Thursday, October 21, 2021

Things We Should Know


Things We Should Know

Junious Ricardo Stanton


“Many of the problems with Moderna that Garde identified in 2016 continued to plague the company right up until the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. Chief among these was Moderna’s struggle to prove that its technology worked and that it was safe. Concerns about the safety and efficacy of the company’s products, which were publicly reported beginning in 2017, evaporated in the wave of panic surrounding COVID-19 and the simultaneous “Warp Speed” race for a vaccine that would “end the pandemic.” Yet, there is little, if any, evidence that these once-well-recognized concerns were addressed prior to the US government’s emergency use authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and its now widespread use in many countries around the world. To the contrary, there is evidence that these concerns were covered up both prior to and during the development of its vaccine.” Moderna: A Company “In Need of A Hail Mary” by Whitney Webb


            Frequent readers and listeners to my podcasts know I never believed the “official narrative” about COVID-19 put forth by the government and the controlled monopoly media. I always thought there was something fishy about this disease. The narrative and policies supposedly designed to mitigate the virus were unprecedented not in an innovative beneficial way but a this makes no sense way.

The first thing I recognized was we were being targeted for a full court press propaganda and mind control campaign. I saw eerie similarities between 9-11 with the constant TV images of the burning twin towers and the words: America under attack and the 24/7/365 computer generated images of the “novel coronavirus” broadcast over and over again. I knew we were being subjected to a massive propaganda barrage designed to create fear, hysteria and panic. It worked.

The media kept repeating the wild Chicken Little type projections of Neil Ferguson a British medical statistician from the British Imperial College in London which by the way is heavily funded by Bill Gates. The problem is Neil Ferguson’s previous pandemic predictions never panned out! So why was Ferguson the poster boy for the “COVID pandemic”? The good news is Ferguson has since been exposed and disgraced.

Never before had public health officials recommended the quarantine of healthy people, usually only the severely ill were kept in isolation, not the healthy. Next the powers that be started arbitrarily enforcing policies they said would last two weeks to “flatten the curve” meaning curtailing the spread of the virus.  They shut down the global economy! Two weeks turned into well over a year. The consequences of these policies have been devastating on so many levels, economic, social and political. What’s worse any criticism of these bone headed policies is treated like treason or terrorism!

Next they said the only solution/cure was a vaccine; not our immune system, not natural herbs vitamin supplements, meditation, fasting, a healthy diet and lifestyle; only vaccines!? They circumvented the normal research, development and testing process under the pretext of “Operation Warp Speed” another unprecedented move especially when experimental gene therapies were being considered for use.

It usually takes at least between ten and fifteen years to bring a new vaccine to market those misanthropes proposed it in less than a year. Where was their concern for our safety? When I read about the companies in consideration/contention for creating the vaccine I became even more suspicious. Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer had a track record albeit not a pristine one but at least they had brought products to market (including products proven to be extremely harmful and deadly); but Moderna had never brought anything to market in its ten year history!

How is this possible? How can companies like Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson who have been forced to pay billions in fines and a bit player like Moderna be selected for such an important initiative? I really started to smell a rat then and I shared my concerns in my articles and podcasts. How could the FDA and the Trump administration be so reckless about our safety?

The answer is regulatory capture. Regulatory capture is when agencies created in the public interest like the FDA, SEC and FCC end up advancing the political, commercial, and economic interests of the very people and companies the agency was created to regulate. The US FDA is not on our side, it is cahoots with Big Pharma, the banksters and other special interests. Regulatory capture is a symptom of corruption and the US is rife with regulatory capture/corruption, it is bi-partisan and endemic.

Back to Moderna, I urge you to read Whitney Webb’s two part article on Moderna at it reveals how Big Pharma, the government and the banksters colluded to turn a profit at our expense. We need to know this!

Lastly read how the powers that be started formulating propaganda and messaging for the vaccines way before they were even set to be put on the market. Then check this out: Pro Vaxx Messaging Including Societal Guilt Was Being Tested 6 Months Before Vaccine Approval at Connect the dots, think for yourself and stop falling for the flim flam and the okey-doke. 



Saturday, October 09, 2021

You Won't See This In The Mainstream Media


You Won’t See This in the Mainstream Media

Junious Ricardo Stanton



“The global oligarchy controls all of the major media. The media mega-corporations own each others stock, and in turn are owned and controlled by an oligarchy of transnational corporations, international bankers and European dynastic families. In the United States, six global media corporations control 90% of what we see, hear and read: COMCAST (NBC / Universal) NEWS CORP (Fox News / Wall Street Journal) TIME WARNER (CNN) VIACOM DISNEY (ABC) CBS. The oligarchy controls the major internet search engine and the major internet social media site: GOOGLE FACEBOOK. The oligarchy controls the major print and broadcast media around the world, including: NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, REUTERS, ASSOCIATED PRESS, BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION), THE TIMES OF LONDON. The oligarchy also controls the most influential alternative media news sources.” NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, REUTERS, ASSOCIATED PRESS, BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION), THE TIMES OF LONDON. The oligarchy also controls the most influential alternative media news sources.”

            We are living in a time of universal mendacity, disinformation and propaganda. We can see this when we channel surf and scan the various news stations, we notice the similarity and sameness being broadcast whether the medium is allegedly “liberal” or conservative”, We notice there are only slight differences in the message. For example there are very few challenges to the “official narratives” whether they are about the JFK assassination, 9-11, the cause of the 2008 financial implosion, COVID or other events such as the recent assassination of the President of Haiti.

            There is an African saying, “Truth is in the marketplace, but is anyone buying?” There is very little truth in the corporatist media these days, what we mainly get are teleprompter readers, stenographers, PR reps and cheerleaders for the government and corporations whose agendas are all too often identical at the expense of the masses. This is the classic definition and example of fascism, what Benito Mussolini called corporatism, the blending of corporations and the state. We are seeing this meld in real time on a daily basis. Not only is it corporatism but it is monopoly corporatism (fascism).

  Investigative journalism is a thing of the past due to the influence of money, advertising and the profit motive. Most media are owned by the same groups of people, who control most of the stocks and the media is greatly influenced by the whims, wants and objectives of the advertisers which is the profit motive. The media creates and promotes a worldview, a fake reality the ruling classes want us to believe, acquiesce to and mindlessly follow. In some places this is called The Matrix. Author Eric Arthur Blaire better known by his pen name George Orwell called it Big Brother in his novel 1984. Many realize we are living in that dystopian world now and it may become far worse before it gets better.

The global elite are extremely powerful; they exert major influence not only on government, economic and social policy but also on many aspects of our daily lives. For example it was the global elites like the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Klaus Schwab and others who pre-fashioned much of the response to the COVID crisis. This response was based upon conducted drills, simulations and test runs designed to accomplish exactly what the global cabal intended. “They planned and prepared for the coronavirus decades in advance. The infrastructure has been clearly set up over the last 2+ decades to ensure that when Operation Coronavirus went live, all the pieces would be in place to bamboozle and enslave people, forcing them into a place where they would gladly accept or beg for mass vaccination…” Nine Simulations Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared For the Coronavirus by Makia Freeman

These unelected elites are the ones who pushed to shut the economies down, promoted lockdowns, medical martial law and universal vaccination. Israel, Gibraltar, and Iceland are the most heavily vaccinated nations in the world; they are also experiencing upticks in COVID infections hospitalization and deaths by vaccinated people! Meanwhile India has seen a drop in infections with limited vaccines and Sweden and Denmark have ceased their restrictions altogether.

The global ruling class is on a roll; they have upped the ante, they have put their feet on the pedal in their drive for global domination and monopoly ownership. Their goal is a neo-feudal techno-fascist order with themselves on the top and us on the bottom. Do some research on what they are calling The Great Reset, it will shock you. 

To accomplish this social re-engineering they must lie to us using their 24/7/365 media/propaganda machine.  We are being lied to and bamboozled at every turn. I urge you to think for yourself, question everything and do not be so cavalier when it comes to your mind; menticide is real.
