Monday, November 19, 2007

Our Bleak Economic Realities

Our Bleak Economic Realities

“Black households were especially unlikely to hold financial assets such as stocks and bonds. In 2004, the average financial wealth of black households (as shown in Table 5.6, fourth panel) was only 15% of the average financial wealth for white households, an increase from 12% in 2001. The median financial wealth for blacks (as shown in the last panel of Table 5.6) was just $300, less than 1% of the corresponding figure for whites. The vast and lasting disparity in the distribution of wealth between blacks and whites is indicative of the lasting legacy of discrimination. To summarize, the data on net worth reveal a highly unequal distribution of wealth by class, which has been further exacerbated by race. A significant share of the population has little or no net worth, while, over the last 40 years at least, the wealthiest 20% has consistently held over 80% of all wealth and the top 1% has controlled at least a third. There is no reason to believe these wealth disparities will lessen anytime soon.” From, The State of Working America

Black folks like to brag about the hundreds of millions of dollars of disposable income or consumer power we supposedly have. A logical question might be if we have so much money at our disposal, why are we as a group in such bad shape financially? The Nielson Information and Media Company, the people who track our television watching and buying habits claim that by the year 2012 we (African-American consumers) will spend 1.1 trillion dollars; that’s trillion with a T. Alas little of that money will find its way back into our community, to our coffers or recycle itself in ways that produce wealth for us. In fact in an article on the Nielson Website at its Consumer Insight link we can see a report that urges corporate retailers to focus in on the African-American consumer. “Marketers looking to target a high-growth, high-potential audience need look no further. The African-American population segment is projected to increase more than four times faster than the white segment by 2025 (26% vs. 6%). Another reason to tap into the potential of the African-American market is the high degree of home ownership (43%) and education level, which links directly to earning potential (23% of African-Americans hold a bachelor’s degree). The Selig Center Buying Power Study found that the African-American market is much more geographically dispersed than other minority markets, and that five states boasted substantial African-American economies in 2006, measuring more than $50 billion each; New York ($75.6 billion), Texas ($58.1 billion), California ($55.7 billion), Georgia ($54.4 billion) and Florida ($52.7 billion). In addition to being spread across the map (see top 10 markets below ranked by DMA), African-American shoppers are equally varied in where and how they buy.” Nielson Consumer insight Magazine Please note the Nielson magazine is telling white businesses how to increase their bottom line, target black folks!
White folks study us assiduously to discern and ascertain our habits and patterns. They know human beings are creatures of habit and if you know a person’s habits you can predict (and if you are clever or cunning enough and you have the means, you can manipulate) their behavior. Whites know we have been conditioned to be exocentric (a sociological term meaning outer directed or oriented away from self/ethnic group), thus unlike all other ethnic groups in this country, Africans in AmeriKKKa tend to spend almost all of our money with other folks who don’t look like us and who care little or nothing about us. People who study us know we are exocentric and they are extremely eager to exploit our malady to their advantage. “Most marketers use strategies to target black consumers based on the belief that consumption is a positive means of self and collective identity expression. They recognize that blacks have been historically marginalized and now want to be included among society. According to the Consumer Expenditure Survey, as a group, blacks today spend more money on items such as children’s footwear, children’s apparel, and footwear. Sales and Marketing Management points out that black women spend 41 percent more than their white counterparts on personal care products. Such spending habits reveal how blacks regard appearance as a means of being socially accepted and how marketing is directed toward them on this basis. According to Lamont and Molnár, there is a black prioritization of conspicuously consuming for assimilation over strengthening public facilities such as churches and schools. This is due to the fact that consuming goods associated with social status are portable, whereas something like attending the best school is not. This value system is what many critics of black consumption deem harmful to the black community. Because marketing is directed to as young a demographic as possible to ingrain the quest for social acceptance through consumerism, young urban blacks are bombarded with images and symbols of success that they cannot afford. ” - Paradoxes in African-American Consumption: An Examination of Marketing Strategies and Black Identity Zahida Sherman
Our conspicuous consumption makes others rich while severely impoverishing us. We have become a sub-group of mindless consumers, foolish shoppers with few durable goods and more importantly few appreciating goods to show for it! “An important feature of the wealth distribution is that a significant percentage of households have low net worth, and many have zero or negative net worth. These households are extremely vulnerable to financial distress and insecurity. Table 5.5 reports the share of all households with zero or negative net worth or net worth less than $10,000. After substantial improvement from 1962 to 1983, these shares have shown small but consistent improvement since 1998. In 2004, 17.0% of all households had zero or negative net worth, while 29.6% had net worth of less than $10,000. In terms of race, the experience of black households differed significantly from that of white households, an aspect of wealth distribution that will be discussed in more detail in the next section. The third panel of Table 5.6 gives racial breakdowns for households with zero or negative net wealth. In 2004,
more than twice the percentage of black households (29.4%) as white households (13.0%) had zero or negative net worth. The relative circumstances of black households improved substantially from 1989 to 1998, with a 13.3 percentage-point decline in households with zero or negative net wealth. However, black households had an increase in this statistic from 1998 to 2001, jumping from 27.4% in 1998 to 30.9% in 2001 and not much improvement in 2004.” The State of Working America page 255- 256
As you can see from The State of Working America report our bizarre/unwise spending habits have not profited us at all, income or wealth wise. However non-African marketers are eagerly and anxiously targeting us to enrich themselves! As the report readily acknowledges the low degree of wealth in the African-American community is a residual of a centuries long legacy of slavery and legalized racial cast/oppression. However even within that stifling social milieu, we had opportunities to advance but failed to capitalize upon them. Despite calls by righteous leaders like Booker T. Washington, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Nobel Drew Ali and Elijah Muhammad, who urged us to unite and establish our own economic base black folks failed to embrace a practical collectivist ethnocentric economic and political philosophy. In the end this failure may prove to be our ultimate undoing. As the US economy and economic system faces a major meltdown, the resulting devastation and the woeful lack of preparation on our part will make what we saw during Katrina look like a picnic. Only this time the devastation will be exacerbated by our own economic unpreparedness instead of a faulty flood control system and our people’s inability to evacuate a city. A chart in the 2005 edition of The Buying Power of Black America an annual report published by Target Market News which tracks African-American expenditures showed no savings nor investments ! So when the economic tsunami hits, even bougie Blacks will take a severe hit and the resulting devastation will not be pretty. What this means is as a group we will have few resources to pool together to stave off depression like conditions in our families and communities. This is not to scare you or cause panic, it is to inform you what is coming so we can take proactive measures or at least prepare psychologically for the impending day of economic reckoning.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Do Not Be Discouraged Amidst Bad News

Do Not Be Discouraged Amidst Bad News

“Bond yields tumbled as US annual inflation reached a 14-month high and signs of trouble in the economy mounted. The cost of living increased 3.5 per cent compared to a year ago after consumer prices rose another 0.3 per cent last month, driven by higher fuel costs, according to official figures. The big jump in prices underlines the Federal Reserve’s concern that inflation could pick up pace and make it more risky to continue cutting interest rates to keep the threat of a recession at bay. US stocks fell and the yield on benchmark 10-year US Treasury bonds dropped 2 basis points to 4.23 per cent as investors priced in less likelihood of rate cuts despite fresh signs of a weakening job market.” US inflation reaches 14-month high By Eoin Callan and Krishna Guha in Washington Published: November 15 2007 15:55 | Last updated: November 15 2007 15:55

The US mind control apparatus serves primarily as stenographers and cheerleaders for the ruling elites, their puppets in government and propagandists for their disastrous policies. They will not tell us the truth, but the current economic situation in AmeriKKKa is very similar to the implosion which occurred in 1929: stagnant worker wages, dangerous stock market speculation and wild fluctuations in the stock market, vast income disparities between the rich and poor, overvalued (artificially jacked up) stock prices and real estate speculation (only this time it is a combination of jacked up stocks and real estate speculation) and the futile intervention policies of the Fed and certain major investment and equity bankers to prevent panic by raising interest rates (in our current situation the Fed lowered rates thus exacerbating the problem irresponsibly low interest rates the Fed caused in the first place) and buying up certain stocks to make the suckers think the market scam is legit and on solid ground. In 2007 the Plunge Protection Team is doing this on a regular basis to forestall a panic and wild runs on investment banks. Now because of the direct consequences of deliberate policies enacted by the Fed and the big investment banks like JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America et al, most AmeriKKKans find themselves caught between the proverbial rock and hard place extremely similar to what happened in 1928-29. “In 1966, Greenspan, personal friend of Ayn Rand at the time, penned a famous essay on the gold standard entitled ‘Gold and Economic Freedom.’ Interestingly, in it he stated opinions and views of the Crash of ‘29. ‘When business in the United States underwent a mild contraction in 1927, the Federal Reserve created more paper reserves in the hope of forestalling any possible bank reserve shortage. More disastrous, however, was the Federal Reserve's attempt to assist Great Britain who had been losing gold to us because the Bank of England refused to allow interest rates to rise when market forces dictated (it was politically unpalatable). The reasoning of the authorities involved was as follows: if the Federal Reserve pumped excessive paper reserves into American banks, interest rates in the United States would fall to a level comparable with those in Great Britain; this would act to stop Britain's gold loss and avoid the political embarrassment of having to raise interest rates. The ‘Fed’ succeeded; it stopped the gold loss, but it nearly destroyed the economies of the world, in the process. The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market triggering a fantastic speculative boom. Belatedly, Federal Reserve officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally succeeded in breaking the boom. But it was too late: by 1929 the speculative imbalances had become so overwhelming that the attempt precipitated a sharp retrenching and a consequent demoralizing of business confidence. As a result, the American economy collapsed. Great Britain fared even worse, and rather than absorb the full consequences of her previous folly, she abandoned the gold standard completely in 1931, tearing asunder what remained of the fabric of confidence and inducing a world-wide series of bank failures. The world economies plunged into the Great Depression of the 1930's.’ So here we have the current Federal Reserve Chairman admitting in a 1966 essay, prior to his involvement with the government and the Fed, that ‘excess credit’ pumped by the Fed into the economy caused a speculative boom that resulted in a crash and then a depression!” BLACK TUESDAY OCTOBER 29th 1929 REVISITED? (TUESDAY OCTOBER 29th 2002) By Richard Lancaster
So now we know the policies of the big investment banks and the private Federal Reserve Bank were responsible for the 1929 crash, the Great Depression in the 1930's as well as the current real estate bubble/crash/credit/monetary crisis. Things do not happen in a vacuum or on their own. This was planned! We are now in a period of stagflation, stagnant wages and rising money supply resulting in increasing costs for consumer goods and services. I guess you’re saying, “Tell me something I don’t already know.” Well, the bad news is, this trend will continue. These policies are designed to facilitate a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the super rich and help them undermine the social safety nets so more and more AmeriKKKans will end up poorer and poorer. “The fresh emphasis on headline inflation suggests last month’s sharp increase in overall consumer prices will be a concern for policymakers. The rise is being driven mainly by higher energy prices, which climbed 1.4 per cent last month as electricity costs spiked and the price of fuel at the pump breached $3 a gallon. Economists said record oil prices were likely to continue pushing inflation higher, predicting prices could rise this month by as much as 1 per cent to an annual rate of 4.5 per cent. There are also signs that the growing amounts American consumers are spending on fuel is eating into their other household spending at a time when the economy is thought to be weakening. JC Penney, the department store operator, warned on Thursday of a “dramatically” weaker sales, undermining investor confidence.” US inflation reaches 14-month high By Eoin Callan and Krishna Guha in Washington Published: November 15 2007 15:55 | Last updated: November 15 2007 15:55 Keep in mind the Financial Times newspaper and its Online version out of London are written for the investor class not Joe and Jane Sixpack. Hence they show no sympathy for the plight of working folks whatsoever. The real deal is this, “Economic collapse is one of the final stages of the cabal's overall policy of cultural devastation. Many of their earlier phases of contrived collapse have been largely unseen or ignored by most Americans. But the final economic breakdown--now in its first stages with the bursting of the housing bubble and the collapse of the dollar--are realities U.S. citizens can no longer turn a blind eye to, because many Americans are literally being thrown out on the street through foreclosure and eviction. Through real estate shell games, the super-rich have looted at least $10-$15 trillion from workers. ‘Buy a house with a low interest loan,’ they lied to the workers, ‘and it will rise in value indefinitely.’Workers were swindled into buying property with interest-only loans--or other predatory financing--deluded into believing that with their increased property value they could later refinance to pay off the balloon payments and sky-rocketing mortgages.” Economic Cannibalism
What can we do? Well start seriously budgeting your money. Cut back on frivolous spending, credit card debt and needless junk. Begin to plan how to reduce your debt load. Start paying attention to foreign news services and alternative news on the Internet, lessen your dependence on the US media for your information. Seek out like minded people and information so you can prepare for the coming economic hard times. Begin to pool your resources and skills. Barter for goods and services with friends, neighbors and co-workers It’s time we reestablished and actualized the notion of community, networking and cooperative living. Most importantly we must not become discouraged, fearful or despondent. Our indwelling Divine Life Force will buoy us up allowing us to tap into the INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS/WISDOM within us to come up with the ideas, will and strength we will need to survive and thrive amidst the downturns and vicissitudes to come. The coming challenges are merely lessons/tests for us to demonstrate how resilient, resourceful (full of resources from the ONE SOURCE) and powerful we are. Bring it on!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Economic Karma

But why did it take so long for the banks and the mortgage bond market to realise the scale of the problem that sub-prime lending would cause? The main reason was that the new system broke the link between the lender and the borrower. The institutions who owned the loans - the people who bought bonds - had too little information about how dangerous they were.
They relied on the ratings agencies to reassure them that the complex mortgage bonds they were buying were indeed investment-grade. But those ratings agencies did not understand how, under conditions of "stress," i.e., falling house prices, those bonds would fall in value. And since most pension funds are managed by several different fund managers who all compete with each other to get the best quarterly rate of return, there was a strong incentive to buy as much as they could of these supposedly safe yet high-yielding bonds.” Carnage on Wall Street as loans go bad By Steve Schifferes Economics reporter, BBC News, New York

The ancients understood the relationship between cause and effect. Our African ancestors postulated the connection/nexus between all there is and an unseen source/cause. They also recognized that certain laws and principles seemed at work in all areas of life and existence on this planet. One of the laws they articulated was the law of Karma, also referred to as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, Cause and Effect. In modern times the ruling elites and their flunkies have worked assiduously to obfuscate and minimize the importance of this great Law. They deliberately attempt to pooh pooh Karma and make is seem as if things happen willy nilly, that there are no causative factors at work on the physical plane. Hence Western culture eschews teaching metaphysics and the Law of Cause and Effect. That is why most AmeriKKKans are clueless about what is going on in the macro and micro-economic spheres. The ruling elites’ mind control machine is working overtime to keep us dummied down, distracted, discombobulated and totally unaware of the why’s and wherefores of the current economic and political meltdown. The fact of the matter is, the mortgage and credit crisis that is engulfing the global economic system has its roots in greed, deception and fraud at the highest levels of the investment, banking, media and governmental establishments (which for the most part are all interrelated and interdependent upon each other.).
This is what happens when truth is deliberately suppressed so a few insiders can fleece the masses by creating and executing policies they know will result in their enrichment at the expense of massive hardships, privation and suffering for the people of the world. This crisis is systemic, the cancers of greed, avarice and heartlessness are spreading aggressively throughout the global economic system. They now threaten to devolve global capitalism into a worldwide economic catastrophe not seen since the 1930's. “A remarkable work conducted by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez on the evolution of high revenues in the US, shows that the revenue disparity ratio is now comparable to what it was on the eve of the Great Depression at the end of the 20s. According to this work, the revenue ratio between the richest 0.01% richest and the poorest 90% lingered around 170/180 all along the years 1950 to 1980, and lept to 880 in 2005, i.e. about the same level (891) as in 1928. According to LEAP/E2020, beyond the mere economic analyses, such a situation corroborates the idea that 2007 will signal the entry of the US into the « Very Great Depression » because it conveys tremendous social and political tensions, already illustrated by the amount of foreclosure evictions that the economic recession will multiply even further. The US society is being split into two groups, one poor and the other very rich, with the middle class about to fall in the poor group. Thus, according to our researchers, the on-going economic trends, because they relate to heavy historical trends affecting all social and economic balances for many decades, convey a increased devastating impact. As we indicated in the previous issue of GEAB, the 1929 crisis happened in a historical context of US ascent. Underlying fundamental trends were therefore favourable to the United-States. The current depression takes place in the opposite historical context. In April 2007, as we pass by the tipping point of the global systemic crisis, trends speed up and their impact intensify and become visible to each and everyone. The recent example provided by Circuit City Stores, second largest U.S. consumer electronics retailer, leaves no hope for the contrary. Indeed, at the end of March, the company announced that it would lay off 3,400 sales workers, or 8.5 percent of its in-store staff, due to excessive salaries (10-11 USD per hour) and hire an equivalent amount of lower-paid workers (8 USD per hour): downgrading the middle class to the lower class, this type of process also presents the statistical advantage to raise employment figures.” A Chronicle of America's Very Great Depression – Two growing trends: A historical reversal of global financial balances / An implosion of the US society - Public announcement GEAB N°14 (April 16, 2007) -
This is Karma, the natural consequence (effects) of the policies created by the banking, financial and media elites. The chickens are coming home to roost big time. Unfortunately Joe and Jane Sixpack. Pookie and Shanaynay have no clue what is about to befall them. They acknowledge it is harder to make ends meet as the ends keep getting further and further apart but they don’t want to accept the fact that these conditions were deliberately created to suck them into a vortex that will eventually turn their worlds upside down. “The US economy and society currently floats on the false assumption that it is possible to perpetually borrow increasing sums of money from the rest of the world, to pay for ever-increasing manufacturing and energy imports, while the price of those imports steadily escalates. In particular the US economy and polity floats on the notion that free money (fiat petro-dollars and US Treasury notes) will always be able to buy energy imports from foreign lands. This use of free money equates to FREE energy. But good things don't last forever and so the US's free petro-dollar scam is a transient condition. Once the US dollar loses its world reserve currency status based on its role as the petro-dollar (as is now happening) the flow of FREE energy to the US will cease and much of the US economy will be forced to shut down. Fuel shortages will precipitate shortages of food, medicine, and countless consumer items, outages of electricity, gas, and water, breakdowns in transportation systems and other infrastructure, hyperinflation, widespread shutdowns and mass layoffs, along with a lot of despair, confusion, violence, and lawlessness. Moreover, there is no evidence that the US governing elite has any grand rescue plans or innovative technology programs with which to prevent the coming socio-economic catastrophe, nor does US society evince any signs of manifesting any miracles of social cohesion during the impending economic implosion.
US society is based on money. In the coming economic collapse the governing elite is already fuelling that collapse by pumping excessive quantities of virtual (credit) money into the banking system. The result will be hyperinflation, which wipes out savings. As oil and
other import prices escalate they will be accompanied by rampant unemployment, which wipes out incomes. The result is a population that is largely penniless. As most employment in the US is in the private sector, the transition to permanent unemployment of much of the workforce is likely to be sudden as businesses rapidly shed workers in an effort to stay viable, or go into liquidation.” Preparing for the Coming US Economic Collapse By Ron Chapman
I am not sharing this to frighten you or to cause you angst and anxiety. This is to prepare you for the rough times ahead. They are coming and there is nothing you can do to prevent them. (This is our Karma, we wrought this on ourselves by our willingness to go along with the okey-doke). However you can be proactive and prepare yourself to survive and thrive amidst the turmoil and chaos that is coming. First, do not be afraid, do not panic. Develop an action plan a practical survival plan for yourself and extended family. Start getting your finances in order. Balance your household budget without using credit cards to buy necessities. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Make plans to get out of debt as soon as you can. Find out the most practical ways to do so and begin right now!
Stop spending frivolously. Don’t think the banks, credit card and finance companies you owe money to won’t come after you; they will because they will have to recoup their massive consumer losses. They will have the corrupt courts on their side!! Get with conscious folks to plan how to survive: start food co-ops and buying clubs, learn how to fix and repair things and help each other out. Decrease your spending, wear warmer clothes and reduce your household thermostat to save on energy costs. Cut back on eating out and start planning nutritious meals and cook at home. Hold off taking on any new debt, keep your current car unless it is a gas guzzler. Go on an austerity plan, adopt a psychology of thrift rather than one of conspicuous consumption. More importantly take care of yourself and your family, eat nutritious foods and exercise more and be more active doing simple inexpensive fun things together.
Do not despair, think good thoughts, do not panic and do good deeds as you prepare to transcend the catastrophe the ruling elites intend for us. We can alter our Karma but it will take a concerted conscious effort to do so.


Monday, November 05, 2007

Resonating Consciousness

Resonating Consciousness

As we each are resonating at the unique frequency of our own Spirit, the impaction of another frequency into our field alters our consciousness, if even only briefly. Should we place our Attention upon that presence come into our field of consciousness, we establish a connection with that Spirit. Its Power, or Life Force, then flows into us in an interactive manner. We have established relationship with the Spirit of that entity, integrating its frequency into our own. Some interactions of Spirits within our field of consciousness produce desirable advances, while others may be disagreeable.” The Mythos of Consciousness

At our core we are spirit beings manifesting in physical bodies to experience life in this physical dimension. We are animated by the DIVINE LIFE FORCE/MIND/CONSCIOUSNESS that permeates our being giving us life, growth, the ability to move and be aware of ourselves and our environment. This resident power imbues us with intelligence and the ability to tap into INFINITE INTELLIGENCE at will which allows us to create our own reality and to shape our environment to our values and will. Within the animating life force are varying levels of consciousness: conscious, subconscious etc. The West defines consciousness as: the totality of experience at any given moment as opposed to mind which is the sum of past consciousness. Whereas the deep thinkers of ancient times understood our consciousness has many interconnecting facets and layers that link us to an even greater reservoir of awareness beyond our physical senses.
We are powerful (full of power) beings. We have the ability to discern and be aware of things beyond our sense perceptions. We are like living tuning forks vibrating at varying frequencies sending and receiving signals both internally within ourselves and externally in and to the world outside ourselves. The great tragedy of life is that we do not know ourselves, we don’t fully comprehend just how powerful and gifted we really are. We have allowed others who are ignorant and misguided to influence us and browbeat us into believing the worst about ourselves. This is especially true of Africans. We have internalized all the anti-African propaganda and lies of our adversaries and oppressors. We now think and act just like they want us to act, throwed off, out of sync and antithetical to our true DIVINE selves.
We have allowed the negative vibrations of others to influence our rates of vibration to the point we resonate to their lower consciousness frequencies to the detriment of our self-esteem, our peace of mind, our sanity and our health. What we call “culture” is one form of collective vibration/consciousness, response and behavior. Culture really is the habitual ways of thinking, perceiving and responding to situations, acting and interacting with one another and our environment. It is operational on the micro and the macro levels, in the family, community, tribe or nation. Those who covet and misuse “power” seek to coerce , bamboozle and force us to vibrate/resonate to frequencies they determine, operate from states of consciousness they feel comfortable setting that help them actualize their agendas!
One reason Africans in AmeriKKKa are so diseased (out of harmony, balance and depressed) is because we find ourselves in a culture that is antithetical to our natural state, one that is hostile towards us in mind and attitude if not in outward behavior. We acutely sense their cultural and ethnic animosity, we see how it has been codified and institutionalized despite their disingenuous protestations they are not racists. We intuitively feel it despite their claims AmeriKKKa is a free, just and open society. Unfortunately too many of us have internalized their vile anti-African sentiments and we even amplify them towards ourselves and those who look like us. Our natural resonance has been thrown off kilter, we now vibrate and resonate to the unhealthy alien frequencies of our enemies. “Consider that the Soul is our Life Force field contained within the physical form of the body. In its neutral non-affected state it resonates simply at the frequency pattern of our own individual Spirit. The imprint of another's Spirit, such as a parent, spouse or antagonist, alters that resonance. We now experience ourselves in reference to that other person. The alteration may be pleasant and supportive or fraught with agitation and anxiety. When we find that we are in a state of exaltation when connected with a person, it is a consequence of spiritual interaction and the resultant mutual transfer of vital force between the two parties that accounts for the altered state we are experiencing. And, when we experience agitation in the presence and interaction with another, it is again due to this transfer of vital force, though the frequency of the soul force of that person is detrimental to our equilibrium. It is in the understanding of the nature of Spirit that we can bring to resolution the disruption that is experienced in relationship with another.”
The sad reality for Africans in AmeriKKKa is too many of us resonate at the lower consciousness European culturally induced frequencies of fear, anger, covetousness and chronic xenophobia. We remain stuck in a mental rut and associate with like minded (people in the same mental and psychological ruts as we are) folks and we wonder why we are miserable and unhappy. We suffer because we have not been taught how to elevate our consciousness. We lack the wisdom to attune ourselves to the higher frequencies of the DIVINE within us! We depend on the immature, the spiritually deaf, dumb and blind and the foolish to be our guides and role models. All we have to do is employ the teachings of our ancient ancestors, relearn, remember (rejoin together) and actualize the teachings and admonishments restore and live MAAT (DIVINE ORDER, BALANCE, TRUTH, JUSTICE, HARMONY, RECIPROCITY and RIGHTEOUSNESS) and we will be healed. Afrocentric scholars and venerated elders such as Jacob H. Carruthers, Dr John Henrik Clark, Dr. Amos N Wilson, Dr. Molefi Asante, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Maulana Karenka, Dr. Kimbwandende Kia Bunseki Fu-Kian, Anthony Browder, Ra Un Nefer Amen, Kwame Agyei and Akua Nson Akoto, Oba T’Shaka and others have done the research, they have published the books, now it is up to us to familiarize ourselves with an alternative vibration, a more natural and harmonious way of resonating both personally and collectively.
It is time we begin to actualize a better way of living for ourselves and our community. We can do this by elevating our thoughts, quieting our minds, limiting and filtering out the dissonance of the outer world and listening in quiet receptivity to the Higher Self within, the still small voice of OMNEITY. We have the ability to determine our own thoughts, form our own perceptions and decide how we will employ our power of imagination. We can alter our vibrations by thinking about positive things, mentally, vocally claiming good for ourselves and others. Some call this affirmation, our ancestors called it “speaking and doing MAAT.” Notice it takes more than words, it takes action, “speaking and doing MAAT!” We can train ourselves to think and envision good, believe and expect it will come to pass in DIVINE ORDER and PERFECT WISDOM rather than our own limited way of seeing and doing things. Cease resonating to foolishness and lower vibrations, attune yourself to the good, do good and send out good vibrations. That is what you will get back.


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Establish Peace As The FOundation of Your Life

Establish Peace As The Foundation of Your Life

The importance of peace in our lives can be seen in the fact that when we are at peace, as opposed to being upset (angry, afraid etc) our thinking is clearer, our IQ is higher , we exhibit better health and healing , we perform better and so on.” Ra Un Nefer Amen MAAT The 11 Laws of God page 34-35

Many Sistahs and Brothers upon encountering another Brother or Sistah greet each other with the salutations “Peace and Blessings”, Asalaam Alakim or Hetepu. This is a sincere recognition on their part of the power and efficacy of peace and a genuine extension of their desire for the other person to experience peace and blessings. It is a profound desire to share peace and vibrate within a consciousness of peacefulness. Inner peace, calm confidence, a tranquil receptive state are the key to an outwardly healthy and successful life. The great truth of being is, life is lived from the inside out not the other way around. This is the great secret of our existence. Our power to exist, the animating life force that gives us life, the energy within us is peaceful. Our natural state is one of peace. We have the innate power through our minds, our thinking and cogitation to establish and maintain inner peace no matter what is going on around us or happening to us.
Peace is our natural state of being. We offset this inner peace when we entertain thoughts of envy, anger, animosity and fear. Fear is the great destroyer of our mental and emotional peace. It is the spigot or the valve that opens a torrent of negativity, negative thoughts and emotions. Energy follows thought. Our thinking and perceptions trigger our emotions. Our emotions trigger glandular and physiological reactions within us like the fight flight response. So it is important to realize this process is occurring during both our waking and unconscious moments. Yes this is going on even during our unconscious moments. Have you ever been jarred from your sleep by a bad dream or night mare returned to consciousness to find yourself sweating and noticeably agitated? This is the power of our mind, even during sleep. This is also the power of our unconscious thoughts those ideas and feelings we try to keep out of sight, the psychological masks we often wear thinking we are disguising our true feelings. There is no disguising. In the Bible Yeshua Ben Joseph the man the Romans renamed Jesus said, “There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.” Yeshua’s primary message was one of metaphysics, psychology and spiritual transformation. He was telling his followers our thoughts are revealed in our attitudes, emotions, behaviors and ultimately in our health and environment. For example take a look at your immediate environment, if it is one of negative drama and contention it is because you and those around you are acting out your thoughts and feelings of anger, drama and contenciousness.
Ancient masters, the avatars and sages understood the importance of peace of mind. Ancient writings, sacred texts and esoteric teachings all touted the profundity of maintaining a peaceful (full of peace) inward state which in turn would express in a serene countenance and appropriate behaviors. The masters taught one way to attain inner peace was through meditation, stilling the conscious mind, using deep breathing, reflecting on the good, being receptive and focusing on the quietude of our indwelling Higher Self. For example an ancient proverb from Kemet says, “When the soul gets to know the creator of its peace, it’s filled with love and forgetfulness of every ill and can no more keep from the Good: truth ad righteousness. Never can an embodied Soul that has gotten hold upon the truly good and true, slip back into the contrary.” From Egyptian Proverbs edited by Muata Ashby
The best way to know the Creator of your Soul’s peace is to know/experience the Creator yourself. We do that by going within because Yeshua also said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Aside from the Quakers,Unity and Science of Mind “mainstream” Christian churches and clerics don't preach this message. Western culture has convinced us life is lived on the outside, that the main focus of life is external. They have brainwashed and manipulated us mainly using the tool of fear: fear of death, fear of their idea of God, eternal damnation and punishment to make us more outer directed and conforming. Fear mongering is not the exclusive prerogative of religion. Secular elites also use fear to manipulate the masses. The Bu$h administration uses fear, fear of a long dead Osama bin-Laden, fear of terrorist bogey men supposedly lurking around every corner to justify endless invasions, foreign wars, domestic spying on all AmeriKKKans and foisting a totalitarian police state on us in the name of “national security”.
Do not allow the fear mongers to play this game on you. Don’t go for their okey-doke. They have no power over you. The truth will make you free. The truth is, you have the power to establish and maintain both peace of mind and peace in your physical environment. You have the power to control your thinking. In so doing you will control your emotions which will control your physiological responses, your behavior and ultimately your environment. Do not allow outsiders (people outside yourself) to make you so outer directed and dependent upon their stimuli you abdicate your powers of thought, ideation, imagination, volition and determination. Do not allow psychopaths like George Bu$h, Dick Cheney the NeoCons and their corporate media flunkies to trick you into acquiescing to and embracing ignorance and evil. Become the ruler of your own mind and master of your own fate.
In the Odu Ifa our African ancestors admonished us to : “speak truth and do justice, be kind and do not do evil. Truth travels on a narrow path but the wicked wander on a wide road. Speak truth, do justice. Do justice speak truth. For one who is righteous is supported by the Divine.” Ogbe’ Sa’ 33 translated by Maulana Karenga. This teaching sounds similar to the teachings of Yeshua Ben-Joseph who in his Sermon on the Mount said, “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”
Establish your peace of mind upon your inner rock, the indestructible foundation of your Higher Self. The storms of life will come because no one escapes them, they are an integral part of the life process. Have confidence and peace, that adversity will not destroy you. They have no power over you. Tap into your indwelling reservoir of strength. Establish and maintain peace of mind and the rumors swirling around you, the hard times, the set backs, defeats and failure shall not overwhelm you because you are supported by the DIVINE.