restore wellness. Traditional African people knew healing is a social construct, that isolation is only a temporary solution. African healing is based on the concept of Ubuntu “weness”, community, inclusion, empathy and sharing. Traditional African healing was about restoring harmony and balance, harmony and balance with the omnipresent spiritual realm and the ancestors. It was about restoring harmony and balance within the family and village and harmony and balance within the person.
Yes they used herbs and even surgical operations but they also used rituals and ceremonies to call on the spirits for intervention, to promote closeness, interaction the restoration of harmony balance and healing.  There are many ways to see and address a situation and our circumstances, perhaps we should entertain alternative responses to COVID 19 that do not disrupt and undermine the basic human need for social interaction.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Interesting Coincidence

Interesting Coincidence
Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. Public health authorities should work with private employers and trusted community leaders such as faith leaders, to promulgate factual information to employees and citizens. Trusted, influential private-sector employers should create the capacity to readily and reliably augment public messaging, manage rumors and misinformation, and amplify credible information to support emergency public communications.”

            On October 18th, 2019 the World Economic Forum in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security held an “exercise” in New York City called Event 201 to simulate the spread of an extremely contagious Coronavirus pandemic engulfing the planet. Fifteen leaders from business, government and public health met to table top scenarios about a contagious virus that infected pigs in Brazil, gets out of hand, attacks humans and rapidly spreads around the world infecting millions. In their scenario sixty-five million people died!
I am not making it up; you can read the report and the recommendations on the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Website There is nothing wrong with table top exercising, proactive strategic planning or simulations but when you factor in the fact the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has supported some very controversial projects and initiatives such as vaccines and sterilization and they partnered in securing a US patent for “an attenuated coronavirus” a few years ago that raises eyebrows. I am not making this up. You can read this for yourself here and 
The Gates foundation has been accused by some of promoting eugenics, racist population control.  Of course there are always two sides to every story, I just don’t believe in coincidences. Especially when white papers, training exercises and table top simulations precede or occur simultaneously with the very events they are planning for, gaming and simulating!
 Did the October 18th table top simulation about a Coronavirus epidemic like the one now being hyped by the corporate media have anything to do with the fact the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was granted a patent two years ago for a Coronavirus like the one popping up around the world now?  That is beyond coincidental.
 It is reminiscent to the numerous training exercises that took place on 9-11 that prevented the normal military protocols and responses which lead to the attacks and the totally bogus global war on terror.  It is eerily similar to the training exercises in London that simulated a bombing the same day an actual “terrorist bombing” occurred in the London subway system in 2005.  Kinda makes you go hmmm?
The October simulation collaboration resulted in a report that you can read for yourself at It seems the ruling elites always have a plan or response to these occurrences. Remember when 9-11 happened the government already had the PATRIOT ACT in the wings, and this current “pandemic” raises so many questions it really makes you wonder. Most people I speak to say this virus is man made. I can’t say for sure whether it is or isn’t; my hunch is that it is.
Over the past few years we’ve experienced the Influenza, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, SARS and MERS. None of them were like the plague that killed millions during the middle ages in Europe.  SARS and MERS are variations of cornonavirus, they are respiratory ailments. However,the reaction to this virus is way beyond what was done for those viruses and this one is supposedly new! So it just happened that the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum gamed exercises about a pandemic three months before this strain hit Asia, Iran, Europe and the US; and just coincidentally Bill and Melinda Gates are part owners of a patent for a Coronavirus? That’s deep.
I looked up the World Economic Forum and it says it’s a Non Government Organization. Its Website says, “The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The World Economic Forum provides a platform for the world’s 1,000 leading companies to shape a better future. As a membership organization, the Forum engages businesses in projects and initiatives – online and offline – to address industry, regional and systemic issues.” 
 Shape a better future for whom?  The World Economic Forum isn’t a round the way neighborhood organization. They are a big time 1% organization.
The corporate media keeps telling us how rapidly COVID 19 is spreading. While that may be true, keep in mind there are about nine billion people in the world today and the number of people suffering from COVID 19 is extremely small when you consider nine billion people! There are three hundred million people in the US and the number of people infected by COVID 19 in the US is actually meager when you consider three hundred million people. The actual numbers worldwide are not reliable because we don’t know that much about it or how many people actually have it. Why the hysteria? Why the total lockdown?  What’s that about?!
The lock down seems extreme but you never know. Personally I think something is fishy. Time will tell.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Fear Not

Fear Not…
Junious Ricardo Stanton

Assurance: confidence of mind or manner: freedom from self-doubt or uncertainty
Confidence: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.
During these disquieting times it is important to monitor our personal thoughts and emotions. Why? Because the fact of the matter is, our thoughts and emotions directly determine our long term psychological state and our physical health.  I’m not talking about fleeting images, ideas, thoughts and feelings; I’m talking about strongly held constantly streamed ideation, feelings, attitudes and beliefs.
We must be in control of our thinking and emotions because if we don’t, we become susceptible to control and manipulation by others. For example fear is a powerful weapon the ruling class and the powers that be have used for thousands of years to cower and manipulate people. They fiendishly use fear and intimidation to get their way. What they want is total control over us. They use fear, the fear of punishment, ostracism, violence and the unknown to keep us in a constant state of anxiety, unease and trepidation.
            The modern mass media which is owned by the 1% deliberately uses gloom and doom, blood and guts and catastrophe to subliminally condition us to fearful, full of fear and to look to them for our view of “reality”, solutions, relief and redress. We don’t need them. The antidote for fear is assurance and confidence. Confidence is defined as: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.
In perilous times we need confidence which is a sustained attitude slightly different from bravery.  Bravery is not the absence of fear; bravery is being afraid but doing what has to be done anyway. Confidence means we are assured we can navigate the world based upon our inner strength, abilities, and assurance, that we have what it takes to be successful and that we can/will get the strength and assistance we need when we need it.
            I was curious so I looked it up and the words do not be afraid or variations of it are written three hundred and sixty five times in the Bible. I am not a Bible thumper and for me the Bible is not a book about religion, dogma or doctrine. It is a book that was written mostly by men whose focus was mysticism and psychology. It is thousands of years old, was written over several centuries yet it contains stories, myths, parables, admonitions and lessons that are applicable to today. It is about mysticism meaning having a relationship with the CREATOR. It is about psychology: proper thoughts, feelings, dreams and spiritual entities. It is about mental, emotional and behavioral being.
            As the media constantly bombards us with negative news about crime, politics, the Coronavirus and its rapid spread, we need to remember and heed the admonition, “Do not be afraid.” We must have confidence, self assurance that there are powers active in the world working on our behalf. Our ancestors, THE CREATOR and good vibrations/energy/spirits exist that we can call upon for help, whether you call them angels, ancestors or spirits.
            Do not be afraid, let not your heart be troubled, be not dismayed, do not be faint hearted or terrified, don’t despair, fear no evil, do not be overawed, do not be dismayed are found numerous times throughout the Bible. Whether you are a religious person or not, these admonitions are extremely practical and should be the basis of your confidence because there is intelligence and power in the universe that is greater than all our problems, troubles and circumstances. This is the same intelligence/power that created you, that has known you from before your birth that is on your side in all things and wants only the best for you.
            Do not allow the media to reduce you to a feint hearted, groveling caricature of who and what you were incarnated to be.  Yeshua bar Joseph said, “… Behold, the kingdom of god is within you.” Luke 17:21 He called his idea of god Our Father. His message of divinity, being and empowerment is the least discussed statement of everything he said; mainly because the powers that be don’t want us to know just how potent and awesome we really are.
We have the divine in us and we should rest assured we can get through and transcend this and anything else that comes our way. The intelligence of the Divine Mind that created you lives inside you. Our bodies know instinctively how to deal with microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. All we have to do is get out of its way and not sabotage the process.
            This “pandemic” will pass. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim of fear mongering and propaganda. Get your rest, eat a more nutritious diet, flush your system regularly, wash your hands often, and monitor your thoughts and feelings. Take control over the one thing you have the most control over, yourself.  I urge and exhort you to assert yourself during these trying times and remember the ancient admonition, fear not!


Monday, March 09, 2020

Remembering Callie House

Remembering Callie House
Junious Ricardo Stanton

            Reparations or the compensation for the ills and devastation of enslavement, apartheid, racial and pigmentation oppression is a contentious topic. There is no denying enslavement took a horrific toll on the lives, psyche and physical conditions of people of African descent in this country. It is only natural that Black people would seek redress for the privation and exploitation we suffered and endured for centuries. But the oppressor is unwilling to even address the issue and they mean to keep the issue suppressed and out of public consciousness.
            One of the first Africans in America to call for relief and restitution for enslaved Africans was Callie Guy who was born around 1861 into enslavement in Rutherford County near Nashville Tennessee. At the age of twenty-two she married William House and the couple had five children. Mrs. House worked as a washer woman and seamstress to help support her family after her husband died. According to some records Mrs. House did get some school learning.
            Mrs. House was influenced by a pamphlet she read in 1891 entitled Freedmen’s Pension Bill: A Plea for American Freedmen which intrigued her and she became hooked on the idea. She collaborated with Isaiah Dickerson to form the National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty, and Pension Association in 1894.  Dickerson had worked with a white newspaper man named William Vaughn who advocated for reparations for ex-enslaved persons. Vaughn felt reparations would stimulate the southern economy.
            But House and Dickerson broke with Vaughn and went out on their own travelling throughout the South advocating for pensions for formerly enslaved Blacks as a means to support them in their current condition. House and Dickerson organized chapters on the local level throughout the South that functioned like mutual aid societies. A member of the local organization paid dues and the money was used to care for the sick, disabled and burying the dead. These were perilous times for Blacks as white violence, intimidation and oppression were becoming systematically sanctioned throughout the nation.
On the national level the National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty and Pension Association held conventions, elected officers, lobbied for federal legislation in support of pensions for formerly enslaved persons.  House’s campaign was a grass roots movement; it received little attention or support from African-American leaders like Booker T. Washington or W.E.B. DuBois and many whites felt threatened by the prospect of Blacks seeking payment for their labor during a time when anti-Black feelings were being manipulated and shaped into white supremacist legislation and behavior.
The federal government soon began to spy on House and her movement. A disinformation campaign was waged against her and she resigned from her position as assistant secretary of the organization she helped start. Nevertheless House continued to organize chapters throughout the South and spread the word. House even sued the US Treasury Department for $68,073,388.99 in 1915 based upon the money raised from enslaved people’s labor and cotton taxes paid in the state of Texas! The lawsuit garnered wider attention for the movement and raised the profile of the organization.
Of course the federal district court of appeals threw the case out saying the government was immune against litigation. Her filing the lawsuit did not sit well with the white power structure especially during the Post Reconstruction era.  The following year the US Post Master sought an indicted House on charges of fraud. The Nashville District Attorney also filed charges against Mrs. House. The trial was a total farce, the evidence was weak, flimsy at best, no victims were named, there was no evidence offered that Callie House personally benefited from the money she raised, yet an all white male jury convicted Callie House of mail fraud. She was sentenced to one year and a day in prison. She was sent to the Jefferson City Missouri Penitentiary and released early for good behavior.
House’s grass roots organization and pension movement served as a template for future empowerment campaigns during an era of ruthless and virulent racism and oppression. Not surprisingly the US Government also used kangaroo courts to undermine and derail movements like the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Decades later the government upped the ante with its wide ranging COINTELPO in the latter part of the twentieth century.
Callie House made transition in 1928 but her legacy of tireless, righteous activism lives on and her torch for reparations was picked up and carried by others like Queen Mother Moore and NCOBRA.
