The US Culture of Warmongering
The US Culture of Warmongering “The war on terror we fight today is a generational struggle that will continue long after you and I have turned our duties over to others. And that's why it's important to work together so our nation can see this great effort through. Both parties and both branches should work in close consultation. It's why I propose to establish a special advisory council on the war on terror, made up of leaders in Congress from both political parties. We will share ideas for how to position America to meet every challenge that confronts us. We'll show our enemies abroad that we are united in the goal of victory.” George W Bu$h’s 2007 State of The Union Speech
If anyone doubts AmeriKKKa has turned into a fascist imperialist nation (as opposed to a republican imperialist country) all you have to do is listen (if your heart can stand it) to George W Bu$h’s 2007 State of the Union speech. Take out the lies, distortions and bogus proposals he knows he will never implement and you’ve got the crux of the real Bu$h agenda; perpetual war. This is what he and his handlers are really about, incessant war, wrecking havoc on the world for years to come. Not only is he planning what he and his bloodthirsty pals call a “generational struggle” but he expects all AmeriKKKans to pitch in and do their part to terrify the world with the US patented ‘shock and awe” brand of pillage and rapine. His ideas would make his barbarian ancestors proud.
Further on in his speech Bu$h made a subtle call for the reinstatement of the military draft. He said,
“And one of the first steps we can take together is to add to the ranks of our military so that the American Armed Forces are ready for all the challenges ahead. _ Tonight I ask the Congress to authorize an increase in the size of our active Army and Marine Corps by 92,000 in the next five years. A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. It would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time_” George W Bu$h 2007 State of the Union address, my underline emphasis.
As usual the corporate media held to their class loyalties and gave Bu$h another free pass by abdicating their responsibility to critically examine, question and challenge his call for more troops and what he called a “Civilian Reserve Corps” to augment the fascist militarism that has gripped this nation during his administration. I culled the Internet looking at the so called mainstream media’s reaction to Bu$h’s speech. Nowhere did I see any question for the need for a “surge” in troops to pacify Baghdad nor did I see any questions about where the money will come from to pay for the escalation of his foolish occupation. The media never challenged his call for an increase in the size of the active Army, Marine Corps nor did they ask why the nation even needed a Civilian Reserve Corps?!
I suspect somewhere down the line, given the disastrous consequences of Bu$h’s latest moves will “necessitate” more troops to man the permanent bases the US has already constructed in Iraq and Central Asia; there will probably be some form of military draft or “mandatory national service” similar to the one proposed by Uncle Charlie Rangel of New York. They will have to to supply additional cannon fodder to the imperialist wars Bu$h has on the planning board. The really sad thing is a supposedly black Congressman, Charles Rangel is sponsoring a bill to reinstate the draft!
“Congressman Charles Rangel today introduced new legislation to reinstate the military draft that will include draftees up to 42 years of age. ‘Every day that the military option is on the table, as declared by the President in his State of the Union address, in Iran, North Korea, and Syria, reinstatement of the military draft is an option that must also be considered, whether we like it or not,’ Congressman Rangel said. ‘If the military is already having trouble getting the recruits they need, what can we do to fill the ranks if the war spreads from Iraq to other countries? We may have no other choice but a draft.’ The bill would mandate military service for men and women between the ages of 18 and 42. Deferments would be allowed only for completion of high school up to the age of 20, and for reasons of health, conscience or religious belief. Recruits not needed by the military in any given year would be required to perform some national civilian service. ‘My bill conforms to the age standards that have been set by the Army itself,’ Congressman Rangel said, referring to the Army's recent announcement raising the top age for Army volunteers from 39 to 42. ‘With volunteers now being accepted up to the age of 42, it makes sense to cap the age of draftees at 42,’ Congressman Rangel said.’” Uncle Charlie is so busy kissing up to the imperialist fascists, it never even occurred to him the solution might be to alter US foreign policy. How many lives and how much money could be saved if we just bring the troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan, Columbia, Korea, Japan and Germany and stop trying to be the continuation of the British Empire?! But Rangel says he wants to be the one out front on this issue of “equalizing the burden and sacrifice”. Bullsh__! Rangel is shilling for the military industrial war machine. He’s part of the good ol’ boy network of warmongering fascists who support illegal invasions, preemptive wars and colonial quagmires like the US is experiencing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Alas imperialists like Bu$h and Rangel get paid whether the US “wins” or gets run out of Iraq. Warmongers like them never learn the lessons of history (Haiti in 1804, Waterloo in 1815, Stalingrad in 1943, Vietnam 1975 or Mogadishu in 1993 ) so they continue to commit the same errors over and over. This inevitably happens in a culture of rabid imperialists; one day the empire looks up and it has either been defeated by a freedom loving people who heroically resist their imperialist aggression, or the empire implodes upon itself because the cancers of arrogance, greed, hubris and megalomania devour it from within . From my vantage point both of these things seem to be happening to AmeriKKKa.
Have They All Drank The Kool-Aid?
Have They All Drank the Kool Aid? “Applause and cheering are signs of approval and are accolades for a job well done. The man speaking to the nation, and indeed the world, is a criminal, not a leader. George W. Bush is a puppet of corporate interests and political thugs. He has brought Americans to the closest brush with Fascism they has ever experienced, and he has waged an unending, illegal and immoral war that has shamed us as a nation. There should have been silence, but there was applause. There should have been silence for the thousands of dead American and coalition troops, and for the maimed and blinded and limbless soldiers who have been sacrificed for nothing more than greed and hubris. There should have been silence for the hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Iraqis whose nation will never recover from its wounds.There should have been silence for the victims of Katrina whose plight has been ignored and forgotten in Louisiana and Mississippi, and who know first hand that their President is a professional liar who cares nothing at all for their continued suffering. And, last but not least, there should have been silence for the Constitution of the United States that is now on its deathbed. There should have been total silence, and yet, there was applause.”
I watched George Bu$h give his 2007 State of The Union address to the AmeriKKKan people and the world. I was amazed and appalled at the reaction by the US Congress. Are these people crazy, jumping up and down clapping at the words uttered by this obvious madman? The whole thing reminded me of Jim Jones the supposed charismatic leader of the People’s Temple who seduced over nine hundred of his followers mostly African-American to commit mass suicide in Guyana in South America in 1978. One account says Jones’ voice was blasted over the loudspeaker constantly and the people were mesmerized, brainwashed and intimidated into doing whatever Jones told them to do. Ultimately he told them to drink a concoction which contained deadly poison.
While Washington D.C. is not Guyana it does have a similar group think culture, protocols and insanity. Take last night for example, supposedly responsible adults many elected to office on a fervent backlash against an extremely unpopular president who launched an invasion, occupation and war based on lies acted like puppets rising up and down and clapping despite the nonsense and obvious bull dung Bu$h was sputtering. At one point Bu$h even had that characteristic smirk of his on his face like, “wow these suckers are actually falling for this stuff.” Bu$h covered a myriad of issues during his speech: the economy, immigration, entitlement programs his cockeyed “voodoo economics” policies have helped undermine, education his No Child Left Behind law has crippled and the bogus War on Terror in which Bu$h is leading AmeriKKKa over the abyss into the junk heap of history with all the other megalomaniacs like Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolph Hitler. Bu$h as usual made promises he cannot keep and his warped vision of the world is not within the framework of most folks’ notions of reality.
“The war on terror we fight today is a generational struggle that will continue long after you and I have turned our duties over to others. That is why it is important to work together so our nation can see this great effort through. Both parties and both branches should work in close consultation. And this is why I propose to establish a special advisory council on the war on terror, made up of leaders in Congress from both political parties. We will share ideas for how to position America to meet every challenge that confronts us. And we will show our enemies abroad that we are united in the goal of victory. One of the first steps we can take together is to add to the ranks of our military — so that the American Armed Forces are ready for all the challenges ahead. Tonight I ask the Congress to authorize an increase in the size of our active Army and Marine Corps by 92,000 in the next five years. A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. And it would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time.” Bu$h actually managed to utter these words with a straight face and not be suited for a straight jacket by the guys in white suits! To add insult to injury he had some honest well-rounded folks in the audience and pointed them out as examples of AmeriKKKan sacrifice, heroism and good will. Of course one was a military man, a warmongering fascist like Bu$h had to get that in there to make war and killing seem noble. More alarming than Bu$h’s crass dog and pony show is the fact he is calling for generational imperialism, a continuing campaign or crusade against Islam. Plus he is asking for additional cannon fodder and a civilian reserve corps to keep his program going!!! What’s even worse is the fact the dolts in Congress actually clapped with approval!!
Are Bu$h and Cheney like Jim Jones? Have they gained a demonic hold on the minds of people who enter Washington? Or do their minions the lobbyists, bag men and prostitutes craftily go about entrapping the our politicians, enticing them into compromising positions as hidden cameras roll and once they are in the mix they cunningly whitemail them into doing whatever they want?! There must be some logical reason for the behavior of Congress as even newly elected representatives sell us out as they sat listening to that mess. I wasn’t alone, another blogger put it this way, “
Of all the Bush State of the Union addresses I have heard, this one has been most tolerable. Maybe that’s because he had a new speech writer, maybe because there’s a Democratic majority, maybe (but not likely) Bush has become humbled by his defeat during the mid-terms. The first female Speaker of the House, Nancy Pilosi might have had an effect. Maybe, just maybe, Bush is trying to become more bipartisan…not likely though. Improved healthcare (he stopped short of universal healthcare) by way of tax cuts…hmmm don’t know about that. Researching and funding alternative sources of energy to improve the American economy…nice way of putting the environment in Republican terms. Adding 20,000+ troops so troop levels would rise to original Iraq invasion and post-”Mission Accomplished” sign levels and then expecting things to magically change…obviously this President went to Yale and got a 2.0 gpa (and that’s Yale, which means grade inflation). Maybe we will actually elect a President who earned his bachelors in 2008.” This was a Cornell student’s blog and was pretty tame.
At any rate it seems our Congress critters have drunk Bu$h’s Kool Aid and fallen for the okey-doke. They have no plan of their own and the prospects of them turning this thing around look bleak. Giving them the benefit of doubt, perhaps they were just being polite and “bipartisan”. At any rate I would have felt a lot more comfortable if more of them hadn’t clapped or responded favorably to his BS. As we have seen Bu$h has a history of making grandiose promises but never delivering on anything except chaos, bloodletting and war. Let us not go out that way, drinking Bu$h’s Kool-Aid.
The Emperor Is Insane
The Emperor Is Insane “Though we've been in Iraq nearly four years, the meager goal today simply is to secure Baghdad. This hardly shows that the mission is even partly accomplished.Astonishingly, American taxpayers now will be forced to finance a multi-billion-dollar jobs program in Iraq. Suddenly the war is about jobs! We export our manufacturing jobs to Asia, and now we plan to export our welfare jobs to Iraq – all at the expense of the poor and middle class here at home.” US Congressman Ron Paul
The ruling elites have decided to bum rush and force AmeriKKKa further into their no win occupational war in Iraq despite the AmeriKKKan people’s weariness of the whole fiasco and being tired of the what is obvious to everyone but the NeoCon/ Zionist cabal who have highjacked AmeriKKKan policy that this invasion and occupation was the greatest US folly in recent memory. Bu$h playing his role as the useful idiot will send more troops into Iraq in a futile effort to secure and pacify the capital city of Baghdad. To make matters worse he is making overt threats against Iran and Syria at a time when the US can barely keep the lid on the violence in Baghdad let alone pacify the Sunni triangle! This is a foolish gesture on Bu$h’s part because the saner military men amongst the fascist warmongers understand only two things will result from Bu$h’s “plan”: an all out confrontation against the various ethnic factions and militias in Baghdad which will leave massive civilian casualties and infrastructural devastation similar to the US assault on Fallujah, which will unite the various ethnic and religious factions into a nationalistic fervor that will escalate anti-AmeriKKKan feelings throughout Iraq; or the anti occupation forces will go underground, leave or relocate elsewhere, continuing their fight against the invaders waging a united campaign against them back in Baghdad and throughout Iraq except for the areas controlled by the Kurds. Either way, none of the results bode well for the US occupation. The problem is, Bu$h’s plan is an attempt to accomplish an overarching Zionist plan to balkanize Iraq and wage genocidal war in Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
“The scheme to Balkanize the Middle East has its roots in proposals put forth by a number of prominent Israelis. In 1982, Oded Yinon, a senior advisor at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a journalist, articulated the Zionist plan to Balkanize the Middle East by breaking up the Arab states of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. ‘The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short-term target,’ Yinon wrote. ‘Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets,’ Yinon wrote. ‘Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. ‘In the short run it is Iraqi power that constitutes the greatest threat to Israel,’ Yinon wrote. ‘Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon.’”
Bu$h is being used by the Zionists to accomplish their planned agenda for the region, but he is not alone. The Zionist lobby and influence peddlers in the media have highjacked the US Congress and are using the corporate mass media to paint Iran as the primary bogey man regime that needs to be eliminated. As crazy as Bu$h’s “plan” is, it actually makes sense when you view it in the context of perpetual war. By saying he’s going after the militias in Baghdad many of whom are Shia and by targeting and attacking popular Shia cleric Moqtada al- Sadr it will antagonize Shi’ites throughout the region including Iran! Couple that with the overt threats and military moves Bu$H is making in the Gulf aimed at Iran and the stage is being set for an all out confrontation. Bu$h is mad, totally insane far beyond the petulant drug abusing frat boy toy soldier; he is being used to ignite the much ballyhooed Clash of Civilizations, a modern crusade against Muslims everywhere. Sadly Bu$h is not a student of history or war. Little does boy George realize in war armaments and ordnance are secondary, it is the will to prevail, the justness of the cause that determines victory!
The AmeriKKKan people don’t have the will for more killing and carnage or a war and occupation that are immoral and unjust!
“In real estate, the three important considerations are location, location, location. In Iraq, the three conditions are occupation, occupation, occupation. Nothing can improve in Iraq until we understand that our occupation is the primary source of the chaos and killing. We are a foreign occupying force, strongly resented by the majority of Iraq's citizens. Our inability to adapt to the tactics of 4th generation warfare compounds our military failure. Unless we understand this, even doubling our troop strength will not solve the problems created by our occupation.” US Congressman Ron Paul
It’s time the AmeriKKKan people learned the lesson from the Korean, Vietnamese and Somalian Mogadishu experiences. These people had inferior technology, they were outgunned and out bombed but forced AmeriKKKa to retreat in humiliation because their will was far greater and their cause was just. To compound his insanity, Bu$hy boy plans to spend money the US doesn’t even have (further bankrupting AmeriKKKa) to rebuild Iraq after willfully and maliciously devastating that country while here in the good ol’ US of A, there are roads, bridges and infrastructure that desperately need refurbishing! What about the social programs that benefit AmeriKKKans that will suffer as all the funds go to finance wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia (and soon Iran and Syria)?! How can Joe and Jane Sixpack sit back and allow this to happen, especially after the last election?!
Bu$h is totally insane. He must be hearing voices from “god” again. Are the Zionists and NeoCons that influential, is he that under their spell? Bu$h seems determined to play his role as “the decider” to the hilt by sending AmeriKKKa over the abyss, both figuratively and literally to crash amidst the junk heap empires of history similar to what happened to Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolph Hitler. This will surely happen, unless the AmeriKKKan people do something to stop him!
Uncle Sam's Proxy War in Somalia
Uncle Sam’s Proxy War In Somalia “Troops attached to the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa have been training Ethiopian soldiers in basic infantry tactics, officer logistics and maintenance since 2003, when the U.S. government identified the East African country as an ally in its global war on terror. Similar training programs are ongoing in Djibouti and Kenya. In Hurso, the so-called military-to-military training has taken on a new urgency in the days following Ethiopia’s incursion into Somalia on behalf of that collapsed nation’s embattled, albeit U.N.-sanctioned, government.”
US trained Ethiopian troops and heavy military equipment invaded Somalia ostensibly to recapture and rout the supposed “Islamic fanatics” and “terrorists” who stepped in to restore order and fill the socio-political vacuum created when the Somalian government collapsed.
“The Islamic Courts, dismissed by the US as ‘terrorists’, brought a semblance of law and order to towns that have known no such thing in the 15 years Somalia has been without a central government. Checkpoints and technicals became a rare sight in Mogadishu. Residents reported that they felt safe walking around the capital, something that had not been true when the city was run by rival warlords. Mogadishu now appears to be back in the hands of the same warlords. Mohamed Jama Furuh, a former warlord and current member of parliament, reclaimed control of the capital's seaport. Others have reclaimed the airport and the old presidential palace. The military defeat for the UIC has been remarkably swift. Just two weeks ago the Courts felt sufficiently confident of their military strength to plan an attack on Baidoa, the small town 130 miles west of Mogadishu that the weak transitional government was based in. But the military defeat has also become a political loss. Much of the UIC's support came from the influential Hawiye clan in Mogadishu. The Hawiye withdrew that support as the Somali government marched on Mogadishu, forcing the Courts to hand over weapons and vehicles the clan had provided. Ethiopia's superior military strength has been the key factor. With 100,000 soldiers and training programmes from the US, they are the strongest military power in East Africa. A predominantly Christian country, Ethiopia feared the rise of a militant Islamic state on its doorstep. They found an ally in the US, which saw the Courts through the prism of the global war on terror.”
Make no mistake about it, Ethiopia’s incursion into Somalia is at the behest and order of Washington. In fact if the US weren’t behind this it is highly unlikely Ethiopia would even get involved in Somalia’s internal problems.
“Preparations for the present war began this summer when the UIC took control of Mogadishu. As the UIC rapidly extended its control over the rest of the country, the US began to work covertly through private military contractors to re-establish itself in Somalia. Emails leaked to the Observer and Africa Confidential in June this year revealed that Select Armor, ATS Worldwide and Special Associated Services—private mercenary corporations—had met with the CIA to discuss operations in Somalia. They were assisting Ethiopian forces in the defense of the TFG in Baidoa.”
The US is footing the bill and providing arms and training for Ethiopian cannon fodder to do the bidding of the Bu$h administration by gaining a toehold in a very geo-strategic region chocked full of natural resources. In fact the US military magazine Stars and Stripes is pleased as punch the US is training Ethiopians to wage war on their neighbors. A recent article in the online version of the magazine points out the role of the US military in training and preparing the Ethiopians to wage war on the people of Somalia.
“‘Depending on whether things really kick off, it’s a very real possibility that some of these guys could find themselves using these skills very soon,’ said Sgt. 1st Class Bill Flippo, an instructor based at Camp Hurso. ‘You want to make sure you cover everything thoroughly,’ the 27-year-old Winfield, Kan., native said. ‘The stuff you teach them could result in things working out really good for them, or really bad.’ Flippo is one of a handful of instructors here who belong to Company A, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division. The instructors, who are three-quarters of the way through a year long deployment, are currently training more than three dozen Ethiopian army officers, noncommissioned officers and enlisted from throughout the country. ‘The majority of these guys are trainers themselves,’ said 1st Lt. Ben Daughters, 24, of Chillicothe, Ohio. ‘The idea is that we train them and they go back and train their own.’ ”
The US has been interested in the Horn of Africa since 1992 when non government organization lobbied for “humanitarian aid” for the region that was suffering from poverty, famine and wobbly political infrastructures in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia and civil wars in places like Sudan and Chad. Neo-colonial puppets and proxies for the West and Russia
were in power and their countries no matter which side “supported” them were in disarray and trouble due to European influence and meddling. Following 9-11 which the US used as a pretext to launch a bogus global war on terrorism any sane person clearly sees is merely a euphemism for militarist imperialism, the US sent a task force to the region now referred to as HOA or Horn of Africa. Unsubstantiated US claims that Al Qaida (a.k.a CIA agents) had planted extensive roots into Somalia and Sudan (two Muslim countries that just happen to sit on massive natural resources coveted by the Anglo-AmeriKKKan-Zionist cabal) were used to justify the US sending a task force into the region. The Us can’t even provide any real facts about Al Qaida’s inroads into Africa as the following doublespeak in Le Monde diplomatique shows,
“Very little is known about al-Qaida’s and Osama bin Laden’s links to the Horn of Africa, especially Somalia and Sudan, but they are well-established and extensive. The international action this November against the al-Barakaat telecommunications company, the main financial institution used by Somalis abroad to transfer funds to Somalia, the allegations against the al-Shamal Islamic Bank in Khartoum and the lists of terrorist organisations published by the US, suggest that Washington views the Horn of Africa as al-Qaida’s second theatre of operations after Central Asia. Governments are preparing for the possibility of US troops returning to the region. But the last few years have seen a relative decline in radical Islamism, especially its internationalist and terrorist groups. Al-Ittihaad, a radical Islamist movement active in southern Somalia and the Ogaden region of Ethiopia (3), has less influence in the south of Somalia than it had five years ago, and the Islamic National Front in Sudan has split into two factions, the most moderate firmly ensconced in power. But it is by no means certain that US appreciates the complexity of the situation, even assuming it is trying to. Over the last 10 years the main feature has been the steadily growing influence of warlords in Somalia, to some extent in Sudan and to a lesser degree in Ethiopia, with shifting alliances that have little to do with ideology.” The notion the Islamic Courts are tied to Al-Qaida is just more US fabrication to justify its’ imperialism. “Few analysts dispute that the UIC had a hardline element that included some with links to known al-Qaeda operatives, but the idea that the entire organisation was run by terrorists appeared to be shared only by a handful of neoconservatives in Washington. It was certainly not believed by any Western diplomats, Americans included, based in the region. But with America's tacit approval, Ethiopia was prepared to send troops to Somalia to bolster the weak, UN-backed government. The increasingly fragile government had little authority or popularity outside of Baidoa and their reliance on Ethiopia only deepened the resentment felt towards them by ordinary Somalis. Ethiopia and Somalia have fought two bitter wars in the past 45 years and the enmity felt by Somalis towards their neighbours runs deep.”
US NeoCon/Zionist policy makers used the Islamic Courts status as a defacto government as a pretense to send US forces into the region. I wonder if this is tied in any way to the findings and policies of the super secret Cheney Energy Task Force? Even so, the US now has a military presence in the Horn.
“The Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) headquarters was initiated with members representing all US armed services, civilian personnel and coalition force representatives aboard the USS Mount Whitney, operating in the Gulf of Aden. Initially the operation area, Horn of Africa, included the ‘total airspace and land areas out to the high water mark’ of Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti and Yemen. But now the US government is expanding the operation area to include Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles. The US military says it is also trying to help the region deal with ‘illegal activities’ in the Indian Ocean region from Yemen to South Africa.”
This is cow dung. If the US military really wants to thwart “illegal activities” it should concentrate on the shenanigans coming out of Washington D.C., London and Tel Aviv! Just because the US says terrorists exist in Somalia doesn’t make it true. Notice how the total HOA area has expanded since 9-11? We know how they’ve lied in the past and they are lying now to get a toe hold into Africa to seize and steal the oil, water and other natural resources under the guise of “fighting terrorism”. It’s deja vu all over again; this is the same game plan and ruse they used to do their imperialist dirt following WWII but under the pretext and guise of “fighting communism.” The latest Somalia caper is business as usual for Uncle Sam, his European cohorts and African proxies.