Monday, December 18, 2017

Energy and Reality

                                                           From The Ramparts

                                                           Junious Ricardo Stanton
                                                             Energy and Reality


“In traditional Africa, the spirit reality is the parent reality and the greater reality. The experience of the physical is a lesser reflection of the experience which manifests first in the spirit. The experience of the physical though meaningful, functions to facilitate the development of the spirit. Intellect and emotion are conditions of the physical reality and act in concert with the spirit to negotiate the physical reality and further facilitate the development of the spirit.” The Sankofa Movement ReAfrikanization & The Reality of War Kwame Agyei and AKua Nson Akoto page 104


            Several years ago I wrote about the ancient African Memphite Theology and how numerous Europeans have glimpsed parts of the ancient wisdom but due they are unable to fully comprehend, grasp or apply the full ramifications of this reality. Western elites and their institutions function in opposition to the Memphite Theology because they fail to grasp the reality (truth) that the universe is actually ONE, a whole system of interconnected seemingly separate entities.

Today more and more Europeans are becoming aware the universe is more than what we experience with our five senses and more than what the value shaping institutions and media tell us it is. “Modern Physics appears to be proving ancient mystical philosophy. In the past 20 years studies that have tried to find the smallest particle or to explore the outer limits of space have come up with answers which support the ancient mystical philosophical view of the cosmos and the constitution of the human being.

Science is discovering that the universe is infinite in all directions both at the atomic (micro) level and the planetary (macro) level. It is also finding that what we call ‘matter’ is 99.9% empty space surrounded by an idea (information, thought) consciousness. Contrary to popular belief, quantum physicists cannot explain what matter is or what holds it together. The remaining .1% of mater which appears to be visible is also theorized by quantum physics (modern physics) to be an optical illusion.” The Hidden Properties of Matter The Mystical Teachings of Memphite Theology in Ancient Egypt by Dr. Muata Abhaya Ashby Cruzian Mystic Books page 48. 

The ancient African Memphite Theology posits that all creation is an emanation and expression of the PRIMAL FIRST CAUSE/MOST HIGH/CREATOR the Nile Valley Africans called Ptah. They postulated that we are all energy/consciousness/spirit beings but our senses cannot perceive this because the energy is so subtle and vibrates at rates our limited senses and misdirected intellects cannot fathom.

 The best way to understand and experience this as our ancient ancestors told us was to “know thyself” because when we realize who and what we are we can grasp reality on a fuller basis. We are spiritual beings made not only in the image of the PRIME CUASE/CREATOR but of the same substance spirit/energy/consciousness only to a lesser extent. Yeshua Ben Joseph was correct when he said “The kingdom of God is within you.”

The best way to know ourselves is to go inward, inside ourselves. Unfortunately we are conditioned, taught and tricked to be outer directed so we can be coerced, manipulated and controlled by others. By going inward getting quiet and in tune with the inner spirit/consciousness we can raise our consciousness and vibration to receive insights and intuition from INFINITE INTELLIGENCE to solve our most pressing problems and address our most vexing challenges as well as gain an inner calm and peace that will help us become less fearful, anxious and stressed out.

 Meditation is nothing spooky or strange; it is merely refocusing our attention whether it is on your breathing, a word, or listening and waiting for the still small voice to speak to you about whatever you need.  Learn to distinguish your higher self from mind chatter, the words and images that run through your mind like rush hour traffic. Learn to still your mind by practicing getting quiet and being a non judgmental observer of your thoughts and images that wander through. Learn to discern between the higher self’s wisdom and right guidance and what we have been conditioned, indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe and trust and follow its direction. We are all unique but made from the same consciousness/energy and spirit. This consciousness is all knowing and will speak to you in numerous ways that are different and unique. It may come in a dream, an instant flash of insight, it may come through an inner urge or prompting that feels right. We are all connected to and we all have access to this INTELLIGENCE/SPIRIT/CONSCIOUSNESS because it is an integral part of us; we just have to be open to the ways of FIRST CUASE/SPIRIT.

The Memphite Theology does not portray the FIRST CUASE/SPIRIT/CONSCIOUSNESS as a human; in fact the Africans called it the unseen mover and knew matter is nothing more than energy that appears solid and either animate or inanimate. Aboriginal people were called superstitious by Europeans because most Europeans do not fathom anything they cannot see, hear, taste or smell, to them such ideas are nonsense meaning not of the senses.

We are energetic beings our thoughts are energy that move in waves that can be seen and recorded on machines like an electroencephalogram or an MRI that show brain activity in various shades and colors. Our thoughts are powerful and they are things! Once we learn the implications of this reality, we can reorient and redirect our mental energy to improve our lives and our reality. Even Western science now admits our thoughts have a direct impact on your emotions and our emotions impact our physiological activities and wellbeing.

This is what Yeshua ben Joseph meant when he said, “repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.” In the New Testament the Greek word for repent is metanoia it means to change your mind, change what you think about, change the way you think and what you believe. We can change our reality but it takes work and courage to go against the grain, to be a non-conformist and to try new things. Obviously what I’m saying is not new. In his book Stolen Legacy George G.M. James revealed the essence of Nile Valley Mystery Schools  teachings, “In the Egyptian Mysteries the Neophyte was required to manifest the following soul attributes: control of thought and control of action… steadfastness of purpose, identity with spiritual life or higher ideals, evidence of having a mission in life and evidence of a call to spiritual orders or the Priesthood in the Mysteries as well as Freedom from resentment, confidence in the master as teacher and confidence in one’s own ability to learn and readiness for initiation” Stolen Legacy page 30.

This system worked for thousands of years. It was the foundation of the African reality a reality that the world still is in awe of and marvels!  It can work for us again today. We can employ it today. We can use our innate energy to elevate our vibrations and consciousness to change our lives, our world and our reality. If you try it and it doesn’t work you can always go back to what you were doing before.



Monday, December 11, 2017

Observing the Winter Solstice


                                                  From The Ramparts
                                                Junious Ricardo Stanton
                                            Observing the Winter Solstice

            "At the December solstice, Earth is positioned in its orbit so that the sun stays below the north pole horizon. As seen from 23-and-a-half degrees south of the equator, at the imaginary line encircling the globe known as the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun shines directly overhead at noon. This is as far south as the sun ever gets. All locations south of the equator have day lengths greater than 12 hours at the December solstice. Meanwhile, all locations north of the equator have day lengths less than 12 hours."
            Our ancient ancestors observed all of nature about themselves; but especially the skies, noting the weather, the stars and the seeming changes of the sun, which they saw as the most powerful object in the sky, the provider of light and warmth. This December 21 at 10:28 Central Time in the Northern Hemisphere we will experience the Winter Solstice. This occurs due to the earth's axis tilt, as a result the days will be shorter and the nights longer then after two days, the days will become increasingly longer until we move into the Spring and Summer. During this period you will see later dawns and early sunsets. Meanwhile in the Southern Hemisphere the exact opposite is happening, the days are getting longer
            Because of the influence of the Sun and the awe in which ancient man held for the heavens, many tribes and cultures created celebrations, festivals and rituals to mark the various phases of the Sun as the earth traveled around it. They were keenly aware of the Equinoxes when the solar energy and sunlight were the same for both hemispheres and many used these events to establish calendars to mark the consistent changes they observed in the heavens and here on earth. To be honest the ancients did not worship the sun or moon per se, they observed them because for them these two objects offered a sense of constancy, regularity and rhythm that helped them plan and orient their daily lives.
            Later unscrupulous megalomaniacal leaders used this natural phenomenon to manipulate the masses and created religious observations and festivals around the changes they experienced and observed due to the earth's rotation and the positioning of the sun (and the phases of the moon) but placed themselves in positions of power and authority over the people. Ceremonies, myths and fables were created that explained to some degree the solstice occurrence.
             Much of what we see around this time: the placing of lights around the houses, the looking towards the heavens and myths about avatars and saviors being born around this time, dying and resurrected are actually based upon the Winter and Spring solstices and equinoxes.
            The ancients had a saying "As above so below" the principle or law of correspondence, the unity of all creation and they attempted to order their societies and their lives in accordance to DEVINE ORDER and pay attention to the various energies and forces they experienced in their lives. To them the Sun was merely a symbol, an icon and a representation of the unseen energy that permeated and sustained all creation.
            Today too often we take a dim view of the ancients because we do not understand their worldview, we are disconnected from what they believed or experienced. Their narratives are told by invaders who disdained the people and their culture or in the case of the more advanced cultures the invaders encountered, they were in awe and envy of what the indigenous people accomplished. The invaders either subsequently took undue credit for what the indigenous people did (as in the case of Arab interlopers in Kemet) or they suppressed the truth those people were Black.  
            One of the things we can do to acknowledge the solstice and put some personal  significance and importance to it, is to do the research, see it with an open, unbiased mind, be appreciative of what our ancient ancestors recognized and understood and take time to give thanks for them.
             I've heard people recommend fasting and cleansing during the solstice, abstaining from eating for a brief period of time twenty four hours or so. Physical fasting is very beneficial for you but so is mental fasting. During a mental fast you abstain from ideas, images, thoughts and the resulting feelings that are not positive or healthy.  Think healthy thoughts, create images of peace and empathy within yourself, envision yourself as healthy and prosperous, strive to develop an inner serenity and spirit. Once you are successful doing this during the solstice or equinoxes, you can do it randomly on a more regular basis. Once you are able to do this consistently you will notice a positive change in your life, maybe not in all your circumstances but in how you deal with life, people and circumstances. Sometimes we need an external event to simulate an internal transformation,the Winter Solstice is as good a time as any.


Monday, December 04, 2017

Disruptive Technology Part II

                                           From the Ramparts
                                           Junious Ricardo Stanton
                                      Disruptive Technologies Part II

            "Disruptive technologies hold within themselves the capacity to alter our lifestyle, what we mean by work, business and the global economy."

            Last week I presented some ideas on disruptive technologies. There are two types of technology, sustaining and disruptive. Sustaining technology are innovative developments that improve upon already existing technology, services or products. Disruptive technologies are defined as: one that displaces an established technology and shakes up the industry or a ground-breaking product that creates a completely new industry.
            We live in an era of rapid change, innovation and technology that have far reaching impact and effect on our daily lives and even more so in the future. Last week I provided examples of disruptive technologies from the CIA and DARPA but there are many technologies that impact our daily lives we take for granted. Here are some disruptive technologies that are now or will be integral parts of our lives: the Internet, cloud storage and servers, 3D printing , DNA gene editing, virtual reality devices, magnetic strip credit card, robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, digital implants, bots and apps.
            Innovative technology is changing the workforce and the workplace. More and more automation and robotic applications are being used and this automation is displacing manual workers. " Disruptive technologies, as well as disruptive innovations and business models, affect previously established technologies and industries. Computers, smartphones and the Internet—things that most of us use without thinking twice about—are some of the biggest disruptive technologies we utilize every day. Computers quickly replaced typewriters and, with the introduction of the Internet, have entirely changed our society and culture. With the world of work changing rapidly, both those seeking employment and those already employed need to remain aware of advancements and changes coming to their industries. For those in the workforce, this means being actively involved in your industry—by attending workshops, watching webinars or joining relevant associations—to ensure you are aware of upcoming changes. Jobs will evolve as technology changes, so it’s important for employees to keep their skills up to date in order to 'future-proof' their jobs. Bev Stevens, a co-op and career educator with the Gustavson School of Business, notes that some jobs will start to disappear with the introduction of more technology and artificial intelligence; however, she believes that many jobs will simply start to look very different, so employees should educate themselves on new technologies before they affect their professions." Day to Day Disruptions How Disruptive Technologies Are Affecting The Way We Work
            Futurists predict disruptive technology will alter the way we live, work and our immediate environment in negative ways. In many cases disruptive innovation has created fewer jobs than it replaced and is altering society in very harmful ways. In fact in a recent article Sean Parker one of the executives of the social media giant Facebook admitted they knew the negative consequences of the technology when they were engineering it, but did it anyway!
            We need to be aware of the downsides of innovative technology.  Here are a few articles I think you should read on this subject:,, and
            I'm not trying to be a fuddy-duddy on this issue but we need to be clear on how innovation is impacting us, especially in a society that has a consciousness of exploitation, winner take all and considering our history in this vampire capitalistic culture. As manual labor gives way to robotics and automation how will this impact the working class?
             Globalization has already had a deadly effect on us and transformed much of the world. "The transition to a post-industrial economy has been far from advantageous to a substantial share of the population. Just because we have been innovating and growing successfully for a quarter of a millennium by no means implies that the process will, or should, continue indefinitely. No such economic law exists, and the historical record indicates that there are times when economic regimes reach a tipping point and abruptly change direction. That is what I believe is happening now. At the very least, it is time to acknowledge the possibility." John Komlos
            Food for thought.