The Empire Is In Deep Trouble
The Empire Is In Deep Trouble
Junious Ricardo Stanton
I watched the
Presidential “debate” last night, it was bad. America is in
trouble. The world is either in total shock or laughing their behinds
off at the display of feeble-mindedness and narcissism on all the
major networks and global media.
Whew, it was bad.
At several points I couldn’t help from laughing at others I felt
sorry for this country even though I know we are witnessing Karma
playing itself out here. The whole “debate” hype was nothing more
than gaslighting and political and media theatrics, it was all
sizzle, no substance.
I was watching a
baseball game but turned it off to check out the “debate”. When I
turned back the home team was losing and it was going into the ninth
inning so I turned back to the debacle. I originally decided I wasn’t
going to watch it but I changed my mind. I decided to take a peek
just to see how the two men would conduct themselves and how the so
called moderators would control the proceedings. We’d heard so much
pre-event yakety-yak about strict adherence to the agreed upon rules,
how microphones would be cut off so the candidates couldn’t go over
their time limit or be able to talk over one another. This was
supposedly so the “debate” wouldn’t devolve into soliloquies or
personal attacks. Well so much for the rules.
First off Donald
Trump never directly answered a question, not one. He went on
immediate attack criticizing Biden the whole time. Even when the
moderators came aback and asked him the question again he only
directly answered at best one or two of their questions during the
whole time! He rattled off declarations that were not fact checked
and the moderators did not hold him to a standard of veracity so the
whole affair was a charade. It was bad.
Joe Biden was never
in the game, Trump seemed to catch him off guard early with his
bombastic claims about how great he and his administration were and
how pitiful Biden’s is. Biden never recovered. In fact for about a
full third of the time Biden liked like a deer in the headlights,
dazed, confused and his responses were what some would call sentence
salad which is akin to oratorical dyslexia where the speaker’s
words are jumbled or uttered in such a way they don’t make any
sense. When Biden had a grasp of what he wanted to say which wasn’t
often, his words never came out with conviction or authority other
than the times he called Trump a liar. It was so bad that when Dana
Bash asked Biden a question and he went blank or started sentence
salading she either changed the subject, or turned to Trump which in
effect saved Biden by the bell! Is was bad.
It was painful to
watch, it was not America’s finest hour politically. The American
Empire is in rapid, steep and steady decline, that so called “debate”
is just another symptom of the Empire’s implosion. Not only
weren’t the two major political parties’ candidates up to snuff
intellectually, neither one able to discuss the issues of the hour,
demonstrate their familiarity with the issues or offer solid
solutions to the pressing problems this nation is facing. Not only
that, they weren’t even mature enough to conduct themselves with
the decorum fitting for the occasion.
Personal attacks
were the order of the day. Trump jumped on Biden early and often and
Biden never was able to use verbal Ju-Jitsu to make Trump look silly
or incompetent. Neither candidate appeared “presidential”.
Neither man’s body language exuded confidence or a sense he had the
situation under control. Neither man could be called a deep thinker
on that stage. Even the post “debate” commentary admitted Biden
did not do well which is an understatement.
Both men resorted
to childish verbal attacks on their opponent and Trump appeared to
get thoroughly under Biden’s skin. Biden seemed frustrated by his
own lack of mental acuity which prevented him from responding to
Trump or even answering the moderators questions effectively. It was
bad. It was apparent Biden was not having a good day and things never
got better for him as the event went on despite what the Democratic
spinmeisters said following the debacle.
Biden did not
perform well but the real loser in that debacle wass the American
people. That sham went out around the world and now people judge us
based upon what they saw last night. It was not good. The world must
be befuddled. They are asking themselves and each other, how is it
possible the United States only has these two as major candidates for
the highest office in the land?! Surely there must be others more
adroit, articulate and knowledgeable people out there who could
better represent the American people. Why wasn’t Robert Kennedy Jr
allowed to participate; at least he would have presented alternative
viewpoints and positions and added deeper analysis insights and
solutions than these two did.
This was the
earliest debate in history. The political parties have not even had
their conventions or formally selected their standard bearers for the
2024 presidential election yet! Does this mean that Joe Biden and
Donald Trump are the set in stone candidates for 2024? If so this
puts the American people in a major conundrum, a fix of unfathomable
proportions. Who do we vote for if you think the system is
salvageable? Are there viable alternatives other to these two? Don’t
you think we deserve better? Or is this country so far gone this is
all we can get?
It’s not that the
other world leaders are great statesmen and women themselves, its
just that we rarely see that type of debauchery on display in other
nation’s political campaigns. This is bad.
Sadly I do not
think this will get better, that Joe Biden will bounce back or
Donald Trump will offer serious solutions to the pressing issues
facing the world today. I’m reminded of the Roman Empire during its
rapid decline, it suffered a series of corrupt leaders who were
unable to alter the downward trajectory of the empire until it
eventually collapsed of its own corruption, decadence and hubris.
Even Donald Trump kept saying the country is in bad shape. Based upon
what I saw last night, he is correct.
The West Is Trotting Towards War
The West Is Trotting Towards War
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Several weeks ago I wrote a commentary entitled Sleepwalking Into
More War which provided insights into the West’s maniacal
support for the wars raging in Gaza and Ukraine. As time passed the
sleepwalk is becoming a trot. Our misleadership class is accelerating
the expansion of existing conflicts and opening new theaters of
engagement potentially against China.
Wars unlike bar fights just don’t happen spontaneously. There is a
progression, there are stages beginning with the belief war and
conflict are acceptable means of resolving issues or getting what one
wants. This is the mindset of the West. Since the fifteenth century
the West has engaged in wholesale wanton plunder, rapine and
expropriation justified by noble sounding verbiage like: spreading
Christianity to the heathens, civilizing the savages, bringing
freedom democracy and enlightenment to the world and similar lies.
The European movers and shakers provided emotional and material
incentives and inducements to their cannon fodder to make them march
or sail off towards whatever conflict, invasion or prize they
coveted. Tribal and ethnic pride, religious fervor, claims of doing
god’s work saving the world, making it safe for democracy or
rallying the yahoos to avenge some slight or to retaliate against an
attack on them were some of the tactics they used. And in many cases,
the leaders pulled off a cunning false flag operation to jump start
hostilities. At any rate war was already a top priority they just
needed to provide a pretext and rationale to get the party started.
are seeing the same things in Ukraine and Palestine. The US fomented
a coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014 which ultimately led to the rise
of a Jewish comedian named Volodymyr
to the position of president five years later. Zelensky was supported
by the US and Azov Battalion, Neo Nazis who were actively bombing
Donetsk and Donbas regions for years because the residents there
wanted to reunite with Russia who they were culturally and ethnically
related to.
Ukraine was universally recognized as a corrupt nation and the Biden
crime family had their grubby hands deep in the corruption. When
Russia intervened at the behest of the Donbas citizens the West went
ballistic. Crimea had already overwhelmingly voted to rejoin the
Russian Federation but the West spun it as a forced or coerced
This was part of their ongoing Putin/Russia demonizing campaign. The
US/NATO axis of insanity was pissed that Putin derailed their
attempts to topple the Syrian government and do to that nation what
they did to Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
In addition to imposing sanctions on Putin and Russia, which are
deliberate acts of war, the Axis of Insanity set out to militarily
buttress Ukraine’s clown president. But this has failed, Ukraine
is loosing the war, so now the West has given the green light to
their clown Zelenskyy to use Western weapons to directly attack
Russian territory. The West is selling weapons, providing tactical
support and “advisors” in this wasted war effort. Now Germany,
Britain and the US have recently moved towards implementing universal
conscription or national service programs meaning military drafts!
The sleepwalk is escalating to a trot.
In Palestine Benjamin Netanyahu cavalierly and dismissively crossed
Biden’s red line blatantly defying him and bum rushing Rafah,
effectively thumbing his nose at Biden making him look like a punk!
In addition Israel has stepped up its cross border clashes in
Southern Lebanon and its tit for tat attacks on Iran. Meanwhile no
one, not the UN, not the Pope, not the G7 have moved to check the
Israelis on their aggression and warmongering.
The sleepwalk is turning into a trot. The pace is quickening towards
more direct engagement and confrontation between the West and Russia.
Yet the corporate media vigorously supports it all and spins it as:
defending democracy, fighting Russia aggression and justified Israel
defense rather than what it really is: war profiteering, corporate
greed, immorality, genocide and ethnic cleansing.
have seen the willingness of the US government to pour money into the
Military Industrial Technology Security State sinkhole and this trend
is not going to subside any time soon. In fact it will increase along
with preparations for conscription, logistics, war gamesmanship and
saber rattling. Look at all the joint military exercises the US/NATO
axis and the Russians and Chinese are conducting. This is the
equivalent of two dogs growling, barking and baring their teeth at
each other before they actually start fighting. Sometimes the bluff
works sometimes they end up fighting.
The misleadership in both US political parties are hellbent on war,
they don’t even mention the word peace, and by Golly they are going
to have their wars somewhere. Sadly unless there is a major
repentance the trot will break out into a full sprint towards full
blown war. We have to wake up and stop pretending not to know what is
going on!
Are False Beliefs Setting Us Up For Destruction?
Are False Beliefs Setting US Up For Destruction?
Junious Ricardo Stanton
As we look around
the world today we discover challenges to our reality, our belief
systems and the values we profess to hold dear. America says it
stands for freedom, justice, life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness but as a global hegemon the US is directly responsible for
massive human exploitation, suffering, privation, misery and death!
These are the direct consequences of the American Empire’s greed,
callousness and immorality. This hubris is pervasive yet because of
ubiquitous mind control and brainwashing most Americans are not even
aware this country is an imperialist giant. Most are oblivious to the
fact America has a global network of military bases and spends more
than several nations combined to maintain them. Somnambulant
Americans think the almost eight hundred known foreign military and
drone bases and many more top secret installations in seventy plus
nations exist to protect freedom and democracy!
In addition to
their military overreach the US is actively engaged in numerous proxy
wars using intermediaries and entities like NATO they fund and equip
to do their dirty work in places like Ukraine and Yemen. Ukraine is
becoming a humongous sinkhole for US war profiteering and kickbacks
in support of a corrupt Ukrainian government that is a boon for the
US military industrial technology hydra. Their goal aside from making
huge profits is to undermine Russia and bring that nation to heel.
Recent decisions to allow Ukraine to escalate direct attacks on
Russian soil using Western weaponry are not only idiotic they will
have horrific consequences.
On the other hand
the US misleadership finds itself in a conundrum due to its total
support of an obvious ethnic cleansing campaign by Israel against the
Palestinians, the real Semites of the region. The optics of this
carnage belie Israel’s claim they are fighting a defensive war in
an effort to secure release of Israeli hostages taken in the October
7, 2023 Hamas attack; an attack which appears was allowed to happen
by Israeli security forces so Israel could commence ethnic cleansing
against the people of Gaza.
The US claims
Israel is our only ally in the region, an ally who shares this
nation’s democratic values. But is this really true? The reality is
the United States is an oligarchy ruled by an elite group not
ordinary citizens who represent and exercise the will of the people.
A Princeton and Northwestern Universities study by Martin
Gilens and Benjamin Page
concluded the US is ruled by influential elites and special interest
groups who set the agenda and policies for the government.
Election campaigns
whose costs prohibit the average person from running for state,
national and even some local public offices makes a mockery of the
claim this is a government of the people by the people or for the
people. Special interests, big money and the oligarchs actually
control this country and set its policies. The executive, legislative
and even judicial branches and their regulatory agencies have been
captured, are beholden to and taken hostage by big money interests.
Elections and voting merely provide the illusion we have a say in the
governance process.
For example most
rational people would opt to spend their hard earned tax dollars here
at home rather than pouring trillions to prop up corrupt and
genocidal governments that provide no benefit to us whatsoever while
enriching defense contractors and warmongers to the detriment of
Israel is an
apartheid state, none of the Ashkenazim who occupy the territory and
rule the country are Semites. They are converts to Judaism who have
marginalized other Jews who have a longer claim to the religion than
they do. They are not the true descendants of the ancient Hebrew
Israelites and Judeans.
ancient Israel was never a powerful or significant entity in the
region, it was always in the shadows of larger more powerful nations
and empires like the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians and Babylonians.
Christians support Israel even though the Jews reject their Messiah
because they believe the Ashkenazim are the Israelites of the Bible
and they are Yahweh’s chosen people; who in some convoluted way
through war, tribulation and upheaval will usher the return to earth
of Christ! So they uncritically support the modern genocide in
Palestine just like they go along with the Biblical stories of the
Hebrew’s genocide and ethnic cleansing to expropriate the “Promised
Land” from the indigenous peoples. They never question the
narrative or ask why a supposedly all knowing, just god would order
“his people” to do such a thing?
simultaneously the US is provoking China over Taiwan and the South
China Sea island disputes among China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the
Philippines and Indonesia. This is insane, nevertheless the
misanthropes who run this nation seem hellbent on provoking a major
war somewhere on this planet. Their hubris and psychopathy will be
their ruin.
Our false beliefs
are taking us down a slippery slope which could lead to a real
Armageddon “end times” scenario. Unless saner heads prevail and
this appears unlikely, the US and its acolytes will find themselves
eyeball deep in multiple wars they cannot possibly win. Why is it no
one sees this coming?
Implications of the Lawfare Against Trump
Junious Ricardo Stanton
The legal travails
of former President Donald Trump are real life real time Deep State
political intrigue, fodder for media pundits and topics of
conversation for people who support him, hate him or are fascinated
by him. Rarely are the deeper implications of his situation even ever
addressed or explained in the media. No one asks for example how is
it Donald Trump is labeled a threat to US democracy when there have
been presidents in the past who set aside aspects of the Bill of
Rights and shut down various freedoms. For example Abraham Lincoln
suspended habeas corpus during the War Between the States and
President Woodrow Wilson waged a campaign against pacifists and
dissidents who opposed WWI. During his second term, Congress passed
two laws: The Sedition Act and Espionage Acts which were
enthusiastically signed by Wilson that made it criminal and illegal
to criticize the government or oppose military conscription. They got
away with it because the US Supreme Court upheld those laws as well
as the prosecution and jailing of citizens who opposed the war.
So lawfare
is not new. What is lawfare you ask? Lawfare is defined as: the
strategic use of legal proceedings to intimidate,, hinder or
eliminate an opponent or adversary. Lawfare is used in many so called
banana republics and authoritarian regimes to stifle opposition. Most
astute open minded people, free thinkers and students of human nature
know Donald Trump is a victim of Deep State or whatever you want to
call it, warfare designed to keep him from effectively campaigning in
the 2024 presidential election.
This is insane. How
is it that Donald Trump was indicted by the New York D.A. and found
guilty of on all counts paying “hush money” to a stripper/porn
actor to keep her quiet about an affair when Stormy Daniels whose
real name is Stephanie A. Clifford admitted in a documentary she
accepted money from Trump years ago.
I get it they are after Trump and charging him with using campaign
funds to pony up the hush money was one way to go after him.
But come on, in the
overall scheme of things this was nothing. My difficulty with all of
this including the other civil and criminal charges lodged against
Trump around the country is, all things considered, Trump is chump
change. Donald Trump never lied us into illegal wars, or killed
millions of civilians to boost his profile and keep the military
industrial security state corporatist war machine humming merrily
along. George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack
Obama all waged undeclared wars on sovereign nations often based on
lies and falsehoods yet not one of these misanthropes has been
indicted, arraigned or prosecuted. Bush, I and II, Clinton and Obama
ruined whole countries, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya yet
nothing was done to right their wrongs or hold them accountable. Joe
Biden is a career grifter, and warmonger who as VP was eyeball deep
in Ukrainian corruption and kick backs, yet the media gives him an
eternal pass. What’s wrong with this picture?!
In stark contrast
Donald Trump ignited the ire of this powerful technocratic military
security cabal by challenging US participation in NATO, threatening
to reduce funding or pull out of this appendage of the US empire all
together. Trump tried to take another approach dealing with Russia to
end the rancor and mistrust but he was demonized for it. The
warmongers went bonkers. Trump became persona non grata to the shadow
government when he actually took the steps to defund the World Health
Organization which was ostensibly created to promote global health
and well-being; but in recent years has become a globalist agency to
push their nefarious agenda they went nuts!
So now Trump has
been convicted yet his immediate predecessors are walking around
Scott free reaping huge rewards for their evil and warmongering. Is
this justice? How do we as a sane people reconcile the fact past US
presidents routinely waged wars, assassinated world leaders, plotted
and executed the overthrow and collapse of numerous sovereign
governments costing suffering and the lives of millions of our fellow
human beings yet they have never been held accountable?! Meanwhile
local and state governments go after Donald Trump on nickle and dime
level charges.
I am no fan of
Donald Trump, he is an insensitive narcissist and his economic
policies proved to be a disaster. His trade wars with Canada, Mexico,
the EU and China did not turn out well and caused major problems for
American farmers, manufacturers and consumers. Despite his rhetoric
he failed to reduce the US trade deficits or stop the outsourcing of
jobs and capital flight. Trump bought into the COVID scam and his
bogus Operation Warp Speed for repurposed inadequately tested mNRA
injections is still reverberating negative consequences for people’s
health but have been a boon for Big Pharma’s bottom line! The
stimulus money accelerated the nation’s debt crisis which Biden’s
policies have exacerbated.
I certainly am not
advocating Trump get a free pass; what I am saying is, his
predecessors should also be facing their day of reckoning either in
the US or world court! Food for thought.
Sleepwalking Into More War
Sleepwalking Into More War
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Over the past few months we’ve witnessed the United States
collaboration with a brutal campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing
in Palestine specifically Gaza and Rafah. Israel’s heavy handed
response to an Hamas attack which is extremely suspicious in terms of
it being a total surprise to Israel security forces are indisputable
war crimes. Denying civilians of Gaza, clean drinking water, cutting
off electric power, blocking humanitarian aid and food, deliberately
bombing hospitals and refugee shelters and the indiscriminate
targeting of civilian infrastructure are crimes against humanity no
matter what the pro-Zionist corporate media says! No amount of
rationalization, obfuscating, disinformation and gaslighting are
going to alter the fact Israeli ethnic cleaning campaign is a crime
against humanity.
University students generated massive media coverage by their
protests, demonstrations and their demands for peace and
disinvestment from Israel are a stark contrast to the decidedly
pro-Israeli legacy media’s unabashed support of the ongoing
However, the student demonstrations have taken the spotlight off of
the ongoing conflict in Ukraine which is draining vital resources and
taxpayer funds that could be better used here in America to rebuild
outdated crumbling infrastructure, subsidize the construction of
affordable housing and strengthen existing public safety nets.
Both Ukraine and Israel are siphoning critical resources but more
importantly they are contributing to this nation's rapid degeneration
into a mass consciousness of rabid militarism and all war all the
time. We are destroying our minds and souls with incessant war
profiteering and human carnage. We are validating Martin Luther King
Jr.’s 1967 declaration,”the greatest purveyor of violence in the
world today, is my own government.” For his truth and pacifism King
was murdered by a collaboration of government forces.
We have been down this road before yet the Biden administration and
the whole congress are totally committed to the stupidity of
supporting a corrupt Ukrainian regime unwilling to admit it is losing
the war and has virtually no chance of turning the situation around.
Nevertheless the US is not only spending exorbitant sums of taxpayer
money we cannot afford, the US misleadership and their European
allies and vassals are hellbent on keeping these wars going,
eschewing peace negotiations and aggressively prodding and enabling
the Ukrainian misleadership into attacking inside Russian territory
using Western weapons! There are increasing calls by US and European
politicians and NATO spokespersons for Ukraine to directly attack
targets in Crimea and Russia.
Do these imbeciles actually think Russia is going to stand passively
by and allow that to happen? I don’t think so. Is NATO that
insane? Have they no shame? Are they that callous they don’t care
about the global consequences of their decisions, or is their real
agenda massive war, death and carnage? Based upon what we have seen
the past year the Ukrainian war is a disaster which will not turn out
well for Ukraine or NATO.
Simultaneously Israel is determined to wiping Gaza off the map and
in a classic tail waging the dog scenario, Israel keeps the US and UK
governments in its grip by using bribery, extortion, honey traps and
the baseless canard of antisemitism to achieve their objectives.
Thankfully college students recognize warmongering and genocide when
they see it. Unfortunately too many of us older folks are too
somnambulant to see what is going on and have allowed the media and
the government to gaslight us into acquiescing to genocide and ethnic
Where are the sane people, where are the good people, where are the
people who see the road this nation is traveling will lead to
escalating global disaster, slaughter, suffering and possible
collapse? Have we been so cow-towed and punked by the warmongers we
are unwilling to stand up for peace, be counted for doing what is
right and having the courage of our convictions? Where are the people
who worship the man who said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they
shall be called the children of God”? Where are those who say they
abhor violence, war and killing? When will they speak up?
We are sleepwalking into an expanded era of conflict, war and death.
Will we wake up in time before it’s too late? The United Kingdom is
planning to re-institute conscription, a mandatory national service
for males 18 years old and up. Germany is reportedly considering
conscription also. Is this a step towards forcing young men into
military service? Will this spread to the other Five Eyes partners
Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the US or other NATO members?
I don’t think conscription will go over well in the US, the
military is already struggling to meet their quotas with a volunteer
system. The only way it would fly is it used as a way to fast track
immigrants to US citizenship. Unless we snap out of our dormancy we
will find ourselves face to face with a real time war, not the proxy
wars our leaders have been fighting.