Predictive Programming
Predictive Programming
Junious Ricardo
Most of us
have read, listened to or read science fiction books, magazines and watched television
programs and films that in ways seemed to be precursors predicting the future.
In fact there is a whole facet of media called predictive programming. What is predictive programming you ask? Predictive
programming is “the practice
of government and other higher authorities that use feature films and books to
increase public acceptance of planned future events. A popular conspiracy is
the idea of using government ‘predictive programming’ to manipulate citizens
and enable them to predict what they want to do in the future. Sometimes the
intended purpose of predictive programming is not to plan for some major social
change, such as the establishment of a totalitarian government, but to control
the impact of a particular event.” Why You Should Worry About Predictive
Programming Patrick O’Connell
Why is predictive programming
important to us? Because it is not just a wild conspiracy theory it is an
actual plan by the ruling oligarchs to psychically prepare us for their dystopian
global agenda. These psychopaths want to dominate and own the world and they
have no respect for us, in fact if they have their way they will dramatically and
drastically alter humanity.
Back to predictive programming, here an early example of
television programming that predicted the future; the animated series The Jetsons prepared us for walking
sidewalks, talking robots that served as maids and laborers and now we see this
in airports, we now have robotic vacuum cleaners, devices we speak into for
information or to perform specific tasks.
In recent years we have seen a host of movies where the
plot involved pandemics and viruses. A few even offered the double
whammy the world is besieged by viruses and the surviving people turn into
Zombies which is another popular them in film and television. Zombies are the
living dead, a metaphor for the mindless consumers who go along with the ruling
class’ dystopian apocalyptic vision for the future of humanity. Let’s not
forget the movies about extinction level events around climate change:
There are more nefarious examples that have not so
hidden or subtle plots and messages like the extremely popular Marvel super
hero movies like The Avengers: Age of
Ultron where the hero Tony Stark inadvertently creates the villain Ultron which
is a merger of AI (artificial intelligence) and robotics that becomes
self-aware, self-obsessed and tries to terraform the earth and destroy
are similar themes in DC films like Man
of Steel and Justice League
where aliens attempt to conquer and take over earth then alter the environment
and transform the earth to replicate their own world devoid of humans. We think
this is entertainment but it is a form of brainwashing and predictive programming.
Of course we’ve have decades of reruns
of the bionic Six Million Dollar Man
and the spin off series Six Million
Dollar Woman, They set the stage for us accepting bionic implants and body
parts that enhanced the heroes physical abilities. Don’t forget the Star Trek
TV series and story line about the Cyborgs trying to take over humanity and in
the Star Wars movie serials with one of the main characters Darth Vader was
half machine.
But these are just fiction and make
believe right? Don’t be so sure about that.
Check this out and see just how seriously this is being taken:
When we look at what the ruling
elites are proposing: The Great Reset which features transhumanism and human
augmentation (human machine melding) altering the environment with their
genetically modified organisms , cloned
insects and human-animal chimeras
and humans colonizing Mars
we can see this is more than life imitating art, it is a deliberate plan to
prepare us for their Brave New World Order.
The following is from an article from the World Economic
Forum a group of super rich, behind the scenes influential billionaires hell
bent of changing the global soci-economic-political system to fit their
depraved imaginations: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will
change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity
and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership,
our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we
develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture
relationships. It is already changing our health and leading to a ‘quantified’
self, and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation. The list
is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.”
(underlined emphasis is mine)
What do they mean by human
augmentation? Here is a link to a World Economic Forum session called When Humans Become Cyborgs
Check it out for yourself and ask yourself do these creepy people have my
best interests at heart, do they relate to the average person, will the average
person be included in all of this, will it be affordable and so on?
The next time you watch a Matrix
movie think about the fact the heroes are linked to machines as their way of
confronting and resisting the Matrix! We
will discuss more about this in future commentaries.
Harvesting Our Body Parts
Harvesting Our Body Parts
Junious Ricardo
When we
think of human trafficking we usually envision kidnapping and abduction of
humans for slavery, sex and even terrorism, rarely do we think of human organ
trafficking. What is human organ trafficking you ask, “The term organ
trafficking is commonly used to refer to a range of criminal activities,
including illegal organ harvesting from a living or dead individual and the
illegal sale and transplantation of human organs. While some experts include forms
of enslavement or coercion to obtain an organ donation in the definition, U.S.
government sources typically describe such crimes as trafficking in persons for
the purpose of organ removal.” International organ Trafficking: In Brief
Congressional Research Service
page 2.
Human organ
trafficking is a huge international big business. “There is no reliable data on
organ trafficking, but the World Health Organization (2004) believed it to be
steadily on the increase, with brokers charging wealthy recipients $100,000+
and giving impoverished donors as little as $1,000, both amounts in U.S.
dollars. It is also estimated that 10% of the organ transplants done globally
are completed using black market organs (Negri, 2016; United Nations, 2018).
Cultural and religious customs ban or discourage some individuals from donating
organs willingly or receiving post-mortem organ donations (World Health
Organization, 2004). Illegal organ harvesting generally is not harvesting
organs from willing donors going against cultural laws for the sake of
philanthropy, but harvesting from unwilling or uninformed donors through
exploitation of impoverished, indebted, homeless, uneducated, and refugee
people (United Nations, 2018). It is difficult to know exactly how many people
have been victims or recipients of illegally harvested organs because of the
complex nature of organ trafficking, like human trafficking in general, which
leads to unreliable statistics and underreporting (Yousaf & Purkayastha,
There are
no exact figures for the number of people involved in or the income generated by
human organ trafficking. “The desperate need for organ transplantation
surgeries has given rise to a lucrative, transnational criminal enterprise that
enables organ seekers to purchase organs from donors. This enterprise, commonly
referred to as organ trafficking, is a global phenomenon. Even though it is
illegal in most countries, some estimates indicate that trafficked organs
account for up to 10% of organ transplants performed around the world, with
profits conservatively estimated to be between US$840 million to
US$1.7 billion annually. Illegally trafficked organs are very
expensive. According to some reports, the cost of a kidney, the most commonly
trafficked organ, can range from US$50,000 to US$120,000. Thus, purchasers are
normally wealthy persons from developed nations such as Canada. Because
the purchase is generally conducted through a vast network that includes a
broker who acts as an intermediary between the organ buyer and seller, a local
recruiter, as well as medical professionals and local hospitals performing the
illicit organ removal, very little money is left for the “donor.” Victims are
commonly from poor and vulnerable populations in developing countries. Many are
reported to have been misled, coerced or otherwise forced into selling their organs.”
Trafficking in Human Organs An Overview Library of Parliament
The horror
stories of people being kidnapped and their organs removed are growing as are
tales of funeral homes selling organs and parts without the knowledge or
consent of the deceased family. “The selling of human body parts by ‘body
brokers’, also known as ‘non-transplant tissue banks,’ is an incredibly
lucrative business. A full human cadaver can sell for as little as one thousand
dollars, up to as much as two hundred thousand dollars. Startlingly, many
funeral homes actively participate in selling human remains to body brokers in
order to make a larger profit than they would otherwise be able to through
their ethical business practices. The business of selling human remains to body
brokers affects low-income families the most. Often times, owners or employees
of funeral homes will offer grieving poor families the option to have a small
portion of their loved one cremated for free. However, the rest of the body
will be sold to body brokers, who in turn, sell the parts to workers in the
pharmaceutical and medical industry…Many of these organs, tissues, ligaments,
and various body parts sold on the black market are used for illegal
transplants. However, because these remains are improperly obtained and
screened, those receiving the organs and tissues are at an extremely high risk
of suffering from various diseases, and medical complications. But for rich
individuals and their families who are desperate for a potentially life-saving
transplant, they are more than happy to take the risk. And perhaps most disturbingly
of all, there is no shortage of crooked doctors who are more than happy to
provide them with these illegal surgeries and procedures, for a high fee.”
Selling Body Parts Form The Dead Is Becoming a Big Business
macabre practices are widespread and unpleasant to think about, nevertheless we
need to be aware of them because most of the targets and victims are poor
people who can be easily taken advantage of and manipulated.
Our DNA Is Being Harvested
Our DNA Is Being
Junious Ricardo
“On July 22, U.S. Representative Jason Crow and Senator Joni
Ernst spoke of the dangers posed by “Bioweapons” targeting specific populations
based on their DNA. The statements from Crow and Ernst happened at the Aspen
Security Forum during a panel titled “National Security Today: Emerging
Challenges and Opportunities” Crow, a Democrat from Colorado and member of the
House Intelligence Committee, chastised younger Americans for being too eager
to give up their genetic code to private companies who offer DNA testing
services.” How Your DNA Tests Could Make You A Target For Bioweapons by Derrick
DNA is being harvested on a massive global scale and we are generally not aware
of what is happening or how our DNA is being used. There are few who have
warned over the years that we are being harvested on numerous instances, our
DNA and our body parts are being collected often without our knowledge or
permission. “Genetic tests are now are available
directly to consumers for a variety of applications. Genetic testing services
offered through the Internet include testing for genetic disorders or risks,
parentage determination, and ancestry. The combination of technology that
permits the analysis of small amounts of DNA, increased availability of testing
services, and lack of regulations to protect genetic privacy create an
environment ripe for surreptitious testing — that is, the collection and
analysis of DNA without consent, and the disclosure of information derived from
such analysis without the permission of the person tested. It is not known to
what extent surreptitious DNA testing currently is taking place. Its practice
is most familiar in the law enforcement context. Police have obtained DNA
samples surreptitiously from suspects by collecting so-called “abandoned” DNA –
i.e., samples left on envelopes or other articles. “
We are
familiar with television crime shows where the police or other agencies
surreptitiously take DNA samples from a person of interest and use it to solve
a crime. This happens in real life all too often. But our DNA is being
harvested in ways that have nothing to do with solving a crime, searching for
our ancestry or for health care.
Others are monetizing our DNA unbeknownst to us, “If you’ve
ever sent off your DNA to an ancestry or health-screening company for analysis,
chances are your DNA data will be shared with third parties for medical
research or even for solving crime, unless you’ve specifically asked the
company not to do so. The point was brought home in late January when it
emerged that genetic genealogy company FamilyTreeDNA was working with the FBI to test DNA samples provided
by law enforcement to help identify perpetrators of violent crime. Another DNA
testing company, 23andMe, has signed a $300m deal with pharmaceuticals giant GSK to
help it develop new drugs.” Who’s making money from your DNA?
What’s even more diabolical is that
governments and other entities are using human DNA to create Bioweapons
designed to target specific ethnic groups. “Global
collection of genetic data and genetic manipulation of humans, animals, plants,
destructive insects and deadly microbes is of dual use from bio-welfare to
bio-warfare. It can be used beneficially for correcting genetic defects in
humans, animals, plants; biological control of harmful microbes and insects;
enhancing agricultural produce, etc. It has become ridiculously simple and
cheap to misuse data and gene altering and synthesising tools; as simple as the
use of an ordinary computer and a 3D printer. Big data, artificial intelligence
and gene synthesis are being misused to create racially specific bioweapons and
a super race (the old Nazi dream)… The International HapMap Project of
2002 to 2010 developed a human genome map and provided a massive genotype data
from Caucasian, African and Asian population samples. Many differences in
susceptibility to some diseases, and response to certain drugs between
different ethnic groups were reported in a 2015 study in bmcgenomics. Multiple
reports in scientific journals in 2016 such as in Oncotarget, in Cell and from
Pasteur Institute in Paris,
found differences in antibody responses and cellular immunity between those of
African ancestry and Caucasians. Those of African ancestry had a stronger
inflammatory response and immune overreaction like cytokine storm and
autoimmune diseases. Genetic differences affecting the immune system lead to
racial differences in the response to infections, drugs and vaccines. In a pandemic,
racial differences exist in mortality rates and vaccine efficacy and
complications. Genetic data from blood samples about racial differences can be
used for racially targeted bio warfare.” Data and genetic manipulation for race
specific Bioweapons not an impossibility by Dr. P.S. Venkateshi Rao
DARPA the agency within the US
Defense Department (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) is on public
record for having worked on coronaviruses as Bioweapons, “As concerns about the
future of the ongoing outbreak have grown, so too have the number of theories
speculating about the outbreak’s origin, many of which blame a variety of state
actors and/or controversial billionaires. This has inevitably led to efforts to
clamp down on “misinformation” related to the coronavirus outbreak from both
mainstream media outlets and major social media platforms. However, while many
of these theories are clearly speculative, there is also verifiable evidence
regarding the recent interest of one controversial U.S. government agency in novel coronaviruses,
specifically those transmitted from bats to humans. That agency, the
Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), began spending
millions on such research in 2018 and some of those Pentagon-funded studies
were conducted at known U.S. military bioweapons labs bordering China and
resulted in the discovery of dozens of new coronavirus strains as recently as
last April. Furthermore, the ties of the Pentagon’s main biodefense lab to a
virology institute in Wuhan,
China — where
the current outbreak is believed to have begun — have been unreported in
English language media thus far.” Bat Gene Editing and Bioweapons Recent
DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak (underline emphasis
is mine) 04-02-20
We’ll share more on this important
topic in future articles.