What Is Accelerationism?
What Is Accelerationism?
Ricardo Stanton
argue that technology, particularly computer technology, and
capitalism, particularly the most aggressive, global variety, should
be massively sped up and intensified – either because this is the
best way forward for humanity, or because there is no alternative.
Accelerationists favour automation. They favour the further merging
of the digital and the human. They often favour the deregulation of
business, and drastically scaled-back government. They believe that
people should stop deluding themselves that economic and
technological progress can be controlled. They often believe that
social and political upheaval has a value in itself.”
Accelerationalism: how a fringe philosophy predicted the future we
live in. by Andy Beckett
are potent things. Ideas rule the world. Out of ideas come language,
culture and behaviors by individuals, groups, tribes, clans, nation
states and regions. Ideas about life, its meaning, how to gain/keep
power over others and good and evil ambition are the foundation of
society, they form the values and agendas that motivate rulers and
the masses.
modern society there are people who are extremely selfish,
self-centered, anti-social and reckless. They are called sociopaths
and psychopaths. All too often these people attain leadership
positions and they influence society to mirror their ideas, values,
desires, motivations and goals. And the society despite what it may
profess, reflects the mindset, ideas and values of these sociopaths.
We see this today in the US and around the world.
I came upon a new word while reading an article. Usually when this
happens I look it up the definition then write it down for possible
future use myself. That particular word that day was accelerationism.
can see the root word accelerate
in it. Accelerate means to speed up or a change in velocity. When
you look up the word accelerationism, you will see in most search
engines two references and usages: one by a group of thinkers
academicians and plutocrats who want to intensify and speed up social
change and social engineering;
and the other by a group of white supremacists who feel the only way
to save the white race is to speed up social upheaval and mayhem.
both definitions the thinkers behind the notion of social
acceleration’s goals do not bode well for humanity. The plutocrats
want to intensify their agenda for social re-engineering under the
guise of The
Great Reset also
known as the New
World Order. They
portray themselves as progressive humanitarians who know best how to
save humanity, change the planet and its’ contents and reshape it
in their image. In short they have a god
These reprobates want alter not only the natural order but also
humanity and our existent social institutions and replace them with
GMOs, genetically altered humans, humans who are merged with
computers (bio-digital convergence), “enhanced” or “augmented”
by chips and DNA manipulation aka designer babies
Don’t take my word for it read what they say here:
or watch videos of them talking about their plans here:
the accelerationism proponents are correct, the existing system is
predatory, inherently unfair and immoral, they do not care about our
welfare one iota. All they care about is their lust for power,
monopoly and control. Their agenda is to secure more power, more
wealth and more control at our expense but under the guise of
humanitarian change.
ask, why should I care what some arrogant narcissistic billionaires,
mad scientists, megalomaniacs and psychopaths plan for the future?
Because what I am sharing is not science fiction, fantasy or some far
off scenario, this is happening right now as we speak! Their goal is
to set up a Neo-feudal techno-fascist global order with themselves on
the very top as unelected, unaccountable and unknown overlords, with
us on the very bottom with no political or economic power and their
robots, Artificial Intelligence, chimeras and technocratic human
minions in the middle doing their dirty work!
the other hand the Far-Right, White Nationalists who embrace
accelerationism see it as the only way to usher in a new white social
order free of those they feel are less-than, undesirable or
irredeemable. “The
objective of accelerationism is to foment divisiveness and
polarization that will induce the collapse of the existing order and
spark a second civil war. For example, this was the strategy embraced
by Seth Aaron Pendley, a January 6 protester turned would-be
terrorist. The twenty-eight-year-old Texan was arrested last spring
and sentenced to ten years in prison for plotting to blow up an
Amazon data center in Virginia with the erroneous belief that doing
so would ‘kill
off about 70 percent of the internet’
and disrupt digital communications of the FBI, CIA, and other federal
agencies. Pendley thought this act of destruction would ‘provoke
a reaction’
from the ruling ‘oligarchy’ that would thereby convince the
American people to take up arms against the ‘dictatorship.’”
A Year After January 6, Is Accelerationsim the New Terrorist Threat?
By Bruce Hoffman
are powerful things, they are mental energy and we need to constantly
monitor our thoughts and ideation to make sure we are not harboring
or intensifying negative thoughts feelings against ourselves and
others or entertaining self-sabotaging ideation. We must also be
aware of the ideas and concepts being tossed around and propagated by
others and be mindful of their implications and intentions for our
lives, health and well being. Accelerationism as it is viewed by the
globalists and the White Nationalists is not in our best interest. So
we must be cognizant and vigilant about the motives and agenda of
both groups.
What We Need To Know About Transhumanism
Need To Know About Transhumanism
Ricardo Stanton
is a materialist inversion of spiritual aspirations, which promises
to create a heaven on earth in exchange for merging our souls with
machines. Transhumanism
has morphed from a fringe philosophy into the spirit of our age. As
defined by its hero, Max More, the transhumanism movement represents
the ‘continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent
life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means
of science and technology.’” Transhumanism
Dancing With The Digital Devil
some time now I have been warning you about a demonic agenda being
and pushed by those
call, plutocratic overlords who are attempting to usurp and transform
the natural order into a dystopian global Neo-feudalistic hellscape
themselves as the self-imposed unaccountable rulers of the world. The
Economic Forum, Davos crowd
one part
of this global
cabal. The fact of the matter is they not working in secret, they are
quite open and bold about their plans for humanity and the natural
order. On the surface their
verbiage sounds noble and beneficial but in reality they are playing
god. The people espousing this agenda
call themselves transhumanists and extropianists. Extropy is the root
word for extropian philosophy. Here is what they say they are about,
is a transhumanist
The Extropian Principles define a specific version or ‘brand’ of
transhumanist thinking. Like humanists, transhumanists favor reason,
progress, and values centered on our well being rather than on an
external religious authority. Transhumanists take humanism further by
challenging human limits by means of science and technology combined
with critical and creative thinking. We challenge the inevitability
of aging and death, and we seek continuing enhancements to our
intellectual abilities, our physical capacities, and our emotional
development. We see humanity as a transitory stage in the
evolutionary development of intelligence. We advocate using science
to accelerate our move from human to a transhuman or posthuman
condition.” The
Extropian Principles
they are
they want to bypass
and challenge
human limits, using advanced technology. Their
goal is to
do away with aging, death and enhance human capabilities to the point
we evolve into a “posthuman condition”. What is the posthuman
condition? Let’s look at the word, post in the word posthuman is a
prefix, it means: after,
subsequent, later https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/post#:~:text=8%20of%208-,prefix,%3A%20behind%20%3A%20posterior%20%3A%20following%20after
using this prefix include postpartum,
postgraduate, postgame
and postseason. The
word human means: belonging to man or mankind, pertaining to the race
of man, having the qualities of a man
to the transhumanists and extropians the posthuman condition means
the status of being “alive” but different from
what we presently
a different: human shape, human nature, and other qualities of man.
say, “‘Posthumanism,’
on the other hand, aims at a more distant and radical future. Our
artificial ‘mind children’ will displace their human parents
entirely. The virtual heavens and outer space will be populated with
digital and mechanical beings far beyond our puny imaginations. At
that point, either our souls will be transfigured into ones and zeros
or human life will become a distant memory to immortal machines.”
Dancing With The Digital Devil
is science fiction on steroids. These miscreants, are pushing their
agenda using every tool at their disposal particularly technology to
become modern day Dr. Frankensteins transforming
not only humanity but also the natural order through GMOs,
Frankenseeds, mRNA injections
gene splicing to
hybrids, chimeras and cyborgs!
call it “progress”, human enhancement and bio-digital
convergence. For a concise article on what these reprobates
are planning, go to these Websites and read what they
plan for
how they spin their purposes as progressive, beneficial and
necessary. But there is another side to all of this a very sinister
and wicked
noble words hide an extremely evil intent and agenda.
need to think about what happened to Victor Frankenstein, the
character in Mary Shelley’s novel about a well indented scientist
who created an animate being that went awry causing major disruption
and disastrous results in the society around them. Perhaps we
should learn the lessons from Shelley’s novel.
Junious Ricardo Stanton
The dictionary defines the word commence as: a verb meaning
to start, begin. Recently my wife and I attended two commencement
ceremonies: my cousin graduated from medical school and her cousin
graduated from high school. Graduation is not an end it is a new
beginning which is why these ceremonies are called commencements.
Commence is a verb, verbs are action words, they describe action,
doing or a state of being. Life in its essence is about change,
growth, evolution and expansion. Change is inevitable and it is a
crucial aspect of living and life. Change is action often is is
subtle, but it is a universal process. Life is change. We began on
the physical level as a sperm uniting with an egg both of which
contain energy/intelligence/design/purpose and instantly change
commences, the process to create a magnificent being such as you, me
and all creation. Within this fertilized egg resides the divine
blueprint and design for you/us/all creation. From this egg springs
life, within this egg lies the genius, latent potential and energy to
make a difference in the world. This is the design and purpose of
creation and we are an integral part of this design.
is what our African ancestors called Ubuntu “I
am because we are, we are because I am.” It is a universal concept
it applies to all things. We meaning all of creation, the whole
universe exists because the CREATOR exists and the CREATOR exists in
us. It is THE
CREATOR within us that unfolds the physical and spiritual design, the
divine blueprint for our lives. This design is nothing dreary, mean
boring or stifling, on the
contrary; it is expansive
with untold potential and wonder! We just have to tap into it get in
its divine flow and go with it and enjoy the ride.
Our African ancestors postulated THE CREATOR created with purpose,
they believed the universe is the result of a divine plan and this
plan constantly evolves and changes resulting in the various
occurrences we see around us like: the seasons, plant, animal and
human growth, even climate change like the previous ice ages, current
desertification around the world and the so called “global warming”
the ruling class con artists and fools want us to believe is caused
by humans!
The life process is unfolding within us all, it is THE CREATOR in us
that keeps our hearts beating, cells dividing, digests the food,
supplies abundant energy and health if we don’t sabotage it with
unwise and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Yet within this divine design
we also have the power to make choices that impact our lives.
All the religious creation stories tell of a CREATOR who is aware of
itself and purposely creates by thinking or speaking the universe
into existence. “Let there be light”, for example. The universe
we see is the result of unseen forces and action. THE CREATOR
commenced meaning it took action and the universe we inhabit is the
result of it taking action to begin the creative process.
THE CREATOR exists in us, it is dynamic and spiritual energy driven
by purposeful intelligence. What we see is us being alive, being and
doing. There is a major difference between a living person and a dead
body! Like THE CREATOR we have the ability to create, we create
images in our mind’s eye, we create (formulate) action plans to
accomplish those goals and objectives we create in our minds. We have
agency, mobility power and the ability to craft an environment first
in our minds then in the material realm. (Notice the root real in the
word realm). We have the ability to make things real, “to call
forth those things that be not, as if they do in fact exist”
because they do exist in our minds. From our minds, our thinking and
our actions we manifest our goals and objectives. My cousin Kaila
always wanted to be a physician and she worked hard to make that
Everything that exists begins with thinking, planning and action.
This is the fundamental law of the universe and a lesson we should
all take to heart. You are the embodiment of THE CREATOR and untapped
potential resides in you that is part of a divine plan formulated for
you to do great things and make awesome contributions to the
collective! You are far greater than you realize, you have been
blessed with talents,, genius and the wherewithal to accomplish great
things. You have a divine purpose and reason for being alive. THE
CREATOR has been prompting you through dreams, your aspirations,
physical and mental gifts and intuition to pursue your greatness and
your purpose for being here. THE CREATOR is guiding you, prompting
you to take action. You just have to begin, you have to commence.
means to start, to begin. You have to begin to actualize your
potential, display and demonstrate your genius, your gifts and
talents to benefit the world. Start now, now is the time to start, to
show up and show out. You owe it to THE CREATOR, your
ancestors, your family the world and to yourself to be all THE
CREATOR intends and created you to be. Commence!