Black Folks Started Memorial (Decoration) Day
From The Ramparts
Ricardo Stanton
Black Folks Started Memorial (Decoration) Day
As with almost
every aspect of our experiences in this country, our contributions, genius and
humanity have been ignored, suppressed and denigrated. Today is Decoration Day
renamed Memorial Day in 1971when it was made a federal holiday. Decoration Day is the day Americans honor the
sacrifices of fallen heroes and servicemen and women. Today is not to be
confused with Veterans Day which is a day set aside on November 11th to honor
the living soldiers from America’s numerous wars.
What is not known is Africans in
bondage were the first to acknowledge the service of Union soldiers who had
been held captive in a makeshift prison in Charleston South Carolina.
According to Yale Professor David W Blight who is white who came across some
documentation about this when he was doing research for his book Race and Reunion about the War Between
the States and its aftermath. According to Blight, before the war formally
ended Africans in bondage reinterred the remains of 257 fallen Union prisoners
of war who died in captivity and buried in a mass grave inside the prison camp
and gave them a ceremonial burial. They later held a huge parade in their honor
on May 1, 1865.
The back story
to this event is that the Confederate Army converted a Charleston South Carolina
race track named the Washington Race
Track and Jockey Club into an open air makeshift prison camp to hold
captured Union soldiers. Conditions there were extremely poor and many of the
captives died from disease and wounds. By the spring of 1865 Charleston had been abandoned by whites
because the city was in ruins. The first shots of the war began on April 12, 1861
when Confederate batteries fired on the Union fortress in Fort
Sumter located in the Charleston’s harbor. That bombardment was the
beginning of the War Between the States (there is no such things as a “civil war”).
Africans in bondage and their free compatriots in Charleston South Carolina
viewed the war as a vehicle for their freedom and supported the Union efforts. Another
little known fact is Africans in America fought on both sides of the
war. Over 189,000 African men served in the Union army and navy while about 3,000
- 6,000 Blacks fought for the Confederacy which only allowed Black enlistment
near the end of the war because their cause was failing so miserably.
The Blacks
in Charleston
knew about the conditions in the prison camp. Even before the formal end of the
conflict, they were determined to give the Union soldiers a proper ceremonial burial.
They dug up the bodies and reinterred them giving them a ritualistic burial. It
took them two weeks to reinter the remains. Later working with the white missionaries and
teachers they planned and executed a parade to honor the Union soldiers. The
event was even covered by Northern newspapers like the New York Tribune. Over
10,000 people attended the parade, they placed flowers on the new graves and
according to eye witnesses the Blacks constructed an enclosure and an entrance
arch that declared “Martyrs of the Race Course”.
David W. Blight stated that this was the first Decoration Day May 1, 1865. Keep
in mind the activities and this event by Africans had no bearing on the
creation of an actual ceremonial holiday to decorate and place flowers on the
graves of soldiers who fought in the War Between the States. This was done by
Black people to demonstrate their appreciation for the Union soldiers who
fought in a war they (the Africans) felt was a vehicle for their liberation,
regardless of the reasons and rationale of the whites on the North or the South
for the war.
Speaking of
rationale for wars, we must free our minds of the propaganda and indoctrination
by the ruling classes for all the wars they’ve created, caused and used the
innocent and gullible masses to fight. The fact of the matter is, the only war
this country ever fought that was purely in defense of its territory or
independence was the War of 1812. Every other war, police action, intervention or
covert operation was based upon greed and the desire for territorial expansion,
geo-strategic hegemony, control of resources and markets or empire. Remember
this when you are placing flowers on the graves of your deceased loved ones, or
mindlessly gorging yourselves with food and drink on this “national holiday”.
Rush To Judgement
From The Ramparts
Junious Ricardo
Rush To Judgment
Anyone who
remembers the events of September 11, 2001 also remembers several hours after
the three buildings came down (when inexplicably only two were struck by
airplanes!) the US mind control apparatus said Osama bin-Laden and his al-Qaeda
organization were responsible for the attacks.
Keep in mind the CIA Director had informed President George W Bu$h of an
immanent attack weeks prior and Bu$h did nothing to prevent it. Then hours
afterwards we were informed who the culprits were. How, since no investigation had
been conducted? In fact the US
government immediately shipped the debris from all three buildings to China so there
could be no forensic investigation!? The names and identities of the "high-jackers"
the media said did it were incorrect. Most were still alive and not the people
the US
government said they were. In fact a few of them sued the US for
defamation and won.
In reality there was no investigation done
whatsoever. The US
simply said bin-Laden did it and that was that! If ever there was a rush to judgment that was
it. To augment and solidify the government's preposterous claims about Muslim
fanatics who had no training flying huge airliners bum rushing cockpits,
commandeering planes, maneuvering turns and dives skilled pilots could not do
in those aircraft a 9-11 Commission was finally convened that was severely underfunded
that had no subpoena powers to rubber stamp the government's sham narrative.
11th set the precedent for a rush to judgment and set the tone and tenor for subsequent
government policy that just coincidentally gave the Neo Cons and the
Project for a New American Century cabal the "Pearl
Harbor like incident" they coveted to accelerate the nation's
drift towards total fascism, perpetual global warfare and imperialist plunder.
9-11 also set
the precedent of using live military and civilian first responder drills as a
cover for false flag operations. Since then: the London subway bombings on July
7 2004, Sandy Hook December 14, 2012, the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013,
the San Bernardino and the Paris Charlie Hebdo shootings all occurred while
drills were going on nearby. There is a pattern here we need to take it into
consideration especially since these incidents were used to frighten us, curtail "freedoms" "civil
rights" and subject us to additional invasions of privacy under the guise
of keeping us safe.
Hours after
the Egypt Air 804 crash we were told it was a terrorist attack despite no
evidence whatsoever to support that claim. The black box had not been
recovered, no debris has been examined, no satellite footage, radar or recorded
radio messages have been reviewed, nothing. Yet the prevailing message in the
corporate media is this was a terrorist attack. How can they be so sure?
another rush to judgment that will be used to boost the military industrial
complex war machine, escalate the deep state global surveillance systems and
push us further into a war posture. Egypt Air 804 is already being used by the
establishment political class to counter Donald Trump and to a limited degree Bernie
Sanders, neither of whom are staunch warmongers like Hillary Clinton. Trump
takes an almost isolationist position or at least a non-intervention position on
foreign policy which is not what the warmongers in New York,
Washington, London and Brussels want. So whether Egypt Air 804 turns
out to be due to mechanical failure, an accidental military shoot down or a
terrorist attack we are being programmed and brainwashed to think terrorism
whether it actually is or not.
We're Facing a Psycho-Spiritual Crisis
From The Ramparts
Ricardo Stanton
We're Facing A Psycho-Spiritual Crisis
"Western consumer culture is creating a
psycho-spiritual crisis that leaves us disoriented and bereft of purpose. How
can we treat our sick culture and make ourselves well?" John F. Shumaker The Demoralized Mind
Westerners are coming to the inescapable conclusion their culture is creating a
psychological malaise that is metastasizing throughout the society, stifling empathy, enthusiasm and any sense of
meaning, purpose or real fulfillment in our lives. We find ourselves like
laboratory mice or hamsters on the proverbial treadmill going nowhere fast,
depleting our energy and finances with nothing to show for it but tons of planned
obsolescence stuff and suffocating debt.
There was even a mindset propagated in
the 80's and 90's that said the measure of one's worth was the material things
one possessed at life's end. They said "greed is good" which fueled
consumerism, materialism and a dog eat dog winner take all mindset. The angst
many feel today is a direct result of falling for the okey-doke of the
"American Dream" which for far too many is really a nightmare.
If the measure of your being, your self-worth
and success are based upon the amount of gizmos and gadgets you have, what
happens if you lose them, they become obsolete or you can no longer afford
them? Many Americans were devastated by the 2007-08 economic downturn. Millions
still have not rebounded from the economic implosion brought on by the reckless
and fraudulent activities of the big banks, lending institutions, insurance
companies in collusion with government. Many folks owe more on their homes than
they are presently worth, while millions
have lost their homes and fancy cars to foreclosure and repossession.
Wealth inequality, homelessness, depression
and despair hang over this country like a thick fog and many are succumbing to alcohol
and opiate addiction as a way of numbing their misery and frustration. Opiate
prescriptions are at an all time high in America and the suicide rate is the
highest it has been in thirty years!
Many thinkers, philosophers and reformers have warned that America is
heading in the wrong direction, is lost and about to plummet into an abyss of maladaptive, self-destructive responses to
culturally and politically induced socio-economic circumstances. Social
engineering is real, social programming and mind control are real. The US government
has been working on them for decades. Do
some research on the CIA's MK ULTRA, Operation MONARCH and other mind control
programs and then look into what is going on at the Pentagon at its Department
of Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It will blow your mind. It's
science fiction mad scientist type stuff on the real! Then ask yourself what is
the impact of six conglomerates controlling almost everything we see on TV, the
movies, streaming, books, magazines and newspapers? Is this representative of
free and open markets or is it more in line with monopoly consolidation?
But this is nothing new. American history is
fraught with moral contradictions, blatant discrepancies between their
professed creed and their actual deeds. How
do you talk about "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" while
aggressively engaged in policies and programs of genocide, extermination,
slavery and dehumanization?
These facts about America are
undeniable and yet the ruling class has never, ever really attempted to remedy
or reconcile those policies. In fact they are still negatively impacting the
lives of people of color, Native Americans, African-Americans and others today!
The only difference between now and back in the day is, the Black Codes, Slave
Codes, and government sanctioned segregation are no longer on the books.
However the consciousness and practices that created them still exist and remain
in effect because the ruling class who created and uphold the cultures' institutions
and systems have not purged themselves of that mindset and values.
Africans in America have long attempted to change the
situation by urging America's
leaders to repent, galvanize and organize to alter the trajectory of this
nation's immoral and inhumane policies. The continuing consequences of the sins
of the "founding fathers" are still being visited upon successive
generations as the ruling class attempts to keep their criminogenic culture (a
system, situation or place causing or likely to cause criminal behavior) in
tact and expand its reach on a global level..
European settlers arriving in this hemisphere came not as scientific explorers,
seekers of freedom or with a plan to establish a new way of governing but as pillaging
soldiers of fortune looking for bounty and booty to expropriate. Their history of genocide, slavery and crimes
against humanity have never been reconciled, avenged or punished. A cloud of
depravity hangs over America
blotting out the sunlight of morality, justice and true civilization. Until
this cloud dissipates America
will never free itself of its consciousness of exploitation, plunder, greed and
David Walker the son of a slave
father and "free" mother was born in 1785 in North Carolina. Walker's father died before he was born. Walker was a passionate
foe of the institution of slavery. He eventually
fled North Carolina and moved to Boston. He taught himself
to read and write. In his fiery Appeal
To The Slaves of the United States of America written and published in 1829,
Walker shocked the
world when he denounced the cruelty and barbarity of the whites in his treatise.
Writing about their history and character he said, , "But we will leave
the whites or Europeans as heathens and take a view of them as christians in
which capacity we see them as cruel, if not more so then ever. In fact take
them as a body, they are ten times more cruel, avaricious and unmerciful than
ever they were; for while they were heathens they were bad enough it is true,
but it is positively a fact that there were not so audacious as to go and take
vessel loads of men, women and children and in cold blood and through
devilishness, throw them into the sea, and murder them in all kinds of ways. While
they were heathens, they were too ignorant for such barbarity. But being
christians, enlightened and sensible, they are completely prepared for such
hellish cruelties. Now suppose God were to give them more sense, what would
they do? If it were not possible would they not dethrone Jehovah and seat
themselves upon his throne?" David Walker's Appeal Article 1.
1829 Appeal like the 1804 Haitian Revolution and Nat Turner's rebellion in 1831
sent tidal waves of fear and dread amongst the slave holding South because Walker encouraged Blacks to
use violence to secure their freedom. When Walker's
book was smuggled to the South it caused quite a stir. So much so, a
bounty of one thousand dollars was placed on Walker's head if killed and ten thousand if
captured alive. Walker
died shortly after he published his work but it made a powerful impact on the whole
Would that we had men and women like David
Walker and Ida B Wells Barnett who spoke truth to power and challenged the evil
and wickedness of their day now. Would we be as comatose and apathetic as we
are today if we had champions like them fighting on our behalf? What will it
take to rouse us from our stupor and stiffen our backs to challenge our
The ruling class has more weapons at
its disposal today than ever before. In 1830 they primarily used fear, the
Christian religion with its narration about the bogus curse of Ham, a shame and
guilt based theology, violence and torture to get the masses to submit to
Catholic and Protestant dogma and control. Today they have a pervasive
technological network that manufactures a reality that dumbs us down, disorients
and discombobulates us, they poison us with GMO Frankenfoods, pump us with pharmaceutical
and illicit drugs to numb our minds and push us towards stultifying addiction.
All this is designed to reduce
resistance to their nefarious global agenda. As a result America faces a
psycho-spiritual crisis of enormous proportions. The push back against the
political candidates sponsored by the ruling class is not based upon moral
indignation or a desire to transcend and transform ourselves and society. The current
so called "political revolution" is not based upon spiritual enlightenment.
Rather, it is based upon frustration because the materialistic consumer gravy
train is no longer running and white folks feel betrayed. They are angry and anxious.
Black people are rudderless and lost. We have
no real strategies to save ourselves other than foolishly coupling our hopes to
a Democratic Party that has sold us out time and again. Neither political party
has our best interests at heart we have to realize this and act accordingly.
What can we do to improve ourselves and our situation? We can come together,
unify and develop a survival infrastructure, an information sharing
infrastructure and action plans. We have to build values producing
institutions: create and support our own schools, develop our own pedagogical
theories and practices, expand economic networks and capital formation groups.
Most importantly we must formulate a cosmology to substitute for the decadent
Western values of selfish alienation,
materialism, war and predation.
We can do this. We already have the
model, traditional African values and cosmology. We already have the concept, model and action
of Sankofa, going back to retrieve
that which is good, bringing it forward and adapting it to present
realities. We were the first humans to
do all this. We have done it many times in the past in our history, we can
begin now to create a brighter future for ourselves and our children.
Stop Whining Take Action
From The Ramparts
Ricardo Stanton
Stop Whining, Take Action
"Suffering then is not something that happens to us in such a way
that we have no control over it. Suffering is not something that we must endure
in order to be worthwhile. In fact, it is our own controllable reaction to
experiences which determines how those experiences will affect us. Man's
responses to his experiences are based on his view of those experiences. If a
painful experience is viewed as a step in his inevitable suffering plight, he
passively submits to the pain and expenses it in all the intensity of its
agony. If the same painful experience is
viewed as an obstacle for man's mastery, man actively confronts the pain and
seeks to overcome it. If he accepts the pain as the natural signal of a need
for some type of change of either a physical or metaphysical form, then the
person knows that something must and can be done." Dr Naim Akbar The Community of Self page 59.
No one
escapes the vicissitudes of life, the pain and suffering, the peaks and valleys
of life the things William Shakespeare called "the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune." No one is immune or exempt from experiences that
knock the wind out of us, that throw us for a loop or knock us down. There is no
avoidance or escape from what some call failure because failure is part of the success process. Life is such
that each one of us must experience setbacks, obstacles, defeats and
disappointment to go along with and counter balance the successes, triumphs, exhilarations
and joys of living.
I tell
folks the only people with no problems we know of, are in the cemetery.
Problems, challenges, setbacks and
disappointment are all part of the life experience. We cannot evade them. So if
you are going through something be glad, be thankful; it means you are still
alive. Life is such that challenges are an integral aspect of our existence.
So if this
is true and it is, then we should not be overly concerned about problems. We
have to see beyond the obstacles, challenges and pain and focus on our goals,
focus on our dreams and aspirations and how we can bring them into being, how
we can manifest them on this plane. I am not suggesting we ignore problems. We must
acknowledge them but don't become overwhelmed or use our imagination to awfulize
the challenge, problem or situation by blowing it our of proportion and making
it seem worse than it really is.
They say
within every problem lies the seed of its resolution. So we need to look at the
problem not as an end or a roadblock but as a bridge to where we want to go be
or do. Many of our problems we bring on ourselves or we contribute to.
Challenges are a way for us to look at ourselves, take inventory of our
strengths, talents and goals and decide whether we want to give up and give out
or do we find a way or make a way out of no way.
We come
from creative people, genii who mapped and charted the stars, were the first to navigate rivers and oceans,
the first to drain swamps, irrigate
land, built pyramids that modern man still doesn't know how they did it. Our
ancestors solved problems of survival and asked the profoundest questions about
human existence and came to some deep conclusions. Western philosophy is based
loosely on what our ancestors discovered.
Our African
ancestors were the first philosophers, the first metaphysicians, their
knowledge and discoveries laid the foundation for all science, philosophy and
ethics. This creativity, this intuition, this awesomeness is in our DNA. We
just have to remember, meaning to rejoin ourselves with this ancient wisdom and
potential. The same DIVINITY and INFINITE INTELLIGENCE that was available to
our ancestors is accessible to us right here right now! We just have to tap
into it. We have to know and realize we can tap into it at any time at any
place and it will come to us and offer ways to overcome, endure and transcend
any situation.
ancestors who were brought to these shores were faced with horrific challenges,
degradation and unfathomable abuse. But they found ways to overcome and stand
tall. When you are having difficulties
get centered and calm your breathing, then allow the peace within you to take
over. Peace and sobriety are our real essence. Remember you have the power to
define your situation, you can use your imagination to see a different you, a
different response to whatever you are going through. Do not try to tell
INFINITE INTELLIGENCE how to resolve your situation, listen to the still small
voice within you and trust it has your best interests even if what you hear seems
impractical. Learn to think beyond your own mental limitations, to expand what
you think is possible. The UNIVERSE is on our side, we are part of it and it is
part of us so it wants the best for us at all times.
As I said problems
are opportunities for us to see what we are made of, how resourceful, resilient
and awesome we really are. Many of these issues we've brought on ourselves due
to foolishness, our egos run amuck or the inevitable consequences of faulty
thinking and actions. We have to learn to take ownership for our flawed
thinking, recognize this is our responsibility and work to alter those thoughts
and decisions that took us down the slippery slope.
You are not
being punished by your idea of god or your theology. Some of this is the result
of our own erroneous thoughts and actions. Some things are beyond our control,
the only response is to control yourself by reframing how you perceive and
react to what is going on. While we may not have any control over the situation
we can control how we respond, how we react, how and what we think about it. We
have power and agency in all situations whether we can change the situation or
I once saw
a bumper sticker that read, "Help Stamp Out Global Whining". I chuckled
when I saw it but actually there is a message in it. We have the ability to
choose whether we whine about our lives, our circumstances and situations or we
man and woman up and respond in a mature fashion. We can choose to give up, wallow
in self-pity and helplessness or we can choose to solve or resolve the
challenges in our lives.
If the
situation is chronic we can make or find a way to make it bearable without
resorting to negative thoughts, maladaptive behaviors or harmful addictions. We
can transcend our challenges in a healthy manner, be in it but not of it; not
allow it to get the best of us. Someone once said, "Circumstances don't
make a person, they reveal him or her."
Your are not defined by your
troubles. You are greater than anything that is bothering you. Stop whining and choose to be resilient. Look
at the situation, determine to figure out how to resolve the issues, be
persistent and patient until you achieve your breakthrough.
What's Up With That?
From The Ramparts
Junious Ricardo Stanton
What's Up With That?
We live in an era where the masses are programmed to be stupid. Stupidity has nothing to do with innate intelligence. Stupid comes from the root word stupor meaning to be in a daze, unconscious, a state of extreme apathy. This aptly describes much of the American public. Yes we can get hyped for sports, or to revel and party but for serious things, where our future, our safety and a sense of vision for ourselves and this planet are concerned we are not up to snuff. My mother used to tell me "God gave you a brain don't let anyone make you stupid."
The ruling class, the shot callers and decision makers are definitely trying to make us stupid. Are we so out of it, so comatose and apathetic we will quietly acquiesce and go along with their plans to dumb us down even further? The ruling elites have no respect for the masses. They call us the rabble, useless eaters and worse. And their puppets in politics, the mass media, and business follow their cue and treat us with no respect. They go to great lengths to insult our intelligence in furtherance of the elite's nefarious New World Order agenda.
For instance, you don't have to be a nuclear physicist or current events wizard to realize the Ted Cruz campaign really thinks the American public or at least the people in the Republican Party are totally stupid. Cruz is a guy who is universally reviled by his colleagues and peers in the US Senate aka the Good Ol' White Boy network, Cruz is losing so badly to Donald Trump in the primaries he has been mathematically eliminated from gaining the nomination on the first ballot. Yet he announced his pick for his Vice President running mate?! What is he smoking? He picked Carly Fiorina a former competitor who was not a major vote getter, who has major baggage in the corporate world because as CEO she ran Hewlett Packard into the ground.
Yet the mainstream media gave him a pass, dutifully reported it and didn't mention the fact Cruz is losing so badly his only real hope to continue after his shellacking and horrid third place finish two weeks ago is to win the Indiana primary just to stay relevant and afloat. What's up with that?
* * * *
A report just released shows suicides in the US have spiked to a thirty year high. The study researched and examined data from 2009-2014. In 2014 suicide rates for middle aged white men are up. Seven out of every ten suicides are by white men. In the US military suicides are a major problem. For the past seven years suicides by US service personnel have continued to rise. Interestingly while suicide rates for white men were up suicide rates for white females across all demographics were up. But the figures for female veterans is on the rise also! US females who served in the armed forces suicide rate is six times higher than other women in the US!
But there is good news. According to the data, suicide rates dropped for Black men. That's a good thing! At last a negative category we are the lowest in instead of leading it. The report didn't say why this trend is happening but I'll take it. My question is why aren't Black folks asking and chronicling what's happening in the lives of Black men that gives us hope and a reason to live so we can keep this trend going, improve on the will to live, persevere and thrive? Isn't something like this important enough to look into and share with our people? We could be onto something big and great here, why aren't we following up on this? What's up with that?
* * * *
I don't want this to appear sexist or anything but things must be really be getting bad for the US military. A few months ago top US Army and Marine brass testified before the US Senate and they actually stated the time has come for women to register for military service! The US military has already moved to open all combat jobs and units to women. This means it is possible in the not too distant future that your sister, your aunt, your female high school and college schoolmates will be subject to a military draft and have to serve in combat! Is the US Empire that desperate for cannon fodder that they would force all US females to register for the draft when they turn eighteen? How do you feel about that? Is this what the feminists meant when they burned their bras
for equality?
Some countries like Israel require their women to serve in the military. Is
the American Empire so overstretched or desperate it needs women in combat units, andare they planning to bring back a military draft any time soon? If so why? I just read an article saying the US Congress Armed Forces Committee just voted to require women to register for a military draft.
This is real. It means things are changing for women in the US, as America goes all war all the time, women will be called upon to keep the Empire going! Where is the outrage and resistance to this? Why doesn't the US have a serious anti-Empire, anti-War/ pro-Peace movement? What's up with that?
* * * *
I started off saying the ruling elites' are consciously programming us to be apathetic, unconscious, to live in a zombie like state (notice how many TV shows and movies are about Zombies and the walking dead), I strongly suspect much of this is the result of massive drugging of society by the pharmaceutical industry, doctors, self-medication and addiction.
Today heroin addiction is skyrocketing in this country. The profile of a modern US heroin addict is a twenty something white suburban female who uses heroin because it is way cheaper than the opiates she originally got strung out on. The heroin epidemic is so widespread and rampant in the US, white folks are dying from heroin overdoses in droves.
Notice now white politicians are calling for mental health intervention and treatment instead of jail? This is because it is their sons and daughters who are getting strung out on heroin. White folks overdosing on heroin and opiates is so bad for many counties and municipalities have provided their police officers with Naloxone the antidote for heroin and opiate overdoes. Why didn't they do that when heroin addiction was mainly a ghetto phenomenon? What's up with that?
US doctors are prescribing more and more opiates to adults and even more psychotropic drugs for children some as young as two years old who have be "diagnosed" with hyperactivity, attention deficit and other "disorders". Why are so many Black boys
"diagnosed" with these conditions? What's up with that?
The reality is drugs like Ritalin and Adderall are neurotoxic on the brains of children. The Pharmaceutical industry spends far more money on marketing than they do on research and safety of their products. The US Food and Drug Administration which is supposed to regulate the industry and protect us turns a blind eye to this reality and approves these drugs without much if any oversight. What's up with that?!
I suspect most of the suicides and shooting sprees in the US were directly or indirectly linked to drug abuse or more correctly prescription abuse, the profit motive of the big pharmaceutical companies and the doctors who prescribe them. Are was so apathetic and unconscious we can't see this? What's up with that?