Thursday, January 31, 2019

In The Information Age, We're Deliberately Being Dumbed Down

                       In the Information Age We’re Being Deliberately Dumbed Down
                                                Junious Ricardo Stanton

            “Since 1985 the technological control over the masses has deepened and overwhelmed any resistance to its creeping governance of our daily lives. The proliferation of computers, 24-hour cable TV and “smart” phones for the masses has given the unseen manipulators of the public mind, known as the invisible government, the ultimate tools for engineering our minds and deciding what will be perceived as the central beliefs guiding our daily lives. We have come to love our oppression and learned ignorance, adoring the very technologies enslaving us in trivialities, disinformation, shallow displays of virtue signaling, and eliminating our capacity to think.” Technology: Distracting, Deceiving and Deluding Ourselves To Death

I came across a Website whose critique of current US culture is right on target. In an article entitled Technology: Distracting, Deceiving and Deluding ourselves to Death, they point out how pervasive media influence is and how coupled with the indoctrination provided by the US education system, American people and the world are being systematically induced into a catatonic state, not by force or coercion, but through our own foolishness as we fall for every fad and Trojan Horse technology the corporate puppet master of the kleptocracy put before us.
We have been brainwashed to believe that when the US succumbs to totalitarian fascism it will be through force, an outside attack or sudden shift in politics and the socio-economic structure. The fact is we are already here, it happened right in front of our eyes but we were too ossified, distracted, duped and deceived to recognize what was happening.  The US is as corrupt as any a banana republic, but unlike most banana republics whose corruption makes them impotent, the endemic corruption in the US with its concomitant hubris, greed and megalomania it is showing it real face as the bully of the world.
But in order to minimize dissent, opposition, reform, rebellion or revolution the ruling class has developed and employed the technology to dumb us down, pacify and short circuit us. The Website article I referenced points this out and striking terms, “The tyranny being inflicted upon the masses by the likes of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and other tech behemoths on behalf of their Deep State benefactors is chilling in its depth and depravity. The oppression from the current day Big Brothers through censorship, banning of truth tellers, demonetization of those who don’t conform, and public shaming of dissenters has replaced the soft tyranny of mental manipulation. The establishment now openly suppresses the truth through their control of all mainstream media channels and outlets. The alternate media is scorned and ridiculed as conspiracy theorists, nutjobs, and Russian collaborators. The level of fake news vomited by Deep State propagandists has reached a new level of hysteria. Dissenting viewpoints are crushed through economic penalties inflicted upon those who dare go against the approved doctrine of the state. The use of technology to control the minds of the masses has produced unintended consequences which threatens the power of the Party.”
            I have been saying the same thing for decades; now more white people are noticing and trying to wake people from their comatose state. The people know, even in the midst of their technology, media, alcohol and opioid induced stupors, something is amiss, something is wrong. Perhaps this is why the opioid crisis and suicide are on the rise and US life expectancy is on the decline!
            We are being feed not just fake news but a fake reality, what some call the Matrix. Like in the Matrix films we have the option to opt out of our illusionary daze and see the world as it is. But I must warn you, seeing the world as it is will be shocking and overwhelming. At first the shock will repulse you and cause you to want to return to your stupor because part of the Matrix message is, resistance is futile, you can’t win.
            But deep down inside we know this is just another one of their many lies. Deep down inside, we know we can transcend the illusions and delusions they use to keep us submissive, misdirected running around like chickens with our heads cut off.
 But let’s be honest, mental decolonization, self-determination and self-mastery require work, vigilance, persistence and perseverance. The good news is we can do this. When we learn to think critically, with our own minds and for ourselves, we will do the right thing to save ourselves and this planet from the debasement and destruction the ruling class intend.


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Venezuela Is In The US Cross-hairs Again


                                              From The Ramparts
                                  Venezuela Is In US Cross-hairs Again
                                               Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Essentially, the Obama administration—like the Bush administration, which was involved in the short-lived 2002 coup against Hugo Chávez—had a policy of promoting ‘regime change’ in Venezuela. That policy has taken a more aggressive, overt, and dangerous direction under Trump…The majority of the political and media establishment appears to believe that Trump has the right policy agenda for Venezuela, with many liberals pointing to cases of corruption, human rights violations and other crimes allegedly involving Venezuelan officials as justification for harsh measures.” The United States Hand in Undermining Democracy in Venezuela, Alexander Main’-hand-undermining-democracy-venezuela

The incessant 24/7/365 media circus surrounding Donald Trump serves as a intentional distraction preventing us from seeing the  mischief the US government is fomenting around the world and brainwashing us to see, think and believe the world is as the corporate media says it is. The news about Trump’s latest cabinet member’s resignation, arrest or indictment obfuscates and obscures the shenanigans the US is engaged in around the globe.
Despite the constant distractions, we know the US is ramping up its attempts at regime change in Venezuela to control their oil, other natural resources, reestablish US hegemony to prevent Russia and China from establishing a toehold in the region.  
In a display of supreme hypocrisy, mendacity and hubris Trump, Pence and Pompeo have given their full support to an unelected Venezuelan politician named Juan Guaido they’ve designated as the “legitimate president” of Venezuela notwithstanding Nicolas Maduro the duly elected president of Venezuela was reelected in 2018. They say they are doing this to restore “democracy” with a straight face, forget the fact Guaido declared himself president never having run as president or held any public office prior to early this month! “Guido has his origins based in the popular middle class, he is an engineer graduated from a private university, even his physical appearance is far from the traditional profile opponent. His image contrasts with the one of the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, who comes from the working class as a bus driver. Guaido was a protagonist of the violent actions of the opposition in 2007, 2014 and 2017 usually known as Guarimbas.”
President Nicolas Maduro took over on March 5, 2013 following Hugo Chavez ‘s death from cancer. Not liking Chavez’s progressive pro-people policies or his anti globalization political leanings, the US attempted to destabilize the country and plotted an unsuccessful coup against Chavez in 2002. They kept their destabilization efforts  going after Maduro assumed the presidency.
  To the US neo-colonial fascists Chavez posed a serious threat. “Chávez, moreover, had been trying to institute all manner of reforms to relieve the suffering of the poor (who comprise about 80 percent of the population), a program not likely to win favor with a class-conscious, privatization-minded US government and Venezuelan upper and middle classes: restructuring the state-owned oil company, which he regarded as having become a state-within-a-state, to achieve greater national control over oil resources; reinforcing a constitutional ban on the privatization of the oil company; changing the agreements with foreign oil companies that were excessively generous to the companies; establishing a new progressive constitution; numerous ecological community development projects; enrolling over one million students in school who were previously excluded; increasing the minimum wage and public sector salaries; halting the previous government’s initiative to privatize Venezuela’s social security system; reducing unemployment; introducing a credit program for women and the poor; reforming the tax system to spare the poor; making health care much more available; lowering infant mortality; greatly expanding literacy courses; land redistribution in a society where two percent of the population controlled 60 percent of the land.”
Nicolas Marduro attempted to implement many of Chavez’s policies to the chagrin of the US imperialists and their minions. Marduro faced constant criticism, demonization and internal strife fomented by the US. The US imperialists and their lackeys became even more incensed as Venezuela partnered with Russia and China striking deals for oil, natural resources, financial and military support.
The US ruling class had conniptions in December when two Russian TU 160 long range nuclear bombers flew from Russia and landed at a Venezuelan air field. Then Russian and Venezuelan jets subsequently held joint aerial maneuvers; which coupled with an agreement allowing Russia to mine Venezuelan gold, sent US warmongers into the stratosphere.
Now the US is openly calling for regime change, blatantly supporting a coup and backing Juan Guaido as president despite the fact Maduro is still in office. Keep your eye on this situation and don’t fall for the demonization of Maduro by the corporate media and Trump administration.



Monday, January 21, 2019

We've Lost Our Moral Compass


                                         We've Lost Our Moral Compass
                                                        Junious Ricardo Stanton

Africans in America have experienced horrific abuses, desecration, dehumanization and degradation at the hand of Euro-Americans. In the midst of our travails we always had leaders most of whom remain unknown and uncelebrated who urged our people on, exhorted them to keep the faith to resist and struggle for freedom and righteousness. As we commemorate the four hundred years in this hemisphere, let us not consign all our recollections to our debasement and degradation. Let us remember our successes and triumphs despite the overwhelming odds, systemic violence and sanctioned oppression.
In the midst of hellish conditions we always had leaders who stood up and spoke out who sacrificed themselves on our behalf by offering a clear vision of freedom and urging us on by providing a moral compass to guide us. Sadly we have lost touch with that element of leadership within us, somehow we think because legal apartheid has been minimized or because we have more elected officials, more millionaires, more visibility, more celebrity and status, we are free that our struggle is complete.
I am not trying to be a Davey downer or rain on your parade but we are far from free. What is freedom anyway? Is it being able to go in debt to buy a shiny car, engage in conspicuous consumption or deny your core self in order to fit into a society that makes it clear every day that unless you confirm to their standards you are nothing.
Ever since our kidnapped ancestors where brought to this hemisphere, we have been treated as commodities, chattel, subhuman fodder for their wars and capitalist endeavors but now we are viewed as unwanted nuisances.
When the English colonists decided to make slavery racial and permanent, our ancestors resisted. We always had those among us who refused to submit, who refused  to give up their souls and their humanity no matter how vile, foul and horrific their circumstances or the situation they experienced.
We always resisted on the personal level we have examples of folks like Nat Turner who led a rebellion, Frederick Douglas who fought and beat his owner to the point his owner never raised his hand to him again and Harriet Tubman who led several hundred enslaved Africans to freedom. We always had men and women who comforted those around them, who helped heal those who had been brutalized or who were in need. This was a common reality that dates back to ancient times and ideas like Ubuntu (I am because we are, we are because I am) and our historic collective spirit and way of living
We always had men and women who spoke up, articulated truth so powerfully they changed the very vibration within their environment providing righteous leadership during horrific times. Many, as I said, are unknown to us today but we can call the names of a few like: Henry Highland Garnet, Fannie Coppin Jackson, Harriet Tubman, Benjamin “Pap” Singleton, Ida B Wells Barnett, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer and Martin Luther King Jr. These dynamic leaders sacrificed on behalf of our people and didn’t line their pockets.
In the modern era we sorely lack men and women like them. Today the words sacrifice, struggle, unity and Black Power are no longer in our lexicon! We have lost the moral imperative and leaders willing to provide the moral compass. If we are to improve our condition and status we have to regain our collective moral compass.


Monday, January 14, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr vs The Military Industrial Complex

Martin Luther King Jr. vs. The Military Industrial Complex
Junious Ricardo Stanton

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government” Martin Luther King Jr. April 4, 1967

One year prior to his murder by the United States’ imperial forces, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a profoundly well thought out and cogent speech at Riverside Church in New York City on why he opposed the Vietnam War. In it King gave a history of Western imperialism in Southeast Asia, how the United States stepped in to fill the European colonial vacuum after the French were run out of Vietnam. He gave a detailed synopsis of the Vietnamese people’s struggle for freedom and how the US callously rejected their attempts to forge friendly relationships with America.
King detailed the hypocrisy and mendacity of Americans travelling thousands of miles to wage a war for “freedom and democracy” when Blacks who were being drafted to be crippled and maimed in higher numbers than our percentage of the population were denied freedom and democracy at home. King put the war in a global context of racism, imperialism and moral depravity. He linked the war in Southeast Asia and the Vietnamese people’s valiant struggle to free themselves from the yoke of Western imperialism and neocolonialism with Afro-Americans ongoing struggle for dignity, human rights and personhood. King noted the cruel irony of an imperialist war that conscripted Black and white boys to fight and die in side by side solidarity when they were forbidden to live side by side in the United States due to vestiges of American apartheid.
King saw the war as a great drain of resources and waste of human potential at a time when poverty was rampant in the US, that the Vietnam War was undermining the struggle for civil rights and economic justice at home.
He shared with the audience how he was at a loss to preach to young Black people about the value of non-violent civil disobedience in the face of virulent government sanctioned brutality especially when they asked him, “What about Vietnam and America’s use of unrestrained violence and atrocity?” He stated in a matter of fact way to the crowded church that it troubled him deeply that “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government.”
As a clergyman, a citizen, as a conscious and conscientious human being King stated to remain silent in the face of such institutionalized evil was betrayal. This marked a change in King’s program. He added peace to his agenda. Martin Luther King Jr. was the only prominent religious figure who came out in opposition of the war. Norma Vincent Peale was silent; Billy Graham uttered not a mumbling word, Bishop Fulton Sheen remained mute, only King, a Black man, stood up and spoke truth to power about peace.
His continuous assault on the Military Industrial Complex, US foreign policy and his campaigns to break down US racial apartheid and economic privation was the straw that broke the camel’s back with regard to the ruling class’ tolerance of his movement.
The same liberal journalists, newspapers and politicians who lauded him for being non-violent in the face of Southern whites’ insanity and brutality turned on him when he challenged the moral and financial inhumanity and waste of the Vietnam War. Once the ruling elites’ campaign to turn the tide of public opinion against King went into full effect, the government put their plan to neutralize King in motion.
King was planning a Poor People’s March on Washington D.C. to galvanize a full spectrum mobilization of whites and people of color to challenge and change US foreign and domestic policies in favor of the people.
This was a huge no-no as King’s support invigorated the Peace and anti-movements and he was forging a wider coalition for social justice and change, thus thwarting the usual divide and rule paradigm, so the ruling class determined he had to go!
So a year later on April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King was murdered. King’s assassination was part of a larger counter insurgency program run by the FBI and CIA called COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos respectively and local police The US government declared war on dissent going full bore framing, demonizing, jailing and even murdering US citizens for daring to want change.
Today every vile and immoral act the government sanctioned during that era is legal thanks to the 9-11 false flag operation. Today America is undeniably at the point King warned us about in 1967. He said, “The war in Vietnam is but a symptom of a far deeper malady within the American spirit, and if we ignore this sobering reality... we will find ourselves organizing "clergy and laymen concerned" committees for the next generation. They will be concerned about Guatemala -- Guatemala and Peru. They will be concerned about Thailand and Cambodia. They will be concerned about Mozambique and South Africa. We will be marching for these and a dozen other names and attending rallies without end, unless there is a significant and profound change in American life and policy.”
Alas King was wrong; unfortunately the peace movement is moribund and non-existent it has been co-opted by the corporate/government war machine which does not bode well for the soul of America.

Friday, January 11, 2019

If Beale Street Could Talk


                                               If Beale Street Could Talk
                                                  Junious Ricardo Stanton

 Do yourself a huge favor; see the motion picture If Beale Street Could Talk as soon as you can before it is pulled from theaters.  It will not be pulled because it is a poorly crafted and shot film, but because it is a low budget film produced by a company that has not spent much money marketing their film.
The film is directed by Barry Jenkins a talented story teller who has also directed several other “art type” films, meaning he focuses his energy and creative talents on characters and stories rather than CGI, violence and gratuitous sex. The film is about Black love, family and being Black in America in Harlem in the 1950’s. The film is based on a novel by the great author and social critic James Baldwin. If you know anything about James Baldwin you know he holds up a mirror to America and tells it like it is, straight no chaser.
Without spoiling the whole plot, Jenkins shot the film using flashbacks and back story to show how two youngsters Alonzo “Lonny” Hunt and Tish Rivers played by Stephen James and Kiki Layne respectively, life long friends whose families know each other and have known Lonny and Tish since they are kids discover love and plan to be together. Circumstances put a halt to their plans and we watch as they are forced to adjust, cope and strive to maintain their relationship despite the egregious discrimination, disrespect and challenges Black folks are forced to endure on a daily basis that severely complicate their lives but they refuse to allow to beat them down.
Regina King gives a stellar performance as Tish’s mother a woman of optimism and a deep love for the couple. It is a powerful film is about Black family, told in a by-gone era when Black men were men; fathers did what they had to do to raise their children, love them and help them during their trials and tribulations.
Lonny like many Black males through no fault of his own, gets caught up in the system; accused of a crime he did not commit which turns both families’ lives up side down. Baldwin’s novel and Jenkins film depict Lonny and Tish’s lives through the socio-economic and racial realities of New York City; landlords who won’t rent to them, a racist policeman who frames Lonny because he dared to protect Tish from a white man’s uncouth advances and we hear Lonny’s friend Daniel tell him what the system and prison did to him. Subsequently we discover through dialogue how the police and DA scoop Daniel up and lock him away so he cannot provide an alibi for Lonny that would help prove his innocence.
The families search for a lawyer to take Lonny’s case. They find a young white attorney willing to take the case.  Looking at the facts he realizes Lonny is innocent but the families’ lack of financial resources hampers his ability to get Lonny out of jail. The attorney does what he can to deal with the corruption of the system; but he also sees the stark contrast between the Hunt and Rivers lives and his own privileged background.
All the supporting characters are extremely talented and provide great character presence. Colman Domingo plays Tish’s father a man who loves his daughter who does what he can to raise money to get Lonny, a boy he has known all his life and the man his daughter loves, out of jail. He does this because he knows Lonny and that the system is rigged against Black people. Michael Beach plays Lonny’s father who loves his son but is fearful what the system will do to him. The two fathers partner together to hustle and do what they can to raise the money to pay for a lawyer and get Lonny out of jail.
The film is narrated by Tish and the flashbacks provide meaning and substance to her experiences and how she sees the world. There is one funny scene between the two families but there are stark contrasts between the River’s marriage and the Hunt’s.
I promise not to give any more of the plot away but you need to see this film. The camera shots of the faces and expressions of the actors are awesome; there is a gritty realism, the all too familiar feel of the oppressive conditions Black people face daily interspersed with a unique vision of Black love and family.
As a writer Baldwin never shied away from American racism and its devastating and grinding impact on the lives of Black people yet in the midst of all that he depicted Black love, resilience and hope.
This film captures that essence. The ending may surprise you but the film will stick with you after you’ve left the theater. Please go see If Beale Street Could Talk.


Monday, January 07, 2019

2019 Predictions


                                                          2019 Predictions
                                                      Junious Ricardo Stanton

            As we begin a new year while I don’t have a crystal ball or the power of clairvoyance, I am able to see trends and patterns that may continue well into 2019. Much of this will be unsettling because the US Empire is in rapid decline both on the foreign and domestic levels. But it doesn’t have to play out this way.
Here are a few things to watch for in 2019 that I am fairly certain we will see. On the national political level the Democrats have taken over the majority in the US House of Representatives, look for them to: continue the canard that the Russians hacked the 2016 election despite the fact there is absolutely no proof that occurred, and look for them to totally ignore the fact Israel and Britain actually tried to influenced the 2016 election. Look for more government gridlock and lack of productivity; we will see increased partisan bickering, more senseless acrimony and a protracted government shut down.
 We will see the continuation of fiscal irresponsibility, whereby the federal government will spend more than it takes in thereby increasing the federal deficit way past the twenty-one trillion dollars already in existence. The Trump/Republican tax cuts have resulted in lower revenues and there has been no accompanying cut in spending so the consequences will shoot the deficit higher and higher.
The accounts of fiscal insanity are all around us, “After fiscal 2018’s deficit increased from $666 billion to $779 billion, the first month of fiscal 2019’s deficit increased from $63 billion to $100 billion. This was largely driven by increased spending in Medicare (up $28 billion) and defense ($9 billion). The jump in Medicare may be an anomaly, but it does look like this year’s deficit is on a path to break $1 trillion. Not to be overlooked is the interest on debt increasing by $4 billion, which at the same monthly amount will add about $50 billion to the deficit in fiscal 2019; and should continue to grow.” Trump’s Economy: The Federal Budget Is On a Path To $1 Trillion Chuck Jones
Despite Trump saying he will bring US troops home from Syria and Afghanistan the US Empire is definitely not contracting. The US will still have over eight hundred bases around the world in one hundred fifty countries not counting drone bases and secret covert operations stations. Look for the empire to maintain its bases and to continue to try and extend its global hegemony and keep imperialism as a top priority.
 This massive expenditure of funds for “defense” and empire will further drain resources that could otherwise go to repairing the US’s crumbling infrastructure, create more affordable housing; provide efficient, low cost health care for all Americans and reduce the overall cost of government. The US will continue to provoke Russia and threaten China, Iran and North Korea while plotting and war gaming actual wars against these countries.
We will see the US economy take a downward turn due Trump’s tariffs and trade wars with China, European allies as much of the world moves away from the US dollar as the world reserve currency, further diminishing US influence in the world. The US economy will be adversely impacted by the Federal Reserve Banks’ monetary policies, their interest rate hikes and how it deals with the money supply (inflation or deflation) which will impact the interest rates on mortgages, credit cards and loans for ordinary Americans.
In 2019 the opioid crisis will continue and unless we as a people change our attitudes, lifestyle and outlook, the two year trend of lower life expectancy will also continue.
 The good news is we have agency and the power to live our lives differently no matter what is going on around us. We can choose to eat better, drink more water get enough sleep and treat our neighbors like neighbors instead of strangers. We can choose to be in it but not of it as the US Empire, its political and economic systems implode due to moral rot, corruption and malfeasance and work to make where we are better and more humane despite what the 1% does.
We can change the tone and tenor of our lives and our immediate surroundings.  We can reject what the media tells us to believe, buy and be like. We can stop imitating the “reality shows” and rethink what it means to be kind and supportive to our coworkers and neighbors. We can be more positive and come together to make our communities better. If we do this 2019 can be better. We can think about peace and harmony and make it real in our lives and our immediate environment and make the nay sayers and negative prognosticators wrong. We have the power to make 2019 a good year.