Since Donald J. Trump was
inaugurated as the forty-seventh president of the United States things have
been moving at a hectic whirlwind pace. Unfortunately, the legacy and
alternative media have kept the hype going. Trump sells. But are we being given
all the facts and are we being told the truth?
If the long-established
pattern of media mendacity holds true the answer is no. The media goes for
sensationalism, obfuscation and out and out deceit. We have to use our own powers
of discernment and trusted media outlets to figure out exactly what is going on
in the world. So my fellow truth seekers and those of you with a thirst for
knowledge I will offer some unique perspectives on current events.
Everyone is talking about Elon Musk
and DOGE aka the Department of Government Efficiency. Well first off DOGE is
not a real department because only the US Congress can establish a governmental
department because they are the ones who have to appropriate the funds to
create and sustain it. DOGE was never authorized by the US Congress, period!
More correctly it is an advisory group similar to the President’s Council of
Economic Advisers. Elon Musk is not a secretary; he is not even a cabinet
members as we saw the other day at Trump’s first public cabinet meeting. He was
not seated at the long table and he was there merely to provide and update on
what he was doing.
During the election campaign, Trump
promised to cut government spending, waste, fraud and mismanagement. As we have
seen from the early DOGE reports, there is a humongous amount of all of that
especially waste, fraud and corruption! The
US government like many businesses, corporations and households is floundering
in debt. This debt is unsustainable as we heard in the sound bite from Elon Musk
at the cabinet meeting. This debt is onerous and will be the downfall of this
Here's an alarming fact, as of September 30, 2024 the US debt
to GDP ratio was123%. The US debt was $35.46 trillion with a “T” versus
$28.83 trillion in produced goods and services. This cannot go on forever and
it won’t. There is a great reckoning coming and unfortunately Trump’s efforts
are too little too late to stave off an economic catastrophe. The debt service
alone, meaning the interest the government (us taxpayers) pay on the interest of
this debt is, as of September 30, 2024, $1,126.5 billion, an increase of $251.0 billion from FY 2023.
policies will not, I repeat, will not alter this trajectory and slide. He may
mean well but the fact is cutting taxes without concomitant massive slashing of
spending is not going to change this picture. The cuts Musk is recommending, (this
is all he can do recommend because DOGE doesn’t have the authority to fire
people or eliminate departments, only the president and Congress can do that)
will not save that much money. Remember the government is in trillions of
dollars in debt. To give you a concise picture of what this means; one trillion
is equal to one thousand billion and a billion is equal to one thousand million!
Cutting hundreds of billions of dollars from the budget is a start but it will
never reduce deficits or get the US out of the trillions of dollars of debt it is in!
case scenario the US would default on its debt reducing it to pauper status. Anyone who tells you tax cuts and tariffs are
going to defuse the ticking debt time bomb is lying to you. Because its an
empire fiscal bankruptcy and collapse would be devastating for the US. They talk
about full faith and trust in the government but if the government is literally
and figuratively bankrupt, how many other nations are going to trust it?!
and leases used to be the nation’s main source of revenue, but then in 1913 the
federal income tax was foisted on the public as a way to pay off the banksters
who pressed the Congress critters to pass the legislation. Some say the
amendment that created the Federal Reserve Bank (which is not part of the
government but a cartel of privately owned banks) was illegitimate because the
vote was taken while most of Congress was on a holiday break!
Tariffs not only raise money they are a form
of protection; they force other nations to pay a cost to export their goods to
the US. In the old days this helped protect US producers by limiting foreign
competition since everyone wasn’t willing to pay steep tariffs on their goods.
But the problem now is with globalization multi-national corporations who
operate in the US who manufacture all or parts of their products overseas, will
be forced to pay the tariffs too thus driving up the costs us their products also.
Another factor is GDP means goods and services but the US is mainly a service
economy now, other nations don’t export services. Think about that for a
tariffs will drastically increase the cost of living which is already beginning
to overwhelm many of us. The Fed’s policies of printing and putting more
dollars in circulation and lowering interest rates actually incentivizes more
borrowing and debt while simultaneously shrinking the value of the dollar and
with additional costs due to tariffs, inflation will continue to skyrocket.
Even Trump has been forced to admit he can’t keep prices from rising. The sad
reality is his policies will make things worse! Making sense of current events.
the flurry of Executive Orders, the media’s responses to Trump’s bombastic
statements, his cabinet nominees and “pop culture” distractions, we are missing
the fact the miscreants and overlords are trying to replicate their
fearmongering about the Bird Flu. There is an old saying, “fool me once shame
on you, fool me twice shame on me.” We need to take note of this saying and
contemplate what this means with regard to the ongoing Bird Flu hype and apply
it to our lives.
you look beyond the propaganda, and peek behind the rhetoric and fear porn
curtains about the H5N1 virus (aka Bird Flu) please keep this fact in mind, the
United States has a population of over three hundred million population; but
thus far as of this writing, there have been only sixty-eight (68) reported
deaths from the H5N1 virus! Let this sink in sixty-eight! H5N1 is a disease
that impacts wild fowl but in the US it is mostly commercial chicken farms.
There are a few cases of infections between wild birds and animals but this is
extremely rare. Bird to human infection is even rarer. Yet the fraudsters in
public health, science with the backing of the corporate media and Big Pharma
are treating H5N1 as if it is the next Bubonic Plague. Is Bird Flu another
example of gain of function research bio-weaponry, biological warfare?
This is
the same thing they did with COVID. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice
shame on me! When I say fool me once, fool me twice I am referring to the fact
the vast majority of the “information” about COVID was false. Even now we’re discovering
the circumstances of COVID’s origins are not what they originally told us. Just
recently the US CIA, an agency not known for its veracity (think Osama
bin-Laden, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Russia-gate to name a few) stated that
COVID probably originated from a lab leak! Think about this for a moment, when
the notion that COVID was the result of illegal Gain of Function research and or
clandestine “scientific action” it was denounced, mocked and derided. Claims of
disinformation and “conspiracy theorist” were launched against anyone who dared
to question the “official” COVID orthodoxy and narrative. People who merely
asked questions about the official narrative/orthodoxy were deplatformed on social
media, threatened with loss of license, certification, employment and were marginalized
and ostracized.
The global
one-percenter crowd like Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, WEF, WHO etc.
financed, created, embraced and promulgated the COVID narrative around the
world, then they launched a global scare campaign designed to terrify us and
make us fall for their okey-doke about Operation Warp Speed and the
safety and efficacy of their inoculations. As it turns out these remediations
are now proving to be ineffective people who took the jab still got sick and
They fooled us about the lethality
and extensiveness of the infections. They duped us into believing a planet with
a growing population of over eight billion people (a billion = one thousand
million) was in acute danger from a so-called virus which infected only about seven
hundred five million and killed seven
million people most of whom were elderly with compromised immune systems,
chronic conditions and comorbidities! These numbers do not add up to a global epidemic
or plague!
According to
an extremely well researched and highly accurate Website, of the approximately seven
hundred five million infected by “COVID” over six hundred seventy-five million
recovered! In other words the misanthropes deliberately overhyped COVID to push
their repurposed cancer treatments placing potential profits (as of 2023
Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Sinovac made over ninety billion dollars in
profits) over people’s health and safety. Keep in mind they were granted emergency
authorization and use which exempted them from liability and loss. Keep in mind
they told us the shots were free, safe and effective, none of which proved to
be true!
As of this writing three thousand
five hundred-eighty published studies and peer reviewed journals have been
released detailing the adverse side effects including injuries, disabilities
and deaths following the introduction of the COVID inoculations. Yet not one pharmaceutical
company executive, board member, chief scientific officer, politician, physician,
scientist or hospital has been held accountable and more than likely none will
be! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
The misanthrope’s playbook is
slender and slim because they work! They keep doing the same things over and
over again. The so-called AIDS remediation AZT which was pushed by Anthony Fauci
the same Anthony Fauci who pushed the COVID jabs (who was given a blanket pardon
by Joe Biden before he left office) was a disaster. It proved lethal. So don’t
allow them to dupe us again about the H5N1 virus. Fool me once shame on you,
fool me twice shame on me!
the 2024 reelection of Donald J. Trump the ideological and political pendulums
are swinging the other way, going from radical leftist ideation to a “populous”
right wing world view. People were stressed out due to the COVID Psyop which
included constant fearmongering, awfulizing and exaggerating the threat of ill
health and death for a so-called virus that was only lethal to elderly folks
with compromised immune systems and numerous comorbidities.
I placed quotation marks around the word populous
because Trump is not a populous in the truest sense of the word. Populism is
more of a grass roots, bottom-up anti-establishment movement. Trump is not
antiestablishment by any stretch of the imagination. In modern populism, common
people vent their ire against the owners and controllers of global
financialized capital and other transnational elites. An example of modern
populist activism was the US Occupy Wall Street Movement that went global in
2011 and 2012. That movement was eventually shut down by President Barack Obama
prior to the 2012 presidential election campaign because the elites Obama
represented didn’t want a grassroots movement exposing the ravages of the class
war going on in America!
Blue-collar working-class folks
voted for Donald Trump but the people he is listening to in his meetings and
putting in charge of programs and policies are billionaires not ordinary
working stiffs. How many working-class folks has Trump invited to Mar-A-Lago? The
millionaires and billionaires, the ones who contributed to his election
campaign know he will listen to and be motivated to do their bidding. Yes he
has kept some of his campaign promises however, they are not the major policies
that will ultimately define his administration, these kept promises have been
called the low hanging fruit.
Most folks were tired of the
constant gaslighting and obvious lies, the brazen shift away from traditional
values, the feelings of helplessness and loss of control over their personal
lives, their economic situation and their futures. They did not relate to the
extreme policies of the Democratic Party and how politicians of both parties
looked down on them in favor of their campaign contributors. Trump actively
courted them and made them think he was one of them. He is not!
The fear and the resulting stresses many
Americans experienced are the result of a deliberate round the clock media
blitz, intimidation and coercion by the government to submit to taking untested
vaccines or lose your job, professional licenses and businesses. Social
routines were disrupted, family relationships and friendships were torn asunder,
some made irreparable due to the intensity of the COVID fear porn and bone-headed
remediation policies; procedures that are now being revealed that were/are more
damaging than the virus itself.,
This trend has negatively impacted
millions of lives and people are seething and up in arms about it. The fall out
from lockdowns and insane “remediation” protocols for COVID generated unhealthy
stress and anxiety that are still playing out today. The mental health of the
US has declined precipitously and US life expectancy has been in decline for successive
years now.
The escalating inflation and economic
instability experienced by millions and the resulting angst and animosity
towards Western governments are producing massive changes in voter preferences
and voting patterns. In the US, Donald Trump was elected by huge margins. Only
Kamala Harris’s wins in New York and California with their large electoral
votes thwarted a Trump landslide victory. Trump campaigned promising he would
save the day.
In Europe far right and right wing
political parties are emerging and winning icrucial national elections.
Austria, France Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Germany have experienced not
only shifts but election victories in national elections as the mood, tone and
tenor has shifted to the right and far right.
In the US, Donald Trump’s
administration immediately after being inaugurated aggressively moved to keep
some of his campaign promises. Trump is using Executive Orders rather than
legislative deftness and cooperation to: “secure” both the Mexican and Canadian
borders, round up, arrest and deport immigrants prioritizing those with
criminal records or backgrounds and sending the military to bolster the US
southern border with Mexico. He has negated DEI and the sexual dysphoria issues
in the US military and government by Executive Order.
His base loves it. But in their jubilation,
they are not considering possible long term downside. Trump has energized his
base of disaffected white males by eliminating DEI within the federal
government and threatening other institutions and companies with loss of funds,
contracts and access if they do not follow suit.It remains to be seen whether or not his
actions will stand if, and the operative word here is if, they are challenged
in court. It also remains to be seen whether or not Trump’s early actions will
embolden him to take even more belligerent actions and if his base will push
for even more to tip the scales towards a technofascist government. Thus far
Trump has governed through Executive Orders which is not a hallmark of
The left has been emasculated. They
are attempting to regroup but it remains to be seen whether or not they can get
Americans to ever trust them again or look to them for meaningful plans and policies
if they refuse to extricate themselves from or abandon their moribund policies
of the past
The pendulum is swinging back, but the
question is, will it create balance or generate more chaos disruption and
Junious Ricardo Stanton Producer and host of the Akoben podcast I have been a writer and community broadcaster for twenty years.
The Internet offers a wonderful medium to connect with Africans world wide and inform and exhort our people to actualize our innate genius and potential. Our minds hold the key to the quality and richness of our lives; engage in mental decolonization, lay The foundation for total liberation, free your mind, the rest will follow!