The Global Elites Will Use COVID-19 to Usher In Their Brave New World Order
The Global Elites
Will Use COVID to Usher in Their Brave New World Order
Junious Ricardo
When you
question the goals of the oligarchs who run the world they call you a
“conspiracy theorist” or a tin foil hat wearer. They do so to discredit you and
marginalize you so people will reject what you say or ignore your questions and
From my perspective there are three
main types of people in the world, those who are ignorant and apathetic about what
is going on, those who believe things happen by coincidence, life is random etc.
and the third group who realize things happen in this world on the physical
plane due to planning, cooperation and collusion what some might call
The ruling
elites are the world’s most famous or infamous plotters, schemers and
colluders. They do so to further their hold on power, to enrich their class at
the expense of the rest of us, to monetize and legitimize their psychopathy and
greed. They formulate plans, they have immediate goals, five year plans, twenty
year plans and multigenerational plans designed to advance their agendas. This
is no secret; we can read books, magazines or go Online to see how they did it,
how they are doing it now and what they plan for the future.
In the past the elites kept their
plans secret only people in their innermost circles knew what was going on and
then not everyone was privy to the same information which is why people said
they were engaged in conspiracies. But now they openly flaunt their plans. Of
course they couch their agendas in noble sounding verbiage; they’re not going
to reveal their plans to create a neo-feudal, techno-fascist social order.
Occasionally they do share some of their plans to see what our reactions will
be so they can determine how to best move forward.
For example
you can go to the World Economic Forum’s Website and see for yourself exactly
what these globalists, eugenicist billionaires who own more physical assets
than the rest of the world put together are planning. They call it the Great Reset.
The Davos crowd is calling for a total restructure of
society: economic, political and social. They are saying COVID is “an opportunity”
to restructure the world and they are going to take full advantage of it.
This is what they are saying, “There
won’t be many among the 7.7 billion people on Earth who haven’t been affected
in some way by COVID-19. From sickness and the death of loved ones to work
shortages and school closures, the pandemic’s ramifications have touched every
part of society – and thrown inequalities into sharp relief. As lockdowns are
starting to ease, governments and organizations across the globe are turning
their attention to the recovery process – and the opportunity it provides to
rebuild in a different way. One that makes the world better for everyone and
addresses the other great crisis of our time: climate change. With the economic
fallout from COVID-19 dominating risk perceptions, this is a rare window of opportunity to
shape a more sustainable, resilient world. And starting today [3 June], the
World Economic Forum is working with HRH The Prince of Wales on an initiative
coined Great Reset, to guide decision-makers on the rocky path ahead. Leading
up to the Forum’s Annual Meeting 2021, which will be devoted to the Great Reset,
a series of virtual Great Reset Dialogues will take place every other Wednesday
– bringing together global stakeholders from all sectors to discuss the way
forward.” How the world can reset itself after COVID 19- according to these
Who are these stakeholders they are
calling on to reshape the world?1 When you look at the World Economic Forum, who
their members are, who is partnering with them, how these people made their
money how they gained their positions and influence you get an creepy feeling
something is amiss. Many of these people are European royalty, members of
secret societies and organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, The Order of Skull and Bones; many
are CEOs of multinational corporations, international banking cartels,
government leaders and others. Given the history of the past five hundred plus
years it strains credibility to think these people really care about humanity
or this planet!
But that is
exactly what they want us to think. They are hell bent on transformation and
they are using COVID to make it happen. Keep your eyes and ears out for their
2021 Great Reset. You will see more and more talk about the need for a systemic
reset to facilitate sustainability, reduce inequality, counteract climate
change, insure vaccines and health security; keep in mind Bill Gates, Warren
Buffett, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic
Forum sponsored the October 2019 global pandemic planning and simulation
exercise called Event 201 a few
months before COVID struck.
If you are a coincidence thinker
you say so what, but if you subscribe to the collusion scrutiny of history/reality
you know something is up.
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
Junious Ricardo
believe that hell and heaven that are depicted in the Bible are descriptive of
a condition of the human spirit. Hell is to be cut off from God and his
presence. Heaven is to be with God… I believe in sowing and reaping and reward
and punishment in life. The extent to which the moral law operates beyond death
is not ours to know.” Dr. Howard Thurman, African-American theologian and minister.
I extend
season’s greetings to each of you and wish happy holidays to you and yours. As
we end this tumultuous year let us not only reflect on what we lost, as
significant as that may have been, but also on what we learned, what we gained
and how it has made us stronger, more resilient, more resourceful and hopeful. As
we end this year looking forward to a new one, count your blessings and examine
yourself to find the good and contemplate how we may expand and extend that
good to others especially those who are grieving, mourning, suffering and who
may be depressed and losing hope.
Yeshua Ben
Joseph said, “Repent the Kingdom
of God is at hand.” The
Greek word in the Christian Bible for the concept of repentance is metanoia;
we see the prefix meta which means to change or go beyond and noia
which means mind or heart. Metanoia then means to change your mind. It really
means changing the way you think so thoroughly it results in a complete change
in attitudes, thinking and personality, thereby effecting a quantum change in
you. This is not about religion, doctrine or dogma, it is about changing our
perspectives and our heart.
What does this have to do with the
holiday season or what we’ve been through this year you ask? Everything; in life
it’s not what happens to us, it’s how we deal with what happens to us. Adversity is a part of living. No one escapes
the vicissitudes of life, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune the ups
and downs of living. We all experience trials, setbacks, obstacles and troubles
some of our own making. We’ve all experienced the good days and the joys of
living. We tend to focus on the “bad” that happens to us not realizing they are
the tests that make us stronger and wiser. These challenges provide the gumption
and determination to keep on keepin’ on during the tough times.
The only people with no problems that we know
of are in the cemetery. Life means experiencing, facing and dealing with
adversity. When we look back on our lives we’ll see we’ve overcame many trials and
problems. We remember we have the resources to cope; all we have to do is
change our minds and change how we look at things. Changing our minds will not
alter our circumstances but it will help us see our situation in a different
light and this change will help us come up with the solutions we need when we
need them.
2020 has been a challenging year
for all of us. We have no idea what 2021 will bring but we can face the world
with confidence, enthusiasm and a positive expectancy. Don’t allow the fear mongers to get you down; don’t
succumb to the hysteria about the economy or COVID. Worrying will not change a thing except maybe your
blood pressure. Start now; take time to be truly thankful for the good in your
life. Think about all the good things you accomplished this year despite COVID,
despite the lock-downs and the insanity all around us.
Life is what you make of it; we each
have agency, talents and abilities we have not fully manifested on a daily
basis. Change your mind, decide to and commit to visualizing, being and
actualizing the good you want to experience in the world. Make this your top priority
for today and the future. When you do, you will have a happy holiday season and
in the process you will be a blessing to others. Changing your mind can and
will open a whole new way of living and dealing with the world.
This Is What The Techno-fascists Have In Store For Us
This Is What the Techno-fascists Have In Store for Us
Junious Ricardo
“Some well-known
scientists and technologists have expressed concern that robots may take over
the world. More generally, there is concern that robots will take over human
jobs and leave billions of people suffering long-term unemployment. Yet, such
concerns do not take into account the potential for human beings to enhance
their natural capabilities with in-the-body technologies and so become cyborgs
with superior capabilities to robots. Types of cyborgs include: human beings
with mass produced biomedical implants; human beings with mass imagineered body
hacks; and human beings with mass customized insideables. In this paper, human
enhancement with in-the-body technologies is analyzed through the theoretical
frameworks of mass paradigms, technology domestication, and cultural capital.
The implications of the findings of these analyses are related to debates about
the future of society. In particular, opportunity versus exploitation, utopia
versus dystopia, and emancipation versus extinction. It is explained that the
debates about the future of society are flawed if they focus more upon robots
than cyborgs.” Cyborgs, Robots and Society: Implications for the Future of
Society from Human Enhancement with In The Body Technologies. Stephen Fox Cyborgs_Robots_and_Society_Implications_for_the_Fu.pdf
For some time
now I have been warning you about what some people who call themselves
futurists, technocrats, transhumanists and visionaries are planning to foist on
humanity, meaning you and me; us. This is not science fiction it is not a variation
of Huxley’s Brave New World or Orwell’s
1984, it is very real and you can
see if for yourself at Websites like these:,,
, , . Some sites are more
revealing and creepy than others but this is information you should be aware of
because it will impact our lives sooner rather than later.
Under the
guise of benevolently transforming humanity, enhancing us, making life better
and solving age old problems, these megalomaniacs and misanthropes want to play
god, re-engineer humans and transform the whole planet. Here is just some of
what they are saying, “We are all cyborgs; a fusion of biology and technology.
With the introduction of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), more complex
and more intelligent machines has made it so that the reality of getting
upgraded with the help of devices isn’t that farfetched. Just as robotics and
mechanical exoskeletons can amplify our physical capabilities, AI and digital
data analysis now help augment our brains. This is the age of transhumanism. Though
the idea of a half-human/half-robot is most commonly depicted through science
fiction, the truth is that humanity has always used tools as extensions of
ourselves. With the help of smarter digital devices, we are now able to do
more, sense more and experience more than what is biologically possible. As an
example, access to neuroprosthetic implants and virtual reality devices now
allow us to have digital experiences where there is no analogue noise. For
those who were born with hearing loss, Cochlear implants provide a unique
opportunity to hear for the first time. This is just one of the many ways where
technology paves the way to make life more humane.” 4th Industrial
Revolution: The Rise of Transhumanism
Notice their
nonchalant and benign rhetoric, “hey it’s all good, we’re all cyborgs now,
melding humans with machines is already happening why just look how advanced
science has helped _________ people, (you fill in the blank, blind, brain
damaged, paraplegic, deaf etc). It’s not just machines these sickos want to
hook us up to, they want to slice and splice our genetic make up, they want to
alter you and they are planning to create what they call designer babies using technology
they call the CRISPER-CAS 9 system.
What is CRISPER-CAS 9 you ask? “Scientists produce a small piece of RNA binding
to the Cas9 enzyme and a ‘guide’ sequence that attaches to a specific part of
the DNA. As in bacteria, the modified RNA is used to recognize the DNA
sequence, and the Cas9 enzyme cuts the DNA at the targeted location. Once
that’s done, researchers use the cell’s own DNA repair machinery to add or
delete pieces of genetic material or to make changes to the DNA by replacing an
existing segment with a customized DNA sequence. Easy-peasy, right?... As
Eric Topol, director and founder of the Scripps
Research Translational Institute said with six billion letters
in the genome that could be affected, the risk of unintended editing is
considerable. We don’t know what happens when another DNA segment gets targeted
instead of the originally planned. Moreover, in a study published in Nature
Biotechnology in July 2018, British
researchers found that CRISPR caused more damage to DNA than
previously thought. If the scientists are right, gene editing could disrupt
healthy genes when it is meant only to fix faulty ones.” Designer Babies: A
Dystopian Sidetrack of Gene Editing
psychopaths, megalomaniacs and mad scientists tell us they need to flush out
the ethical implications of what they are planning and doing watch out! The
bottom line is we all know they have no ethics! This is part of what some are
calling technocracy: the government or control of society or industry by an elite of
technical experts.
I call it techno-fascism because the
technology is not generated by the masses. It is not an organic, bottom up popular
movement; it is an elitist top down program, it is owned by the super rich, the
big banks and corporations, Big Pharma and scientists in collusion and consort
with the government, specifically designed to enrich them even though they say
it is for our benefit. We are experiencing this now with the global response to
A Good Fight
A Good Fight
Junious Ricardo
“If you see a good
fight, get in it.” Rev. Vernon
The late Reverend
Vernon Johns was a Baptist preacher who preceded Martin Luther King Jr. as
pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist
Church in Montgomery Alabama.
Johns was known for his outspoken advocacy for Black empowerment self-reliance and
activism. While he did not have the platform or following that King would later
have, Johns in his own way set the stage for a Martin Luther King Jr. in Montgomery Alabama.
We can take
a lesson from Rev. Johns. He said, “If you see a good fight get in it”. First
you have to witness, see or be aware a good fight is going on. What is a good
fight? In my opinion a really good fight is the struggle to establish truth
during a time of universal deceit, justice in an era of wrong, respect when
people are being denigrated and disparaged or the struggle to empower the marginalized
and helpless. Next he said get in it; meaning get involved, become engaged and
active, make your life count for something meaningful.
There is a
good fight brewing right now, right before our eyes. It is the fight against
the global oligarchs’ plans for a Brave New World Order. The misanthropic
ruling class intends is using COVID as the cover and rationale to re-engineer
the world. They’re calling it the Great Reset.
In 2021 we will hear about it
non-stop as one of its prime proponents Klaus Schwab founder and CEO of the
World Economic Forum rolls out the WEF’s agenda for social, economic and
environmental re-engineering. To see what they are planning go to their Website and peruse all their articles, whitepapers
and plans.
Disregard their noble verbiage
about “sustainability” coming together, ending inequality, establishing social
justice and providing opportunities in a post COVID world and ask yourself how
trustworthy are these people? Ask what is their record and history of serving
humanity, and then do some research on who they are. I guarantee you will come
away as unconvinced as I am. These billionaires, European royalty and
government leaders gained their wealth and power through all kinds of
unscrupulous dealings and shenanigans and they expect us to believe they’ve
repented, that they really care about us now. I don’t think so!
Schwab and Co. eugenicists like the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, wheeler dealers
like Warren Buffet and George Soros are using COVID as the rationale to launch
this global re-engineering. Gates, Buffett, the World Economic Forum and Johns
Hopkins University Center for Health Security sponsored a simulation in New
York City on October 18, 2019 called Event
that for all intents and purposes was the template for what we are experiencing
now with COVID. This is jut one of several simulations and table top scenarios covering
two decades about global pandemics., What is their preoccupation and interest in
pandemics? Is this a conspiracy theory? It’s certainly not a coincidence
Ponder this
for a moment, Gates and Buffet are set to make billions off of the COVID
vaccines they invested in for a pandemic they gamed and prepped for. Consider this;
we get most of our information about COVID from the World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins
University, vaccine snake
oil salesman Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US CDC and corporate media, all of whom
have a known history of supporting Big Pharma and vaccines. Plus they are all linked
one way or another to Bill Gates! How’s that for a coincidence?
Why isn’t the
corporate and monopoly digital media reporting these “coincidences” on a
regular basis? Is it a “coincidence” Event
201 had a recommendation about censorship and information suppression,
that we’re seeing played out right before our eyes in real time? Why do the
corporate media demonize anyone who asks questions or expresses skepticism
about these “coincidences”?
There is a fight to get the truth and
not be bum rushed by the oligarchs and their Brave New World agenda. We’re
seeing people and the media nonchalantly and irresponsibly promoting vaccines
that will alter our DNA, drugs that have skipped all the normal tests, trials
and peer reviews that drugs usually go through. As a result we won’t know the
long term effects of any of these vaccines down the road.
Don’t you think this is something
worth looking into, questioning and resisting if things don’t come out above-board?
Shouldn’t we be raising hell if we don’t get honest straight forward answers?!
This is the struggle of our lifetime because the quality of our lives and
health depend upon it. It’s a good fight. Get in it.
What's The Rush
What’s The Rush?
Junious Ricardo
We are
being told by the pharmaceutical companies rushing to bring their COVID -19
SARS-CoV-2 vaccines to market primarily by skipping the eight to twelve years
it normally takes to bring a new drug from the laboratory to retail shelves
that their vaccines are over 90% effective. Pfizer is saying their vaccine is 95% effective
while Moderna a company that has in
its ten years of existence never produced or marketed any product whatsoever let
alone a vaccine says theirs is 94% effective
Pardon my
skepticism but Big Pharma does not enjoy a stellar reputation nor is the
industry viewed as trustworthy and respected by the American public for numerous
Given their history of valuing profits over people, their blatant disregard for
public health and safety and their seedy marketing practices (paying lawmakers
and doctors to approve and push their drugs) we should be even more skeptical
of their COVID vaccine claims, claims that have not been peer reviewed nor
tested by impartial laboratories and professionals. Keep in mind these are vaccines
based on new technologies.
They are asking us to take their
word. Sorry can’t do it. Wouldn’t it be better if these companies were more
transparent and took the extra time to make absolutely sure their products are
safe and effective? Does the fact they will make huge profits while being held
blameless and indemnified from lawsuits that cause injury or death have
anything to do with their haste?
“But what will happen to the
companies that make and market the vaccine if people discover they’ve been
harmed by a product that was hastily brought to market? According to a law
passed this spring, pretty much nothing. An amendment to the PREP Act, which
was updated in
April, stipulates that companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court”
over injuries caused by medical countermeasures for Covid-19. Such
countermeasures include vaccines, therapeutics, and respiratory devices. The
only exception to this immunity is if death or serious physical injury is
caused by ‘willful misconduct.’ And even then, the people who are harmed will
have to meet heightened standards for ‘willful misconduct’ that are favorable
to defendants… And while people harmed by vaccines for other
diseases are able to file claims with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program, which was established in 1986, the PREP Act now bars anyone who feels
they were harmed by a vaccine for the coronavirus from using the program.” Drug
Companies Continue To Shed Liabilities For Rushed Coronavirus Treatments by Sharon
pharmaceutical companies are rushing to get their vaccines to market at hyper-speed,
bypassing the normal animal and extensive (and very costly) human trials. The
“second wave” of COVID aside, shouldn’t
the government make sure theses drugs are super safe, that they have passed
rigorous and thorough testing protocols before they just start shooting
everyone up?! Isn’t that what the FDA is for?
The technology called mRNA
has never been tried before and no one knows what the long term effects of
these vaccines could/will have. Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines are based upon
innovative and minimally tested and peer reviewed technologies, technologies
that will impact our bodies’ genetic material. “Because mRNA vaccines are only
now beginning to be tested in humans, there are a lot of fairly basic unknowns
which can only be answered through human trials… Other outstanding questions
include whether the proteins that have been chosen for the vaccine are the
right ones to prevent a coronavirus infection in the body, how targeted the
immune response is to this particular coronavirus, how long any immunity would
last, and whether it causes side-effects such as increased inflammatory responses
like redness and swelling or, in the worst case, aggravates disease.” Five
Things You Need to Know About mRNA Vaccines Joanna Roberts
Instead some governments are
mobilizing to intimidate and shut down anyone who questions the process or
expresses skepticism about the safety of these vaccines.
What’s up with that, why is the British government so defensive? Why are the
oligarchs, the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and the
corporate and digital media like Google, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram actively
suppressing honest skepticism and dissent? What is it they don’t want us to
know? Why aren’t they more empathetic towards legitimate questions and
The media has induced fear and
panic in the masses, the government and the money grubbers want to take full advantage
of it while they can. Keep in mind there are over seven billion people on
this planet, by that reckoning the existing infection and mortality rates
for COVID are miniscule. As of this writing there have been 64,188,950 COVID
cases, of those 44,437,980 fully recovered and there were 1,486,609 fatalities.
For a real time update go to
In other words COVID is not the
kiss of death we are being led to believe it to be! We have a right to ask questions and get honest answers.
What’s the rush?