Friday, July 28, 2006

War of Wills

War of Wills

“Meanwhile something very dramatic, another least expected development has taken place. This time the surprise came from the battle fields of southern Lebanon. With the failure of the more numerous and well-armed Israeli commandos, backed by heavy artillery, tanks and air cover, to dislodge Hezbollah fighters from their strongholds, Israel seems to be in a state of panic. It may not be panicking apprehending defeat, but its failure in making much headway two weeks after the invasion is turning it nervous as this setback almost amounts to a defeat. While Lebanese media and people on the street have remained defiant, still publicly supporting Hezbollah and condemning Israel for the killing of civilians and devastating their country, some leading Western analysts, such as Robert Fisk and Christopher Dickey, are raising the very unpalatable questions for Israel: “Is Hezbollah winning? Is Israel losing the war in Lebanon?” Significance Of Al-Zawahiri Video: Is Hezbollah Winning? By Taj Hashmi 8 July, 2006

Any conflict usually boils down to a matter of will, which combatant has the greater will. There is an AmeriKKKan axiom that says ‘it’s not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” The world is witnessing the size of the fight in the Hezbollah militia as they’ve more than held their own against a much more heavily armed technically sophisticated and ruthless Israeli invasion force. Of course we who live under the hegemony of the Zionist influenced media in AmeriKKKa have been misinformed so we don’t realize Hezbollah effectively checkmated Israeli aggression when Israel invaded and occupied Southern Lebanon in 1982. “More than two decades later, Hezbollah has grown into an extensive political force in Lebanon, backed by Shiite Muslims who have become the largest religious community in the country. Hezbollah candidates run for elections. Hezbollah social service agencies provide health care and schooling for poor farmers. Hezbollah television, al-Manar, broadcasts technically slick and virulently anti-Israeli programs into Lebanese homes. Not least, a Hezbollah military wing, not the national army, fought year after year against Israeli troops who remained after 1982 to occupy a border enclave. Politically worn out, the Israeli occupation forces finally pulled out of Lebanon in 2000, a departure that has gone down in local historical narrative as a Hezbollah victory.” The Lebanese respect Hezbollah because their guerilla tactics were highly successful, Hezbollah stood up to the Israeli invaders, harassing and bedeviling them ultimately forcing them to withdraw from Lebanon. Throughout the Arab world Hezbollah unlike the CIA created bogus terrorist group al-Qaeda has a reputation for action and most importantly, effectiveness as the present generation of Israeli invaders is discovering. “It was Hezbollah's hardcore warriors - trained by Syria and Iran - who ultimately expelled Israel from Lebanon in 2000. It's difficult for Westerners - or non-Arab Asians - to understand how powerfully symbolic this is in the Arab world: it means that Hezbollah was the only Arab military force ever to defeat Israel. Not surprisingly, even Lebanese Sunnis approve what Hezbollah is doing - they interpret it as solidarity with Hamas and the Palestinian struggle (as Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, made it all too clear). Moreover, Israel's Leviathan-run-amok response has only served to rally Sunnis behind a ‘Lebanon under siege’ banner.”- Leviathan run amok By Pepe Escobar The other problem Israel has is the region has several pro-Arab communications operations that get both the message and the images out of what the Ashkenazim invaders are doing, the destruction of critical infrastructure, the indiscriminate killing of civilians, women and children; for both Israel and the Bu$h administration this is a PR disaster.
Despite Israel’s heavy handed aggression, which is taking a horrific toll on the population of Beirut, Hezbollah has not cracked. In fact, Israel now finds itself in the same position it was in during its’ first invasion/occupation of Lebanon and ironically the exact same predicament the US created for itself in Viet Nam and now Iraq; it possesses superior weaponry, is driven by hubris, but is up against a determined and skilled adversary whose will it is unable to break! “On the contrary, Hezbollah shows total solidarity with Hamas. And way beyond Israel identified as the common enemy, both Hamas and Hezbollah clearly identify the not-so-invisible big enemy behind, the US, for which Israel is a kind of "militarized offshoot", in the words of Noam Chomsky. Virtually every Lebanese knows that the missiles currently exterminating their compatriots were made in Miami, Duluth and Seattle. Whatever the outcome, blowback will be inevitable. Osama bin Laden, in one of his videos, told the world how he burned with anger when he saw the Israeli bombing of the 'towers' of Lebanon during the 1982 invasion. The new Osamas in the making may be Sunni or Shi'ite, it doesn't matter: what matters is what they identify as the American/Israeli license to kill (mostly poor, defenseless) Arabs.” ibid
The world is watching a replay of the David and Goliath allegory. Ironically in this instance, the Goliath barbarian invader is a Khazar masquerading as a Jew rather than a Philistine; while the role of David is played by the Arabs/Persians. The Arab and Muslim world looks up to Hezbollah as their champion taking on the Goliath of the AmeriKKKan-Israeli axis of evil. If history is any indication, this war of wills will not be won by Goliath.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Israeli Anglo-AmerriKKKan Axis of Evil

The Israeli Anglo-AmeriKKKan Axis of Evil

“One day before the Israeli air strikes, the main partners and shareholders of the BTC pipeline project, including several heads of State and oil company executives were in attendance at the port of Ceyhan. They were then rushed off for an inauguration reception in Istanbul, hosted by Turkey's President Ahmet Necdet Sezer in the plush surroundings of the Çýraðan Palace. Also in attendance was British Petroleum's (BP) CEO, Lord Browne together with senior government officials from Britain, the US and Israel. BP leads the BTC pipeline consortium. Other major Western shareholders include Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, France's Total and Italy's ENI. (see Annex) Israel's Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Binyamin Ben-Eliezer was present at the venue together with a delegation of top Israeli oil officials. The BTC pipeline totally bypasses the territory of the Russian Federation. It transits through the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia, both of which have become US 'protectorates', firmly integrated into a military alliance with the US and NATO. Moreover, both Azerbaijan and Georgia have longstanding military cooperation agreements with Israel. In 2005, Georgian companies received some $24 million in military contracts funded out of U.S. military assistance to Israel under the so-called ‘Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program’.” The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil by Michel Chossudovsky

The corporate mind control apparatus is primed and pumped to propagate the party line about Israel’s right to defend itself (by engaging in acts that would be deemed war crimes if committed by people of color), being AmeriKKKa’s only democratic ally in a volatile region and now with the bogus tape supposedly from al CIA Qaeda’s second in command Ayman al-Zawahiri calling for an all out jihad against Israel the US media will go hog wild justifying the butchery Israel has unleashed in Lebanon and Palestine. “CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Al Qaeda's No. 2 leader issued a worldwide call Thursday for Muslims to rise up in a holy war against Israel and join the fighting in Lebanon and Gaza until Islam reigns from ‘Spain to Iraq.’ In a taped message broadcast by Al-Jazeera television, Ayman al-Zawahiri said the terrorist organization would not stand idly by while 'these (Israeli) shells burn our brothers. ‘All the world is a battlefield open in front of us,’ said the Egyptian-born al-Zawahiri, second-in-command to Osama bin Laden. The media is also saying bin-Laden will make some type of message of support for the Arabs soon. “Another new audio or video message from bin Laden was also expected in the coming days and was planned to deal with Gaza and Lebanon, according to IntelCenter. The U.S.-based independent group provides counter terrorism information to the U.S. government and media.: That would be a neat trick considering the real Osama bin-Laden is dead!
The fact the US is supplying the ordnance and weaponry Israel is using to slaughter innocent civilians shows the Israelis and AmeriKKKan ruling elites are totally indifferent to the loss of innocent lives. The US media will even make a major leap of deception and spin it to make it seem Hamas and Hezbollah which were elected by their respective supports as part of the Palestinian and Lebanese governments are united with al-Qaeda! Meanwhile the real facts regarding the supposed flashpoint that started all this will be suppressed and swept down the memory hole as usual. As I have noted in previous posts, the lies Israel used to justify their war against Lebanon do not hold up under close scrutiny. The fact of the matter is, the Israeli troops and tank crew that were killed and captured (not kidnaped as the US media sock puppets reported) were in Lebanese territory, they had violated Lebanese territorial space. The Lebanese did not come into Israeli territory and kidnap Israeli soldiers and tank crews to facilitate a prisoner exchange! But the propaganda and psychological warfare surrounding Israel’s unprovoked aggression into Lebanon and Palestine are merely the tip of the iceberg in a much wider geopolitical and strategic operation. It is all part of the Anglo-AmeriKKKan and Israeli axis of evil’s overarching plan to invade, control and hold the region militarily, so they can expropriate and control the resources and the means of getting oil and gas from the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf regions into global (Western and Asian) markets. It is part and parcel to the real reasons the US is in Afghanistan: to secure access to Caspian Sea resources via construction of trans-Afghanistan oil and natural gas pipelines (as well as control the opium trade). It is also why the US plutocrats and their NATO allies waged their illegal war in the Balkans: to prepare the landscape to secure European routes for gas and oil pipelines through that region and control the drug trade from Afghanistan into Eastern and Western Europe!
The US mind control machinery did an excellent job of suppressing information about the war crimes and lethal devastation the US and NATO committed in the Balkans. Unfortunately for the US and Israel, the Arab world has their own telecommunications setup. It makes it harder for the Western mind control apparatus to dupe the masses here when the photos and images of the carnage the US and Israel have caused in the region are being flashed around the world for all to see. Make no mistake about it, Israel is a key player in the Anglo-AmeriKKKan oil and resource scramble. Israel has its own energy and resource needs (oil and water). Like any true barbarian from the Steppes of Central Eurasia, the Khazars will pillage, plunder and take what is not theirs’ to get them. As reported by Michel Chossudovsky in his recent piece on the Global Research Website, the Ashkenazim are right in the thick of the war for oil.
“But there is another dimension which directly relates to the war on Lebanon. Whereas Russia has been weakened, Israel is slated to play a major strategic role in ‘protecting’ the Eastern Mediterranean transport and pipeline corridors out of Ceyhan. The bombing of Lebanon is part of a carefully planned and coordinated military road map. The extension of the war into Syria and Iran has already been contemplated by US and Israeli military planners. This broader military agenda is intimately related to strategic oil and oil pipelines. It is supported by the Western oil giants which control the pipeline corridors. In the context of the war on Lebanon, it seeks Israeli territorial control over the East Mediterranean coastline. ..Israel is now part of the Anglo-American military axis, which serves the interests of the Western oil giants in the Middle East and Central Asia. While the official reports state that the BTC pipeline will ‘channel oil to Western markets’, what is rarely acknowledged is that part of the oil from the Caspian sea would be directly channeled towards Israel. In this regard, an underwater Israeli-Turkish pipeline project has been envisaged which would link Ceyhan to the Israeli port of Ashkelon and from there through Israel's main pipeline system, to the Red Sea. The objective of Israel is not only to acquire Caspian sea oil for its own consumption needs but also to play a key role in re-exporting Caspian sea oil back to the Asian markets through the Red Sea port of Eilat. The strategic implications of this re-routing of Caspian sea oil are far-reaching.” The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil by Michel Chossudovsky
The events we see unfolding have been on the drawing board for quite some time now. The corporate elites and global bankers, the real shot callers, don’t care thousands of innocent lives will be lost; that too is part of their dastardly plan for global depopulation via perpetual wars mixed with public and private policies that promote sterility, create famine and deadly pandemics (see the National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) - April 1974 to see just how diabolical and psychotic these people are). Israel’s war on Lebanon is just one piece in a complex puzzle designed to benefit numerous players known and unknown: the Ashkenazim Zionists, the multinational oil consortiums, the military-industrial-technology hydra, the international financiers and the New World Order afficionados. They all have a symbiotic relationship with each other. They are working hard to bring their New World Order into existence, where the bulk of humanity will be reduced to cannon fodder, wage slaves, debt peons, Pavlovian consumers or prisoners. In this case the main culprits and identifiable axis of evil members are the US, Britain, Israel, their agents, pawns and operatives like the US Congress, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Enterprise Institute to name a few. Keep this in mind as events continue to unfold, the bloodletting and the carnage escalate.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Media Bias Is real and Deliberate

Media Bias Is Real And Deliberate

“Media bias does not occur in random fashion; rather it moves in the same overall direction again and again, favoring management over labor, corporations over corporate critics, affluent whites over inner-city poor, officialdom over protesters, the two-party monopoly over leftist third parties, privatization and free market ‘reforms’ over public sector development, U.S. dominance of the Third World over revolutionary or populist social change, nation-security policy over critics of that policy, and conservative commentators and columnists like Rush Limbaugh and George Will over progressive or populist ones like Jim Hightower and Ralph Nader (not to mention more radical ones). The built-in biases of the corporate mainstream media faithfully reflect the dominant ideology, seldom straying into territory that might cause discomfort to those who hold political and economic power, including those who own the media or advertise in it.” Methods of Media Manipulation by Michael Parenti from the book 20 years of Censored News by Carl Jensen and Project Censored

I went to Virginia for a family reunion last week. While relaxing in the hotel I was channel surfing and came across one of the corporate propaganda cable stations I think it was Fox News and they were actively rationalizing Israel’s bombardment of Lebanese civilian neighborhoods. Next I turned on CNN and there was Lou Dobbs (supposedly one of the good guys) speaking with a Lebanese ambassador attempting to get the man to denounce Hezbollah and make the Lebanese people who are the victims the criminals. To the ambassador’s credit he was having none of it and remained steadfast pointing to Israel’s fifty-eight year history as a ruthless aggressor engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide. Shortly thereafter I turned the television off. The latest crisis in the “Middle East” is more of the same ol’ okey-doke where the corporate mind control apparatus goes into over-drive to demonize Arabs and Muslims while depicting the Ashkenazim invader/settlers as the rightful heirs to the land who are merely defending their right to survive. Implicit in the propaganda is the preposterous notion the Ashkenazim are God’s chosen people and their “Promised Land”, stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers.
No one in their right mind would ever deny there is a bias in the US media favoring Israel. The media makes it seem Israel’s interests and the interests of the West are identical when in fact, other than the racist violence directed towards people of color, they are not always the same. Meanwhile this same media demonizes and vilifies Arabs and Muslims the same way the US media dehumanized and denigrated Native Americans and Africans in years past. As far as the US media is concerned, Israel can do no wrong, no matter what they do, no matter how repugnant and ruthless their policies and actions are. The US mind control apparatus is spinning Israel’s latest aggression which by the way; was planned long before Hezbollah engaged, killed and captured ( they did not kidnap) Israeli soldiers and tank crews that knowingly (and probably deliberately) come into Lebanon territory as purely defensive!? Meanwhile the rest of the world that has not been subjected to the Zionist media blackouts, suppression and propaganda like we have here, sees the massive carnage Israel is inflicting on innocent civilians in Lebanon and their critical civilian infrastructure and the US uncritical support of the carnage as the same ol same ol’. Of course the US media sycophants justify Israel’s overkill, their use of high tech jets, tanks and heavy ordnance missiles because Hezbollah has fired “rockets” (which are nowhere near as lethal as the advanced weaponry and heavy ordnance Israel is using) into Israeli territory.
If it weren’t for the Internet or satellite television AmeriKKKans would not know or see the slaughter and havoc Israel has unleashed on Beirut and Gaza. Certainly one will neither see nor hear any reports that depict the level of violence from a Lebanese or Palestinian perspective in the US media . The news is almost always totally lopsided in favor of Israel. However this bias will not alter reality, just as the corporate media cheerleaders for the NeoCon debacle in Iraq has not altered the reality there or in Afghanistan or Haiti, three failed examples of Bu$h and Co.’s imperialistic regime change policies. “Not unlike Fox News and CNN, Mr. Uygur puts forward the distortion, in fact a lie, that Hamas and Hezbollah ‘started the hostilities,’ thus legitimizing Israel’s criminal and murderous behavior. As usual, the corporate media, and this includes the Young Turks and Sirius Satellite Radio, ignore the fact both Hamas and Hezbollah are resistance movements, completely legitimate under international law... Of course, lobbing rockets at Israeli citizens is a violation of this principle, but ‘kidnaping’ Israeli soldiers—who were, regardless of the lies spun by the corporate media, on the Lebanese side of the border when they were captured—is legal, as all sides in a conflict routinely take prisoners of war. As well, the puny rockets of Hezbollah, based on seventy year old technology, pale in comparison to Israel’s high-tech munitions, provided by the American tax payer, a chump as usual.
If you want to really know what’s going on in the world, turn off the mainstream media, put down the New York Times, the Washington Post or their clones and search the news stands and the Internet for reliable sources of information. You can also listen to short wave radio, Internet radio or glean your news from media not as biased or distorted as the lap dogs for the NeoCon war/ethnic cleansing agenda. Make no mistake the bias is real and deliberate. The good news is we don’t have to go for the okey-doke.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Zionist Psychopathy

Zionist Psychopathy

“A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional. Narcissistically obsessed with its own image, it must strive to maintain its racial superiority at all costs and will inevitably come to view any resistance to this imagined superiority as an existential threat. Indeed, any other people automatically becomes an existential threat simply by virtue of its own existence. As it seeks to protect itself against phantom threats, the racist state becomes increasingly paranoid, its society closed and insular, intellectually limited. Setbacks enrage it; humiliations madden it. The state lashes out in a crazed effort, lacking any sense of proportion, to reassure itself of its strength. The pattern played out in Nazi Germany as it sought to maintain a mythical Aryan superiority. It is playing out now in Israel. 'This society no longer recognizes any boundaries, geographical or moral,' wrote Israeli intellectual and anti-Zionist activist Michel Warschawski in his 2004 book Towards an Open Tomb: The Crisis of Israeli Society. Israel knows no limits and is lashing out as it finds that its attempt to beat the Palestinians into submission and swallow Palestine whole is being thwarted by a resilient, dignified Palestinian people who refuse to submit quietly and give up resisting Israel’s arrogance.” Atrocities in the Promised Land By KATHLEEN CHRISTISON former CIA analyst

As the world stands idly by, Ashkenazim converts (Khazar Europeans originally from the Caucasus region of Eurasia) use fraud to perpetrate the notion they have a right to a “promised land” that was never theirs in the first place. These impostors are forcibly and ruthlessly waging war and human rights violations on their neighbors. Using an incident whereby Ashkenazim soldiers trespassed into Lebanon were confronted and captured by Lebanese military as justification to execute imperialist plans drawn up way before the incident to bomb and kill civilians in Lebanon and Gaza. This ploy by the Ashkenazim was reminiscent of how the US provoked the Mexican-AmeriKKKan War. James Polk dispatched Zachary Taylor to Mexico, once Taylor and his troops were several miles inside Mexican territory they encountered Mexican troops. There were exchanges of gunfire, Taylor wired Polk telling him US troops were “attacked” by the Mexicans and Polk went before Congress to ask Congress to declare war against Mexico! Of course there was already sentiment for war against Mexico in the halls of Congress. That’s what made the whole thing work. The same is true of the Zionists.
The Israelis are using the incident which the lap dog US corporate media is calling a “kidnaping” to justify military incursions into Lebanon and Palestine. However an account of the situation from a more Lebanese perspective in the Asian Times Online says, “To them, it is legitimate self-defense. They back this argument by saying that Israel still controls the Sheba Farms, which are part of Lebanon, and still has Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails. Also, they add that the Israeli tank destroyed by Hezbollah, and the soldiers captured and killed on July 12, had trespassed into Lebanon's side of the border with Israel.” 07-15-06.
The world is accustomed to Zionist propaganda depicting Israel as an aggrieved and suffering victim of Arab hostility, a civilized and “democratic” oasis in a literal desert of Arab barbarism but now the world is hard pressed to reconcile the resulting cognitive disconnect as we see the devastation wrecked by Israeli tanks rolling into Lebanon towns and Israeli jets bombing civilian homes, crucial infrastructures such as airports, electrical power stations, bridges and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut the capital of Lebanon.
“Israel switched gears in its military campaign against Lebanon Monday and Tuesday, launching a series of debilitating air strikes against privately owned factories throughout the country and dealing a devastating blow to an economy already paralyzed by a week of hits on residential areas and crucial infrastructures. The production facilities of at least five companies in key industrial sectors - including the country's largest dairy farm, Liban Lait; a paper mill; a packaging firm and a pharmaceutical plant - have been disabled or completely destroyed. Industry insiders say the losses will cripple the economy for decades to come.” This obvious civilian overkill indicates a deep-seated ruthlessness on the part of the Israelis. The Israeli tank and soldiers were in the wrong, they were on the Lebanon side of the border! Instead of negotiating with the Lebanese to resolve the situation, the Israelis went into attack mode, they went on a rampage of violence and destruction in both Lebanon and Palestine and have the audacity to call it “self-defense”!
This type behavior validates much of what Michael Bradley wrote about the Khazar ancestors of these Israelis in his thought provoking book Chosen People From The Caucasus. “Our present concern rests with the outlook of these Khazars who adopted Judaism some 1300 years ago and with their descendant the “Jews” or Ashkenazim of today... They originated in the Caucasus and the steppes to the immediate north- or, at the least, Judaism found them there. And, as such people, they can be presumed to have reflected strongly Neanderthal characteristics. They originated in the area of strongly lingering Neanderthal physical traits. Late Neanderthal sites, discovered by modern archeologists, abound in the old Khazar heartland. It may be no accident, and not only political convenience, that Khazars adopted primitive Judaism. Perhaps Old Testament law, and Jehovah’s personality, suited their own better than evolved Islam or Christianity.
However the Khazars are thought to have been one of the component parts of the Huns- of ‘Attila the Hun fame’ - who either remained in the steppes and did not join Attila’s celebrated invasion of Europe or who returned to their homeland once the brief invasion was over” pages 198-199. Perhaps this overkill, the bloodlust, pillage and conquest is a remnant from their ancestral origins in the Steppes of the Caucasus. If you listen to what they say about the Arabs (and other non Ashkenazim) you get a whole different picture of their mind-set. It is quite different from the "victim" charade they play in public. “The 1929 anti-Jewish riots in Palestine taught me that we had only two alternatives before us: surrender or the sword. I chose the sword. I was not surprised that the [Palestinian] Arabs fled [during the 1948 war]. It was natural reaction. It was the best of them who fled---the leaders, the intelligentsia, the economic elite. Only the small fly remained. I behaved toward them as a wolf in sheep's clothing---harsh, but outwardly decent. I opposed the integration of [Palestinian] Arabs into Israeli society. I preferred separate development. True, this prevented the [Palestinian] Arabs from integrating into the Israeli democracy. Yet they had never had democracy before. Since they never had it, they never missed it. The separation made it possible to maintain a democratic regime within the Jewish population alone. I was not a member of the MAPAI [which later evolved into the Labor Party], but I thought that if Ben-Gurion did not remain in power it would be a catastrophe for the state. My policy . . . . was not designed to provide votes for the MAPAI, but instead for Ben-Gurion's rule. At least, that was how I saw it at the time. . . The main problem was that of the infiltration [in the early 1950s]. We expelled a few thousand, but we failed to expel tens of thousands. In that sense we failed---the number of [Palestinian] Arabs in the country continued to rise steadily.” Yehoshua Palmon 1949. The native Palestinians reacted naturally with indignation that aliens would come in and take over their lands. The Ashkenazim were determined and ruthless. They engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide as declassified Israeli documents reveal, “In the opening pages of ‘The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem’, Benny Morris offers the outlines of an overall answer: using a map that shows the 369 Arab towns and villages in Israel (within its 1949 borders), he lists, area by area, the reasons for the departure of the local population (9). In 45 cases he admits that he does not know. The inhabitants of the other 228 localities left under attack by Jewish troops, and in 41 cases they were EXPELLED by military force. In 90 other localities, the Palestinians were in a state of panic following the fall of a neighbouring town or village, or in fear of an enemy attack, or because of rumours circulated by the Jewish army - particularly after the 9 April 1948 massacre of 250 inhabitants of Deir Yassin, when the news of the killings swept the country like wildfire. By contrast, he found only six cases of departures at the instigation of local Arab authorities. ‘There is no evidence to show that the Arab states and the AHC wanted a mass exodus or issued blanket orders or appeals to the Palestinians to flee their homes (though in certain areas the inhabitants of specific villages were ordered by Arab commanders or the AHC to leave, mainly for strategic reasons).’ ("The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem", p. 129). On the contrary, anyone who fled was actually threatened with "severe punishment". As for the broadcasts by Arab radio stations allegedly calling on people to flee, a detailed listening to recordings of their programmes of that period shows that the claims were invented for pure propaganda.” The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined By the French newspaper Le Monde Posted on NOVEMBER-16-2001 .
That same Neanderthal/Hun mentality is evident today in Israeli policies in Palestine and Lebanon. It manifests itself in the bowels of AmeriKKKan think tanks, foundations, the mass media, lobbying groups and the legislative and executive branches subject to massive Zionist influence. That is why in the midst of massive overkill of innocent civilians by Israel, there is such deafening silence, such lack of moral outrage and protest by the corporate media, and Western policy makers. Part of the problem is many in the media and many policy makers share that same psychopathic mentality. But it appears, even those who don’t share that mentality, are afraid to challenge the Zionist propaganda apparatus.


Monday, July 17, 2006

NeoCON Okey-Doke

NeoCON Okey-Doke

“Despite questions of dual loyalties, neocons hold high positions in the Bush regime. Ten years ago these architects of American foreign and military policy spelled out how they would use deception to achieve "important Israeli strategic objectives" in the Middle East. First, they would focus "on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq." This would open the door for Israel to provoke attacks from Hezbollah. The attacks would let Israel gain American sympathy and permit Israel to seize the strategic initiative by ‘engaging Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon.’” We're Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East by Paul Craig Roberts

It’s no secret the most ardent and rabid warmongers in the Bu$h administration are Zionists who have long standing ties with the fanatical right wing Lukid Party which controls Israeli politics. These people have formed the intellectual hub of what are called the NeoCons; supposedly a modern version of the AmeriKKKan conservative movement. A serious investigation intotheir MO reveals they are no conservatives by any stretch of the imagination. Their goal is to radically alter the power dynamics of the world. These men were instrumental in forging powerful cultural and political alliances amongst right wing think tanks, influential foundations, the media, Christian fundamentalists and the Republican Party although their philosophical bedfellows also inhabit the Democratic wing of the Plutocratic two party AmeriKKKan political system. Most of their goals and strategies are attributed to the Project For A New American Century an unabashedly militaristic interventionist cabal who sought to wrest control of the AmeriKKKan foreign and military policy making process from the less imperialistic Clintonesque philosophical group and reestablish a Reagan type philosophy, only much more aggressive. Men like Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Elliott Abrams and others have been advocates for unbridled AmeriKKKan imperialism under the guise of “national security”. Their goals just "coincidentally" benefit Israel. Their philosophy always included neutralizing Israel’s pan-Arab neighbors via regime change in Iraq, Iran and Syria. “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by:

* striking Syria’s drug-money and counterfeiting infrastructure in Lebanon, all of which focuses on Razi Qanan.

* paralleling Syria’s behavior by establishing the precedent that Syrian territory is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy forces.

* striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper.
Israel also can take this opportunity to remind the world of the nature of the Syrian regime. Syria repeatedly breaks its word. It violated numerous agreements with the Turks, and has betrayed the United States by continuing to occupy Lebanon in violation of the Taef agreement in 1989. Instead, Syria staged a sham election, installed a quisling regime, and forced Lebanon to sign a ‘Brotherhood Agreement’ in 1991, that terminated Lebanese sovereignty. And Syria has begun colonizing Lebanon with hundreds of thousands of Syrians, while killing tens of thousands of its own citizens at a time, as it did in only three days in 1983 in Hama.” A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.
The signers of this document, taken from the document itself were: Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute, Study Group Leader, James Colbert, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Johns Hopkins University/SAIS, Douglas Feith, Feith and Zell Associates, Robert Loewenberg, President, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, Jonathan Torop, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,David Wurmser, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, Meyrav Wurmser, Johns Hopkins University. As you can see the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies Study Group Paper entitled A Clean Break has advocated Israeli incursions into Lebanon and Syria for years. In addition to that, the Ashkenazim fully intend to suck AmeriKKKa into its’ web of intrigue and entanglement, the very type of trap unfolding right before our eyes! “In recent years, Israel invited active U.S. intervention in Israel’s domestic and foreign policy for two reasons: to overcome domestic opposition to ‘land for peace’ concessions the Israeli public could not digest, and to lure Arabs — through money, forgiveness of past sins, and access to U.S. weapons — to negotiate. This strategy, which required funneling American money to repressive and aggressive regimes, was risky, expensive, and very costly for both the U.S. and Israel, and placed the United States in roles is should neither have nor want. Israel can make a clean break from the past and establish a new vision for the U.S.-Israeli partnership based on self-reliance, maturity and mutuality — not one focused narrowly on territorial disputes. Israel’s new strategy — based on a shared philosophy of peace through strength — reflects continuity with Western values by stressing that Israel is self-reliant, does not need U.S. troops in any capacity to defend it, including on the Golan Heights, and can manage its own affairs. Such self-reliance will grant Israel greater freedom of action and remove a significant lever of pressure used against it in the past.” ibid
The NeoCONs are working feverishly to further the Israeli imperialist agenda. The corporatist mind control apparatus is depicting Israel as the weak aggrieved victims in all this and the Arab and Muslim countries not under the direct control of Uncle Sam like Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are, as ravenous villains. The PNAC and like minded organizations are working hard to convince their fundamentalist Christian allies to continue backing Israel in this even as Israel ruthlessly unleashes massive air strikes against civilian and vital infrastructure targets in Lebanon and Palestine. These air strikes and tank incroachments were planned weeks before the capture of low grade Israeli soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon! So this whole scenario is not, I repeat; is not in response to the capture of Israeli soldiers! “On September 20, 2001, PNAC sent an open letter to Bush that commended his newly declared war on terrorism and urged him not only to target Osama bin Laden but also other ‘perpetrators,’ including Saddam Hussein and Hezbollah. The letter made one of the first arguments for regime change in Iraq as part of the war on terror. According to the PNAC letter, ‘It may be that the Iraqi government provided assistance in some form to the recent attack on the United States. But even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Failure to undertake such an effort will constitute an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism.’ The letter also pointed out that to undertake this new war, it would be necessary to inject more money into the U.S. defense budget: ‘A serious and victorious war on terrorism will require a large increase in defense spending. Fighting this war may well require the United States to engage a well-armed foe, and will also require that we remain capable of defending our interests elsewhere in the world. We urge that there be no hesitation in requesting whatever funds for defense are needed to allow us to win this war.’ Including the first PNAC letter on the war on terrorism, PNAC published four letters to Bush from 2001 to 2003. In April 2002, PNAC sent Bush a letter regarding ‘Israel and the War on Terrorism,’ followed on November 25, 2002, by a letter about Hong Kong, and a January 23, 2003 letter on increasing the military budget. In March 2003, PNAC published two statements on ‘Post-War Iraq.’”
The PNAC on the outside and in the media working in cahoots with the Zionist NeoCONmen within the Bu$h administration are responsible for much of the disinformation about Iraq’s WMD and their non-existent ties to 9-11 and al Qaeda. The are the ones who actively promoted the lies and beat the war drums in the corporate media for the illegal and ill-conceived invasion and occupation of Iraq. They are doing the same thing now regarding Iran. While things have not gone well at all for the NeoCONmen in Iraq; they are regrouping under the guise of defending their “ally in the Middle East” as the various PNAC and Clean Break papers and letters predicted. The consequence of all this disingenuousness is, their policies are bankrupting this nation, morally and fiscally; and the poor will suffer the most. The NeoCONs couldn’t prod Bu$h to attack Iran directly so now they are advocating a back door war in support of Israel who is clearly the heavy-handed aggressor in all this! Don’t go for the okey-doke, don’t allow the NeoCONS to continue to lie to us and hoodwink us by calling up, down, aggression, defense and war peace. Don’t allow them to execute the nefarious agendas of cunningly sly, chicken hawk NeoCON warmongers at the world’s expense.

NeoCON Okey-Doke

NeoCON Okey-Doke

“Despite questions of dual loyalties, neocons hold high positions in the Bush regime. Ten years ago these architects of American foreign and military policy spelled out how they would use deception to achieve "important Israeli strategic objectives" in the Middle East. First, they would focus "on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq." This would open the door for Israel to provoke attacks from Hezbollah. The attacks would let Israel gain American sympathy and permit Israel to seize the strategic initiative by ‘engaging Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon.’” We're Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East by Paul Craig Roberts

It’s no secret the most ardent and rabid warmongers in the Bu$h administration are Zionist Ashkenazim who have long standing ties with the fanatical right wing Lukid Party which controls Israeli politics. These people have formed the intellectual hub of what are called the NeoCons; supposedly a modern version of the AmeriKKKan conservative movement. These men were instrumental in forging powerful cultural and political alliances amongst right wing think tanks, influential foundations, the media, Christian fundamentalists and the Republican Party although their philosophical bedfellows also inhabit the Democratic wing of the Plutocratic two party AmeriKKKan political system. Most of their goals and strategies are attributed to the Project For A New American Century an unabashedly militaristic interventionist cabal who sought to wrest control of the AmeriKKKan foreign and military policy making process from the less imperialistic Clintonesque philosophical group and reestablish a Reagan type philosophy, only much more aggressive. Men like Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Elliott Abrams and others have been advocates for unbridled AmeriKKKan imperialism under the guise of “national security”. Their philosophy always included neutralizing Israel’s pan-Arab neighbors via regime change in Iraq, Iran and Syria. “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by:

* striking Syria’s drug-money and counterfeiting infrastructure in Lebanon, all of which focuses on Razi Qanan.

* paralleling Syria’s behavior by establishing the precedent that Syrian territory is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy forces.

* striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper.

Israel also can take this opportunity to remind the world of the nature of the Syrian regime. Syria repeatedly breaks its word. It violated numerous agreements with the Turks, and has betrayed the United States by continuing to occupy Lebanon in violation of the Taef agreement in 1989. Instead, Syria staged a sham election, installed a quisling regime, and forced Lebanon to sign a ‘Brotherhood Agreement’ in 1991, that terminated Lebanese sovereignty. And Syria has begun colonizing Lebanon with hundreds of thousands of Syrians, while killing tens of thousands of its own citizens at a time, as it did in only three days in 1983 in Hama.” A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.
The signers of this document, taken from the document itself were: Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute, Study Group Leader, James Colbert, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Johns Hopkins University/SAIS, Douglas Feith, Feith and Zell Associates, Robert Loewenberg, President, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, Jonathan Torop, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,David Wurmser, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, Meyrav Wurmser, Johns Hopkins University. As you can see the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies Study Group Paper entitled A Clean Break has advocated Israeli incursions into Lebanon and Syria for years. In addition to that, the Ashkenazim fully intend to suck AmeriKKKa into its’ web of intrigue and entanglement, the very type of trap unfolding right before our eyes! “In recent years, Israel invited active U.S. intervention in Israel’s domestic and foreign policy for two reasons: to overcome domestic opposition to ‘land for peace’ concessions the Israeli public could not digest, and to lure Arabs — through money, forgiveness of past sins, and access to U.S. weapons — to negotiate. This strategy, which required funneling American money to repressive and aggressive regimes, was risky, expensive, and very costly for both the U.S. and Israel, and placed the United States in roles is should neither have nor want. Israel can make a clean break from the past and establish a new vision for the U.S.-Israeli partnership based on self-reliance, maturity and mutuality — not one focused narrowly on territorial disputes. Israel’s new strategy — based on a shared philosophy of peace through strength — reflects continuity with Western values by stressing that Israel is self-reliant, does not need U.S. troops in any capacity to defend it, including on the Golan Heights, and can manage its own affairs. Such self-reliance will grant Israel greater freedom of action and remove a significant lever of pressure used against it in the past.” ibid
The NeoCONs are working feverishly to further the Israeli imperialist agenda. The corporatist mind control apparatus is depicting Israel as the weak aggrieved victims in all this and the Arab and Muslim countries not under the direct control of Uncle Sam like Egypt, Jordan Saudi Arabia are, as ravenous villains. The PNAC and like minded organizations are working hard to convince their fundamentalist Christian allies to continue backing Israel in this even as Israel ruthlessly unleashes massive air strikes against civilian and vital infrastructure targets in Lebanon and Palestine. These air strikes and tank incroachments were planned weeks before the capture of low grade Israeli soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon! So this whole scenario is not, I repeat; is not in response to the capture of Israeli soldiers! “On September 20, 2001, PNAC sent an open letter to Bush that commended his newly declared war on terrorism and urged him not only to target Osama bin Laden but also other ‘perpetrators,’ including Saddam Hussein and Hezbollah. The letter made one of the first arguments for regime change in Iraq as part of the war on terror. According to the PNAC letter, ‘It may be that the Iraqi government provided assistance in some form to the recent attack on the United States. But even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Failure to undertake such an effort will constitute an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism.’ The letter also pointed out that to undertake this new war, it would be necessary to inject more money into the U.S. defense budget: ‘A serious and victorious war on terrorism will require a large increase in defense spending. Fighting this war may well require the United States to engage a well-armed foe, and will also require that we remain capable of defending our interests elsewhere in the world. We urge that there be no hesitation in requesting whatever funds for defense are needed to allow us to win this war.’ Including the first PNAC letter on the war on terrorism, PNAC published four letters to Bush from 2001 to 2003. In April 2002, PNAC sent Bush a letter regarding ‘Israel and the War on Terrorism,’ followed on November 25, 2002, by a letter about Hong Kong, and a January 23, 2003 letter on increasing the military budget. In March 2003, PNAC published two statements on ‘Post-War Iraq.’”
The PNAC on the outside and in the media working in cahoots with the Zionist NeoCONmen within the Bu$h administration are responsible for much of the disinformation about Iraq’s WMD and their non-existent ties to 9-11 and al Qaeda. The are the ones who actively promoted the lies and beat the war drums in the corporate media for the illegal and ill-conceived invasion and occupation of Iraq. They are doing the same thing now regarding Iran. While things have not gone well at all for the NeoCONmen in Iraq; they are regrouping under the guise of defending their “ally in the Middle East” as the various PNAC and Clean Break papers and letters predicted. The consequence of all this disingenuousness is, their policies are bankrupting this nation, morally and fiscally; and the poor will suffer the most. The NeoCONs couldn’t prod Bu$h to attack Iran directly so now they are advocating a back door war in support of Israel who is clearly the heavy-handed aggressor in all this! Don’t go for the okey-doke, don’t allow the NeoCONS to continue to lie to us and hoodwink us by calling up, down, aggression, defense and war peace. Don’t allow them to execute the nefarious agendas of cunningly sly, chicken hawk NeoCON warmongers at the world’s expense.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Random Thoughts on Recent/Current Events

Random Thoughts On Recent/Current Events

When George W Bu$h was nominated to head the 2000 Republican election ticket most people raised their eyebrows and shrugged their shoulders and asked “Who?”. If Bu$h hadn’t been given the nod by the plutocratic shot callers and a free pass by their corporate media flunkies George W. Bu$h would have been laughed and mocked to scorn for his obvious unpreparedness to handle himself on the global stage. It was no secret Dubeyah wasn’t the sharpest knife in his family’s drawer. Nevertheless he had the backing of his family, their money, their connections and the total support of the corportocracy’s mind control and reality shaping apparatus. The media glossed over his malapropisms, his intellectual awkwardness and the seemingly unrealistic statements and promises he made about resurrecting morality in the White House, being a uniter rather than a divider, promising to boost military spending and cutting taxes; as the same media dogged his opponent and made mountains out of mole holes around any and every mistake Al Gore made
Once Debeyah’s daddy’s buddies on the Supreme Court handed him the presidency on a silver platter, his handlers started making their moves to improve his image in the media and denounce his detractors. Most of the nation was incensed by the Supreme Court fiasco but Bu$h and Co. pressed on. His first months in office were a bit shaky, then the China Spy plane incident occurred in April of 2001. Boy George who had gone AWOL for months during his tour as a reserve officer in the Air National Guard (to avoid active duty in Vietnam) got his rocks off threatening China and posturing in front of the cameras for the corporate media who continued to give him a virtual pass from criticism or critical analysis. We should have seen a trend there but we didn’t.
Bu$h made it through that crisis but his poll numbers still were not good. The UN Conference on Racism was a watershed moment as the US refused to send a representative and the imperialist powers and settler regimes of Europe and Israel were on the ropes for their roles in global colonialism, exploitation and oppression. Things weren’t looking so good for Bu$h and Co. Then out of the supposed blue came 9-11. The AmeriKKKan sheeple rallied around their leader during their time of shock and trauma ( which was amplified using subtle and blatant psychological warfare techniques on the AmeriKKKan people by the corporate media) and the ruling elites used the occasion to push their pre-planned fascist agenda whole hog on the unsuspecting and traumatized public. All of a sudden Bu$h’s approval ratings went up and he went wild whipping AmeriKKKa into a war frenzy; in the process squandering all the good will and sympathy 9-11 engendered for the AmeriKKan people around the world.
The boy emperor made tensions worse by banging the war drums in his effort to gain approval for his Nazi/Israeli like pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. World reaction was hugely unsupportive but Bu$h used disinformation, deceit and a cunning psychological operation to justify his invasion of Iraq. Around the world there were massive demonstrations against his move but they fell on deaf ears. Bu$h and the NeoCons were determined to use 9-11 as a pretext to invade Iraq so they and their cronies could expropriate that nation’s natural resources, preserve US petro-dollar hegemony and support Israeli expansion in the region.
Now here we are almost five years after 9-11, stubbornly and needlessly bogged down in Iraq, while Afghanistan is becoming a question mark as far as an AmeriKKKan victory in Bu$h’s Global War on Terrorism, regime change and global democratization ( the new term for AmeriKKKan imperialist neo-colonialism). Bu$h’s policies have bankrupted the nation, morally and financially. At home his poll numbers are horrible despite efforts by his handlers to create bogus hot button emotional issues to raise his profile and rally his shrinking core of ultra-right supporters and Christian religious fanatics. But Bu$h is far from set, more an dmore AmeriKKKans feel he has lead the nation over a moral abys and his own party is racked with scandal and inner squabbling. The press every now and then does its job and informs the public about something illegal and totally fascist the Bu$h cabal is doing. But the public may seethe a while but takes no action. There are rarely any demonstrations, no efforts to impeach Bu$h, no court challenges; nothing Bu$h in stead of backing off is now threatening to go after the press and he’s trying to intimidate and coerce them into being even more Milquetoast and servile than ever. There is hope, a woman named Sheehan has embarrassed and bedeviled Bu$h ad nauseam for over a year.
Now we have North Korea launching several missiles and Bu$h seems to have lost his bark after getting the US military bogged hopelessly in a no win occupation in Iraq where guerilla anti-occupation forces are befuddling the AmeriKKKan forces to which they respond using increasingly excessive military force. Their brutality further antagonizes the Iraqis and Muslims around the world These tactics on top of the prison scandals and abuses, the renditions, the black op death squads and the US military’s attacks against independent minded journalists have turned world opinion against the US. All of a sudden there are a rash of bombing and activities which are almost always attributed to Al Qaeda whether they occur in London, (Canada and Miami don’t count because they were obvious sting operations to garner pro fascist publicity) and now India. Even before there is an official investigation anywhere, the Western media proclaims al Qaeda did it Pretty good for an organization that was originally created, trained and funded by the US CIA. Is this coincidental? Israel is provoking war against Lebanon and threatening to take on Syria knowing full well Iran has a mutual aid and defense pact with Syria. The NeoCons most of whom are rabid Zionists have wanted regime change in Syria and Iran all along, this may well be a back door provocation to get the war the so desperately want
At home Fed induced inflation (a calculated rise in the money supply and interest rates) and “credit” policies are making it even more difficult for working folks to keep their heads above water and avoid drowning in a sea of debt. Things will get worse because the figures the Bu$h administration put out every month about how great the economy is and how low unemployment is are mostly lies. The chickens are coming home to roost, after helping rig elections around the world for years via bribes and CIA covert operations the same thing is going on here The unsuspecting masses will soon experience total frustration and subsequent apathy towards the whole process as it becomes increasingly obvious the plutocrats select the candidates and rig the elections to ensure their interests will always be looked out for. Only radical shifts in our values, priorities and behavior will alter the way this nation is headed. It will require sacrifice, moral courage, intellectual honesty and fearlessness and total commitment.
I fear AmeriKKKans of all colors and strips are too far down the road of fascism, too comfortable and used to the spoils of globalist imperialism to turn back now. Nevertheless, the Universal Law of Karma demands compensation, justice, balance and restitution individually and collectively. No amounts of Bu$h- speak, Neocon media razzle dazzle or spin can alter this inevitability. Be prepared, it’s going to be a heavy price to pay.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Back Door War

The Back Door War

“... Israel, by raising the chaos, the instability of the region may be helping out George Bush, it's ultra-permissive "parental" figure who lets it do whatever it wants. More chaos in the middle east raises the fear factor, as Fox News shows scarey scenes. Bush thrives on an environment loaded with fear. If Israel gets the Iranians involved, it will have handed Condi and Donald Rumsfeld what they've been wanting on a silver platter, and Bush will be able to declare that you don't change horses in midstream.” Middle East Chaos, Who Benefits Rob Kall

It’s no secret the main instigators behind Bu$h’s misadventures in Iraq were a hard core group of rabid Zionists who promoted, lied for and championed Bu$h’s ill advised invasion of Iraq. Many of these same Ashkenazim are the one’s pushing for AmeriKKKa to preemptively strike Iran because of their (non-existent just as Iraq had no WMD) nuclear capabilities. Only the efforts of the saner active and retired military brass and their counterparts in the retired or forced out intelligence community have prevented the chicken hawk NeoCons from launching a disastrous attack on Iran. Such an attack would invariably will suck AmeriKKKa into a wider and more devastating regional conflict. Undeterred, Zionist fanatics in Jerusalem are committed to expanding the borders of one third of the real axis of evil (the US and Britain are the other two thirds) from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers. Since the climate in the US is not right for Bu$h to replicate his idiotic invasion of a nation that poses neither an immediate nor a long term threat to the US, the Israelis are determined to keep something going.
This time Israel is fomenting mischief (war) in Lebanon, they are threatening Syria which has a mutual defense pact with Iran in addition to their ongoing, unprovoked and brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The recent arrests of the Hamas leaders were planned weeks before the low grade Israeli soldiers were captured. The Israeli newspapers even admit it. “Israel intends to arrest more senior Hamas figures in addition to the dozens of Palestinian lawmakers and ministers arrested in a predawn raid Thursday, the Justice Ministry said Thursday. The detention of Hamas parliamentarians in the early hours of Thursday morning had been planned several weeks ago and received approval from Mazuz on Wednesday. The same day, Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin presented Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with the list of Hamas officials slated for detention.”
Israel seems to be trying to start a back door war against its neighbors and drag the US into it. It is attacking Lebanon and threatening to go after Syria knowing full well Iran will come to Syria’s aid. The Iranian leadership has already issued a warning there will be a “fierce response” if Israel attacks Syria, However the US mind control apparatus spins everything to make the Israeli aggressors look like victims and people like Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are depicted by the US corporate media as irrational fanatics. “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a ‘fierce response’, state television reported.” Since the Israelis have not been able to get their AmeriKKKan lapdogs to attack Iran directly, they are using the abduction of the Israeli soldiers as a ploy to rachet up their imperialist ambitions in Gaza as well as expand the conflict into Lebanon and beyond. Bush has said it and the Israelis know the US will “defend” Israel no matter what they do, thereby exacerbating tensions and inflaming already high anti-AmeriKKKan feelings in the region. Israel says the missiles being fired at Haifa in response to its attacks on Gaza and Lebanon were manufactured by Iran, implying Iran is an active culprit in this clearly manufactured crisis. Of course the US media will replay this over and over to make folks believe Iran is somehow involved in this.
Israel may eventually get their war with Iran but at what price? It will neither be a “cakewalk” nor a slam dunk. Their will be massive casualties on all sides, there will be no clear cut winners and it will most likely not just be Israel and the US versus Iran. Neither the Russians nor the Chinese are going to sit idly by and allow the US to attack Iran. US military leaders, those who have not drunk the NeoCon war party Kool-aid, know the US military cannot deploy themselves effectively in a massive multi front ground war at this time. Iran is not Iraq, the Iranians have weapons, they have an effective army, they have allies and a psychological rallying point to galvanize not only the Iranian people but Muslims around the world!
But Boy George and his fellow chicken hawks have never let reality stop them before. Who knows what these megalomaniacal psychopaths will do to keep their various agendas going? As events unfold, ask yourself where are the levelheaded and reasonable people who can bring sanity to this situation? Unless they quickly materialize, step forward and step up, the world could be looking at the beginnings of another world war. And the really scary part is, the Israelis could care less.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Economic Realities of Racism

The Economic Realities of Racism

“Compared to the full-employment job market of the latter 1990s, the weaker post-2000 labor market has reversed significant progress in racial income gaps. In 1995, the median income of African-American families was 60.9% of that of white families (in 2004 dollars: $31,966 versus $52,492). By 2000, when the unemployment rate fell to 4.0%, the ratio was 63.5% (still a very large income gap: $36,939 versus $58,167 in 2004 dollars), the highest level on record, going back to 1947. But as the third set of bars on the chart below reveals, the racial gap widened by 2004 (most recent data) as a result of the recession and the jobless recovery that followed. The last bar, based on a statistical model of the historical relationship between the racial income gap and unemployment, shows the ratio that would have prevailed in 2004 had unemployment remained at 4.0% instead of rising. The result is that the African-American/white income ratio would have been 63.9%, even larger than the 2000 record, and significantly higher than the 62.0% that actually occurred in 2004. This finding suggests that unless the very favorable labor market conditions of the latter 1990s return and are maintained, racial income gaps are likely to widen further.” Weaker job market re-opens racial income gap
by Jared Bernstein

In case any black folks are living in total denial and think things are rolling along smoothly and all is copacetic, the harsh reality is the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting shafted and black folks are losing major ground economically and politically. The Voting Rights Act is up for renewal and the fascist Republicans are sitting on their hands on this and the spineless Democrats are not putting up a fight or making it an issue, much to the embarrassment of the pathetic Congressional Black Caucus membership. Economically black people are sliding backwards even in the midst of a stagnant job market and economy. According to a brief report by the Economic Policy Institute an organization whose website banner proclaims “Research and Ideas For Working People” Africans in AmeriKKKa have lost ground wage wise as turn of the century recession and jobless recovery widened the income gap between
Euro-AmeriKKKans and Africans in AmeriKKKa.
Black folks have always been cheated, exploited, devalued and rarely were we paid the same wages as our white counterparts. Even following the Civil Rights era black folks still made up the bulk of the unemployed, underemployed and the underclass in AmeriKKKa. In the “hood” there was a saying “last hired, first fired” which explained the dismal state of affairs within the black community, as we were overly dependent on white largess for our survival. This fact produced large segments of poverty, hopelessness and despair. We vividly saw this last year during the Hurricane Katrina debacle as the poor and least able to save themselves were totally unprepared and were left to fend for themselves the best way they could. So it is not surprise most of the city’s poor were abandoned, forsaken and even demonized by the white media for not being able to evacuate the flooded areas.
“When the Labor Department released the latest unemployment figures, an explosive trend emerged but failed to grab any headlines or be mentioned by any candidate campaigning for votes in the African American community. The Washington Post said the national unemployment rate 'jumped' from 6.1 percent in May to 6.4 percent in June – the highest level in 10 years, with 9.4 million people unable to find work. But here’s the story that the Washington Post and the rest of the media ignored: the black unemployment rate jumped or leaped or bounced – whatever verb fits – from 10.8 percent in May to 11.8 percent in June -- more than 3 times the increase in the national rate. Bottomline: As the jobless crisis has gotten worse for all workers, the heaviest toll has been on black workers, millions who are becoming nomads in a globalized job market.” The Unemployment Story You Haven’t Heard By Dwight Kirk
The trend that isn’t making the news is black unemployment is on the rise and is several times the national average for whites. According to the Economic Policy Institute a continuation of current employment and economic trends does not bode well for Africans in AmeriKKKa. “This finding suggests that unless the very favorable labor market conditions of the latter 1990s return and are maintained, racial income gaps are likely to widen further.” The current trend is an ever widening income gap between whites and Africans in AmeriKKKa. It is highly unlikely under the fascist corporatocracy that sponsors the Bu$h administration public policy will change to reflect a genuine or humane concern for black folks because the ruling elites are pushing policies that are undermining and eroding the white middle class and creating what one writer called the thirdworldization of America. “The 1980s ended with the top 20 per cent of the population having the largest share of total income, while the bottom 60 per cent had the lowest share of total income ever recorded. Indeed, within the top 20 per cent, the gains of the Reagan-Bush period were concentrated in the top 1 per cent, whose income grew by 63 per cent between 1980 and 1989, capturing over 53 per cent of the total income growth among all families. Meanwhile, the bottom 60 per cent of families actually experienced a decline in income. The same radically regressive trends were evident in wealth holdings, which were even more concentrated than income: In l989, the top 1 percent of families earned 14.1% total income, yet owned 38.3% of total net worth and 50.3% of net financial assets. The wealth distribution has also become more unequal over time. The wealth holdings of the richest 0.5% of families grew by one percentage point over the entire 21-year period, 1962-83, but grew by four times as much in just six years between 1983 and 1989. Meanwhile, the bottom 60% of families had lower wealth holdings in 1989 than 1983.35 The trends revealed a middle class that was losing ground. Median family incomes for 1990 and 1991 dropped to their levels of the late 1970s when adjusted for taxes and inflation. But even more alarming was the fact that these trends translated into greater poverty and hunger among the more vulnerable sectors of the population. The percentage of whites living in poverty rose from 9 per cent in 1979 to 10 per cent in 1989. In the case of Hispanics, the increase was from 22 to 26 per cent, while black poverty remained steady at 31 per cent. While the ratio of black to white incomes did not change much, with black median income remaining at 60 per cent that of whites, the ratio of Hispanic to white median income fell from 69 per cent in 1979 to 65 per cent in 1989. Despite the differences in racial impact, it is clear that the most prominent feature in the Reagan rollback was its class character. That their circumstances had not declined further with respect to whites according to some social indicators was, of course, cold comfort for blacks, for the inequalities that remained the same or became only slightly more pronounced are nevertheless stark: average black per capita income is now less than 60 per cent that of whites; 13 per cent of blacks are jobless compared with 6 per cent for whites; and the life expectancy of black males is seven years less than that of white males By the end of the Republican era, the United States, a congressional study asserted, had become 'the most unequal of modern nations.' Some 20 million Americans were said to be experiencing hunger; 25 million of them - some one in every 10 - were receiving federal food stamps. The child poverty rate, which had risen from 18 per cent in 1980 to 22 percent in 1991, was the highest among the industrialized countries. Among children in minority groups, the poverty rate was even higher, at almost 50 per cent. Indeed, structural adjustment Republican-style was beginning to give the US a Third World appearance: rising poverty, widespread homelessness, greater inequality, social polarization. But perhaps it was the condition of infants that most starkly captured the 'Third Worldization' of America. The infant mortality rate for African Americans now stands at 17.7 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. This figure compares unfavorably not only to those for most other industrial countries but even to figures for some of the developing countries of the Caribbean, such as Jamaica (17.2 per 1,000), Trinidad (16.3), and Cuba (16).” The “Third Worldization” of America from the book Dark Victory by Walden Bello
These trends will continue into the foreseeable future unless there is a radical shift in consciousness, priorities, power and cultural patterns (i.e. trade unionists increase their slumping influence, alternative political parties gain access into the process, there is real campaign/election reform or an out and out revolution) none of which look promising at this point. Africans in AmeriKKKa will continue to suffer from the vicious realities of the endemic class and racial caste patterns, the huge white elephant in all our living rooms. All we can do is prepare ourselves to combat and counteract the policies of the ruling elites on a personal and small collective scale. But for that to happen we’d need a new generation of leadership, better information and the will to empower and save ourselves.


Friday, July 07, 2006

AmeriKKKa Has ALways Been A Pressive Police State

AmeriKKKa has Always Been A Repressive Police State

“Covert police methods have been used against progressive social movements since the founding of the country. Undercover operatives disrupted the historic efforts of rebel slaves and Native American, Mexican, and Puerto Rican resistance. Dissident journalists, insurgent workers, and rebellious farmers were arrested on false charges and jailed or hung after rigged trials. Through most of U.S. history, progressive activists faced the blatant brutality of hired thugs and right-wing vigilantes backed by government troops. As the country grew more urban and industrial, newly formed municipal police forces came to play a greater role. By the turn of this century, local police departments were running massive anti-union operations in collaboration with the Pinkertons and other private detective agencies.” WAR AT HOME
by Brian Glick

The ruling elites have used the educational system, religion and other mind and social control agencies to brainwash and dupe the masses into actually believing AmeriKKKa is “the land of the free and the home of that brave”, that liberty, freedom and opportunity are the birthrights of all citizens. Of course most white folks (except free spirited dissidents, radicals and non-conformists) have bought into this myth lock stock and barrel. People of color who have been the victims of white supremacist violence and oppression have had these lies seared into our consciousness through torture, terrorism, co-optation and assorted brainwashing techniques and inducements. The plutocratic shot callers cunningly used race as a wedge to divide the poor whites who were on the bottom of their socio-economic totem pole to prevent them from forging long lasting relationships with the Native Americans, Africans and other people of color mired at the bottom of AmeriKKKa’s racial cast hierarchy so as to undermine any threats to their elitist socio-economic and political status quo.
From the very beginning the US was a nation founded upon the notions or elitism and plutocracy. “In Colonial America, the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting much poorer. In 1687 in Boston, the top 1% owned about 25% of the wealth. By 1770, the top 1% owned 44%. In those same years, the poor--those who owned no property--represented 14% in 1687 and 29% in 1770... George Washington was the richest man in America, a man who enslaved 216 human beings who were not emancipated until after he and his wife had both died. Benjamin Franklin had a personal fortune worth at least $20 million in today's money. He was a champion of the Quaker plutocrats in Philadelphia and vigorously opposed the democratic western farmers of Pennsylvania.” America has always had racial and class stratification. “The wealthy merchant class grew fearful of the working class's power and made sure that delegates to the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774 were selected from the "ablest and wealthiest men in America." John Jay, later to become the first chief justice of the Supreme Court, was elected as president. His sentiment was a forecast of what the Constitution would establish: 'The people who own the country ought to govern it.'"
From jump street the fledgling US government used repressive measures to stamp out righteous grievances of the poor whites for redress of abysmal economic conditions favoring the wealthy. The wealthy merchant, banking and planter class used poor whites and blacks seeking liberation as cannon fodder in their war to break away from England. But they reneged on their promises to pay the soldiers which created even more hardship for the common men once the war was over. At one point an armed struggle erupted between agitated former soldiers and farmers and the government in Massachusetts. It was called Shay’s Rebellion after the former captain in the Revolutionary War Daniel P. Shay who led the farmers against the government. “The war's debt ultimately trickled down to consumers, in large part to small farmers. In addition, the tax system at the time- a direct capitation- was highly regressive, especially given the fact that there was a dichotomy in eighteenth century Massachusetts economics. Much of the western and central parts of the Commonwealth had a barter economy, as opposed to the monetary economy that existed in the eastern part of the Commonwealth. Compounding the east-west dichotomy, was the fact that certain mature western and central Massachusetts towns (such as Northampton or Hadley) possessed more developed monetary economies, whereas other towns (such as Amherst or Pelham) subsisted on a barter economy. As a result, to meet their debts, many small farmers were forced to sell their land, often at less than one-third of fair market price to eastern Massachusetts speculators. Loss of such property could reduce families to extreme poverty. It also often meant that such men might lose their right to vote since suffrage was often tied to property ownership.”'_Rebellion This set the stage for hundreds of years of repressive, brutal and oppressive state sanctioned violence against poor folks, dissidents, people of color and those who dared to challenge the lies, myths and operation of the prevailing social order.
We are familiar with COINTELPRO but most labor under the illusion covert police state campaigns were a one time thing or programs like that and the CIA’s Operation Chaos ( an anti-war counterinsurgency/destabilization program) no longer exist. Not so. “Over the past 50 years, clandestine work has become an essential part of the Bureau's mode of operation. Many of its senior agents are now specialists whose professional advancement requires that the government continue to rely on covert action. A similar group of "old hands" has emerged from the covert operations that the United States and its European allies developed in an effort to maintain control of their colonies and neo-colonies in countries such as Algeria, the Congo, India, Northern Ireland, Chile, and Vietnam. With Hoover's death and Webster's ascendancy at the FBI and then the CIA, the two sets of spies came gradually to coordinate and integrate their work. The combined experience of these veteran covert operatives has given rise to a growing literature and theory of counter-insurgency. Their widely circulated texts and manuals restate the basic precepts of COINTELPRO and pound home the necessity for continuous covert operations. The leading treatise, Low-Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping, by Frank Kitson, British commander in Kenya, Malaysia, Cyprus, and Northern Ireland, insists that infiltration and "psychological operations" be mounted against dissident groups in "normal times," before any mass movement can develop. Careerism, old boy networks, theories, and treatises help to perpetuate domestic covert action. The persistence of such operations can be fully explained, however, only in terms of their value to economic and political elites. Any social order based on inequality of wealth and power depends, to some degree, on political repression to control the disadvantaged majority. Modern U.S. elites have particular need for covert measures because the war at home is primarily the responsibility of the federal government, a government which is under intense pressure to appear to be democratic. The federal government has become the main arm of domestic repression through a series of historic developments. First, internal political conflict has come to focus increasingly on issues of public policy. Second, business and industry, which once played a major role, now rely on the public sector for unprofitable support services-from post offices, airports, roads, and job training to the pacification of workers and markets at home and abroad. They are no longer willing to maintain a large-scale in-house apparatus for repressing societal political dissent or to purchase such services from private agencies.” War at Home
by Brian Glick
“The typical American chief executive now earns 300 times the average wage, up tenfold from the 1970s. Continental Europe's bosses have seen nothing similar. This discrepancy has fostered the “fat cat” theory of inequality: greedy businessmen sanction huge salaries for each other at the expense of shareholders. Whichever explanation you choose for the signs of growing inequality, none of the changes seems transitory. The middle rungs of America's labour market are likely to become ever more squeezed. And that squeeze feels worse thanks to another change that has hit the middle class most: greater fluctuations in people's incomes. The overall economy has become more stable over the past quarter century. America has had only two recessions in the past 20 years, in 1990-91 and 2001, both of which were mild by historical standards. But life has become more turbulent for firms and people's income now fluctuates much more from one year to the next than it did a generation ago. Some evidence suggests that the trends in short-term income volatility mirror the underlying wage shifts and may now be hitting the middle class most... All in all, America's income distribution is likely to continue the trends of the recent past. While those at the top will go on drawing huge salaries, those in the broad middle of the middle class will see their incomes churned. The political consequences will depend on the pace of change and the economy's general health. With luck, the offshoring of services will happen gradually, allowing time for workers to adapt their skills while strong growth will keep employment high. But if the economy slows, Americans' scepticism of globalisation is sure to rise. And even their famous tolerance of inequality may reach a limit.” Inequality in America The rich, the poor and the growing gap between them
Viewed in these terms we can see why the Bu$hites ordered domestic spying even before 9-11, why what happened in New Orleans almost a year ago was actually a dry run for martial law, the lock down, dislocation and ethnic cleansing of an AmeriKKKan urban area to test the readiness of the plutocrats’ fascist New World Order agenda and the programmability and gullibility of the AmeriKKKan public. They know the policies of their plutocratic backers are causing grave concern and pain and they fear the masses. In order to keep them distracted they use the bogeyman of terrorism just like their parents used the fear of “global communism” to hype military-industrial-technological complex profits and fuel the overt and covert police state tactics we discussed earlier. They are terrified of what we will do when enough of us wake up to what they are doing! They fear you, they fear a modern day Shay’s Rebellion! Hence the need to employ psy ops and campaigns to disarm the public, take our weapons, distract Joe and Jane Sixpack, Jose and Carmen, Jaqwan or Booboo and Shanaynay; bamboozle and dupe them with fairytales about evildoers in caves who hate us for our freedoms who are so slick they can defy the laws of physics and make tall building fall like magic.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

NeoCons Attempt To Unseat Cynthia McKinney Again

NeoCons and Shameless Sambo Try To Unseat Cynthia McKinney

“ - A little known African American woman announced Thursday that she will try to unseat Georgia Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has been mired in controversy since she struck a U.S. Capitol policeman in the chest with her closed fist. Catherine Davis, a human resources manager who has never held elected office, said she is running because McKinney's ‘dismal legislative record and her outrageous behavior are an embarrassment to the hard-working folks in my district.’ McKinney represents Georgia's 4th Congressional District.”

The fascist plutocrats have renewed their attempts to unseat populous Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney one more time. McKinney was defeated in 2002 using money and resources from a coalition of NeoCon and Zionist (some say they are one and the same) forces and a willing stooge they plucked from the community to run against McKinney at a time when the NeoCons were hellbent on stamping out all forms of dissent and heresy to their fascist and imperialist agenda. McKinney was defeated because her adversaries took advantage of a Georgia law that allows Republicans to cross party lines and vote against her in the primary. The NeoCon cabal funneled mad dollars into her oppenent's campaign while simultaneously the corporate mind control apparatus vilified and demonized McKinney because she dared insinuate George W Bush had foreknowledge of 9-11. It has since been irrefutably proven he did even though his backers in the mainstream media have flushed this information down the memory hole.
McKinney was subsequently defeated by Denise Majette a DeKalb County judge who had never run for elected office having been appointed judge by Governor Zell in 1993. It seems she was plucked out of nowhere and given the nod and backing to unseat McKinney in the heavily democratic 4th Congressional District. With Jewish money pouring in and Republican zombies following the instructions of their Pavlovian masters to vote against McKinney in the primary, the people’s champion suffered a temporary setback. The mind control apparatus attempted to spin it as a vindication for “true Americans” when McKinney was defeated. But fate has a funny way of vindicating truth. It subsequently came out Bush had been warned by the CIA that a major attack against the US was in the works, and they did nothing to prevent it. The mainstream media revealed the Presidents’s Daily Brief by the CIA had warned bin-Laden was planning something big . What Bu$h’s media cohorts did not reveal was the Bu$h administration had also been warned ahead of time about 9-11 by such nations as Germany, France, Russia, Israel, Egypt, Morocco and even Argentina. It subsequently went downhill for the Bu$hites from there once they launched their ill fated invasion of Iraq. As time passed an avalanche of evidence emerged proving the Bu$hites lied about Iraqi WMD and they plotted to dethrone Saddam Hussein immediately following 9-11!
Ironically these revelations validated and vindicated McKinney not only in her former 4th Congressional District but around the country as well, much to the chagrin of the disingenuous Bu$h-Cheney cabal. Majette must have allowed the support the NeoCons gave her to go to her head. She hadn’t even warmed her seat in the halls of the US Congress before she decided to run for the US Senate. What was Ms Majette thinking? Did she believe being a Yale graduate made her one of the “good ol’ boys”? Majette’s intemperate decision opened the door for Cynthia McKinney to reclaim her seat in Congress. And reclaim it she did. McKinney returned with a vengeance and defeated an open field of five primary contestants and easily defeated her Republican opponent in the general election. McKinney returned to Congress as bold as ever despite being repeatedly dissed and spanked by the weak kneed and spineless “leadership” of her own party.
McKinney did not miss a beat, jumping into the fray on a myriad of controversial issues most of her emasculated Democratic colleagues wouldn’t touch with a ten foot poll like: Iraq troop withdrawal, challenging the Joint Chiefs about their simulated military exercises on 9-11 that undermined the military’s ability to respond appropriately on that fateful day and investigating the Bu$h administration’s criminally negligent response to Hurricane Katrina. McKinney was on a roll deviling the Bu$h administration every chance she got. She had the Bu$hites on the ropes but the trickster gods zapped her. Her run-in with a Capital Hill Police officer provided an opening for her opponents (the ones in her own party and the Bu$hites) to go after her. In much ado about nothing the US Attorney empaneled a federal grand jury to look into the incident which was fueled by the mind control apparatus’ attempts to demonize her and get her kicked out of Congress. But the ancestors stepped in to pull her through. Ms McKinney was pressured by her colleagues to apologize which she did, the grand jury subsequently refused to indict her on assault charges and she received significant support from folks outside the beltway who are not beguiled and bamboozled by the fascist group think of the Bu$h cabal. Plus in the over all scheme of things, with revelations of Congressional corruption and profiteering ever in the news, her incident with the Capital police officer was a non-issue.
McKinney is running hard against the fascist corporatist machine and its political lackeys. This time a black “NeoCon” Republican named Catherine Davis is being dusted off to run against McKinney in the general election in November. Like Majette, Davis has no prior history of elected office and is using McKinney’s persona non grata status within the D.C. establishment as her sole campaign platform. McKinney is in a tough primary fight and her enemies will attempt to do what they did in 2002, convince Republicans to cross over and vote against her. Cynthia McKinney needs our help. Don’t sit by and allow the Bu$hites to steal yet another election. Don’t allow self-serving sycophantic elements to take down one of the few genuinely people and issue oriented representatives serving in Congress. Cynthia McKinney doesn’t just fight for her 4th District constituents, she fights for all of us! Don’t allow the enemies of the world to unseat her. Don’t allow the warmongers and liars to usurp her seat. Don’t send another money grubbing, morally impotent coward to Congress.
Yes, as many of you know, I’m a vocal critic of the AmeriKKKan system because I know this system is racist and corrupt. I know she will be going up against overwhelming odds on both sides of the aisle; but without people like Cynthia McKinney the system would be totally unrepentant and thoroughly crooked. Please do whatever you can to support this Sistah, send her some money, volunteer for her campaign if you can’t do that, at least pray for her strength and safety. These are perilous times, we need a champion like Cynthia McKinney in our corner fighting for us to stem the tide away from domestic fascist militarism and war.
