Actualize Your Innate Divinity
Actualize Your Innate Divinity “ In our ordinary waking state, we primarily experience beta brain waves (which vibrate at a frequency ranging from about 13 to 30 hertz or cycles per second). During deep relaxation, we move to alpha waves (8-13 Hz) and we ordinarily only experience theta waves (4-7 Hz) in those brief moments between waking and sleeping. The ultra slow delta waves (0.5-4 Hz) occur during sleep. Scientists have found that when meditators reach a state of deep awareness and internal mental serenity the two hemispheres of their brain--which ordinarily generate brain waves of different frequencies and amplitudes--become synchronized, both hemispheres generating the same brain waves. The left and right hemispheres of our brains appear to produce different brain functions. The left hemisphere is active in linear, logical, practical, and time orientated activities while the right hemisphere seems to be much more non-linear, abstract, creative, wholistic, and non-logical.” Brain Mind and Altered States of Consciousness, Norman D. Livergood
“... behold the Kingdom of God is within you.” Yeshua Ben Joseph
The mind control apparatus of the ruling oligarchy is actively dummying us down, desecrating (debauching our divinity) us and orienting us towards total manipulation to the point the whole world becomes subsumed in their debased values, virulent class stratification, wage and debt peonage. The ruling elites’ goal is to debase and devolve humanity so the masses are easily duped and controlled. Their predatory and perverse will and agenda to dominate the world includes a nefarious plan to reduce us to lower than animals. Look around you, the AmeriKKKan economy, the AmeriKKKan political system are crumbling and the psycho-social fabric of AmeriKKKan culture is degenerating to barbarian levels. The fascism now taking hold of AmeriKKKa is just the beginning of a planned nightmare that will make life under the likes of Stalin, Hitler and Idi Amin look like the good ol’ days. What can we do to derail their vile schemes? Do we need to take to the streets, is massive civil disobedience or revolution the solution? A wise man once said, “before kingdoms change, men must change.” By that reckoning revolution may not be the answer. I’m not suggesting a change of government in AmeriKKKa, one based on the highest ideals of humanity, truth, justice, harmony and righteousness (what our ancient African ancestors called Ma’at) is not possible. What I am saying is for that to come into reality we must change our consciousness, change our self-image and change how we relate to one another. The key to the fascists winning and dominating the world is to allow them to continue to manipulate our thinking with and by their fiendish propaganda apparatus. One way to beat them is to become discerning and discriminating about the media, images and information we consume. Ideas and images rule the world, whose ideas and images are you internalizing. If you are internalizing what you see on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post or L.A. times you need to cease and desist! If you think all we are is flesh and blood and the universe is the result of a random, unplanned accidental explosion think again!
We are powerful beings in our own right. Even the depraved religions that are tearing up the world with their doctrinal bickering and internecine wars, whose elites profess to follow the revelations and commandments of their glacial god, holy books tell us “ye are sons and daughters of the most high.” Unfortunately the hierarchies of these religions are too busy amassing temporal and financial power to teach their followers the profound implications of this message! There is more to us than meets the naked eye. We are physical beings animated by a vital energy or life force that originates from the CREATOR, the source of all creation. As such, we are divine beings. On the physical plane some of this animating energy can be measured by mechanical instruments. For example an EKG can measure the beats of the human heart by electrical recording. An EEG is a machine that measures the electrical output and patterns of the human brain. It is obvious part of the human make up is electromagnetic and there are machines that can measure or chart some of our innate dynamism. It is interesting to know that prolonged watching of television actually alters the viewer’s brain waves. This has been proven. In effect we are giving our power to others to use to manipulate us, bamboozle us and trick us into doing things that are not in our best interests such as eating certain foods or engaging in certain behavioral patterns.
We are powerful beings, sentient entities with the power to think, cogitate and create within our mind’s eye, images, pictures and scenes and act upon them with varying degrees of industriousness. These ideas can be either for our good or our detriment. By watching too much television and consuming too much, media we allow others outside of ourselves to influence our thoughts and ideas about life, ourselves and the world. We have the ability to think for ourselves make independent assessments of reality and define the world for ourselves. Let’s use this power, let’s strengthen our mental faculties by thinking, applying ourselves and solving challenging problems rather than giving up or imitating the duffus caricatures we see in the media. We can do much to control our destiny, our health and our futures. We can actualize and harness the full power of our brains by employing simultaneous hemispheric processing (whole brain functioning). We Africans have a long tradition of activating and using the right hemisphere to reach into the spirit world for information, inspiration, intuition and altered states of consciousness. We developed rituals and ceremonies that induced traces, “possessions” and altered states of consciousness that provided deep insight into and powerful solutions to human problems beyond the realm of mere sensory input. This whole brained functioning lead to a deep understanding of the complexities of the human make up and established ways of governance that created societies stressing good character, high morality and ethics, co-operation, complimentary gender roles and mutual assistance. Now we are being programmed for incivility, violence, predation, social balkanization and cannibalism by the ruling elites and their media flunkies. We don’t have to go out like this!
Learn to meditate and lower your brain wave activity. Learn to relax and utilize the Alpha and Theta levels to program (reprogram) your subconscious mind. Consciously use these techniques to improve your self-image and expectations. Actualize your aspirations (destiny and DIVINE mission) and fashion your immediate environment by visualizing what you want and how you want your world to be during the pre-sleep and pre-waking stages, then let the images go by turning your visions over to the universe and waiting expectantly but still do whatever is essential to actualize your dreams. Change the way you think. Change the way you use your innate powers of cogitation, visualization and emotion because energy follows thought (ideas, symbols and images). Before kingdoms change, people must change. Change requires thinking, believing, feeling and acting differently. Your degree of change will determine the changes in your life/world.
MEE Productions Offers A New Video to Empower Black Males
MEE Productions Offers A New Video to Empower Black Males MEE Productions a marketing, research and production company that focuses on ways to reach and positively impact urban youth has released a new video entitled
Successfully Mastering the Journey for African American Male Youth. The video was recently screened at the Atlanta’s Black Man Film Festival to favorable reviews. MEE Productions founder and CEO Ivan Juzang was introduced to the film’s subject Dr. Joe White, a pioneering African centered psychologist, by Dr. Asa Hilliard who considers Dr. White his mentor in the fields of psychology and pedagogy . Dr. White is looked upon by many as a pioneer in the field of “Black Psychology”. He is the author of several books including:
The Psychology of Blacks An African-American Perspective,
The Troubled Adolescent and
Black Man Emerging. Currently Dr. White is Professor Emeritus of University of California Irvine and is considered one of the founding father’s of Black Psychology. From Asa Hilliard’s introduction, Ivan Juzang decided to produce a short film on Dr. White as he shared his insights on the best ways to empower African-American male youth and assist them navigating life in an often extremely hostile social and emotional environment. Dr. White espouses drawing on the historical strengths of the African-American community so black males develop effective coping skills necessary to thrive and succeed in an openly hostile environment. The video was taped at a conference on male violence at Temple University and features Dr. White dispensing information, wisdom and profundity in an earthy style all black folks can relate to. “I felt it is important for us to share Dr. White’s insights on the framework people need to consider when working with black males. The thing is, he talks about the challenges and he talks about the strengths that we need to cultivate in black men. The great thing about it is, it doesn’t say you have to do it this way or that way, it establishes an essential framework. Here are the challenges all black men are gonna face and here are some of the strengths that they need so that people who have different programs can incorporate these strengths into their model but use their model in the overall Dr. White framework.” Explained Juzang.
The video is twenty six minutes long and packed full of information beneficial for the practical application of seven virtues and strengths all black men should master. Dr, White articulates and expounds upon the seven strengths Africans in America have demonstrated since being brought to this hemisphere, that must be modeled, cultivated and encouraged amongst all black boys. The seven strengths are: improvisation (spontaneous innovation and creativity on the fly), resilience (the ability to bounce back- to mend and get stronger in the broken places), a connectedness to others a sense of community and belonging, spirituality (soul power), emotional vitality emotionally well rounded and grounded, gallows humor (the ability to laugh at ourselves and our situation during the most trying times) and a healthy suspicion of white folks (don’t believe everything white folks say). Dr. White’s latest book
Black Fathers An Invisible Presence in America is about the often unheralded positive contributions black fathers make to their children’s development. It is scheduled for release in December 2005. The video captures Dr. White’s sense of humor and his uncanny his ability to connect with the conference audience, capture their attention and have them hanging on his every word. The video offers excellent source material for parents, mentors and groups working with African-American males. Dr White is credited with being a major influence on his students and a role model and mentor for a whole cadre of Black Psychologists around the country.
Successfully Mastering the Journey For African American Male Youth retails for $19.95 plus shipping and handling. For more information visit or call (215) 829-4920.
Does Congress Work For You? (Part 2)
Does Congress Work For You? (Part 2) “The cost-of-living increase for members of Congress which will put pay for the rank and file at an estimated $165,200 a year marked a brief truce in the pitched political battles that have flared in recent weeks on the war and domestic issues. So much so that the issue was not mentioned on the floor of either the House or Senate as lawmakers worked on legislation whose passage will assure bigger paychecks. Lawmakers automatically receive a cost of living increase each year, unless Congress votes to block it. By tradition, critics have tried to block increases by attaching a provision to the legislation that provides funding for the Treasury Department. One such attempt succeeded in the Senate earlier in the year, but the provision was omitted from the compromise measure moved toward final approval. The overall bill provided $140 billion for transportation, housing and other programs. It cleared the House on a vote of 392-31. Senate passage was by voice vote. Pay raise harmony aside, Republicans spent the day celebrating a party-line, post-midnight vote in which the House cleared legislation to reduce deficits by $50 billion over five years. The vote was 217-215, with all the Democrats who voted in opposition, along with 14 GOP rebels.” Washington Post 11-18-05
While most wage earners are struggling to make ends meet during a time of wage stagnation and rising costs our Congress critters in Washington D.C. gave themselves a pay increase. I normally wouldn’t begrudge them getting more money but it just seems wrong for them to pad their paychecks while they cut benefits for poor people and give huge tax breaks to the super rich. This is the height of disconnect and hubris How can these people who are elected by the people so cavalierly disregard the economic realities their policies create? They pass so called “free trade” bills that send AmeriKKKan jobs overseas and force AmeriKKKan workers to compete with sweat shop and slave wages overseas. They cut billions in domestic social programs like Food Stamps and college loans, yet rubber stamp no bid contracts and defense requests to keep the carnage going in Iraq and Afghanistan. They routinely dole out mega bucks to corporate slicksters and conmen who rob us blind on projects like hurricane disaster relief, the so called rebuilding of Iraq, HUD and Department of Defense Programs. When will we wake up? How long will we allow the bagmen and women in Congress (most of them have their hands out grubbing for lobbyist and special interest dollars to fatten their campaign coffers and line their own pockets. Someone once called them “the best Congress money can buy”) to piss on us and then tell us it’s raining? Imagine the audacity of your local Congress critter telling you he or she voted for spending cuts when they never vote against the failed and insane fiscal polices of George W. Bu$h; the very policies Bu$h’s father called “Voodoo Economics” when he ran against Ronald Reagan in the ‘84 primaries. Reaganomics or trickle down policies failed then and the accelerated version of the Bu$h administration is proving equally disastrous for this country now. Yet our Congress citters continue to cow tow to the NeoConmen’s agenda of bankrupting this nation while looting its coffers via perpetual war, fraud and insider good ol’ boy boondoggles. Yet they cry poor and fiscal responsibility when it comes time to do something to help poor people and working class folks ? FEMA claims it is out of money to help the evacuees of Hurricane Katrina. How did that happen? You think No Bid contracts to favored good ol boy networks like Halliburton or Bechtel had anything to do with it?
Then the money grubbers turn around and give themselves a pay raise this means a rank and file, not a long tenured ranking member or Committee Chairperson but your average Joe Congressman will earn $3,100 more a year, boosting their annual pay to about $165,200! This doesn’t count the automatic cost of living allowance they get (unless they vote to block it, which they rarely do). How many of you reading this just got a $3,100 raise or make $165,000 a year? If they were taking care of the people’s business I’d say more power to ‘em but AmeriKKKa is in shambles and because of their spinlessness, Bu$h does whatever he wants and gets just about everything he and his handlers ask for. Have you checked the national debt lately? Does it bother you the government is borrowing two billion dollars a day to cover the costs of operations including the costs of its psychopathic imperial overreach? Does it make sense to reward people for this kind of idiocy? I can think of a few good ways to get their attention. One is on election day 2006.
Does Congress Really Represent Us?
Does Congress Really Represent Us? WASHINGTON - The Republican-controlled House spurned calls for an immediate pullout of troops from Iraq in a vote hastily arranged by the GOP that Democrats vociferously denounced as politically motivated. To cut and run would invite terrorism into our backyards, and no one wants to see troops fighting terrorism on American soil, Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., said Friday night after the House, as planned, rejected a GOP-written resolution for immediate withdrawal. The vote, held as lawmakers rushed toward a two-week Thanksgiving break, was 403-3. Democrats accused Republicans of orchestrating a political stunt that prohibited thoughtful debate on the issue, and nearly all voted against the measure.- Yahoo News Associated Press 11-19-05
Do our elected officials really represent us? Do they listen to the people and vote according to the wishes of their constituents? I don’t think so. On Thursday the Republican controlled House of representatives voted 403 to 3 to reject a call for an immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and then they sashayed out the doors on their way home for a two week vacation. Wonder how many of your Congress critters will show their faces at Thanksgiving Day parades in districts that have strong anti-war and anti-Bu$h administration sentiment? Only three Congressperson had the guts to vote to end the carnage and bring the troops home: Three Democrats, Jose Serrano of New York, Robert Wexler of Florida and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, voted for withdrawal. Hooray for them What happened to rest of the Democrats, why have they still not fixed their minds or stiffened their spines enough to vote against this fiasco. How many more innocent Iraqis have to die before we realize this invasion and occupation are immoral. How many more US soldiers, Marines and support personnel have to be sacrificed on the NeoCon altar of imperial overreach before the rest of us wake up? How is it sixty five per cent of the AmeriKKKan people say they think Bu$h misled them (lied) about Saddam Hussein and WMD and the policies remain the same? Why haven’t the AmeriKKKan people risen up to demand their elected officials bring George W. Bu$h, Dick Cheney and the rest of the NeoCon weasels to justice? How is it AmeriKKKans can look themselves in the mirror every day and not vomit from excruciating shame and guilt? There were no WMD, despite the claims of Bu$h, Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld (who said he knew they were, “around the area of Tikrit”) Powell, Tenant, Rice, Wolfowitz and the rest of the liars. There was no link between Saddam Hussein and 9-11 nor Saddam Hussein and Osama bin-Laden as Bu$h and Co. claimed. There was nothing to link Saddam Hussein to 9-11 despite what people like Judith Miller of the New York Times, or what Fox News, MSNBC, PBS the Washington Post and LA Times told us over and over again. Even the bogus 9-11 Commission whose mission it was to cover up and obfuscate the facts surrounding government complicity and turpitude in 9-11 admitted there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and 9-11!
If public opinion polls reveal AmeriKKKans oppose the situation in Iraq and feel the president and congress should rethink the role of the US there, why aren’t the elected representatives listening and responding accordingly? An article dated 11-17-05 which appeared in the online version of the Boston Globe under the headline Poll-watching Pols Now Say No on Iraq stated,
“As Go the Polls, so go the Pols. According to the most recent CNN/Gallup/ USA Today survey, 63 percent of Americans disapprove of the situation in Iraq. In essence, the question Cindy Sheehan tried to ask President Bush in Crawford, Texas, last August -- why did my son die in Iraq? -- is resonating across the country. And so, the time has come for America's politicians to line up bravely behind the public.” Granted this is a Boston paper (according to the right wingers, Massachusetts is supposedly a liberal state, whatever that means) but they make an honest point. If the overwhelming majority of AmeriKKKans feel the war is wrong, the occupation has become a quagmire and the troops are in mortal danger and should be withdrawn, why haven’t the politicians acceded to our wishes? Whose agenda are the Bu$h Cabal and Congress following? Certainly not our’s. Why haven’t we sent them into retirement via the ballot , or taken to the streets in protest? Why haven’t men and women of conscience fomented general strikes or massive demonstrations and civil disobedience to get our point across to our Congressmen and women? Are we that cowardly? Are Jose Serrano of New York, Robert Wexler of Florida and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia the only ones in Congress who get it? The rest of the Congressional money grubbers are playing games with people’s lives. This is unacceptable. How many more US military personnel will die over the Congressional holiday break because of the games these fascist bag men and women are playing? While our Congresspersons are home stuffing their faces and Bu$h and Co. are stumping the globe trying to stem the free fall of their approval ratings and credibility, people of conscience should send them a few million letters letting them know they’ll soon have to choose between their voting constituents and the Military Industrial Complex , the oil companies and foreign lobbyists. If these fascists pretend they don’ t hear us, we vote them out of office in 2006 and raise Holy hell in the meantime!
The Plot Thickens
The Plot Thickens WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 - The disclosure that a current or former Bush administration official told Bob Woodward of The Washington Post more than two years ago that the wife of a prominent administration critic worked for the C.I.A. threatened Wednesday to prolong a politically damaging leak investigation that the White House had hoped would soon be contained. The revelation left the special prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, grappling with an unexpected new twist - one that he had not uncovered in an exhaustive inquiry - and gave lawyers for I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff and the only official charged with a crime, fresh evidence to support his defense. New York Times 11-16-05
Just when you thought things couldn’t get screwier, the New York Times reported on November 16, that longtime Washington Post (another newspaper of record for the ruling elites) investigative reporter, author and shill for the New World Order, Robert Woodard was himself informed by a Bu$h administration official Valerie Plame was a CIA covert operative. Woodard who from his perch as an associate editor for the Washington Post has pooh poohed the whole investigation into who outed Valerie Plame’s status as a covert CIA operative, confessed to his bosses at the Post a Bu$h administration official whom he did not name informed him in June of 2003 that Mrs. Wilson was a CIA agent. This revelation throws the whole Plamegate investigation in turmoil, casting doubt on Fitzgerald’s thoroughness. As you know Special Prosecutor Patrick J Fitzgerald’s investigation led to the indictment of I Lewis “Scooter” Libby Dick Cheney’s aid on charges of lying to the Grand Jury and providing false testimony. The Libby indictment was another nail in the coffin of a Bu$h administration that is steadily losing credibility and experiencing plummeting approval ratings. Bu$h only has an approval rating of thirty- five per cent (no one knows who these people are). What this means is the vast majority of AmeriKKKans think Bu$H is dishonest, inept and they are anxious about he way the country is headed. This latest fiasco merely points out just how disingenuous and roguish Beltway politics are. Robert Woodard gained national fame when he and his partner Carl Bernstein followed up on the little covered (at the time) break-in at the Democratic Party’s National Headquarters in the Watergate Apartment complex in Washington D.C. Their diligent and relentless probing lead to the Nixon administration’s attempt to cover up their bungling “dirty tricks” which subsequently lead to Nixon resigning rather than face eminent impeachment by the House and Senate. Bernstein and Woodard became household names, there was even a motion picture made of them. Woodard went on to write best selling books gain insider status in several administrations and become a Washington Post editor, media commentator and a popular icon on the speaking circuit. Now it seems he is involved in some way with this whole Plame case.
Now we’re expected to believe he knew over two years ago Valerie Plame was a CIA operative since he was told by a member of the Bu$h administration and he said nothing until just a few days ago!? For a media icon like Woodard to suddenly get dragged into this case, makes me think something is very fishy. By his entrance into the controversy, Woodard becomes lighting rod for freedom of the press and confidentiality issues. His involvement provides a distraction that gets ths the Bu$h administration temporarily off the hook and out of the spotlight (until their next fiasco) but it may have an adverse impact on Fitzgerald’s case, at least in the public’s mind. The Bu$h administration is on the offensive attempting to win back its defecting core base of fascist dolts and religious fanatics by crassly defending the indefensible, their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq by saying his critics are rewriting history!? The Plame case is really about the lies Bu$h and people in the corporate media like Judith Miller and Robert Woodard used to dupe the spineless ad compliant money grubbers in Congress to go along with Bu$h’s imperial overreach. The fact Saddam Hussein had no WMD and the Downing Street memos reveal Bu$h lied, the fact the occupation and setting up of a puppet government in Iraq are not going well have caused even the most comatose AmeriKKKans to rethink their opinions abut Bu$h. The fact the US economy (which doesn’t get nearly the attention and analysis it should in the corporate mind control apparatus) is not doing well from a wage earner’s perspective; the fact Bu$h is trying to privatize Social Security and do away with all New Deal social welfare programs while giving his super rich buddies no bid contracts and massive tax breaks dos not sit will with the average AmeriKKKan no matter how uninformed they may be about politics. All these factors have resulted in Bu$h’s approval ratings goig down the toilet. Keep an eye on the Woodard development, it may be a red herring. Already I’ve seen posts stating Plamegate is “an attack on freedom of the press”. It may be a diversion using Robert Woodard who was canonized as an icon for “journalistic integrity” in the ‘70's but who in recent years has been a shill for the New World Order and whose newspaper, the Washington Post, uncritically supports Bu$h’s NeoCon agenda to take distract attention from the administration’s sagging performance and polls. Or it may signal more evidence of Bu$h administration and media collusion to dupe the nation into war. Keep your eyes on this in the coming days, week and months.
More Bizzaro World Spin From Bu$h “In a Veterans Day speech on Friday, delivered to troops and others at the Tobyhanna Army Depot in Pennsylvania, George W. Bush veered from the usual commemoration of sacrifice to strike at critics who have questioned whether he steered the country into war by using false information. This has become a tough and troubling issue for his presidency. A poll taken before his speech found that 57 percent of the respondents now believe that Bush "deliberately misled" the nation into war. That is astounding and, I assume, without precedent in history. Has there been another wartime period during which a majority of Americans believed the president had purposefully bamboozled them about the reasons for that war? Addressing this charge is tough for Bush because it calls more attention to it, and the on-ground-realities in Iraq only cause more popular unease with the war. But Bush and his aides calculated that it was better to punch back than ignore the criticism, and that's a sign that they're worried that Bush is coming to be defined as a president who conned the nation into an ugly war. So Bush tried.”- 11-14-05
Out of sheer desperation the Bu$h cabal and their NeoConmen cronies are out to salvage what is left of the administration’s shrinking credibility. Weekly public opinion polls reveal Bu$h’s approval rating are sinking lower and lower and fully over half of the AmeriKKKan people now say they distrust Bu$h. They think he deliberately “mislead”( a corporate media euphemism for lied) to invade and occupy Iraq. So on Veteran’s Day Bu$h began his campaign to reinterpret history and defend his imperialism. Unfortunately for Bu$h and Co. the people know there weren’t any WMD nor did Saddam Hussein attempt to secure uranium from Niger to facilitate a nuclear weapons program! The chickens (lies) are coming home to roost. But Bu$h the cheerleader he was, is going to give it the ol’ college try, he and his snake oil selling NeoConmen are set to hype up his lies he acted on the information he had, the world is a better place now that Saddam Hussein is gone and AmeriKKKa is doing God’s work spreading freedom and democracy in the region. Yeah right. If you believe that I have some swamp land to sell you real expensive. Over 2,000 US fatalities (the number is really higher when you count all the wounded who died in route to hospital in Germany and in the hospitals once they arrived) the ignominy of the prison abuse scandals, over 100,000 Iraqis killed in senseless operations like Fallujah, the world shrieking in disgust and loathing at AmeriKKKa’s fascist imperialism and the US treasury awash in red ink to pay for this debacle (to the tune of two billion dollars a day) Bu$H expects us to go for more of his okie-doke? I don’t think so. The damage is already done. Too many folks are waking up and singing along with John Newton, “I once was blind but now I see.” They see the NeoCon for what they are, ruthless warmongers who will send other people’s children to die to fatten their pockets and pursue the geopolitical interests of Israel. You have to give him credit, feeble as he is, at least his handlers sent him out on Veteran’s Day to attempt to bamboozle and dupe the people one more time. Bu$h is credited as once saying, at a fund raising event ,“You can fool all of the people all of the time, these are the ones we want to concentrate on.” As Ronald Reagan would say, “There he goes again.” Not only is Bu$h hitting back but the diehard NeoCon media are backing him up now also. In the past few days there has been a rash of statements speeches and articles by $h supporters debunking the notion they lied to send the nation to war and defending the “intelligence” Bu$h used to justify the carnage of “shock and awe” and the resulting post invasion disaster.
The warmongers are panicking and are trying to spin reality to make it seem like Bu$h used the best intelligence and the full US Congress was well informed and they went along with the invasion based upon well founded intelligence about WMD. What else could he say other than come clean and say, “Yeah we lied.” That’s not going to happen. Bu$H is a sociopath and as such, Truth is totally foreign to him. As the war drags on and as casualties escalate and the cost of war skyrockets to the detriment of social program and the economy, the people will get increasingly restless. Now there is evenmore talk about impeachment. The indictment of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby (what kind of adult still calls himself “Scooter”?) Dick Cheney’s top aid in the Valerie Plame outing has further damaged the Bu$h-Cheney cabal’s credibility. Bu$h and Cheney aren’t the only ones feeling the pinch. Newspapers in general and papers of record like the New York Times are also taking a hit. Readership is down, people are tired of being lied to. So both Bu$h and the media are on the offensive. The problem for them is the more they lie the more they damage their credibility. If Bu$h were Pinochio his nose would be the size of the Empire State Building! They are really desperate, their war for oil and dollar hegemony is not going well and they have to dupe the AmeriKKKan people so they cannon fodder and suckers to wage perpetual war in Iraq, Afghanistan as they try to steal the oil from Iran, Syria and Venezuela. The public is hip to the con game of bogus color coded terror alerts and as more and more truth is revealed, Bu$h and his cronies get increasingly desperate. So be prepared for more lies and distortions. Look for more NeoConmen of various stripes, to sell their snake oil of AmeriKKKan imperialism touting the benefits of war crimes and torture. The more they do this, and the worse the situation in Iraq becomes; the more uneasy the public will get, the worse his approval ratings will be.
The Never Ending Depravity of US Fascists
The Never Ending Depravity of US Fascists “A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and ‘restore his image as a leader of the American people.’ The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to bring the Republican party back from the political brink, including a devastating attack by terrorists that could ‘validate’ the President’s war on terror and allow Bush to ‘unite the country’ in a ‘time of national shock and sorrow.’ The memo says such a reversal in the President's fortunes could keep the party from losing control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections. GOP insiders who have seen the memo admit it’s a risky strategy and point out that such scenarios are ‘blue sky thinking’ that often occurs in political planning sessions.” - Doug Thompson Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue Nov 10, 2005, 06:19
As the reported dead toll of US soldiers creeps past 2,000 (the actual death count is much higher when those who died in route to the US hospitals in Germany and in the hospital itself are included), as even the corporate media public opinion polls show, Bu$h’s approval ratings sinking lower and lower, the Valerie Plame scandal gets closer and closer to the White House and the US economy unravels even more, the NeoConmen are plotting ways to further dupe, trick and manipulate the AmeriKKKan people. The tragic reality is their latest plan demonstrates just how psychopathic they really are. Doug Thompson the publisher of the Capital Hill Blue Website reported on November 10 about a secret internal memo put out by “senior Republican leaders” intimating that another terrorist attack on US soil could help restore the image of George W Bu$h as a resolute and decisive leader, energize waning support for his bogus war on terror and galvanize the masses during the time of shock, fear and sorrow just like he did following 9-11. For those of us with short memories, prior to 9-11 Bu$h’s approval rating were not great ad in fact were fluctuating between mid 60% to a low of 50%. Then magically immediately following 9-11 his approval ratings soured to 90%. Research by University of Buffalo professor James R. Meindl shows that prior to 9-11 Bu$h was not viewed as particularly charismatic and his speeches and public pronouncements and (this is the key part) media coverage did not generate feelings or sense Bu$h was a charismatic leader. Professor Meindl reviewed speeches radio talks and media coverage before and after 9-11 found and came up with an interesting discovery. An article in the University of Buffalo Reporter said,
“Using a computerized dictionary of charismatic themes and language, James R. Meindl—a renowned researcher on the attributes of charisma and leadership—analyzed text from all of Bush's major speeches and radio addresses before and since 9/11, as well as news media coverage of the speeches. He found that Bush's rhetoric and word usage became much more charismatic after 9/11, as did language used by media to describe and depict Bush's leadership after the terrorist attacks.” This is interesting to say the least. It shows a deliberate effort onthe part of Bu$h’s speech writers and the media to control the emotions of AmeriKKKans immediately following the shock of 9-11, a time when people were most vulnerable and susceptible to psychological manipulation. The article explains
“According to Meindl, Bush's skillful use of charismatic rhetoric enabled him to appear decisive; build a common, positive vision of the future and emotionally connect with Americans—all of which helped to ease people's fears and gain their support for the war on terrorism... In the study, Meindl and co-researchers Michelle C. Bligh and Jeffrey C. Kohles—former doctoral students in the School of Management—analyzed the content of 74 Bush speeches and radio addresses, as well as 442 articles and transcripts from 35 national media that covered Bush's speeches before and after 9/11.They found that Bush's post-9/11 speeches contained more words indicating action (words such as prevent, overcome, leadership), adversity (cruel, grief, injustices), collectivity (humanity, country, world), values and morality (God-fearing, hope, liberty) and the worth and similarity of Americans (courage, patriotism, ourselves). Conversely, the analysis showed that Bush's speeches after 9/11 contained fewer references to self (I, me, my), passivity (allow, refrain, submit) and ambivalence (perhaps, might, almost). Likewise, Meindl's analysis of media transcripts showed many of these charismatic words and themes being used by the media to critique the effectiveness of Bush's speeches and characterize his leadership.” It was a two pronged psychological operation employing Bu$h’s speech writers and the corporate mass media propaganda to manipulate the thinking and emotions of the AmeriKKKan people.
This is why the Republican leadership is suggesting another ‘terrorist attack” might help reverse Bu$h’s plummeting ratings and save their sorry behinds from being run out of office. Their unscrupulous depravity knows no bounds. Their desperation is showing. Of course when they say “another terrorist attack” what they mean is another false flag operation executed by US rogue elements or one of their client agencies or countries just like 9-11 or the British SAS officers who were captured and subsequently rescued in Basra posing as Iraqis who had a carload of incendiary devices and explosives! Thompson’s Capital Hill Blue piece states,
“ ‘The President’s popularity was at an all-time high following the 9/11 attacks,’ admits one aide. ‘Americans band together at a time of crisis.’ Other Republicans, however, worry that such a scenario carries high risk, pointing out that an attack might suggest the President has not done enough to protect the country.’We also have to face the fact that many Americans no longer trust the President,’ says a longtime GOP strategist. ‘That makes it harder for him to become a rallying point.’The memo outlines other scenarios, including: Capture of Osama bin Laden (or proof that he is dead);a drastic turnaround in the economy; a ‘successful resolution’ of the Iraq war...The memo circulates as Tuesday’s disastrous election defeats have left an already dysfunctional White House in chaos, West Wing insiders say, with shouting matches commonplace and the blame game escalating into open warfare.” Several weeks ago I wrote about two studies showing patterns where Bu$h’s approval ratings spike following “upgraded terror alerts” (See my Blog http://FromTheRamparts.blogspot entitled Duped Again). But I think AmeriKKKans will no longer fall for that okie-doke. But with their world unraveling, what’s a few thousand more AmeriKKKans killed in a “terrorist attack” to remain in power? After all psychopaths like them have done things like this before!
Live Your Life Fully
Live Your Life Fully
“A man should live so that his funeral is not the biggest event in his life.” Vernon Johns
All of us are here for a purpose, there is no such thing as an illegitimate child. We are literally designed for success, we have a personal destiny, purpose and mission that DIVINE INTELLIGENCE and INFINITE WISDOM have ordained to benefit the whole human collective. You are so important and valuable your talents, gifts and aptitudes have been given to you by the CREATOR specifically so you can make your contribution and add to the mosaic of human genius, development and progress. Your gift may be as a healer, a teacher and supporter. You may have the ability to fix things, take them apart figure out how they work and improve upon their function. You may be an inventor, a researcher, a truth seeker. You may have talent as an artist, a singer, a word smith, you may be a visionary with the talent to form images, designs and put them on paper. Everyone born on this planet, even those we might deem in our ignorance as handicapped has something to offer. Life is about growth, change and expansion. From a single sperm cell united with an egg in the human ovary life and growth begins, cells multiply and organs are formed. We are constantly replenishing ourselves, our cells die but we aren’t aware of it, all we feel/experience is life. We were born to grow, flourish and develop physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Our main responsibility is to manifest our innate greatness, divinity, demonstrate and contribute to the world that which nature and DIVINE SPIRIT have so graciously bestowed upon each of us!
What keeps us from accomplishing our divinely ordained mission, our destiny and our purpose? For one, ignorance. We live in a culture that is aspiritual, predatory and exploitative. Yes they have religions but they are, for the most part, tools of conquest, exploitation and oppression. We are ignorant of who and what we are. In this culture we are dummied down and the mind control apparatus keeps us focused on the baser elements and lowest common denominator so they can sell us products we don’t really need by manipulating our fears, sexual urges and profaned self-image. Life is more than that! In many First World societies rites and rituals are conducted to determine why a new soul is incarnating into their midst. They use divination, altered consciousness (trace states) of consciousness to contact the spirit world for information or occult sciences like astrology are employed to help them understand who is coming and what they offer. Once they know why the soul is coming, they make a social contract to assist that soul in fulfilling its destiny. In some cultures this is not done prenatally or right after birth but later in the child’s life. Often this is done during the rite of passage into adulthood, the destiny is discerned and the person’s adult name within the community reflects what his or her mission or talent is. The social obligation, the reciprocal agreement between the community and the individual is to facilitate this destiny so it benefits both.
Oppression is another reason we fail to discern or grasp our life’s purpose. Oppression is the foe and opposite of expansion. Oppression is constriction, restriction, cruel and unjust force to keep others down. Alien invaders with a cultural tradition of war, rape, pillage and plunder have captured us and subjected us to their vile world view and customs. Everywhere they’ve set foot on planet Earth, this has been their MO. They have no sense of a connectedness to anything and their virulent xenophobia is the result of their deep-seated alienation from the greater flow of life. Melanated people do not suffer from this deep psychosis. Unfortunately, we’ve been coerced brutalized and conditioned to internalize Eurocentric values and imitate European lifestyles. Our passive acquiescence to their values and negative energy causes us serious psychic pain, physical discomfort, emotional distress, mental anguish and spiritual disorientation. If we are to heal ourselves, we must redefine ourselves and transform ourselves. No one can save us but us! Part of this healing and redefinition means we must rethink what it means to be human and what it means to be alive. Our ancestors understood the importance of the universal vitality of a spirit world that interpenetrates and undergirds all that exists, including us! The West denies and attempts to negate this reality. We must reconnect with this universal vitality/intelligence and use it to transform ourselves. We must ask and answer for ourselves the age old questions, who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose? Once we refocus our energies on answering these questions we will be on the road to restoration. But I must warn you, it will not be easy. It means going against the grain, voluntarily opting out of the Eurocentric Matrix of passivity, insanity and illusion and beginning the arduous work of constructing a world of purpose, actualization, individuation ( where we recognize and develop our unique talents, aptitudes and abilities) and empowerment. We are already powerful, we just don’t realize how powerful we really are. The last thing the ruling elites want is self-determining, self-actualizing, independent thinking people. People like that are their worst nightmares! They want comatose, media induced zombies and sycophants. For us, empowerment and freedom mean being yourself, living a life of purpose, meaning and fulfillment. Real freedom means being who the CREATOR in INFINIE WISDOM and DIVINE INTELLIGENCE intends for us to be! If we live life with gusto, creativity, resilience and adhere to our inner moral compass and guide we will each demonstrate our uniqueness. Our lives will be positive role models for others and we will experience great joy and satisfaction despite the sorrows and hardships we may encounter. If we live confidently by embracing and actualizing to our best ability our purpose and life destiny, when we make our transition to the spirit realm, our funerals will certainly not be the biggest events in our life!
How To Create Positivity In A Negative Situation
How To Create Positivity In A Negative Situation “Where there is hope there is life, where there is life, there is possibility and where there is possibility change can occur.” Jesse L. Jackson
We live in interesting times. In many ways we can agree with Charles Dickens who wrote in the beginning of his novel Tale of Two Cities, “these were the best of times and worst of times.” In our era we see the US government gone mad, with war and militarism, racism is rampant, global capitalism is more predatory than ever and the mind control apparatus spews anti-life values death doom and gloom every minute of every day. We are experiencing the break down of both family and community and a “leadership” has been foisted upon us by our enemies as part of their ongoing government COINTELPRO agenda that has no concern for our well being, survival or any vision for the future separate from the agenda of our enemies which will be the death of us. Our communities are besieged by drugs, self and group alienation, depression and despair are rampant and the few folks attempting to heal themselves so they can help heal others are being ignored in favor of the okie-doke of Western materialism, hedonism and predatory self and group annihilation. The African proverb “It takes a whole village to raise a child” is often quoted but the reality is, our villages are not whole in any sense of the word. We have not been whole since our capture from Africa and import to this hemisphere. Our experiences of the “breaking” or “seasoning process” which are euphemisms for dehumanization creation of maladaptive and psychopathic personalities designed to serve the interests of white supremacy are at the root of our despair and dysfunction. Our villages/communities are ill. What can we do to heal/save ourselves from this malaise of apathy, disinterest and self-negation? What can we do to ad spunk, and purpose to our lives so we stop condoning and contributing to our own demise and destruction? How do we remain focused and positive in a negative environment? We must rekindle and cultivate a sense of hope!
What is hope? The Dictionary of Psychology defines hope as: “an attitude characterized by an expectation of the favorable outcome of an event. The accompanying emotional tone is one of fear mixed with anticipated joy.” What is an attitude? An attitude is defined as : “a relatively stable and enduring predisposition to behave or react in a certain way toward persons, objects, institution or issues either positively or negatively.” The Dictionary of Psychology also points out that most attitudes are cultural, that is they are picked up or transmitted from generation to generation, propaganda and suggestions from authority, business, educational institutions and other agencies that seek to influence conduct. What attitudes do you have about yourself, Africans and the quality and possibilities for your life? Where did you get them from? If they were not wholly self-generated, or auto-programmed you have been influenced by an external source. All of us have. We have been prejudiced by our parents, by “society” and by the mass media. Ideas and images rule the world. Whose ideas and images are you internalizing? If you are not thinking for yourself and making your own independent assessments of the world, reality and you, than you are trapped in the Matrix, you are a zombie. The truth of the matter is the world is what you say it is. Let me qualify that. The world is what you say it is for you. Each of us has the capacity to define, categorize and visualize as we choose. We have free will and freedom of imagination and cogitation! The fact is few of us use these abilities on an independent basis. Most of us are outer directed, manipulated and brainwashed bu sources outside of ourselves; our parents, teachers, religious leaders and the mass media. We can break the cycle anytime we want, at any moment and for any duration. Of course it may be very uncomfortable to alter our present attitudes because of peer pressure, the desire to be like everyone else or the fear of the hostile reactions of others! That is the price we pay for freedom.
We have the power to alter our mental world, our thinking and our attitudes any time we want. Energy follows thought. Our thinking produces emotional responses either harmful or beneficial and our thinking are the building blocks of our reality. If our reality is “negative” we can alter it by thinking of ways to make it better. Not only can we think of ways to make it better we can design action plans to make thins better and we can have hope, an expectation of change, a healthy anticipation of change based upon our thinking and our actions. We must take action. Rosa Parks was tired of disrespect and dehumanization so she took action by refusing to give up her seat. Se took action by willingly going to jail by agreeing to be a test case to break racial cast and apartheid. If she is the hero we say she is, we should emulate her attitude and her actions! We should be willing to stand up for ourselves despite the opposition and threats! It all begins in our minds. We must think, envision, expect a better day but we must also work to bring this better day into reality. Our enemies are not going to give up, be morally persuaded or change out of the goodness of their hearts. If it is to be, it is up to me/us! But it all begins in our minds, our thoughts and our consciousness. Cultivate a proactive consciousness and expect to win. Sooner or later the victory will occur.
The Real NeoCon Priorities
The Real NeoCon Priorities A $50 BILLION hole is about to be blown in our national safety net for the poor, including: • $9.5 billion in Medicaid – CUT. It's a direct hit to those needing health care – including children • $5 Billion in Child Support Enforcement – GONE. Without it, deadbeat parents are off the hook again, plunging hundreds of thousands of children back into poverty. • $844 Million in food stamps – ELIMINATED. Do we even need to explain the implications here? The list goes on. It is about to happen at the U.S. Capitol, where Congress has proposed perhaps the cruelest, most immoral budget ever to reach the floor. Its rationale: to help pay for Katrina recovery. Yes, Katrina recovery will be expensive, but do we really believe punishing the poorest among us is the best answer? If this budget if passed, Katrina victims will the FIRST to feel its sting. It makes no sense. Adding insult to injury, the proposed budget also contain massive tax BREAKS for big corporations and the ultra-wealthy few. -
As the corporate media attempts to trivialize the indictment of Vice President Cheney’s resigned top aid I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and downplay the US Senate’s attempts to curtail US torture policies around the world, the mind control apparatus is completely suppressing news of massive cuts in key social programs. The corporate media is doing the bidding of their board room masters in conjunction with government sycophants and lackeys to keep Joe and Jane Sixpack befuddled, confused and comatose. On the Website of Faithful America which describes itself as a “ progressive, inclusive, and responsive interfaith electronic advocacy community dedicated to providing a powerful collective voice to help advance the cause of compassion and justice in public policy ; we also see a blurb about the upcoming US federal budget. The notice urges its’ membership to take action to bring the attempt by Congress to cut Medicaid, the Food Stamp program and Child Support Enforcement to a halt. It is said you can tell a lot about o society by the way it treats its most vulnerable, its children and its elderly. Looking at the proposed budgetary changes one would conclude the United States of AmeriKKKa is a callous and cruel culture. The same bill that includes cuts in vital social programs for health care, nutritional supplements and child support enforcement also includes shameless tax breaks for large corporations and the super rich. At a time when the federal deficit is at economy wrecking historic levels, Congress plans to cut additional taxes, taxation being one of the forms of government revenue, for a cash strapped and bankrupt US Treasury. The irony of all this is Congress is doing this in the name of helping to pay for Hurricane Katrina recovery?!
It’s bad enough Hurricane Katrina’s devastation was a direct result of US policies that cut funding to maintain and upkeep the New Orleans levee system, funding cuts to the US Army Corps of Engineers and the cruel ineptitude of the Bu$h administration and FEMA; but to blame these budget cuts on the Hurricane is criminal. Everything we do individually and collectively reflects our consciousness and self image. Despite hypocritical verbiage about democracy, freedom, peace and social responsibility, the US government demonstrates daily what its real priorities are: warmongering, good ol’ boy, corporate favoritism and fraud. No amount of spin can justify or rationalize these budget cuts in light of present socio-economic realities; as the gap between the rich and poor widens. On top of the fraud, mismanagement and carnage Bu$h’s “war on terrorism” is causing, his discredited, unpopular and failed policies are bankrupting the nation. To add to Bu$h’s woes the majority of AmeriKKKans now believe he lied to justify his invasion and occupation of Iraq!! The US Treasury is broke. Bu$h and Co. borrow two billion dollars a day, that’s billion with a “B” a day, just to keep the government afloat. The two billion includes money for the Iraq and Afghani occupations. This is borrowed money, it must be paid back. Who is going to pay that back plus the debt service and interest? Economists admit wages are stagnant despite corporate growth. Where is the money coming from to pay off our increasing fiscal debts?
That sucking sound you hear is your children and grandchildren’s future slurping down the drain! This is the real NeoConmen agenda, to get rich while they bankrupt the nation via perpetual war, as they reduce us to third world status economically via legislative and fiscal skullduggery while gutting social welfare programs that provide a minimum safety net for the poor. We don’t have to go out like this. We have options: we can raise a ruckus; call, FAX, E-mail or write your Congressman and Senator. Let them know you know what they are up to, that you don’t like it one bit and if they don’t oppose these budget cuts you will remember them come election time!
If You See A Good Fight Get In It
If You See A Good Fight Get In It“The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you are going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins. In order for somebody to win an important, major fight 100 years hence, a lot of other people have got to be willing - for the sheer fun and joy of it-to go right ahead and fight, knowing you're going to lose. You mustn't feel like a martyr. You've got to enjoy it.”- I.F. Stone from Curtis White’s The Middle Mind Why Americans Don’t Think For Themselves. p 201
In a television docudrama about the late Rev. Vernon Johns a strong willed eccentric Baptist preacher who preceded Martin Luther King Jr as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama, there is a line in the script where Johns tells one of his parishioners his father told him, “Son, if you see a good fight get in it.” This was done to explain John’s unflinching combative nature. By all accounts’ Johns was a fiery, no nonsense race conscious Black man. He was a contemporary of Rosa Parks in Montgomery and was forced out (some say, other say the Church accepted his fifth resignation and showed him the door) of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church because he was too vocal on the race issue, too uncomfortable about black docility and acquiescence in the face of white terrorism and disdainful of the black folks in his “middle class” congregation unwillingness to embrace his economic do for self philosophy. It is fitting after the recent transition of Rosa Parks who in her own quiet way shared Johns’ passion for justice and activism ( he once refused to give up his seat on a Montgomery bus and when the driver refused to have him arrested John’s demanded his fare back and got it!), that we remember Vernon Johns also. It is more important for us to realize it was not meant for us to be spectators in the game of life. Neither Vernon Johns nor Rosa Parks were voyeurs or relegate themselves to the sidelines of life. Nor did they eschew noble struggle and they certainly didn’t allow anyone else to marginalize them or kick them to the curb. Sure Johns was booted out of Montgomery Alabama because he was a man ahead of his time. So what?! His attitude and activism prepared the way for Rosa Parks, Professor Jo Ann Robinson, Attorney Fred Grey and labor organizer Edgar Daniel “E.D..” Nixon. He lit the spark that while it simmered when he was in Montgomery it set the stage for them to play a decisive role in the 381 day Montgomery bus boycott and challenge to the Alabama segregation (government sanctioned apartheid/ racial cast) laws several years later. Following his stint in Montgomery Johns moved about the country as an itinerant preacher and teacher at several religious schools and Universities. Johns although not well known is called the “Father of the Civil Rights Movement”.
“If you see a good fight get in it” is what Johns said his father told him. Would that we had more men like Johns’ father and Vernon Johns today. No, I am not advocating the senseless fratricide we see in our communities on a daily basis. I am talking about getting involved in the fight to make a difference, the heroic fight to change the world. I’m talking about doing and being a change agent, like Rosa Parks, Vernon Johns, or E.D. Nixon. I’m talking about exerting a positive influence on your immediate environment and making a lasting impact on the world! People say Vernon Johns was an eccentric man, opinionated strong willed and defiant, a one of a kind type person. Johns, was not a lemming a blind follower of the crowd, he was a nonconformist. Johns preached that, “A man should live so his funeral won't be the biggest thing in his life.” Even his lifestyle was unconventional. In his later years even though he was married to one woman for many years who taught at various HBCUs Johns traveled alone around the country in a trailer hooked to his car. So he, Rosa Parks, and many other all had that in common, they were not willing to acquiesce to the status quo. What about you?
Are you willing to stand up or sit down for what you believe in. Are you willing to hold your position even when most of the people around you are too afraid to support you, not as well informed as you or lack your conviction and passion? Do you believe in anything worth fighting for, other than the crass materialism this culture brainwashes us to embrace? Do you believe in peace, justice, true freedom or human dignity? If so, what are you doing to make it real in our lifetime? What good fights do you see that you can get into? Are you willing to be an advocate for peace, racial and economic justice, ethnocentricity or an end to the apathy, hopelessness and nihilism that grips our community? What area of your life can you struggle to improve? Do you want to learn more, grow more or actualize your innate potential? You can do it. But you have to be like Vernon Johns and Rosa Parks, you have to dare to be different. To be a real hero, you have to believe in yourself and the rightness of what you are doing enough to go up against huge odds. You have to believe in the fight so much you are willing to lose once you find the good fight to get into.
Lies To Start Wars
Lies To Start Wars “Americans are generally ignorant of this sordid history of war waged under false pretense, as the so-called Plame Affair demonstrates. At the core of the Plame Affair is the conspiracy to invade the Middle East, bomb defenseless countries, sow chaos, destroy recalcitrant societies and culture, and steal natural resources. The NSA kept the Tonkin Gulf report secret because they knew releasing the information would “prompt uncomfortable comparisons,” in other words the American people would put two and two together and arrive at the conclusion that the invasion and occupation of Iraq was predicated on lies, as was the Vietnam War.”- Hiding The Gulf of Tonkin Lie
The US newspaper of record, The New York Times posted an important article dated November 1, 2005 detailing how the National Security Agency, suppressed the findings of one of its’ own historians that the NSA deliberately distorted important intelligence gathered during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that subsequently was used to escalate the Vietnam War. According to Wikipedia the Online encyclopedia
“The National Security Agency / Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is a United States government agency responsible for both the collection and analysis of message communications, and for the security of government communications against similar agencies elsewhere. It is a part of the Department of Defense. Its eavesdropping brief includes radio broadcasting, both from organizations and individuals, the Internet, and other intercepted forms of communication, especially confidential communications. Its secure communications brief includes military, diplomatic, and all other sensitive, confidential or secret government communications. Despite having been described as the world's largest single employer of Ph.D. mathematicians, the owner of the single largest group of supercomputers, and having a budget much larger than that of the CIA, it has had a remarkably low profile until recent years. For a long time its existence was not even admitted by the US government. It has even been referred to as ‘No Such Agency.’ " This super secret agency with a budget “much larger than the CIA” deliberately withheld a report by one of its analysts and historians that was critical of NSA handling of data about an alleged attack by the North Vietnamese on two US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964. The NSA withheld the report for fear the US public would draw similar conclusions to the juiced and doctored intelligence Bu$h and Co used to scare the Congress and US public into going along with his invasion and occupation of Iraq! The Times article says,
“The US National Security Agency has kept secret a 2001 finding by its own historian that its officers deliberately distorted critical intelligence during the Tonkin Gulf episode that helped precipitate the Vietnam War. The historian's conclusion was the first serious accusation that the agency's intercepts were falsified to support the belief North Vietnamese ships attacked US destroyers on August 4, 1964, two days after a previous clash.” What this means is the Johnson administration like many others before it (James Polk the Mexican-AmeriKKKan War, William McKinley the Spanish AmerriKKKan War, Woodrow Wilson WWI, Franklin D. Roosevelt WWII and George H.W Bu$h Gulf War I) lied to Congress and the AmeriKKKan people to start a war the AmeriKKKan people did not want, need, nor could they afford. In that regard George W. Bu$h is no different than his predecessors. Cockroaches scurry when the lights are turned on. It’s time to turn the light of truth on AmeriKKKan history and current events. The lies of the Bu$h administration and the NeoConmen cabal are at the core of the recent indictments of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and the reason Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald has expanded his probe of the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. What this means for Africans in AmeriKKKa is that we were correct opposing Bu$h’s imperial overreach and the carnage his Shock and Awe tactics unleashed on innocent Iraqi people. It means the US leadership is guilty of international war crimes, a fact they knew going into the invasion which is why they researched the law and made sure they would be immune from prosecution! Now over 2,000 US soldiers have been killed and countless thousands crippled and maimed for life, based on lies. No amount of propaganda will ever undo this reality. No amount of media mind control spin will alter the fact, the US is currently murdering innocent men, women and children, babies in Iraq Afghanistan and around the world. This is one more piece of evidence and documentation of the immorality of the US ruling elites, their “elected” and appointed puppets and Quislings. The more important question is, what are we going to do about it?!!! If the Republicans almost impeached “Slick Willie” Clinton for extra marital sex, why aren’t the Democrats frothing at the mouth to impeach George W Bu$h for high crimes (sending the nation to war based on his and Cheney’s , Powell and Rice’s lies) and misdemeanors as defined by the US Constitution?! If the AmeriKKKan people don’t wake up and do something to stop these psychopaths, the world will judge us even more harshly than we judged the Germans under Hitler. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to relive them.