Monday, August 23, 2021

What's The Next Crisis They Want Us To Be Afraid Of?


What’s the Next Crisis We Need to Be Afraid Of?

Junious Ricardo Stanton


“We should all recall back that poorly aged phrase ‘14 days to stop the spread.’ How many times did the goalposts move? Where are we with that as you read this? First we were told that we needed to ‘flatten the curve.’ Then there needed to be a vaccine. Then the vaccine wasn’t enough. The point is, that COVID-19 became a perpetual excuse for the elites to enact whatever ‘emergency’ measures they wanted – all for your own safety, of course.” The Great Reset The Global Elites’ Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives by Sam Jacobs


We are constantly bombarded with images of the “COVID” virus which is really a computer simulation picture because thus far no one has actually isolated the SARS-COV 2 virus. We are repeatedly targeted with tales of nonstop mutation variants all designed to keep us in a state of panic and hysteria. This is being done so the ruling class can manipulate us into going along with their program where we own less and less and they own everything. All this is being done to hype a coronavirus that has a 98% recovery rate for those who do not have a compromised immune system or chronic diseases and conditions.

Now the masses are being told we need ongoing booster shots. Why? I thought the original injections were safe, 98% effective and free. Turns out they’re not. Every week more and more serious adverse reactions are being reported but not in the mainstream corporate and digital media, yet despite the censorship we are learning more and more inoculated people are getting “COVID”. Plus the shots are certainly not free because our tax dollars are paying Big Pharma for these experimental concoctions!

This will go on and on ad infinitum because it is a boondoggle of epic proportions for the pharmaceutical industry and a way for the ruling class and their puppets like Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel and others to grab more power over their nation.

Speaking of power grabs; I have been warning you for over a year about the emerging Great Reset being promoted by the Davos jet setters. These billionaire megalomaniacs are using the COVID “crisis” (that some say they helped create and exploit) as a launching pad to further their nefarious agenda to reconfigure and reengineer the world and life as we know it. I don’t have the space to go into it here so check these Websites out:,   and

To recognize their agenda look for their buzz words like “climate change” and “environmental apocalypse”, “we’re all in this together” and “build back better’. They are vague enough and noble sounding to disguise the real intentions of the global elites which are: monopoly ownership of the planet, indirect rule over us and a radical orientation towards life, pushing their transhumanist agenda and what I call their Frankenstein genetic modification to create human, animal and technological cross breeds called chimeras, hybrids and mosaics. 

Don’t take my word for it watch these videos at and this one at  COVID is merely the linchpin for the launch of their Brave New World agenda of artificial intelligence, transhumanism and an evolving monopolistic socioeconomic order with the oligarchs at the top and the rest of us as serfs, peons and Zombies on the bottom.

We need to wake up from the stupor the oligarchs have induced via their fear mongering propaganda. . We have to shake off this fear based psychosis and retake our minds lest the powers that be succeed in driving us totally mad by destroying our minds (menticide). The ball is in our court, think for yourself, do not allow these psychopaths to punk you and make you afraid. We have the power and agency to shape and control our future, don’t give it away or allow anyone to take it from you!



Thursday, August 19, 2021


The Propaganda Similarities Between The War on Terror and COVID-19

Junious Ricardo Stanton


            The fall of Afghanistan joins a long list of modern US imperial debacles like the US/NATO caused wreckages of Yugoslavia, Iraq, the destruction of Libya and the crisis in Yemen. The corporate media is framing this like its Joe Biden’s fault when every president since George W. Bu$h has had a hand in this mess. Each if them is complicit in crimes against humanity.

Over two trillion dollars in US taxpayer funds has been spent on the Afghanistan fiasco and for what, to enrich the Military Industrial Security Complex?! The corporate and digital media owned by the oligarchy is spinning Afghanistan in a way that obfuscates the real deal, that we were duped into going along with imperial overreach via the psychological warfare waged by the elites on the American people! Propaganda, intimidation and coercion were used to force acquiesce and consent to a totally bogus “Global War on Terror”.  In the end, what have we gotten from this war, what benefits have you received, how much money did you get from these imperialist misadventures? How much of the CIA’s Afghanistan opium profits have you gotten?

Remember how following 9-11 pacifists were demonized? “You are either with us or you are with the terrorists” was the manta of the nitwit in the White House George W. Bu$h. Remember how the Neo Cons and corporate media vilified Congresswoman Barbara Lee because she was the only Congress person with the moral fortitude, prescience and love of humanity to vote against the invasion of Afghanistan?!  Remember how they tried to destroy Country and Western artists’ Dixie Chicks career. Did you know the Clear Channel media conglomerate compiled a list of peace songs or anti-war songs they forbade their DJs to play? Does anyone remember how the establishment hounded Ken Olberman and Phil Donahue off MSNBC because they opposed the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?! Do you remember how warmongers like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly rose in popularity and fame by parroting the party line about “jihadist terrorists”?

Do you see any similarities between what happened post 9-11 and what is going on nowadays with the COVID narrative and response? If not, you have failed to learn a valuable lesson of history, that governments lie and use intimidation to get their way. As we speak, opposition to the mitigation protocols against COVID is being attacked, suppressed and censored.  I had one of my videos taken off of YouTube!

The oligarchy uses the same ol’ playbook over and over again. If anything the fall of Afghanistan should reveal the propaganda and mind control games they run on us!

“To get a glimpse of our potential future, it’s worth considering past narratives pushed by governments. The war on terrorism has been promoted for years as an endless threat, and it’s conveniently created a blank check for defense and intelligence spending, funneling taxpayer cash into the pockets of defense contractors and their shareholders. Similarly, the war on climate change created carbon tax slush funds and transfers of wealth to underdeveloped countries under the guise of climate-change projects that are prone to misuse, exploitation and corruption.

In both cases, anyone not adhering to the narrative of the need to fight terrorism and climate change using government resources is treated the same way as those now questioning government’s insistence on introducing freedom-suppressing infrastructure under the pretext of managing a virus with an extremely low mortality rate.

And like the wars against terrorism and climate change, the war on COVID-19 has created true believers out of pure fear. There are no better pawns onto which to foist a fear-driven agenda. And what might that agenda be? It’s hard not to see that it amounts to some form of control.” Government COVID-19 propaganda follows a well-worn path, Rachel Marsden

The media is blaming Joe Biden as Afghanistan crumbles and rightly so because as a US senator he was a big time warmonger who supported every war, every police action and “intervention” the corporatists and Military Industrial Complex called for. Afghanistan is merely a snapshot in time revealing how the ruling class dupes and bamboozles us to get what they want which is compliance and control.

            The same tactics they used to sell the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are being used to sell COVID inoculations which by the way are causing serious side effects and injury.

Failing to learn the lessons of Viet Nam the psychopathic ruling class driven by hubris and lust for power have repeated the same mistakes, they could care less about the consequences; just like Big Pharma and their supporters have no concern whatsoever about our safety, health and well being.

 Now they are telling folks they’ll need boosters to protect them from ever mutating variants. Duh, to survive all viruses either mutates or they die. That doesn’t automatically make them more lethal. It will be like the flu shot only now they are coercing everyone to take it. Their revenues will be in the trillions, just like the Military Industrial Complex war profits.

The same game plan, the same BS will equal the same results unless we take back our minds and our lives by resisting just like many of us resisted the Viet Nam War and the imperial overreach of Afghanistan and Iraq.




Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Woe Unto Them Who ...


Woe Unto Them Who…

Junious Ricardo Stanton


            We are living in a time of universal deceit, of out in the open wickedness and societal corruption of biblical proportions akin to Sodom and Gomorrah. Our governments disseminate falsehoods, whole industries like advertising, public relations, sales and the media are based upon lies, deceit and exaggerations. Unbridled greed, callousness and lack of empathy are rampant. Giant corporations manufacture and sell pharmaceuticals and routinely market lethal products they know are harmful. When caught they only have to pay fines, none of their executives ever go to jail!

            The whole COVID response has deliberately turned the world upside down.  We were originally asked to shelter in place (SIP) for two weeks to “slow the spread” but two weeks turned into well over a year and a half in direct contravention to all known modalities for treating epidemics and pandemics. This is the first time in known history healthy people were quarantined, isolated and asked to refrain from productive activity and earning a living. This is the first time in history where non-scientists, bureaucrats, unelected technocrats and billionaires set public health policies not just for one or two nations or regions but for the whole world! This is totally unprecedented.

 How did we allow this to happen? Why have our elected officials failed to seek our opinions, not listened to our concerns, refused to engage in open dialogue and not even allowed us to ask questions? How come vaccines are touted as the only remedy or treatment modality? How come most politicians and “public health officials” have proffered and recommend only one response?  How is it ordinary people are not allowed to ask questions or disagree in public without censure, being deplatformed on monopoly social media platforms, dismissed, ridiculed, ostracized or demonized? Why are debate and counter factual evidence completely excluded from the conversation?

Donald Rumsfeld one of the main members of the George W. Bu$h administration, the group who lied us into invading Afghanistan and Iraq died a few weeks ago. There was no major mention of his passing in the corporate or monopoly digital media. Could it be the powers that be didn’t want the passing of a liar and warmonger like Rumsfeld brought to our attention lest we make the connection between the obvious similarities between the current COVID propaganda; the constant fear mongering moving the goalposts, saying this will be a multi year problem and the lies about 9-11, WMD’s, mushroom clouds and the need for a generational “global war on terror”?

There was a time when humans discerned there were direct consequences of our thoughts, words and actions, that they were prime causative factors in life. The Hermetic Law of Causation states, “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” 

This erudite wisdom was passed from the ancient Africans on the Nile Valley throughout the known world. It is a universal axiom; it applies to all things on every level. It is has many similarities, we are familiar with the phrases, “you reap what you sow”, “what goes around comes around” “payback is a dog”, or simply Karma.

In the Bible the word woe means grief, anguish, misfortune but it is also used to convey the notion of consequences, calamity, divine judgment, retribution and admonition. For example in the Hebrew Bible the prophet Isaiah says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight. Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine and men of strength to mingle strong drink which justify the wicked for reward and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him.” Isaiah 5:20-23

In the Christian New Testament Yeshua Ben Joseph said, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter but within they are full of extortion and excess, Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also.” Matthew 23: 25-26

In both examples woes were pronounced upon the wicked and the hypocrites, not to be mean spirited or holier than thou, but to point out the horrible consequences of their consciousness and behavior. Today high placed sociopaths and megalomaniacs think there will be no negative consequences, for their actions, that they can commit evil with impunity. I say we pronounce woes on Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Klaus Swab and coldhearted elected officials, bureaucrats and technocrats because of their lies, their greed, callousness and evil. I say woe unto them who frighten the young and the old, woe to them who disrupt society without just cause! I say woe unto those who put profit before people, who create chaos who deliberately injure and harm innocent people. Woe unto them and may their consequences fit their actions.





Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Don't Say You Weren't Warned

                                                 Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned

Junious Ricardo Stanton


“The global-capitalist ruling establishment is implementing a new, more openly totalitarian structure of society and method of rule. They are revoking our constitutional and human rights, transferring power out of sovereign governments and democratic institutions into unaccountable global entities that have no allegiance to any nation or its people. That is what is happening … right now. It isn’t a TV show. It’s actually happening.” The Road to Totalitarianism


            For decades I have been warning about the steady, incremental and relentless tilt towards tyranny or what I call neo-feudal technocratic fascism. 9-11 was a major turning point that allowed the plotters and usurpers within the government to rapidly redirect US foreign and domestic policies towards rule by a cabalistic totalitarian government under the guise of keeping us safe and waging a “global war on terrorism”.

 9-11 was used to allow the executive branch of the US government to gain escalating powers to spy on, arrest and detain US citizens without just cause, dismiss habeas corpus and even kill us extra judicially! All this was done under cover of law THE USA Patriot ACT and National Defense Authorizations Acts to be exact both which have been renewed, reaffirmed and kept in effect all these years later.

The corporate media working in cahoots with the government made it seem like there was a Jihadist around every corner or under our beds and the simpleton President said “you are either with us or you’re with the terrorists” whenever critics questioned his rush to war.

Similarly with the COVID crisis the media makes it seem like its the plague, that we are being overrun, overwhelmed and consumed by pathogens which is not the case. Now our cognitively declining President is pressuring government workers to take the COVID injection or get tested repeatedly. Biden is surreptitiously mandating the injections via coercion by inconvenience. Several governors and mayors are following suit as are increasing numbers of corporations. Their goal is to inject the world, think of all the money they are counting on raking in. It’s not about public health, it’s about profits!

Since 9-11, the illegitimate operations and programs run by the government like COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos are now perfectly lawful and permissible. 9-11 was twenty years ago yet we are still living under ever expanding surveillance and monitoring, still occupying foreign nations that had nothing whatsoever to do with 9-11 (remember the lies our government told us about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be completely bogus)!

Based on that, anyone who thinks we are going back to “normal” once COVID clears (if ever) is totally delusional. We are witnessing and experiencing more and more autocratic moves by the government from the President to governors, mayors and even unelected bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci setting policy and policies that go against time honored methods for mitigating health crisis. And now we find out the COVID injections don’t stop you from getting COVID.

Just like the official stories about the assassinations of JFK, Martin Luther King Jr. and RFK and the official narrative about 9-11 don’t add up or make sense, the constant flip-flopping by Fauci, the suppression and censorship of alternative treatment modalities are a sure indication the COVID narrative is not wholly true.

Demonstrations and protests have erupted around the world against the autocratic heavy handed lockdowns and social restrictions. There have been recent clashes between police, military and protestors in cities like Berlin Germany, Paris France and in Italy, London England and Spain.

You won’t see this on the nightly news; the owners of the media conglomerates don’t want us getting any ideas about protesting and resisting their fascist agenda. The globalati, the oligarchic elites behind this “brave new world” are clearly not going to back down. There is too much money involved and too much power to be usurped.

There is a strong global resistance to their policies and tactics so it is probable we are heading for a protracted struggle and possible confrontation. Leaders like Tanzania’s John Magafuli who resisted the WHO narrative and exposed the utter con of COVID tests mysteriously died. Others like Belarus president Aleksandr Lukashenko and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro who openly defied the West on their COVID injections are under not so clandestine attack by the West because of it. Sweden refused to lockdown their nation and was demonized by the Western press. Lo and behold Sweden’s deaths and infections weren’t as bad as many countries that did lock down!

In the US the unvaccinated and skeptics are going to be scapegoated and targets of media, government and or mob actions like Hitler demonized the communists, like Nixon targeted the anti-war and Black Power movements and George W. Bu$h used Muslims to further their power grabbing agendas. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

