Eugenics and You Part 2
Eugenics and You Part 2
Junious Ricardo
“pgEd’s mission is to increase awareness and
conversation about the benefits and ethical, legal, and social
implications of personal genetics. We believe that far-reaching
public engagement about genetic advances is key for a safe and equitable path
forward, and we strive every day to be inclusive of all people – regardless of
socioeconomic or educational background, cultural or religious affiliation, and
ethnic or personal identity.” pgEd’s
mission statement
week I shared information about the eugenics movement a nineteenth century racist,
elitist ideology that propagates the notion society has an obligation to
prevent “undesirable traits” from being passed from one generation to another.
It started in England and
spread to the United States
backed by powerfully influential and wealthy people like Teddy Roosevelt, John
D. Rockefeller and his heirs and was subsequently embraced in many other
countries including Germany’s
Adolf Hitler who took the idea of population control to a whole new level.
the early twentieth century US
eugenics advocates pushed for and were successful in passing laws to
involuntarily sterilize the poor, deformed, the mentally retarded and people of
color. These laws were even upheld by the US Supreme Court! “In 1927, the U.S.
Supreme Court decided, by a vote of 8 to 1, to uphold a state's right to
forcibly sterilize a person considered unfit to procreate. The case, known
as Buck v. Bell, centered on a
young woman named Carrie Buck, whom the state of Virginia had deemed to be ‘feebleminded.’…
All told, as many as 70,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized during the 20th
century. The victims of state-mandated sterilization included people like Buck
who had been labeled ‘mentally deficient,’ as well as those who were deaf,
blind and diseased. Minorities, poor people and ‘promiscuous’ women were often
targeted.” The Supreme Court Ruling That Led to 70,000 Forced Sterilizations
eugenics movement changed tactics. Using the softer language of “birth control”
and with the legalization of abortions, eugenics took off like a rocket. Today
they use technology and deception to promote their agenda. Here is what a Harvard based pgEd eugenics
organization says, “Technological developments are making it possible to read a
person’s entire genetic code, or genome, more rapidly and at a lower cost than
ever before. Personal genome sequencing is allowing scientists and doctors to
better understand the connections between genes and human health, improve
medical care and help extend people’s lives. As the cost of genetic analysis
decreases and research advances, it is becoming increasingly possible to
include a person’s genetic make-up in the repertoire of tools that inform his
or her healthcare. The growing field of personal genetics is at the
intersection of science and society; it is both an exploration into the complex
interactions through which our genes and our environment influence our
physical, mental and behavioral states as well as an on-going conversation
on the meaning for individuals and society.”
The old ideas of racial elitism, sterilization and
depopulation are still in effect they just use newer means to accomplish them
and are being rebranded and repackaged as humanitarian and scientific. For
example Bill Gates is a second generation die hard eugenicist, his father
worked with the Rockefellers and was an influential early supporter of the Planned
Parenthood organization.
people have been and still are the main targets of the population
control/depopulation agenda both in the U.S. and around the world. The
National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200 also called The Kissinger Report
is the ruling class’ blueprint for global depopulation.
“According to The Kissinger Report, elements of the
implementation of government population control programs could include: the
legalization of abortion, financial incentives for countries to increase their
abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates; indoctrination of
children, and mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as
withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control
programs. The Kissinger Report also
specifically declared that the United States was to cover up government
population control activities and avoid charges of imperialism by inducing the
United Nations and various non-governmental organizations—specifically the
Pathfinder Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the
Population Council—to do its dirty work.” U.S. Government Population Control by
Brian Clowes
Currently the front man behind the push
for global depopulation via vaccination is billionaire Bill Gates. He is not
the nerdy looking philanthropist he is painted to be by the corporate and digital
tech media! I urge you to read these:,,
then watch these:
Maafa 21
We need to know the eugenics
movement is alive and well and we are their prime targets!
Eugenics and You Part 1
Eugenics and You Part 1
Junious Ricardo
is the philosophy and social movement that argues it is possible to improve the
human race and society by encouraging reproduction by people or populations
with “desirable” traits (termed “positive” eugenics) and discouraging
reproduction by people with “undesirable” qualities (termed “negative”
eugenics).” What is Eugenics
was a philosophy and movement by Europeans that called for the elimination of
society’s “undesirables” via sterilization, birth control and in extreme
cases mass murder. Adolf Hitler was a eugenicist as were people like John
D. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, Helen Keller,
Winston Churchill, Margaret Sanger, John Harvey Kellogg, Herbert Hoover, John
Maynard Keynes and surprisingly W.E.B. Dubois.
the early twentieth century the eugenics movement blossomed in the United States having been imported from England where
it was championed by Francis Galton a cousin of Charles Darwin. The notion was
based upon class and race, Galton looked the British upper crust and concluded
their position and success were hereditary and the result of breeding. To his
mind it would benefit English society if certain traits were cultivated via
breeding and birth while undesirable traits were eliminated via birth control
methods such as sterilization!
English eugenics movement, championed by Galton, promoted eugenics through
selective breeding for positive traits. In contrast, the eugenics movement in
the US
quickly focused on eliminating negative traits. Not surprisingly,
‘undesirable’ traits were concentrated in poor, uneducated, and minority
populations. In an attempt to prevent these groups from propagating,
eugenicists helped drive legislation for their forced sterilization (Norrgard
2008). The first state to enact a sterilization law was Indiana
in 1907, quickly followed by California
and 28 other states by 1931 (Lombardo n.d.). These laws resulted in the
forced sterilization of over 64,000 people in the United States (Lombardo n.d.). At
first, sterilization efforts focused on the disabled but later grew to include
people whose only ‘crime’ was poverty. These sterilization programs found legal
support in the Supreme Court. In Buck v. Bell
(1927), the state of Virginia
sought to sterilize Carrie Buck for promiscuity as evidenced by her giving
birth to a baby out of wedlock (some suggest she was raped). In ruling against
Buck, Supreme Court Justice Wendell Holmes opined, ‘It is better for all the
world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to
let them starve for imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly
unfit from continuing their kind....Three generations of imbeciles is enough’
(Black 2003). This decision legitimized the various sterilization laws in
the United States.
In particular, California’s program was so
robust that the Nazi’s turned to California
for advice in perfecting their efforts. Hitler proudly admitted to following
the laws of several American states that allowed for the prevention of
reproduction of the ‘unfit’” America’s Hidden History: The Eugenics Movement by Teryn Bouche
and Laura Rivard
The global
eugenics movement looked to the United States because the US pushed and
popularized the notion and backed it with funds from extremely wealthy patrons,
“Less stingy than Mr. Force, wealthy families of the old ‘robber barons’
financially supported eugenics in the early years of this century. Mrs. E. H.
Harriman, widow of the railroad king, was an early supporter of eugenics; so
was the Rockefeller Foundation at the direction of the senior John D.
Rockefeller, the oil baron. A whole flock of Rockefeller foundations, as well
as individual family members, eventually gave huge sums to eugenics projects.
The 1930 membership list of the American Eugenics Society included
Vincent Astor, Bernard Baruch, George Eastman, Thomas Lamont, John D.
Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Margaret Sanger.” Eugenics and the
Power Elite Mary Meehan
Nazi Germany under Hitler, and
the oppressive apartheid regimes of Rhodesia,
South Africa and Mozambique
all based their systems on American socio-political structure and eugenics.
Eugenics is alive and well in
twenty-first century U.S.A..
Next week I will show you how eugenics is embedded in much of what is currently
going on in this country and the future plans of the movement so we can be
prepared and not get snookered by the propaganda and lies.
Have You Noticed?
Have You Noticed?
Junious Ricardo
millions of people around the world are still confined to their homes, in Belarus, soccer
games are being played and restaurants are open as usual. President Alexander
Lukashenko has little truck with those who say the novel coronavirus poses a
grave risk to public health, joining other outliers such as Brazilian President
Jair Bolsonaro and Nicaraguan leader Daniel Ortega, who have shunned
lockdown measures.” In Belarus Everyday Life is Much The Same As Coronavirus
Spreads by Ann M. Simmons
Have you noticed that when a
person, group or nation doesn’t go along with a prevailing outlook, policy,
idea or behavior promoted by powerful Western
forces, individuals or groups they are demonized, shunned and in some cases
targeted for destruction, regime change or both?! Take the global response to
the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic for example. Western leaders who listened to the now discredited
biological mathematician Neil Ferguson who worked for the Imperial College of
London (an entity funded by Bill Gates), the World Health Organization (the UN
organization funded by Bill Gates) the US Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (also supported by Bill Gates) and Dr. Anthony Fauci head of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a key Gates ally) all shut down their countries and their
economies resulting in massive social inconvenience, psychological trauma, discomfort,
economic disruption and disaster are hailed and applauded. Meanwhile the few
leaders who did not lock their countries down, countries that did not suffer
the catastrophic results of their counterparts have been demonized, ridiculed,
lied on and scorned by the corporate and monopoly digital media.
Sweden was one of the countries
that chose not to shut their society down. They had COVID deaths like everyone
else, mostly the elderly with co-morbidities who lived in nursing homes and long term care facilities
just like the U.S and Italy,
but not the levels of deaths as most of Western Europe and the US. Real time statistics show Sweden is
virtually infection free now.
Yet Sweden
is still vilified for not going along with the unprecedented and Draconian
lockdowns like the other leaders around the world did.
Another case is Belarus in Eastern
Europe. Belarus’
leaders also shunned the lockdowns even held massive parades and celebrations
in non-compliance to the Bill Gates, WHO, COVID remediation narrative. Now we
see Belarus
is in the midst of a political crisis following a recent election that saw the
incumbent Alexander Lukashenko who poo-pooed the WHO coronavirus narrative returned
to office with a 90% vote margin. A few weeks following the presidential
election and now Belarus is experiencing protests, strikes and calls for a new election;
is this a coincidence or a confluence of separate but related socio-political issues
and conditions percolating beneath the surface?
Is the West involved in this? The
European Union has placed sanctions on Belarus which may pose a hardship
for Lukashenko and his bid to remain in power. Belarus
and Russia
are close allies but in recent months cracks and tension within their alliance
have surfaced. Will the US and its allies
take advantage to foment discord and a coup? Are they planning to make Belarus another Ukraine? As of now the corporate
media is branding Lukashenko a violent dictator, their code phrase for someone
the US
wants to depose just like they did with Saddam Hussein and Muammar al-Qaddafi
In geopolitics the conspirators’
moves are always designed to accomplish several objectives simultaneously. In
this case if the US is behind or supporting the anti-Lukashenko demonstrations they are trying
to take Lukashenko out because he didn’t go along with the COVID lockdowns, to
destabilize the region and undermine the Belarus and Russia alliance. Time will
Speaking of COVID, here’s a
disturbing statistic, as of this writing, the US and UK who promoted the most
authoritarian lockdowns, social isolation and Draconian socio-economic
responses to the virus, rank number one and number twelve respectively in
infections and the United States leads the world in deaths! Meanwhile Sweden and Belarus rank thirty-third and
fortieth respectively.
The Plot Thickens
The Plot Thickens
Junious Ricardo
“Mass vaccination
strategies should be developed and put in place to increase immediate access. A
standing collaboration among international organizations, national governments,
and the private sector will be needed to enable and coordinate global
distribution to ensure maximal effectiveness and equitable access.” Johns Hopkins
Center for Health Security: Preparedness for a
High Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic September 2019 page 11
September of 2019 the Johns
Hopkins Center
for Health Security published a report entitled Preparedness for a High Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic. You
say so what, what’s the significance? Well Johns Hopkins University
has been part of a plan to control medical education and public health policy since
John D. Rockefeller Senior and his Rockefeller Foundation funneled millions of
dollars to create the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. This
was an integral component of his plan to control medical education and the
fledgling pharmaceutical industry in the U.S.
“The first university to benefit significantly from the investment in schools
of public health was Johns
Hopkins University.
Through extensive funding beginning in 1916, the Rockefeller Foundation (RF)
created the School of
Hygiene and Public Health at Johns Hopkins, and the school quickly
became a model of public health education.” The Rockefeller Foundation A Digital History
The Rockefeller Foundation’s self aggrandizing history
says this, “Internationally, the two biggest recipients of RF funding
were the University of Toronto
and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Writing to Sir Alfred
Mond, the British Minister of Health, of the RF’s $2 million
appropriation, Wickliffe Rose noted, ‘The object of the
Trustees is the advancement of world health in the widest sense, and they are
the more glad that they can make the offer at a moment when the outlook seems a
little brighter for the close drawing together of the nations in the bonds of
mutual understanding and of common effort for human welfare.’ By 1929 the GEB
and the RF shifted their focus from institutional development in medical
education to research initiatives. In less than two decades the GEB had
transformed American medical education into one of the best systems in the
world, while the RF had invested over $25 million to build institutes of public
health across the globe.” Ibid. This sounds nice, but we must remember John D.
Rockefeller and his heirs are avid supporters of the eugenics movement (they
believe in a master race, sterilization, population control and global
depopulation) and they are avaricious.
Back to the
conspiracy; Rockefeller’s goal was to totally
control the pharmaceutical industry like he controlled oil and Johns Hopkins School
of Hygiene and Public Health became one of the many schools he funded or
founded to reshape and mold medical education and drugs.
When you look at all the pandemic
exercises, the computer simulations, the gaming, the planning, reports and
recommendations you almost always see super rich and influential people like
Rockefeller, Carnegie and Gates. But you’ll also see politicians and you’ll see
Johns Hopkins is almost always a participant.
In 1997 Johns Hopkins critically reviewed
a study on mass psychosis, mass hysteria and illness. The study theorized that mass
hysteria generates fear, worry, illness and nervous system disturbances. So
Johns Hopkins was well aware of the affects of induced mass hysteria. We are
seeing this now with the COVID “pandemic” and the people’s reactions to the
lockdowns, social distancing and medical martial law..
It just so happened in September of 2019 Johns
Hopkins participated in a table top exercise called Urban Outbreak
then later that month published Preparedness for a High Impact Respiratory
Pathogen Pandemic. That might be somewhat coincidental but the very next
month the Johns Hopkins University School of Health Security cosponsored Event 201, which also table
topped, gamed and simulated a global pandemic!
The written recommendations from Preparedness for a High Impact Respiratory
Pathogen Pandemic and Event 201 are
eerily similar and uniform; now that is more than a coincidence. Read them at
What we are experiencing now with SARS-CoV-2 is almost exactly what they
predicted and recommended in their gaming sessions! There is no way this is
When you consider Rockefeller and
Gates are billionaire eugenicists with the three elements of a crime: motive,
means and opportunity who also have the connections and networks to fund and
influence education, media, politicians and public policy, we can see how such
a conspiracy can happen.
The US Naval War College and the Urban Outbreak Simulation
The US Naval War College
and the Urban Outbreak Simulation
Junious Ricardo
Back in April
I wrote and posted an article asking how come three different pandemic simulation
exercises and table top gaming scenarios took place during 2019 and the US government
was so unprepared to deal with the SARS-CoV-2 virus? In the article I said, “My question is: if
they have been spending so much time, money and resources gaming and preparing
for numerous possible global pandemics for years, how come the US was so
totally unprepared when the COVID 19 virus surfaced?! Two of the exercise
scenarios took place last year (2019) one as late as October; the other one
ran from January through August of 2019!” How Come
After I wrote this article I
discovered another exercise took place in September of 2019 called Urban Outbreak which took place in
Laurel Maryland over a two day period. That question still continues to bother
me leading me to ask additional questions. In another article I mentioned the
number of pandemic training exercises, planning, gaming and table top scenarios
that have taken place since 2001 and provided links to validate my claims.,
The simulation exercise called Urban Outbreak was hosted in September
2019 by the US Naval War College in conjunction with the following entities: Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) - National Center for
Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) and Johns Hopkins University’s
Applied Physics Lab. You can read their report at https://digital
Here is the link to an article from
Forbes about it,
According to their report the two
day exercise was designed to simulate “an infectious disease outbreak response
in a notional but realistic city with a population of 21 million people. As
part of the game, players individually voted for up to five essential
organizations to which they needed access in order to complete the activities
they deemed essential for success in the response.” https://digital
page 1
Notice how Johns Hopkins
University is always in
on these scenarios! What’s up with that? Notice also how during the coronavirus
spree we’ve gotten so much information from Johns Hopkins, the CDC and WHO,
they are like the big three in information dissemination. In previous articles
I’ve shared how all three are connected, usually by money to billionaire
eugenicist (master race, population control depopulation) Bill Gates.
I digress, back to Urban Outbreak, what
city in the US
has a population of twenty one million people? Were they planning and gaming
for a regional pandemic? Was Urban
Outbreak in any way related to Fort
Last week I wrote about the July
2019 shutdown of the Fort Detrick biological laboratory located in Detrick
Maryland about fifty miles from Washington D.C. I mentioned the numerous issues
the neighboring communities had with Fort
Detrick, allegedly
leaking toxic contaminants into the surrounding areas’ soil and water. In fact
subsequent tests have found toxic and carcinogenic materials in the soil and
water. and
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention shut Fort Detrick
down in 2019 due to systemic failure to follow waste treatment safety and
security procedures.
Over the years local residents near
the facility have alleged Fort
Detrick is responsible
for illness and death of their family members. “In Frederick last week,
Clifford Mitchell, with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
told residents that the number of diagnoses among those living within two miles
of the base from 1992 through 2008 — the only period for which the state has
data – did not differ significantly from those for Frederick County or Maryland
as a whole. Those findings echoed earlier reports. White disputes them. He says
his team — a group of varying size that he says has grown at times to as many
as 10 paid professionals and up to 40 volunteers — has counted hundreds of
cancer cases not listed in the state registry. They include one family that has
lost 17 members to cancer, and another that has lost 11. White says his team
has found 1,200 cancers in two ZIP codes alone and 118 on a single street: Shookstown Road,
which runs along the southern edge of Area B.
Was the gaming scenario in
September of 2019 by the US Naval War College triggered in response to the
issues at Fort Detrick? Was Urban Outbreak based upon
real life health and safety issues at Fort Detrick?
Keep in mind Fort
Detrick has a nefarious
Of course the government is never going to tell us about any of this, it
certainly is something to make you go hmmm?
The Fort Detrick Bio Lab Shutdown
The Fort Detrick Bio Lab Shutdown
Junious Ricardo
not what you know that gets you in trouble, it’s the things you know that just
aren’t so that get you in trouble.” Reggie Bryant
The information
age is a two edged sword. On one hand we have unlimited access to information
and data at eye blinking speeds but on the other hand we are susceptible to
massive lies, disinformation, deceit and propaganda. Our own government is one
of the greatest sources of this disinformation. William Casey a former head of
the US CIA once said, “We will know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American believes is false.” I maintain we are at that point
today despite the availability of truthful information.
Looking at the world today with the
coronavirus wrecking global havoc we have to ask ourselves are we being told
the truth?! In my opinion, we are not; we are being lied to at every turn. We
live in a dystopian Orwellian society were lies are put forth as truth, where
war is presented as peace, where illness causing drugs are sold as health,
where evil masquerades as justice and insanity is the norm.
In order to protect ourselves and right
the wrongs we need to know the truth. We must develop discernment and critical
thinking, do the research and dig to find and present an accurate depiction of
reality. You learn a lot by asking questions and seeing where the answers lead.
Did you know Fort
Detrick the biochemical germ warfare
laboratory where some believe HIV and anthrax strains were created located in
Detrick Maryland
was shut down by the CDC in July of 2019? The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USARIID)
as it is officially called has long been the target of community ire due to
health and safety concerns. Neighbors in close proximity to Fort Detrick
have long complained about toxic contamination from the facility.
The Global Times (the Chinese Communist Party
newspaper) insinuated the shutdown may have something to do with the creation
of the novel coronavirus, “For years the
public had known little about what was going on inside USAMRIID. Its nearby
citizens, however, had made frequent accusations and claims, saying their
health was largely harmed by its biochemical pollution. In 2006, a petition that asked local senators to take
a further look at a possible ‘cancer cluster’ near the institute got more than
14,000 signs on US petition website Randy White, a resident
who initiated the petition, denounced the ‘reckless practices’ of the US army who ‘buried dangerous chemical weapons’
at Fort Detrick near their home, which he said
had made over 2,500 people, including his wife and daughter, die from ‘a rare
form of cancer.’ All this time, the US army has continued to block
calls for accountability, dismissing hundreds of health claims from sick
residents, White wrote in the petition.
More suspicion and blame on
USAMRIID occurred when an unprecedented e-cigarette or vaping product use
associated lung injury (EVALI) broke out in its surrounding areas in August
2019. According to researchers who examined samples of lung tissue from 17
EVALI patients, all the samples implied the people ‘had been exposed to toxic
chemicals,’ reported the New York Times in October. Days before the
institution's temporary shutdown in 2019, a respiratory illness was reported on
June 30 at a community one hour's drive away. The Greenspring Retirement
Community in Fairfax County,
Virginia, had had 63 infected
cases of the disease and three deaths by July 15, said local health
authorities. (my emphasis) In an email response to the Global Times on
Friday, Fairfax County Health Department said there had been an established
etiology for the outbreak of the illness. ‘Testing of specimens collected
showed several bacteria, including Haemophilus influenzae (H. flu) and
rhinovirus,’ it wrote, saying these were ‘the cause of the common cold.’
Nonetheless, this epidemic has recently led to speculation on its probable
relevance to USAMRIID on US
social media aimed at the COVID-19 pandemic. A Twitter user named ‘The Paper’
posted in March that his bet of the virus escaping from the institute was ‘a 50
percent or higher chance.’” The Fort Detrick horror: a closer look at the US’ largest
biochemical research center By Huang Lanlan and Li Lei Source: Global Times
Published: 2020/5/29 21:53:41
When I first learned Fort Detrick
was shut down (it has since been reopened and is now working on a vaccine for
SARS-CoV-2) I thought it might have
something to do with COVID-19 outbreak and the government shut it down to have
plausible deniability about creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I still think that
is a real possibility. But there also have been several instances of leaks and
contamination at the various US
bio-labs around the country.
they pose a health risk, in my mind it’s KARMA at work. Use these links to learn more about the
situation, and then make up your own mind.