Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2025 Predictions


                                                                   2025 Predictions

                                                               Junious Ricardo Stanton

At one time or another we all would like to know what’s in our future. Being a prognosticator is not difficult once you are able to discern the trends, patterns and habits of a person, group or nation. When we know ourselves we can predict or anticipate how we will respond in any given situation. Once you recognize these habits and patterns you can accurately predict future actions and behavior. So as we look into 2025 ,based upon recent events and behaviors we can confidently and assuredly predict what we will see in 2025.

In 2025 we will see more and more studies coming to light from around the world and the US about the adverse and potentially lethal effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. We will see that excess mortality rates are being seen as synonymous with COVID-19 remediation since their introduction into the marketplace.

In 2024 we saw studies from Seoul Korea’s National University Hospital that revealed the toxic effects of administering successive doses of COVID mRNA shots. Scientists at Sloan Kettering discovered mRNA deactivates tumor suppressing proteins in the human body. Studies have shown teenagers are 500% more likely to die following a COVID shot compared to the unvaccinated. And a psychiatric journal reported a spike in new onset psychosis following COVID -19 vaccination. I predict similar and more alarming facts will come forth in 2025 causing people to rethink the efficacy usefulness and safety of the COVID injections.

Based upon recent events we can confidently predict war and conflict will continue in West Asia as Israel escalates its genocidal policies and ethnic cleaning in Gaza and expands its wars against its neighbors to expropriate their lands and integrate that territory into their Greater Israel agenda. Israel is the aggressor here this is not defense because they are the aggressors, invaders and imperialists! The world sees the suffering and war crimes Israel is perpetrating in the region and its crimes against humanity will continue unabated due to the powerful influence Israel welds on the US and the West. The Israeli government will remain recalcitrant and implacable in its immorality despite world opinion and the continuing suffering and loss of life its policies generate.

Speaking of war the conflict in Ukraine will continue as the Axis of Insanity (the US UK and NATO) does all it can to prop up the failing efforts of the Ukraine government by providing weaponry, GPS guidance and technological logistics to the Ukrainians as the Ukrainians use the advanced weaponry the West is supplying to hit targets deep inside Russian territory. The Russian will counter and the tit for tat attacks will continue until saner heads bring all parties together to work out a workable peace deal, which at this point seems highly unlikely.

There will more and more fear porn/propaganda/disinformation about pandemics. In 2024 we saw the globalists attempt to manufacture fear and anxiety about Monkey Pox which in 2024 they rebranded into mPox. However, that didn’t work because in 2022 it was revealed Monkey Pox was a consequence of homosexual activity! That major revelation popped the Monkey Pox pandemic bubble.

Likewise in 2024 we saw several attempts to jin up fear about Avian or Bird Flu but the Bird Flu fear porn failed to gain traction. Millions of chickens and turkeys were euthanized which drove up the price of fowl but no pandemic materialized. The psychopaths then started looking at cows, mandating cows milk be pasteurized and over hyped the fact a handful of workers caught Bird Flu to make it seem like it is a legitimate threat. The globalists and their Big Pharma cohorts will continue to hype incidences of infection in humans to try to create panic and push the need for international pandemic treaties, more mRNA vaccines “to combat the ever growing threats” and for government to usurp more power to “combat the crisis”. Beware the old ‘Problem reaction Solution scenario. Look for them to keep pushing this scam and working to create a scenario where the H5N1 virus jumps from wild birds to mammals then to humans which will probably be a man made phenomenon rather than an organic natural happenstance!

Technocracy will become more pervasive with AI, technology and transhumanism continuing to become more and more integrated into our daily lives. We will become more like the back in the day Jetson’s cartoons, talking into devices, creating “personal relationships” with robots and mechanical devices and if the globalists have their way, we’ll become integrated with computers, the cloud or some other device perhaps a microchip implanted in our bodies. It’s called Bio-digital Convergence its also called synthetic biology and biotechnology. Of course they will tout it as must have post human progress and sadly most gullible humans will go for it hook, line and sinker.

On the domestic front Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as President of the United States and he will attempt to succeed using material from Ronald Reagan’s old Make America Great Again playbook, making bombastic promises (he will never be able to keep even if he wanted to) to cut taxes, reduce government waste, spending and the size of government. Trump has already admitted he may not be able to do anything about prices.

Speaking of prices, in 2025 inflation will continue unabated because the real cause of inflation is the increase in the amount of money in circulation backed by no tangible assets which subsequently devalues the currency making things cost more. The cause of this phenomenon is the policies of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank which also dictates interest rates meaning the costs of loans and the interest we earn on our savings accounts. As it stands now the Fed has created a massive disincentive against saving because it is cheaper to borrow money. They want us in debt! Unfortunately things will not improve in this regard. I can confidently predict US personal, government and corporate debt will continue to become even more onerous and spiral out of control.

Well Happy New Year. Here’s wishing you a safe, sane and healthy 2025. On the micro level, transform your mind, the rest will follow!


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Give The Gift of Peace


                                                                 Give The Gift of Peace

                                                                  Junious Ricardo Stanton

            This year’s holiday season marks a unique time when several traditions are in close proximity to each other. Christmas or the Christ Mass and Hanukah are on the same day, Kwanzaa begins the next day and The Three Kings Day is celebrated on January 6th. Keep in mind all holidays, festivals, celebrations and rituals are man-made, they are created by human beings to reinforce something in their belief systems, culture or a special event. None of the various human holidays were created by invisible beings in the sky or in the elements! That being said holidays can and do fulfill an important need. They provide a time or times for humans to gather celebrate and remember. They allow us to reinvigorate our days by celebrating and enjoying each other’s company and fellowship.

            During many holidays it is customary to exchange gifts or presents. Unfortunately, in the West many holidays have been highjacked, refocused and redirected away from the original meaning and reason for the celebrations and festivities and rechanneled or steered into something else. In the West for example Christmas a celebration of the birth of their savior figure has been inundated with pagan customs that have nothing to do with the birth of Yeshua bar Joseph. Evergreen trees Santa Clause St Nick, the North Pole, evergreens and a host of other customs did not exist in Palestine and in fact are representative of cultures in northern Europe rather than West Asia.

            This does not take away for the message of this time Peace on Earth Good Will Towards men, a festival of lights and faith and a remembrance of African cultural traditions. We can still hold on to the deeper meanings of these man-made holidays as well as do something that can make the world a better place. This year we can make a conscious effort to give the gift of peace, to ourselves our families friends and neighbors. If there is one thing this world sorely lacks and is in great need of its peace!

            Peace is not merely the absence of hostilities, peace is a mindset, an attitude and inner commitment to tranquility, nonviolence, reconciliation and at-one-ment with ourselves and the universe. You cannot be at peace if you are anxious, angry, meanspirited or upset. Peace means you are calm and tranquil your mind and inner core are smooth and unnerved.

In today’s society it is truly rare for one to encounter a person of peace because we are influenced by a consolidated media that does its best to keep us agitated, feeling insecure, inadequate and less than. This is deliberate. The powers that shouldn’t be use psychology in their advertisements, their “newscasts” and propaganda to induce certain emotions like fear and envy to manipulate us into buying things based upon feelings of inadequacy and covetousness.

 If we are to be about genuine peace, we have to become aware of what we allow into our consciousness and mental space.  Mind control is based upon the target being consciously unaware he or she is manipulated, thinking the images ideas and thoughts in our heads are self-generated. They are not they are put there by the media. We have to learn how to take back our minds our consciousness and ideation and put ourselves in control.

Peace is our natural state. No baby is born into this world from the womb angry and full of hate! That comes later with the programming and socialization he or she receives from their immediate environment which includes their family, “education” and the media!

Deep within us is a reservoir of tranquility and calm we just have been programmed to not be aware of it and to use our conscious minds to be agitated and upset and unconsciously reinforce these states of mind.

The key to peace is being aware of our thoughts and feelings. Energy follows thought so if we are agitated, angry this is because we are thinking thoughts that make us feel this way. Energy flows thought so we must be vigilant, mindful and keenly aware of our thinking because our thoughts trigger our emotions and our emotions trigger physiological responses and reactions whether we act on them or not!

Learn to calm yourself by thinking and visualizing calming thoughts. Practice deep abdominal breathing and attempting to tap into the reservoir of peace within you. This is called meditation. Deep breathing and meditation calm us down, slows our heart rate and allows us to tap into higher realms of thinking, being and behaving.

Peace is our natural state. When we are calm and tranquil the outside world cannot impact us adversely. Being at peace does not change the outer world or our circumstances but peace will transform us! It will allow us to think more clearly, be open to new ideas and inspiration, we will have control over ourselves and have a subtle impact our immediate environment. We can become a stabilizing force in the midst of chaos or be the source of calm and reason in an agitated situation. Our peace will be infectious and contagious and influence our environment just as fear and panic does.

Peace is our natural state but in this controlled and manipulated society we have to cultivate it ourselves daily. The overlords and oligarchs want and need to keep us agitated so they can manipulate us and rule over us. True freedom and power come from cultivating peace within oneself.

Once you learn to calm yourself and allow your inner peace to spread within you, you will have power over yourself and once you cultivate this lifestyle you can be a great influence on others. If there is one thing the world needs now its peace.  During this holiday season share the gift of peace and spread it afar.



Friday, December 06, 2024

Think Peace and Live Peacefully


                                                  Think Peace and Live Peacefully 

                                                         Junious Ricardo Stanton

We’ve entered the holiday season and many families will be celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Day of Kings and later Ramadan. Yet amid the festivities there is a pall of anxiety, uncertainty, fear and depression hanging over our world today. The political fractiousness from the recent US election, the ongoing negative consequences from the devastating government responses to the so called pandemic, the escalating wars around the world, societal apprehension and divisiveness and the percolating unease about the direction this nation and world are heading are generating a negative energy that is intensifying and metastasizing to increasingly unhealthy levels.

All holidays and celebrations are man made, they are created to serve specific purposes: acknowledge and celebrate a happening, reinforce cultural beliefs, traditions and unify the family, tribe or group who invented them. Holidays festivals and ceremonies can provide either positive or negative feelings depending on the consciousness behind their creation.

In today’s fractious social milieu we need all the positive ideation, images and emotion we can muster and generate. Our very humanity and spirituality are at risk. We are being brainwashed for war under the guise of security and peace. We are being manipulated to embrace materialism and consumerism as the way to celebrate the holidays while the essence and core reasons for the season are being whittled away or forgotten.

As we look around us, the world is heading for major conflagration and conflict, while domestically, we are divided and unwilling to engage in civil dialogue and debate. We find ourselves in an era where everyone who differs from us is perceived as an adversary. This is neither healthy nor good.

At the core of Christianity is the notion of reconciliation and “peace on earth good will towards men.” Peace on earth and good will (intentions) towards all men are simple, practical, worthy and doable notions of how to live on earth. Deep down inside we intuitively and instinctively know peace is the best way to live; and good intentions are paramount if we wish to live a life of serenity and righteousness meaning a right relationship with our fellow human beings our brothers and sisters who all are children of the Most High.

We have allowed plutocrats to suppress this innate common sense understanding of how to live. We have allowed them to distract us, dupe us into refocusing on baser elements. These miscreants have induced an ignorance, a stupor and an amnesia to the point we have become disconnected from our core essence and the notions of peace on earth, good will towards man.

Historically the Christian religion is the continuation of an ancient notion of a savior/avatar born into humanity to show us the way to higher consciousness, righteousness and enlightenment. Thousands of years before Yeshua bar Joseph who the Romans renamed Jesus there was the Nile Valley Ausur/Heru, Krishna and Buddha of India, Mithra of Persia and Tammuz of Babylon, all of whom were ancient concepts, models and personifications of divinity incarnate.

Deeply embedded in the core of our being is the irrefutable reality we are all connected and related to each other via the divine life force which created and sustains us! We are all kindred spirits, sons and daughters of the Most High! As such we are heirs of the universe, what Yeshua called the Kingdom of God.

There is really no need for us to be suspicious and fearful of one another, to be at each others’ throats, to think there is not enough or that we are entitled to our brother and sisters share of the Kingdom when there is abundance for all of us. We have allowed the greedy, the egotistical and maladaptive psychopaths among us to turn us from our essence by using fear and hatred to manipulate us into doing their bidding and enriching them at our expense and the detriment to our brothers and sisters.

Peace is our natural state. We do not come out of the womb fighting and hating no matter what type of family or socioeconomic status we are born into. Consciousness is a choice. We can choose what we think about, what we hold dear and what we believe in. We do not have to afirm, confirm or acquiesce to the values or war, greed, predation and xenophobia. We can choose to value peace and hold good intentions towards our fellow humans. We can choose peace over anxiety, fear and mistrust. We can choose to transform our mind, and consciousness. We have the ability to adopt peace and the courage to practice it as our top priorities.

During this holiday season let’s commit to practicing inner and external peace, patience and develop the intentions for tolerance and reconciliation. Happy holidays, peace on earth good will towards men!
