Thursday, September 22, 2022


The Real Deal vs. Illusions

Junious Ricardo Stanton


“In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenseless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries.  It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries. The extent and scale of this carnage is largely unreported, unrecognized; and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life.” John Pilger

            We live in an era that has been called the “information age” and to a degree this is true, we are bombarded and saturated with “information”, but is it factual and it it beneficial to humanity? I say no. I echo Malcolm X aka El Malik El Shabazz who told a Harlem crowd in a speech, “You’ve been duped, you’ve been had, hoodwinked, and you’ve been bamboozled.”

And we have been and are being duped and bamboozled on a daily basis. The media is a mind control machine.  Propaganda, advertising and public relations are all fingers on the glove of psychological domination and manipulation. Today more than ever the corporate media which is owned by a handful of entities speak in a singular voice. “There’s been a lot of consolidation in the media industry in recent years, leaving just six big media companies in charge of most of mass media consumption and distribution. Some estimates claim as much as 90% of U.S. media is controlled by just six companies. The big six media companies right now are Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA), Walt Disney (NYSE:DIS), AT&T (NYSE:T), Paramount Global (NASDAQ:PARA), Sony (NYSE:SONY), and Fox (NASDAQ:FOXA) (NASDAQ:FOX).” Oh they strive to present the illusion there are differences and diversity but all in all they represent the views world view and “reality” of the ruling oligarchs, the only difference is the faces and hairstyles of the talking heads who read the scripts and propaganda they feed us. The content may vary slightly but for the most part the messaging is uniform! It smacks of collusion among governments, the corporate and digital media. In other words we live in a fascist system or more correctly a neo-feudal technocracy run by psychopaths and megalomaniacs.

“The world is run by a vastly powerful and wealthy British-American-European oligarchy of banks, corporations and dynastic families and institutions, which controls much of the wealth of the world. This cabal dominates finance and commerce, manipulates national currencies and economies, controls the media of most nations, and commands the earth's resources. Their wealth and power originated in the middle ages and expanded over the centuries, and today they reign supreme. Few people are aware of the power and global influence of these oligarchs because they dominate the major media. As a result, instead of informing us, the media feeds us a steady diet of entertainment, disinformation and lies - to distract us and misdirect us - so that the oligarchy can achieve its plan to dominate the globe.

We see the world through the lens of the major media - for most people that means television. Books, newspapers, magazines, radio, and the internet play a role, but the vast majority of people around the world get their information from television. And, if those who own the global media conglomerates, and those who run the television networks and cable channels, decide to feed us disinformation and lies that serve the agendas of those in control, then, instead of being told the truth, we will learn not about the real world, but about the world they wish us to see, one that will serve their plan for global control. Unless we reach beyond the media matrix to find sources that tell us the truth, authoritarian world government run by this powerful oligarchy will become a reality, and we will all be proles in a George Orwell totalitarian world.” The Global Oligarchy


            What many of us think is real, reality, news, current events etc. are really illusions or a fake version of reality created by professionals on behalf of the global oligarchy to facilitate their nefarious agenda. “The manipulation of videos and images is routine. In some cases, these manipulations are revealed by readers, independent media and social media. In most cases they go undetected. And when they are revealed, the media will say 'sorry' we apologize: they will then point to technical errors. 'we got the wrong video'. What is important to emphasize is that these media distortions are invariably deliberate.” Who Is Behind Fake News? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images. Professor Michel Chossudovsky


 In addition to propaganda, predictive programming (Predictive Programming is theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events. This was first described and proposed by researcher Alan Watt who defines Predictive programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”, we are also subjected to constant daily doses of disinformation, censorship and outright suppression.

            Be skeptical, question everything, do you own research and most importantly think for yourself!






Thursday, September 01, 2022

The Huge Elephant in the Room


The Huge Elephant in the Room

Junious Ricardo Stanton


 "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations...If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."  Joe Biden

             During the past two and a half years we have been subjected to massive doses of lies, propaganda, blatant censorship and suppression of alternative information, the stifling of genuine scientific research and the demonization of anyone who refuses to toe the party line about COVID remediation that focus solely on vaccination rather than natural immunity or alternative therapies.

            But now that narrative is being exposed as false and even worse, information is coming out about the slip shod way the COVID injections were developed, tested approved and rapidly marketed. Most people are unaware of the millions of dollars the US government spent to get us to believe the injections were “free, safe and effective”.   Remember the first media roll out campaign said the shots wer “free, safe and effective” but the government, Big Pharma and the media subsequently dropped the “free” part.

In reality the mRNA COVID remediation therapies were not free, not safe and as we are seeing now, not effective! We paid for their development and production with our tax dollars. The government admitted to spending billions developing the inoculations, . Our hard earned tax dollars paid for that “research and development”.  If the government, Big Pharma and the media lied to us about that, what else are they lying to us about?

Well for one thing their claims about the mRNA shots (they are not vaccines in the technical and traditional sense) being safe are quite dubious. Under Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA) and whistleblower reports we are discovering the test trials submitted to the FDA by Pfizer were flawed, they did not reveal the true long term impact of the shots or they minimized their adverse side effects altogether., .

As time passes we are seeing more and more documentation of adverse side effects including a rise in miscarriages, serious health conditions and death! ,   Insurance company actuaries are showing a higher incidence of all cause deaths since the roll out of the COVID inoculations. Deaths have become so numerous in the US the term “sudden adult death syndrome” has been created to try to explain away the phenomenon.

The funeral industry is booming. A recent article reported that the largest proprietary funeral service provider in the US, Service Corporation International recorded huge profits the past two years. In the first quarter of 2022 alone (January through March) the company reported sales of one billion with a profit of one hundred thirty-five million! “On Wednesday, Service Corporation reported its Quarter 1 2022 spring earnings - another banner quarter, with almost $1 billion in sales and $135 million in profits. As Tom Ryan, the company’s chief executive, told investors and Wall Street analysts: I think that COVID cases on a national basis… it's just not material to our numbers. So like we tried to point out at investor day, I think we're experiencing -- we're servicing elevated numbers of consumers. [Or, in English, having more funerals and cremations.]” The Funeral Home Business is Booming

            Is all this just a coincidence? Why are the legacy and digital media deliberately ignoring these alarming trends? This suppression is a problem in itself. These numbers are the humongous elephant in the room that Big Pharma, the media and government officials are trying their best to ignore and pretend is not there. But the elephant is growing bigger daily.

 Is there a common denominator, thread or nexus to all of this? Of course there is but the powers that be (TPTB) don’t want us to know what it is. Since the roll out of the COVID shots there has been a major escalation in adverse reactions including death and the numbers keep rising week after week and month after month! We are still being lied to, conned and duped by the government Big Pharma and the media. Meanwhile people like Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci who are double inoculated, double and triple boosted are getting COVID, many people are having all kinds of adverse reactions and dying. Things are so bad the CDC just reversed it policies yet again.

The crime of it all is the pharmaceutical companies producing these drugs are immune from lawsuits and accountability! Here is a shocking article on the adverse reactions of these jabs compared to all other FDA approved vaccines in history!

Be careful there is a giant pile of elephant poop over there, don’t step in it.

