Destabilizing Chad and Sudan
Destabilizing Chad and Sudan “Chad's troubled post-independence history is an extreme case of the problems faced by many post-colonial African states in their attempts to achieve political integration. Formerly part of French Equatorial Africa, Chad's territory was not demarcated with concern for social, cultural and economic coherence, and followed the colonial power's convenience. Like its neighbor Sudan, Chad is split between an Arab-Muslim north and a Christian and animist south, and contains more than 200 distinct ethnic groups, many of which are split into sub-societies with distinctive cultures. The fragmentation of Chad's society and the rivalries that it creates both within and between regions are the root causes of the country's failure to achieve political integration and the resulting personalism that characterizes its political class. The lack of a coherent societal community has left Chad open to corruption -- it shares last place with Bangladesh on Transparency International's corruption index -- which has propelled political defections through fights over spoils and consequent jealousies. Arid, landlocked and lacking basic physical and social infrastructure, Chad is one of the five poorest countries in the world, with 80 percent of its population of 9.5 million gaining its livelihood from subsistence farming and stock raising. The country's economic prospects improved and it gained strategic importance in the late 1990s when its oil fields in the southern Doba region -- estimated to contain one billion barrels -- were developed by an international consortium including ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco and Malaysia's Petronas. Petroleum exports began in 2003, after a pipeline through Cameroon was completed with a capacity of 225,000 barrels per day. As a result of the new oil revenues, Chad's G.D.P. increased by 40 percent in 2004 and is estimated to have grown by a larger percentage in 2005.”
The New York Times dated February 28, 2006 carried a headline bemoaning the worsening conditions in Sudan that have spread across the border to it next door neighbor Chad. When I read that and I reflected on the fact the Bu$h administration has been shedding crocodile tears about he situation in Darfur for the past two weeks I knew something fishy was up. Knowing as I know, the Bu$hites could care less about war, depopulation and depravation in Africa; I started looking deeper. The NY Times fake concerns in a Byline credited to Lydia Polgreen distorts the real deal and obfuscates the real reasons for the destabilization of the region, oil, black gold, bubbling crude.
“ADRÉ, Chad — The chaos in Darfur, the war-ravaged region in Sudan where more than 200,000 civilians have been killed, has spread across the border into Chad, deepening one of the world's worst refugee crises. Arab gunmen from Darfur have pushed across the desert and entered Chad, stealing cattle, burning crops and killing anyone who resists. The lawlessness has driven at least 20,000 Chadians from their homes, making them refugees in their own country. Hundreds of thousands more people in this area, along with 200,000 Sudanese who fled here for safety, find themselves caught up in a growing conflict between Chad and Sudan, which have a long history of violence and meddling in each other's affairs.” She points out marauding Arabs have transgressed into Chad and caused the disruption and dislocation of at least 20,000 Chadians from their own homes and country. Nowhere in her piece does she mention the word oil! Contrast that with the piece in the Power and Interest News Report dated February 28, 2006 which points out the real politic of the destabilization of the whole region. “With disaffection with Deby's regime on the rise, Chad's political class fractured and petrodollars a tempting prize for all contenders for power, the country's cycle of instability is gaining momentum for another rise toward a peak. At present, a war with Sudan does not appear to be imminent, but the possibility for one should not be discounted. More likely is a repeat of past instances of regime change, especially if the fragmented resistance groups are able to forge their united front and the May 2006 presidential election is perceived to have been rigged. Under any probable scenario, Chad's oil industry does not appear to be vulnerable or to be threatened with nationalization. Aware that Chad faces the stress of more than 200,000 refugees from Darfur on its soil and that it might become a failed state and a breeding ground for Islamic revolution if it is allowed to collapse, Western donor states are unlikely to follow the World Bank and I.M.F. in pulling the financial plug. Indeed, they might, as Wolfowitz has suggested, step up their aid. Chad's basic problem is not of its own making, but is the result of its colonial legacy which has left it with a pattern of violent regime change that shifts power from one faction and strongman to another, but that does not take on ideological or structural import. Nothing in the present situation suggests that the basic pattern will be broken by the achievement of a coherent political community or the imposition of a comprehensive dictatorship, whether or not Deby is able to fight his way out of the corner and hang on to his waning power.” She mentions the Arabs and the Arabs are and have been players in the internal and cross border conflicts but ask yourself where are these militias and rebels and thugs on both sides getting their guns? Who is paying for their supplies, who supplies the gas for their vehicles their uniforms etc? Could it be the Western powers who covet the oil and water of both Sudan and Chad have a hand in the chaos that is developing in the region. Notice the writer points out that Western investor states (like the US, Britain, France, and Israel) probably will not pull the plug on Chad investments. Of course not they want to pump money into expropriating the natural resources. ExxonMobil is not stupid! Keep in mind the World Bank and IMF are really tools of the Western Neoliberal elites who work hand in hand with the diplomatic and military arms of the West to keep Africa in disarray, corruption and exploitation. The fact that Bu$h and the NY Times are shedding crocodile tears about Sudan and Chad is a sure sign Western skullduggery is under foot. Keep your eyes and ears open on this and look beyond the headlines for the real deal.
Don't Say You Weren't Warned
Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned
“Under the heading of "civil disturbance planning", the U.S. military is training troops and police to suppress democratic opposition in America. The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, is code-named, "Operation Garden Plot". Originated in 1968, the "operational plan" has been updated over the last three decades, most recently in 1991, and was activated during the Los Angeles "riots" of 1992, and more than likely during the recent anti-WTO ‘Battle in Seattle.’ Current U.S. military preparations for suppressing domestic civil disturbance, including the training of National Guard troops and police, are actually part of a long history of American "internal security" measures dating back to the first American Revolution. Generally, these measures have sought to thwart the aims of social justice movements, embodying the concept that within the civilian body politic lurks an enemy that one day the military might have to fight, or at least be ordered to fight. Equipped with flexible "military operations in urban terrain" and "operations other than war" doctrine, lethal and "less-than-lethal" high-tech weaponry, US "armed forces" and "elite" militarized police units are being trained to eradicate "disorder", "disturbance" and "civil disobedience" in America. Further, it may very well be that police/military "civil disturbance" planning is the animating force and the overarching logic behind the incredible nationwide growth of police paramilitary units, a growth which coincidentally mirrors rising levels of police violence directed at the American people, particularly "non-white" poor and working people.” Frank Morales
The recent Republican back room deal that prevented a Senate committee investigation of Bu$h’s illegal surveillance of US citizens and the Democrats’ cowardly cave in and capitulation have pretty much set the tone for the end of civil liberties in AmeriKKKa. The fact that most AmeriKKKans have acquiesced to being spied upon because the Bu$h administration’s and corporate mind control apparatus’ psychological operation/fear mongering campaign is so successful is yet another nail in the coffin of the illusion that was AmeriKKKa. For Africans, Native Americans and people of color in general, AmeriKKKa has always been a police state but the average white person, could fall back on the notion of white skin privilege and be beguiled and bamboozled by the ruling elites who played the omnipresent race card by tacitly assuring them, they would not be treated like niggers. Keep in mind under the class structure in AmeriKKKa from colonial times until now, if it weren’t for the presence of Africans and other people of color, working class whites would be the bottom dwelling “niggers”, serfs and peons they were in Europe prior to the importation of Africans to this hemisphere! These same white people are about to wake up and find themselves transported back in time to when the robber barons dogged them out, abused and misused them on a regular basis, prior to the establishment of organized labor unions. Working class white folks are the ones who will be herded into the new internment camps along with a few political dissidents and the usual people of color who somehow managed to escape being murdered by the police. What interment camps you ask? The ones Kellogg Brown and Root a subsidiary of Haliburton just got a $385 million dollar contract to construct. They will be a series of “emergency detention centers”. What, didn’t hear about that on the nightly news? Perhaps it is because the mainstream media is in cahoots with the NeoCon fascist cabal that is fast turning AmeriKKKa into a twenty-first century Nazi Germany. The mainstream press for the most part is suppressing information that would alert Joe and Jane Sixpack to what is going on. Alas the AmeriKKKan sheeple are too weak minded to even think for themselves or do some cursory research to counter the lies and disinformation beamed at us 24/7. It takes watch dog groups, the alternative media and white nationalist “patriots” to sound the alarm. Unfortunately the masses of whites aren’t paying attention. The good news is more and more people are waking up but not quickly enough. The NeoCon/Zionist fascists have shifted into high gear. The government’s response to Hurricane Katrina was not inept, it was deliberate. For FEMA it was a test run on how to militarize, lock down and control a major urban area. They did it because New Orleans was a predominately black city. They did it also as a test run in ethnic cleansing; the likes we have not seen in AmeriKKKa since WWII with the internment of Japanese Americans or in previous years with the genocide of Native Americans.
Think I’m being paranoid? Listen to what others have to say, “The elite military/corporate sponsors of Garden Plot have their reasons for civil disturbance contingency planning. Lets' call it the paranoia of the thief. Their rationale is simple: self-preservation. Fostering severe and targeted "austerity", massive inequality and unbridled greed, while shifting more and more billions to the generals and the rich, the de-regulated 'entities of force' and their interlocking corporate directors know quite well what their policies are engendering, namely, a growing resistance. Consequently, they are systematically organizing to protect their interests, their profits, and their criminal conspiracies. To this end, they are rapidly consolidating an infrastructure of repression designed to 'suppress rebellion' against their 'authority'. Or more conveniently put, to suppress 'rebellion against the authority of the United States.' And so, as the Pentagon Incorporated increases its imperialist violence around the world, the chickens have indeed come home to roost here in America in the form of a national security doctrine obsessed with domestic 'insurgency' and the need to pre-emptively neutralize it. Its' code-name: ‘Garden Plot’.” Frank Morales Look at what Kurt Nimmo an ardent chronicler of the fascist NeoCon agenda has to say, “Be afraid. Laurence H. Silberman ‘is a long-time, right wing political activist closely tied to the neo-conservative network that led the pro-war propaganda campaign,’ according to Jim Lobe. ‘In 1980, when he served as part of former Republican president Ronald Reagan’s senior campaign staff, he played a key role in setting up secret contacts between the Reagan-Bush campaign and the Islamic government in Tehran, in what became known as the ‘October Surprise’ controversy.’ In other words, Silberman is a criminal co-conspirator who helped Reagan fix the 1980 election by entering in an agreement with the Iranians (who were supposedly enemies of the United States) to not release the hostages (mostly CIA agents) until after the election. Silberman also served as deputy attorney general under Nixon. It should be remembered the Nixon White House targeted the civil rights and antiwar movements for disruption, using on-campus informants to infiltrate and in many cases to disrupt legal protests and activism (under the FBI’s COINTELPRO, members of the Black Panthers and the American Indian Movement were victims of targeted assassination; see COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story). CIFA is little more than an excuse to get the military back in the business of “investigating” (subverting the Constitutional rights) of Americans. ‘The [Bush stacked] commission urged that CIFA be given authority to carry out domestic criminal investigations and clandestine operations against potential threats inside the United States,’ including the threat of ‘treason’ (not paying fealty to our feudal lord, George Bush, and criticizing his policies—note the accusation Dubya wanted to bomb Doha-based al-Jazeera for not censoring news and you get a pretty good idea what our ill-tempered monarch thinks of people who disagree with him). Our new COINTELPRO, run by military intelligence and probably the CIA, will make the old COINTELPRO pale in comparison.”
Things are getting bad and it is apparent we have very few within the government on our side. The NSA spying is just the tip of the iceberg, a resurrected King Alfred Plan, REX 84, COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos are being set up as we speak. What happened to Cindy Shehan during the recent State of the Union address was a trial balloon to see if the people would raise a fuss and protest the blatant abuses of power, we didn’t so the Bu$hnuts became even more emboldened. Look for more secret legislation supporting dead squads, assassinations and curtailment of civil liberties. The bogus War on Global Terror and 9-11 are the pretext being used for all this. It will get worse before it gets better unless the people wake up. Don’t say you weren’t warned!
The Fear and War Mongers Are Hard At Work
The Fear and War Mongers Are Hard At Work “
Making a virtue of necessity, the Bush administration has used the exposure of its illegal wiretap scheme to ratchet up the level of terrorist scaremongering, accelerate its drive toward a military attack on Iran and publicly proclaim its long-held covert doctrine of executive dictatorship. Of course, "commander rule" is already the de facto state of the union, as Attorney General Alberto Gonzales made clear to the Senate last week, when he refused to deny the notion that the president can contravene any law he chooses under his authority as commander-in-chief. And we have often detailed here the tyrannical powers that President George W. Bush has already bestowed upon himself without objection from the U.S. political establishment, including the power to jail anyone without charges, hold them indefinitely and have them tortured -- or simply murder them in an "extrajudicial killing." The scope of Bush's claimed powers -- arbitrary sway over the life and liberty of every person on earth -- far surpasses that of the most megalomaniacal Roman emperor or totalitarian dictator.”
Using technology and techniques that would make Joseph Goebbles Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda blush with envy, the corporate mind control apparatus acting on behalf of their fascist Globalist masters, are waging a relentless psychological special ops campaign against the AmeriKKKan people to convince us there is a terrorist lurking around every corner, hiding under our beds and infiltrating our neighborhoods just waiting to do us in. Backed by the rhetoric of Bu$h, Cheney and the rest of the NeoCon liars, Joe and Jane Sixpack are being inundated with disinformation and lies designed to keep most unthinking AmeriKKKans in a comatose state of unending fear, disorientation and susceptibility to the ruling elites’ constant programming, indoctrination and induced ignorance. The Nazis and Stalinist Russians would be proud of the work the mainstream media is doing to confuse, obfuscate and hoodwink the AmeriKKKan public into believing a permanent threat of war exists. This nonexistent state of war against terrorism is being used now just as the “Cold War” was decades ago to justify and rationalize George W Bu$h and Dick Cheney circumventing the US Constitution, undermining the Bill of Rights, trampling established International Law and committing massive war crimes with impunity. The all pervasive electronic media has been aided by video games, print and motion pictures to desensitize the masses against gratuitous violence, killing, carnage and collateral damage. Critically observe the television programming and you will discover the two main themes on the AmeriKKKan boob tube are gratuitous violence and sex.
With the flood of violence on the television, video games and movies beamed at the AmeriKKKan public that saturates our homes and businesses, we are being desensitized and programmed to accept militarism and violence as a way of life and a legitimate solution to problems. If you look at television, especially the commercials with an eye towards decoding them for their obvious and subtle messages, you will see violence is also being used to sell products via slapstick scenes and playing to the lowest consciousness possible. Add to this constant stream of violence, the lies and misrepresentations the administration and media proffer on a daily basis, you can see why so many AmeriKKKans fall for the okie-doke. With all this violence being beamed at us, pictures of torture and abuse by AmeriKKKan soldiers and mercenaries against the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Haiti do not faze us. Where is the outrage over the recent release of additional photos of the abuses, torture and human rights violations at the prisons in Iraq and Gitmo? Why aren’t AmeriKKKans up in arms over these perversions? When I think of these atrocities, I glance at the book
Without Sanctuary which I display prominently on a nearby shelf and it helps me keep all this in perspective. Looking at those pictures I realize this is normal for the US of A. As our venerated ancestor Amos N Wilson taught us, if you want to understand the psychology of white folks look at their history! Don’t plan or live your life based upon what they say because they are liars! They will say anything to justify war, rapine and plunder. Saying “we are at war, the Islamic terrorist bogey men are after us because they hate us for our freedoms” justifies the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan, invading their lands and expropriating their resources just as saying they were spreading civilization justified the slaughter of indigenous people all over the world. Saying they were protecting the virtue of white women when they were the ones raping our women and children was a ruse to rationalize the murder, mayhem and mutilation the white males engaged in for centuries here in AmeriKKKa! Just as the Klu Klux Klan intimidated the whole white community and ostracized the few whites who failed to go along with their reign of terror and brutality against blacks, the Bu$h administration and the media use fear and threats to intimidate and discourage dissent and skepticism of their foreign and domestic policies. Just as they used the threat of nuclear war between AmeriKKKa and Russia from the ‘50's to the ‘80's to justify massive expenditures to bulge the coffers of the military- industrial complex for boondoggles to fund research and development of armaments, weapons and technology, Bu$h and Co. are using “terrorism” to excuse bankrupting the nation through massive expenditures on “defense”, war and domestic spying for bogus “national security” needs.
The NSA spying flap has been swept under the rug by a complaisant US Senate, the fascist sycophants in Congress are now about to extend the Orwellian USA PATRIOT ACT which will ensure US citizens will be under militarized police state surveillance and government anti-dissent operations that will make life during slavery, COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos of the ‘60 and ‘70's look tame by comparison. The illusion called AmeriKKKa is on life support. If nothing is done to stop the fascists; AmeriKKKa will resemble Nazi Germany within a few months or a year. Specious prevarications about Al CIAda and a bogey man named Osama bin-Laden causing 9-11 have been accepted by the AmeriKKKan public as facts and Saddam Hussein’s mythical weapons of mass destruction are being recycled about Iran. Lobotomized AmeriKKKans will fall for the okie doke and never ask why is it white nations that use WMD on a regular basis can have nuclear weapons, but Arabs, Asians or Africans can not?! AmeriKKKa is the only country to deploy atomic weapons on civilian populations, yet they cry wolf the loudest!! Even if Iran developed nuclear weaponry, it would merely serve as a counterweight to Israel’s nuclear stockpile and deter some of Israel’s aggression in the region. But the media is spreading fear and lies about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons as a justification for a planned military attack on that country. Wake up! Stop allowing the NeoCons and the media to play us for chumps and suckers. Wake up white people, stop allowing yourselves to be punked by the media! Wake up people of color, the fascists will turn on us if we don’t embrace their perpetual wars and in good conscience we know we cannot become warmongers like the Bu$h/Cheney crowd. Everybody stand up for your rights or soon and very soon you won’t have any.
Guns Germs and Steel
Guns Germs and Steel Last night I watched the last few minutes of a PBS program entitled
Guns Germs and Steel. It was based upon a book by Jared Diamond that looks at world history and posits Europeans dominate the world because of several key factors: the domestication of crops and animals in Eurasia, advanced weapons technology and the fatal diseases that helped them wipe out most of the indigenous populations they came in contact with as they descended upon the globe like locusts. Of course Diamond’s piece while accurate about the devastation Europeans have wrought upon humanity spins it to make it look as if white rapine and domination are merely the luck of the geographic and genetic draw. Since I hadn’t seen the whole program, I went to the PBS Website and looked up the program and read the synapsis of the three part series. I saw the last part about Africa and the part I saw did mention how the invading Europeans suffered from malaria which the indigenous Africans had developed ingenious ways to combat and immune themselves from, the end of the program showed the usual propaganda about Africa, disease ravaged Africans dying in massive numbers from squalid conditions and malaria a disease their ancestors had developed ways to survived but where in this predicament because of European imperialism and barbarity.
Reading the synopsis of the series on the PBS Website was quite interesting . Diamond is a genuine academician but none the less he has his own cultural biases and blind spots. While it is true Eurasians domesticated animals and had access to wild crops like wheat, barley and rice Diamond’s account of history is less than accurate. Now keep in mind my position is based not on seeing the whole program but the reading the synopsis on the PBS Website and my own studies. Interestingly, Diamond’s series actually hails Sub-tropical African social organization and progress but says nothing about the Nile Valley. While Diamond’s documentary does mention the Fertile Crescent little is said about the Indus Valley or Sumer civilizations which were Africoid and black. And while it is true the Eurasians had access to the wild crops of rice barley and wheat and numerous domesticated animals that were not available in other sections of the ancient world, the Eurasians did not develop the types of settled urbanized civilizations and central government organizations that sprang up in the Nile, Indus, Mesopotamia or Yellow River valleys. In fact my reading of the material is a rehash of the typical white supremacist garbage even though Diamond attempts to be “objective”. As food gathers and hunters all humans migrated in search of fresh and abundant food sources. However at some point many groups settled and became sedentary because they were able to find ideal conditions of ample food or were able to cultivate and domesticate the crops they found or transported to new locations. I find it interesting Diamond came to the conclusion it was the luck of the draw and geography that allowed Europeans to dominate the world. A closer look may provide an alternative theory. Even Diamond pointed out in his segment on Africa, that the Zulus had created an empire through conquest albeit not the type of slashed earth, bloodletting conquests of the Europeans. A real question would be why were the Europeans so aggressive and ruthless? Why did they bring death and destruction everywhere they set foot on planet earth? Why did they come with the intent to rob and steal from the aboriginal people? In what ways if any, did geography directly influence the belligerent ways Europeans interacted with indigenous folk?
I must admit I am biased because from my perspective, Europeans are not smarter nor are they more resourceful than nay other group of humans. As their history clearly indicates they were just more barbaric. Think about this, if according to Diamond the Europeans had the raw materials i.e. the abundant crops and domesticated animals why didn’t they, build sedentary civilizations like those found in the Nile Valley, Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, the Andes or Mexico? What prompted their nomadic existence? Why are there no pyramids in Eurasia? There are numerous pyramids in the Sudan, Ethiopia, Nubia and even in South America, why none in Europe? Why is it the first time we see Caucasians in history they come on set as invaders, rapists and marauders? I agree with Diamond on one issue, the diseases the Europeans transported all over the world and their current propensity to use biological warfare for conquest are a major factor in their dominance as well as their obsession with weaponry, and killing. If conditions were so ripe for progress in Eurasia why was so much of their cultural activity devoted to war and plunder? Also why did Diamond focus on say smallpox when the Europeans also devastated and whipped out whole cultures with their venereal diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea?
When we look at the ancestry of the Indo-Europeans Diamond’s, theories while having some merit do not tell the whole story. Obviously there are moral and spiritual aspects Diamond fails to see or refused to recognize. What are the moral implications of the legacy of invasion, murder rapine and plunder of the Indo-Europeans. Obviously they thought and still think, judging by their modern decedents (the British and AmeriKKKans) it is okay to invade, murder, rob and plunder. We see that being played out in current events today. But then again that is the basic premise of Diamond’s work.
Decolonize Your Mind
Decolonize Your Mind “
We accepted the mission schools which were established to enlighten us, without questioning the unforeseen costs of our so-called education. These mission schools plundered our children’s self-esteem by teaching them that, as Africans they were inherently ‘bad people.’ Our children grew up not wanting to be citizens of Africa. Instead, their education fostered the colonial ideal that they would be better off becoming citizens of the colonizing nations. I speak of the price Africans have paid for their education and ‘enlightenment’ from personal experience. I was born ‘Chukwurah’ but my missionary schoolteachers insisted I drop my “heathen” name. The prefix ‘Chukwu’ in my name is the Igbo word for “God.” Yet, somehow, the missionaries insisted that ‘Chukwurah’ was a name befitting a godless pagan. The Catholic Church renamed me ‘Philip’, and Saint Philip became my patron and protector, replacing God, after whom I was named. I have to argue that something more than a name has been lost. Something central to my heritage has been stripped away. This denial of our past is the very antithesis of a good education. Our names represent not only our heritage, but connect us to our parents and past. As parents, the names we choose for our children reflect our dreams for their future and our perceptions of the treasures they represent to us. My indoctrination went far deeper than just a name. The missionary school tried to teach me that saints make better role models than scientists. I was taught to write in a new language. As a result, I became literate in English but remain illiterate in Igbo – my native tongue. I learned Latin – a dead language I would never use in the modern world – because it was the official language of the Catholic Church, which owned the schools I attended. Today, there are more French speakers in Africa than there are in France. There are more English speakers in Nigeria than there are in the United Kingdom. There are more Portuguese speakers in Mozambique than there are in Portugal. The Organization of African Unity never approved an African language as one of its official languages. We won the battle of decolonizing our continent, but we lost the war on decolonizing our minds.”- Philip Emeagwali scientist and inventor of the super computer precursor to the Internet
Today Africans throughout the world still suffer from the egregious effects of massive brainwashing and culturally induced menticide. In 2006 in East and West Africa African women are bleaching their skins in a vain effort to lighten their skin tone so they look like Europeans. All around the world African women are straightening their hair trying to look like their oppressor. In Asia and the Pacific indigenous women are having cosmetic surgery performed on their eyes to look more European! We speak the languages of our enemies, we think linearly just like they do and we have been trained to despise and reject anything African unless it has been validated by whites. Several years ago while on a cruise to the Caribbean I spoke with a Sistah at the Black Holocaust Museum on the island of Curacao who informed me most of the African looking people on that island related to Holland as their “motherland” instead of Africa. She said those who left Curacao seeking a better life, went to the Netherlands rather than the continent of Africa or another Caribbean island! Last week during a session with the mentoring program my fraternity conducts I asked some of the high school boys their impressions of Black History Month, what if anything they knew about Africa or African-American history. Their responses were pathetic and these are extremely bright highly motivated young brothers who plan to further their education beyond the secondary level. Most could talk about Coretta Scott King or Mother Rosa Parks both who recently made their transition but for the most part except for one or two their fund of knowledge about black history was extremely limited and shallow. Many of them attend private schools, magnet and charter schools and the top academic public schools, which makes their situation all the more disheartening. If these young brothers know little or nothing about African and African-American history and culture what are the students who attend the poorer inner city schools getting?
They say ignorance is bliss, I don’t buy that. I believe the truth will make you free, enlightenment is empowerment, intuition is our free source of wisdom and link to omneity. There is no excuse for being ignorant other than not wanting to know. Desire for knowledge and wisdom will be rewarded commensurate to our efforts to seek them! We have been the targets and victims of a deliberate and planned program of menticide, the wanton destruction of our minds. As painful as it may be to acknowledge this reality, we must! Just as it was psychologically uncomfortable to see our people in New Orleans abandoned, neglected and abused during Hurricane Katrina we must conclude the US government’s priorities were not to save their lives. No amount of spin, sham and obfuscation will alter the fact the US government deliberately set the stage for the disaster through lack of funding for the maintenance and improvement of the levees and purposely exacerbated the catastrophe by their abysmal response and misguided priorities. We cannot just sit back and blame white folks. Ithey were jsut doing what they always do. It is not their responsibility to educate or empower us, especially now that we know for certain their programs of genocide and menticide are in full effect! We must begin to decolonize our minds. We must think Race First and be willing to be criticized and ostracized for being true to ourselves and our people. It is time we stopped pretending not to know what we know. It is irresponsible to stick our heads in the proverbial sand and expose our behinds to abuse and attack. Our enemies are ruthless and they will think nothing of unleashing the vilest forms of abuse, death and destruction upon us. Our history here is proof positive of that. If we have any doubts look at what they did to the original inhabitants of this hemisphere. Look at what they have done everywhere they’ve set their feet on planet earth. Look at all the killing, maiming and exploitation they are doing in Iraq, Haiti and Afghanistan under the pretext of bringing “freedom and democracy”.
We must deprogram and decolonize our minds. We must step out of the Matrix and squarely and honestly face reality. We have been brainwashed to believe whites are the best and brightest. Not so! We have been conditioned to think they are the most beautiful when in fact their lack of melanin is a hereditary and genetic curse. Their skin wrinkles and ages faster than ours and only the airbrushing and trick photography they use makes them look good in their media. We have been programmed by the media to think Europeans are heroes, invincible and omnipotent when in recent years rice farming peasants defending their countries from brutal imperialists ran them out of Southeast Asia, uncompromising Africans ran them out of Somalia, a coalition of Africans and Cubans defeated them and ran them out of Angola, freedom loving Columbians are giving them fits and Arabs and Shia are bedeviling them in Iraq as we speak. We know just how cowardly whites are. Even the so called good ones are afraid to stand up to the fascists who are moving to establish a police state that will eventually oppress them! What Africans need is the courage and volition to forge our own freedom. To be free first begins in the mind. We have to define what freedom means. No sane person would define freedom as taking on the same psychopathic personality, values and worldview as our oppressors! No sane person would say, “let’s be like them because they exemplify the best in humanity” with their deceit, bloodlust, rapine and willingness to destroy the ecosystem and planet with no thought to the short range or long term consequences! Deprogram your mind, decolonize your mind and come out of the culturally induced stupor. Your/our future and the salvation of the whole planet depend upon it!
Disenfranchising Africans in AmeriKKKa
Disenfranchising Africans in AmeriKKKa “American laws that strip convicted felons of the right to vote, barring nearly five million from the polls in the last election, are the most punitive and regressive laws of their kind in the democratic world. Several states have recently softened or eliminated the voting bans, and many others are considering laws that could eventually establish voting as a basic American right that should never be curtailed in a way that bars a whole class of people from the polls. This attitude is gaining traction even in the Deep South, which pioneered voting bans to disenfranchise black Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But the new trend toward fairness has somehow vaulted over Pennsylvania, where the Republican majority in the State House is pushing to pass one of the most odious felon-voting bans ever seen above the Mason-Dixon line. ” New York Times 02-10-06
This past Sunday immediately after I finished my Internet radio program I served as a guest on a Philadelphia AM station owned by blacks, where ironically I got my start in radio, WHAT 1340 AM. The program Prism is hosted by a Jewish woman and a Sistah. I was a co-guest with another writer, Internet Web Mistress and Internet radio talk show host Carol Williams. We spoke about the Internet, politics, current events and her new Internet radio station World Wide Community Radio on . One of the topics we mentioned was a pending bill in the Pennsylvania legislature that will prevent convicted felons from voting in any election. When the topic was mentioned and I got a chance to speak ( it was rough being on a program with three women who were physically in the studio and I was participating via telephone call in) I immediately pointed out the political implications of the bill; that it was a vicious attempt to disenfranchise mostly black and brown people. In my opinion such a move would reduce them to passive, impotent non-entities in the political process. Whites have a long history of attempting to keep black people out of the system but the fascists in the Republican Party are doing everything within their power to create a one party monopoly in AmeriKKKa. They desperately want to swing Pennsylvania and New Jersey into the Republican column and just as they did in Florida in 2000 they feel this is the best way to do it by eliminating as many people of color as possible! Hopefully the Democrats in Pennsylvania are more resourceful, courageous and aggressive than their counterparts in the US Congress and Senate when it comes to thwarting the nefarious plans of their Republicans colleagues. All over the country grass roots organizations, voting and prison rights groups are battling to turn back attempts to disenfranchise prisoners most of whom are African-AmeriKKKan and Hispanic. People like Roberta Franklin a talk show host on WAPZ 1250 AM in Montgomery Alabama organized a grassroots rally and March on Washington D.C. in Lafayette Park across from the White House this past Summer on August 13, 2005. One of the main issues she and other speakers railed against; was the deliberate attempts to strike millions from the voting rolls simply because they have a criminal record. Prior to her organizing the D.C. rally, Roberta Franklin waged a grass roots campaign in Alabama to demand sentencing and prisoner rights reform. If people like Roberta Franklin can do it in a place like Alabama surely the folks in Pennsylvania can beat back the fascist forces of oppression and disenfranchisement.
An Op-Ed piece in the New York Times pointed out the Pennsylvania Bill is designed to impact future elections by purging the election rolls of many who would normally support Democrats. The Republicans are waging class warfare and their strategy is to undermine the least of those who might normally vote Democratic. Unfortunately on the national level the Democrats are aiding them by being so Milquetoast and turning their backs on their traditional core constituencies of organized labor, progressive social activists including the anti-war movement, civil rights and working class folks as they seek to move the Democratic Party further to the right themselves. The Republican plan is so odious, it is a no brainer for the Democrats to oppose it and expose the Republicans for the scum they are. According to the New York Times,
“Under current Pennsylvania law, people can vote once they leave prison. But a bill pending in the Legislature would disenfranchise those on parole or probation. The bill would go further and bar convicts from voting until the dates when their maximum sentences would expire — even if they had been fully released from the system much earlier. Pennsylvania, a swing state that will hold some critical elections this fall, is being barraged by legislation, championed by Republican lawmakers, that would raise voting barriers, especially for groups that tend to be Democratic. One measure would institute one of the most restrictive voter-identification laws in the nation, in a state that currently requires only first-time voters to prove their identities. Pennsylvanians — who have been at the forefront of fairness in voting rights issues — should not allow partisanship to erase that legacy.” Surely the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania should seize on such an attempt by the Republicans to disenfranchise a large number of blacks and Hispanics and make that a rallying cry to spur increased interest in electoral politics. Whether they will or not remains to be seen. If the Republicans are successful in Pennsylvania they may set a trend that turns the clock back and ushers in an era of massive black disenfranchisement. It would not surprise me given the way things are going and it is obvious the Republicans are trying to go retro by bringing back the days of the robber barons, eliminating vestiges of New Deal Social Welfare programs and restoring racial disenfranchisement across the land.
The Devils Are Still At It
The Devils Are Still At It “The West has benefitted from the plunder carried out by Uganda and Rwanda in eastern Congo. The mining of coltan, an ore that provides tantalum, a key element in so-called “pinhead capacitors” used in cell phones, was a major source of profits to those armies and a major reason for their continued operations – of course, they received mere pennies for every dollar the cell-phone makers made...T he West is, of course, also responsible for the brutal history of Congo that led up to this. Belgium essentially turned the entire country into a massive slavery and forced labor plantation, killing an estimated 10 million in the process. After independence, Belgium and the United States collaborated in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, a leader who held out genuine hope to the people of Congo, and his replacement by the tyrannical and corrupt Mobutu.”
Everywhere on this planet where we find massive disruption, social upheaval and war, if we do even a little cursory research we will see the diabolical hand of the white West. It is obvious in Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and Columbia but what about the regional and local conflicts in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. If you scratch the surface you will find at least some Western involvement if not in the sale and distribution of weapons and supplies to one or both sides of the dispute. Also your research will most likely reveal mineral resources, land or geostrategic location as the focal point of Western interests that are spurring their involvement and instigation of these wars. In a post on the Empire Notes blog, Rahul Mahajan points out just how the West (read Europeans) stirs up and agitates wars and mischief in Africa that will benefit themselves but which cost the lives of countless Africans.
“The latest issue of the Lancet, the well-known British medical journal, contains a shocking report on mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Between April and July 2004, a multinational team of researchers carried out an exhaustive survey of 19,500 households in randomly selected clusters, leaving out the roughly 10% of the country where violence was too great. They conclude that excess mortality in Congo, a nation of 64 million people, is 38,000 per month – this excess measured with respect to the baseline of sub-Saharan Africa’s already staggeringly high crude mortality rate of 1.5 per 1000 per month. This dwarfs the sanctions on Iraq, where the excess mortality was 5-10,000 per month and was also calculated with respect to a baseline of much lower mortality. Ever since the overthrow of Mobutu’s kleptocratic regime in 1997, Congo has been wracked by violence. Starting in 1998, it was the site of what is sometimes called Africa’s First World War, a civil war that involved eight other nations -- Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Angola, Namibia, Chad, Sudan, and Libya – as well as numerous indigenous armed groups. That war officially ended in 2002, with an estimated death toll of 3.3 million.” This nothing but a continuation of the long history of European imperialism exploitation and rapine not only in Africa but throughout the world. All over the continent the villainous machinations of the Europeans have resulted in wholesale death and destruction whether it was the civil wars in Nigeria, Sudan, Liberia, the genocide in Rwanda, regional strife between Eritrea and Ethiopia or the wars to maintain their colonial death grip in Angola. The Europeans’ goal is always divide and rule with the focus of securing the riches, cheap labor and controlled markets of Africa.
In the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo the Europeans covet the mineral wealth embedded in the region. The
US CIA World Book of Facts lists these minerals: gold, diamonds, cobalt, copper and zinc, tin and manganese all vital for the technology and value for the “progress” and maintenance of Western lifestyles. The West has been expropriating the mineral wealth since the nineteenth century when King Leopold of Belgium made the region his own personal fiefdom. From then on the pale leeches sucked everything they could out of the Congo region. In his book
A Biography of the Continent Africa author John Reader writes,
“By 1959, the Congo was producing 9 percent of the world’s copper. 49 per cent of its cobalt, 69 per cent of its industrial diamonds and 6.5 per cent of its tin. Palm-oil, cotton, and coffee alone contributed 53 million to the country’s exports. No other colony in Africa could boast of such riches, so profitably exploited. No wonder commentators looked upon the Congo as a paragon of colonial virtue.” page 651 The key word here are profitably exploited. Reader goes on the say
“The country was highly profitable, efficient and peaceful.” I suspect our African brethren would dispute his claim the country was peaceful given the Belgians were notoriously ruthless in their treatment of the indigenous peoples of the area. King Leopold’s murderous legacy was carried on even following “independence”, when AmeriKKKa and Belgium collaborated to assassinate Patrice Lumumba a pro-African nationalist leader and replaced him with a sociopathic puppet like Sese Seko Mobutu. The devils (and the use of this word is not to imply Europeans are supernatural or perversely divine in any way, it signifies they are the personification of evil!) are continuing their program of devastation and rapine not only in what is now called the Democratic Republic of Congo but all over the continent. The Congo is merely a microcosm of what the devils are doing throughout Africa.
“The West is, of course, also responsible for the brutal history of Congo that led up to this. Belgium essentially turned the entire country into a massive slavery and forced labor plantation, killing an estimated 10 million in the process. After independence, Belgium and the United States collaborated in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, a leader who held out genuine hope to the people of Congo, and his replacement by the tyrannical and corrupt Mobutu. After doing so much to create Congo’s problems, the West has no interest in trying to fix them. There is no imperialist imperative to control the country; why should there be when resources flow freely without requiring any trouble on the part of the West? The UN peacekeeping force was recently increased to 16,700, or one person per 60 square miles, but in 2004 the UN was only able to raise half of the funds allocated for them. Nobody is pushing to get control there any more than they were in Liberia or than they are in Darfur.”
As we focus attention on Iraq and Iran let us not forget what the devils are doing to our people in Africa and Haiti. We are in a global struggle and war, a titanic battle of life and death proportions, let us not stick our heads in the proverbial sand and pretend not to know what we know. Because as the personification of evil it is only a matter of time before these devils, sociopaths, psychopaths whatever you choose to call them, turn their collective wolfish attention on Africans here in AmeriKKKa.
Psychological Warfare, Demonizing Islam “In a strongly worded statement issued late on Monday, Austria, the current holder of the EU presidency, said it had instructed its embassies in the Middle East, Asian and African countries to demand increased security measures for European citizens and premises after a wave of anti-European violence by Muslim protesters. Ursula Plassnik, the Austrian foreign minister, said national authorities must take the necessary steps to ensure security. The countries included Egypt, Algeria, Ethiopia, Iran, Jordan, Indonesia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates as well as the Palestinian Territories.” www.Al 02-07-06
For the last few days the corporate mind control apparatus has dutifully broadcast images and sound bytes of angry Muslims rioting and burning Danish flags all around the world following the publishing and republishing of offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad and equating him with terrorism. One cartoon depicted him with a turban that looked like a missile. Let me make this disclaimer, I did not see all the cartoons published by the Danish newspaper nor am I a Muslim. My interest in all this is to point out the obvious and subtle political implications of this scenario. First of all this is a psychological warfare campaign designed to further demonize Arabs and Muslims to breed more fear and loathing of Arabs and Muslims amongst the Western populations. This campaign is being manufactured to validate and fuel the ruling elite’s bogus “War on Terror” so they can justify more war, rapine and plunder of Muslim countries. How convenient that following the republishing of a Danish newspaper’s anti-Islamic cartoon, Muslims around the world started attacking European embassies! The key piece of evidence that this is all a contrived response is the fact the same exact cartoon was originally printed in the Danish newspaper
Jylands-Posten back in September of 2005. My question is, why all of a sudden the big to do about the cartoons? Where was the big outcry back in September? Where were the calls for restraint on the part of Muslim clerics this time? From the reports in the obviously biased Western media, it appears that Muslims around the world are up in arms acting like park apes over the cartoons. There have been vocal, violent and boisterous demonstrations across the world with Danish embassies in such far off Muslim countries as Indonesia and Bangladesh being subjected to massive demonstrations. Where did they get all those Danish flags they are burning? Come on wake up!
Stop and think about this for a moment. If a group of people wanted to make Muslims look bad what are some of the ways they could goad them into irrationality? The Danish newspaper
Jylands-Posten deliberately published offensive cartoons they knew would anger Muslims back in September of 2005 with little or no fanfare! Why were the cartoons republished five months later? Why, because it is part of a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to inflame religious sensibilities, to pit white Westerners against Colored Muslims to further the notion of a pending “clash of civilizations”. Why? Because this is more cost effective than a 9-11 or London bombing false flag “terrorist attack” operation on US or European soil. It allows the all pervasive controlled media to capture and disseminate images of angry “Muslims” (many who are really operatives and agents provocateur in the employ of US, British or Israelis) assaulting and tearing down embassies belonging to white countries. Many of the images being broadcast feature darker complexioned Arabs and Muslims, that’s an even better psychological stratagem, a double whammy; darkie Muslim terrorists, images like those will send shivers up and down the spines of Joe and Jane Sixpack who are eating this stuff up like crazy. These images are being flashed around the world just as the US Senate Judiciary Committee is going through their charade “investigating” domestic spying on AmeriKKKans. The administration maintains their illegal wiretaps are constitutional and are vital tools in their ongoing “war on terror”. Meanwhile, on cue and in the bright glare of the mind control spotlight, Attorney general Alberto Gonzales keeps talking about, terrorists and Al Qaeda a supposedly fanatic Muslim terrorist organization which for the most part is a figment of the CIA/MI6/Mossad and media’s nefarious imaginations. The fear factor will push the envelop even further as the non-thinking masses rush like sheep begging Gonzales and his fascist cohorts to save their stupid behinds.
Yesterday I heard a white guy say, “with all these embassies being attacked damn right our government better tap the phones.” One sucker convinced, only a few million more to go. Make no mistake about it, there are millions here in AmeriKKKa and around the world who feel the same way; they are willing to give up their “freedoms” for a greater sense (illusion/delusion) of security in the fascist police state. Alas as has been stated on many occasions in the past, those who are willing to give up their freedom for security, always end up with neither! The mind control apparatus is using the cartoon situation (how appropriate white AmeriKKKa is being duped and played over a cartoon) to demonize Arabs and Muslims. The demonizing of Arabs and Muslims is only being done to further the fascist agenda of the NeoConmen. The sad reality is most AmeriKKKans are falling for the okie-doke hook line and sinker! Ask yourself who benefits from all this? What group or groups will get over if we give in to fear and allow them to manipulate our fearfulness? How many more illegal wars will they launch? How many more Muslims, Haitians or Columbians will have to die because we are too scared and stupid to realize the game that is being run on us? Like I said, I’m no Muslim nor am I an Arab, but it will only be a matter if time before the racist/fascists here in AmeriKKKa turn on us with a vengeance again. The sooner we wake up to this reality the better prepared to counter it we will be.
The Continuing Nazification of AmeriKKKa
The Continuing Nazification of AmeriKKKa “Americans need to understand that many interests are using the "war on terror" to achieve their agendas. The Federalist Society is using the "war on terror" to achieve its agenda of concentrating power in the executive and packing the Supreme Court to this effect. The neocons are using the war to achieve their agenda of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. Police agencies are using the war to remove constraints on their powers and to make themselves less accountable. Republicans are using the war to achieve one-party rule--theirs. The Bush administration is using the war to avoid accountability and evade constraints on executive powers. Arms industries, or what President Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex," are using the war to fatten profits. Terrorism experts are using the war to gain visibility. Security firms are using it to gain customers. Readers can add to this list at will. The lack of debate gives carte blanche to these agendas. One certainty prevails. Bush is committing America to a path of violence and coercion, and he is getting away with it.” Paul Craig Roberts
I was at the gym this morning in the sauna and one of the brothers who works out there every day asked the white guy sitting next to him, what he was reading? The man replied an editorial from what appeared to be the New York Times. He said it was about domestic spying and asserted that with all these terrorists attacking embassies around the world the government should be tapping our phones. I normally don’t get into conversations like that but I suggested to the white dude that he do some reading research on the Church Committee’s 1976 report (The Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Regard to Intelligence Activities) that revealed the abuses of COINTElPRO and Operation Chaos conducted by the FBI and CIA and asked himself if this country wanted to go down that road again? The white guy looked at me with that deer in the headlight’s look and asked if I was talking about what the FBI did to Martin Luther King Jr? Naturally since I was black that was all he could fathom me referring to the US police state, the FBI tapping a man like King’s phones. I added the government also spied upon and attacked: organized labor, the anti-war movement as well as Civil Rights leaders. A white woman sitting near me in a lotus position sort of woke up and chimed in the conversation. “Some people think the US government was in on 9-11.” She said. I responded the only way 9-11 could have possibly happened was if the US government was in on it. “Where was NORAD, the FAA, the military or the FBI ?” I asked. The tension in the room shot way up. There was some banter about the wiretaps and the FISA Court, whereupon I shared those FISA laws were passed as a result of the abuses during the Vietnam War uncovered and revealed by the Church Committee report. I also mentioned that the CIA retaliated against Senator Church by giving money and aid to defeat him in his bid for re-election. The woman, a sort of old school hippy, mentioned Hurricane Katrina as an example of government ineptitude. I replied that that too, was deliberate and if people don’t wake up soon, AmeriKKKa was going to be like Nazi Germany. With that, all the whites got up and left. I remained in the sauna for a few more minutes and then continued my work out in the swimming pool and the whirlpool. Later I was in the men’s shower area and one of the white men who was in the sauna during the “discussion” came over to me and sheepishly admitted the intrusions into the privacy of citizens lives’ did indeed pose a threat. He was especially concerned about the right wing drift of the US Supreme Court. I agreed with him and suggested Kelo vs. New London as an example of how a fascist Supreme Court could rule that taking people’s property and giving it to for-profit developers was okay. Then he too got that deer in the headlight’s look .
As I showered and got cleaned up, I thought to myself, those two encounters were classic examples of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when facts and stimuli go against a person’s especially a white person’s, firmly entrenched beliefs most will shut down mentally or become angry. I got dressed and left but I couldn’t help thinking about several Internet posts I’d read recently about the dummying down of AmeriKKKa. One even said most AmeriKKKans were simply dumber than George W Bu$h. “
Two recent polls, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll and a New York Times/CBS News poll, indicate why Bush is getting away with impeachable offenses. Half of the US population is incapable of acquiring, processing and understanding information. Much of the problem is the media itself, which serves as a disinformation agency for the Bush administration. Fox 'News' and right-wing talk radio are the worst, but with propagandistic outlets setting the standard for truth and patriotism, all of the media is affected to some degree. Despite the media's failure, about half the population has managed to discern that the US invasion of Iraq has not made them safer and that the Bush administration's assault on civil liberties is not a necessary component of the war on terror. The problem, thus, lies with the absence of due diligence on the part of the other half of the population.” 01-29-06 H. L. Mencken a famous white AmeriKKKan journalist and writer once said, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Based on my experiences today at the gym, I’d say he was correct.
Random Thoughts On Current Events
Random Thoughts On Current Events I find it ironic and symbolic that Queen Mother Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King who both were integral and catalytic players in a freedom struggle that forced their lives to intertwine as they attempted to reshape AmeriKKKan society and culture for the better made their transitions from this physical realm within months of each other. Their lives and destinies came together in Montgomery Alabama in 1955 and they continued to make a difference until the very end. Mrs. Rosa Parks became a venerated ancestor in October of 2005, Mrs. King made her transition two days ago. During the tumultuous times they struggled to break the death-grip of state mandated racial caste, oppression and brutality, they were spied upon, targeted by local psychopaths and police. State and federal authorities were leery of them simply because they dared to challenge the centuries’ old entrenched, institutionalized and systemic white domination, genocide, forced subordination and oppression of Africans in AmeriKKKa. Mrs. Parks and King both exemplified uncompromising courage to withstand virulent and vicious white reactionism while working to ameliorate conditions for their/our people. They passed within months of each other at a time when the psychopathic, racist and megalomaniacal mentality they battled in 1955 resurrected itself and is growing ever more pervasive in AmeriKKKa! These stalwart soldiers of human rights are no longer with us, yet the conditions of oppression, militarism and racial caste they fought so hard to eradicate, remain. Mother Parks and Mrs. King have gone on but we remain. What is the lesson in their loss for us other than the reality none of us is going to get out of here alive, we will all make our transition into the great initiation we call death? What is the message in this mess? Can we see beyond the veil of our awe of death and the sadness we may feel to realize, now is our time? Can we see this as our opportunity to make our mark on the world and leave it a better place like Mother Parks and Mrs. King attempted to do? Our challenge remains and is no less then the ones they faced. The evils of global white supremacy, fascist militarism, imperial hubris/overreach still threaten the world, its ecosystems and humanity; what are we going to do? Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King refused to sit idly by on the sidelines of life consigned to roles as passive spectators. They refused to take it any more. They had the courage of their convictions, they found the inner strength to oppose concentrated and virulent evil. Each in her own way got passionately involved . Each one was committed and each one willingly paid the price. What are we going to do? How will we live Ma’at (Divine Order, Harmony, Equilibrium, Truth, Justice, Righteousness and Reciprocity) and make it a reality amidst the chaos, hatred, fear, deceit, malevolence and selfishness that permeates this culture and resonates into the world? Perhaps the passing of Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King so close together may be signposts on the road of our lives and our struggle; reminding each of us it’s time to step up and make a difference in the world, make a world of difference and make the world different!
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Is it me or are the people in the White House, US Congress and Senate and US Supreme Court drinking something strange in their water and coffee or smoking some wacky weed we don’t know about? I watched some of George W Bu$h’s ( I still can’t bring myself to call him President) State of The Union speech last night, and for the life of me I can’t see what all the standing and clapping was for. What did he say that was so profound, so uplifting, so truthful or so encouraging that those folks would break out clapping every few minutes. I know those things are scripted and staged that they are nothing but a show; but come on, be real. It must be the water in the Capital Building and White House. I know they are indoctrinated into their various philosophies; conservative and liberal (its all the same ol’ white supremacy) but every time I see Condoleeza Rice and look at her eyes you can’t tell me she hasn’t been subjected to even more severe indoctrination than the rest. Her body language and eyes tell me she has had something more than the usual Council on Foreign, Relations Trilateral Commission, right wing think tank brainwashing that people in her position get in order to function in those roles. Maybe she was part of the MK- ULTRA mind control of the CIA. Yeah that must be it. But what about the rest of them? I know most of the US Senators are millionaires and the Congressmen, many of them (as revealed in the current Abramoff scandal) are money grubbers, who are far removed from the daily hustle and grind most of us experience; but how could supposedly sane, knowledgeable and worldly people jump up and down to applaud the madness Bu$h was uttering last night? It was a pure dog and pony show. The networks and print media tried to create a phoney sense of anticipation; as if a man like Bu$h who has been duly and thoroughly exposed as a liar, fraud and incompetent could possibly have anything worthy or meaningful to say? Give us a break! To top the madness off, while Bu$h was ranting about AmeriKKKa bringing freedom and democracy to the world, Cindy Shehan the women who helped focus national attention on his debacle in Iraq this past Summer was arrested and detained by the Capital Police merely because she wore an anti-war tee shirt! Talk about irony. Just another day in Bu$harro world. We should make like the African AmeriKKKan folk hero Shine who turned his back on the frantic pledges of riches and the harlotry of the sinking white world and swam to safety. Yeah we should be like ol’ Shine. We should stroke on to sanity, swim on to truth and justice leaving the bedraggled Titanic (AmeriKKKa) to sink into the ocean of its self-inflicted Karma.