Thursday, July 28, 2005

It’s Time To Take The Offensive

It’s Time To Take The Offensive

“If an Afrikan centered liberation movement is to be successful it must rescue the collective Afrikan mind and soul from the clutches of Eurocentric and non-Afrikan ideology. Such a movement must organize itself for a struggle to the death against the continuing internalization of self-defeating, self-destructive ideas by Afrikan peoples. It must unit these peoples around the ideology of Afrocentrism and inculcate with in their breasts a life saving, life giving liberating, Afrikan centered consciousness and identity. It must incite the peoples to a new self-knowledge, to the discovery and development of relative, operative strategies, social relations and arrangements; new values and visions with which they will break asunder-forever-the shackles of white supremacy. These ends can only be attainted if the Afrocentric movement goes on the ideological offensive with an overpowering vengeance.” Amos Wilson, Blueprint For Black Power page 231

As we look around the world today we can see the ravaging effects of global white supremacy as it attempts to expand and strengthen its’ stranglehold on the whole globe. The crusade for oil and empire embarked upon by the axis of evil (Britain, the US and Israel) is the latest manifestation of five hundred plus years of predatory rapine, pillage and plunder by the pale faces. If we are to not only survive but return sanity and civility to the world we must as our enlightened ancestor Amos Wilson told us, “take the ideological offensive with and overpowering vengeance.” What is the ideological offensive? It means we must create and propagate our own vision of reality, our own goals and objectives and where we want to g, do and be as a people. We cannot sit passively by and allow the enemies of the world to dictate our vision as Haki Mahubuti has said. Ideology is defined as: a particular system of ideas, particularly on social or political subjects, the science of ideas or their understanding. Ideas are thoughts, images a part of our cognitive processing abilities. All of us have the capacity to think, conjure ideas and images on a regular and endless basis. Bob Law reminds us that ideas rule the world and asked the key question, “whose ideas are you tap dancing to?” To truly be empowered and to actualize our full potential requires we think for ourselves and use our cognitive faculties to their fullest capacities. Think, imagine, dream and exert our will and resources to project and manifest our ideas and images into being! This is the essence of being alive and being fully functioning human being.
Black power is an idea whose time is long overdue! Manifesting power is the birthright of all humans. We are endowed with power and he means to activate and actualize this innate dynamism. The essence of oppression is the squelching of our innate power to think and do for ourselves. The goal of global white supremacy is to undermine and discourage us from thinking for ourselves and acting in our own best interests to ensure their continued hegemony over us. It was a bold statement to utter the words “Black Power” in the 1960's. Those two words struck fear into the hearts of whites. Their response was swift and predictable COINTELPRO, counter insurgency operations and cooption programs to buy off or brainwash those they didn’t frame, kill or discredit. This is why we are in the situation we find ourselves in today. We are no less powerful than we have ever been; we are just more unconscious of our potential and feeling more hopeless, helpless and impotent. The same genius that manifested the pyramids and the great kingdoms and cosmologies of ancient and pre-colonial African still exist within us, we are just too brainwashed against ourselves to realize it! This is Why self-discover and self-actualization are our first priorities. We must know who and what we are. We are not niggas, coons gigaboos pimps and hos. We are Africans, heirs of great genius and accomplishment. This is why our enemies fear us so much!
It is time we realized how powerful we really are. It is time we realized how powerful and essential ideas are. Ideas do rule the world, ideas empower and ennoble or they oppress and degrade. We have seen the devastation of negative ideas and images on us, how whites have flipped the script and used ideas and images to demean and defame Africa and Africans. We must now use ideas, our innate ability to generate thought, create images and plans so we can rebound and stand on our own and project our best African essence onto the world. In the greater scheme of things not only must we do this for ourselves we must do this to save the whole planet!!! It’s time to take the offensive. It’s time to stop shying away from our destiny. We must empower ourselves and the first steps towards self empowerment are self-definition and self-actualization. Meaning after we define ourselves, we consciously endeavor to reconcile our self-image with how we carry ourselves and express (project out into the world) our innate genius. Deep down inside, we know we are great, we know we are smart. The question is, will we use our genius to liberate and benefit ourselves or will our genius be snuffed out or used in service of our enemies? It’s time we put ourselves first. It’s time we moved beyond the fear of our oppressor and acted upon our indwelling genius in ways that are consistent with sanity and the highest ideals of what it means to be fully human. Only then will we transcend the anti-life barbarism of Western ideology and restore the humanity to the human race. To do this we must take the offensive.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Things That Make you Go, Huh?

Things That Make you Go, Huh?

“With the unpopularity of the war in Iraq growing, and with Bush's political troubles mounting, bombing London now makes no sense for "honest terrorists," i.e., terrorists not being run by the US, which has used terrorism as a tool of foreign policy for decades. Why risk increasing Bush's popularity when it is at an all-time low? The way to get European troops out of Iraq is to get the Americans out. Would Denmark stay if the US left? Attacks in Europe strengthen Bush's "resolve" to stay the course, and the few nations who have not joined "the coalition of the leaving" would stay with the Americans. (Conservative Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi announced on July 8 that Italy would probably begin its withdrawal in September. Italy has been talking about a withdrawal for several months).
While it makes no sense for alleged extremists to attack now, it makes all the sense in the world for the neocons to order an attack, even on the soil of America's closest ally. There has to be an actual attack from time to time to keep the fear level up. And what's a few more lives taken when these war criminals have squandered so many thousands of others? If an attack distracts the press from Bush's political woes, ups the fear level in the American and British populace and makes increases in war spending and decreases in civil liberties easier for legislatures to vote for, so be it. You can't make an omelet if you don't break some eggs.” Timely Terrorism Kellia Ramares, Online Journal

Ask yourself why would an hitherto unknown “Al- Qaeda” cell/sect in Europe go and bomb the London transportation system just when news was leaked Britain would be withdrawing some of its’ imperialist forces from Iraq next year? Why would an organization bent on opposing Western aggression in Muslim countries strike now just when one of the three main instigators of such aggression (AmeriKKKa and Israel are the other two) caved into massive anti-war sentiment and decided to bring some of their troops home? Would a real terrorist do such a thing given their goal to drive the “infidels” out was about to be accomplished? Does this make any sense to you? Perhaps that is why there is so much skepticism about the London bombings themselves especially since the “official” story changes daily. If you are a person of color in the United States of AmeriKKKa, you know first hand the ruthlessness and brutality the US government is capable of. If you are a student of history, you know the US government lies and has lied to further the interests of the elitist shot callers and deal makers and they could care less if they had to murder a few innocent men, women and children or kill millions in their wars of conquest. Remember the campaign of genocide against the native inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere? Has it skipped your remembrance the Catholic Church sanctioned the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the Pope himself blessed the ships and brutes that carried those atrocities out? Have you forgotten the Klu Klux Klan is a Christian organization, whose primary tactic is terrorism and once upon a time to be a member in good standing in the white community in AmeriKKKa in the North, South, East and West you had to be a member or supporter of the KKK!!! See the chilling pictorial exhibit “Without Sanctuary” to get a glimpse just how savage white people can be.
Given this reality, what makes you think the US CIA British MI5, MI6 or Israeli Mossad weren’t the ones behind the recent London “attacks”? After all the Zionists blew up hundreds of innocents in the British King David Hotel on July 22, 1946 in Jerusalem in their quest to establish Israel. It makes more sense to believe an axis of evil (AmeriKKKa, Britain Israel) special op team did the bombings than believe some cave dwelling Muslim fanatics pulled off 9-11 all by themselves or that some “secret” offshoot of an organization that really is the figment of the CIA orchestrated the London bombings. After all who benefits from the bombing? Certainly not the anti-occupation forces, Britain was going to pull their troops out and so is Italy! The New World Order gang are the only ones who really benefit; they get to ratchet up the fear of the al-Qaeda bogeyman and keep the press on for their trans-generational War on Terrorism (their blatant crusade for oil, empire and global lock down) and squelch some of the resistence to the war and Bush and Blair's policies. Bush definitely benefits because the bombings took some of the pressure off of Karl Rove, Bush’s wilting approval ratings, his floundering policy agenda and the continuously dismal news from Iraq. Folks aren’t as dumb as the NWO boys think. That’s why so many people around the world are so skeptical of the timing of the London bombings and have refused to fall for the secret al-Qaeda cell did it okie-doke. Yeah, it’s about time!


Monday, July 25, 2005

The Media Is On The Side of The Fascists

The Media is On The Side of The Fascists

“To an astonishing extent, the U.S. media have avoided scrutinizing this U.S. president, even after it became clear he'd launched a war in the name of disarming Iraq of weapons that didn't exist. The Bush administration and the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee blamed this on "faulty intelligence," an explanation the media have largely parroted. The Senate committee promised last summer to probe what role the White House may have played in concocting the faulty intelligence — but only after the presidential election. Once the president was re-elected last fall, the Senate committee chairman, Republican Pat Roberts, simply cancelled the promised investigation of the White House's role, insisting it would be "a monumental waste of time to replow this ground any further." Replow it further? How about plowing it once? Roberts's decision to let the administration off the hook on Iraq was barely covered in the media.”- Linda McQuaig

Here it is 2005, George W Bush was put into the White House via blatant skullduggery twice and there are people actually feigning shock the corporate mind control apparatus fails to scrutinize the comings and goings of an administrations that has proven to be the most secretive and deceitful in recent history?!! This in itself is mind boggling. This proves beyond a shadow of doubt the AmeriKKKan public are dolts who just go along with any and everything they see hear, read and are told by the talking heads in the employ of the ruling elites. The fact is, in the good ol’ US of A where they trumpet “freedom , civil liberties and democracy” a police state is emerging as you read this. In New York City right now, people are being searched without probable cause in the subways and the citizens go for the okie-doke that it is being done in the name of security. Duh? A year ago they put up with armed soldiers on the roof tops during the Democratic and Republican National Conventions in the name of security and mass arrests of demonstrators on bogus charges during the Republican convention. Today Washington D.C. looks like an armed camp with soldiers in the streets in the name of “protection”. Protection from whom, protection from what? Osma bin Laden? Saddam Hussein? Remembert them, the men George W Bush declared public enemy number one? With all the money allocated for national security and the international War on Terror, the invasions and regime change in three countries (yes three when you count Haiti) and the consolidation of domestic and international spy agencies being trained onUS citizens and still no trace of Osama or WMD, wouldn’t you think the US press would be asking some hard questions, scrutinizing their answers and doing some real investigative journalism? What's up with that? Why don’t the AmeriKKKan public rant, rail and rage against the fact that the US media have become water carriers and cheerleaders for the Bush, Blair and Sharon axis of evil?
I was at a family reunion over the weekend and I was talking with one of my cousins about current events. He was one of the few who even broached the subject about what was going on in the world. The conversation took place during our banquet and some of the other folks at the table heard parts of our conversation and looked at us like we were crazy. Their conversation was all about the food, needless to say several of them were morbidly obese. My cousin had his own ideas about current events and it was clear he was able to scratch beneath the surface of the mind numbing pablum the masses are being fed and come to some insightful conclusions. Alas he is the exception to the rule. Most AmeriKKKans are like the other relatives at our table that night, so thoroughly indoctrinated by the corporate mind control apparatus, the so called educational system and the religious communities they seem incapable of thinking for themselves. Or, they engage in the ostrich syndrome by ssticking their heads in the proverbial sand of the media desert leaving their behinds totally exposed. True, critical thinking is discouraged and for the most part the mainstream media parrots the same feeble stories and fascist right wing propaganda over and over. There is little or no diversity in the newsrooms or editorial boards whatsoever. However there is hope, all is not lost. There are places called libraries where you can still actually go to get information, read and take out books, maps and use the computer for free. Satellite television and the Internet are two valuable sources of alternative news, information and entertainment. Of course what you read and watch are a reflection of your consciousness. Don’t fall for the okie-doke think critically and look beyond superficialities. Remember the mass media is not on our side and act accordingly.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Globalists Attempt To Peddle Frankenfoods

Globalists Attempt To Peddle Frankenfoods

NAIROBI, 15 July (IRIN) - Research into genetically modified (GM) crops is crucial to improving food security and reducing poverty in Africa, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). "Food security is of serious concern to the African continent and public sector research into GM foods is of direct importance to the smallholder farmers, who need something both to eat and to sell," said Joel Cohen, IFPRI senior research fellow, at a media briefing on Thursday on biotech crop research in Nairobi, Kenya.

Its bad enough the West disrupted Africa ecologically and socially by bringing diseases, forcing the indigenous inhabitants off their traditional lands and coercing them to abandon their l land to slave in mines, on plantations and do the back breaking work of constructing roads and rail lines to carry their larcenous goods to European markets; now to ad insult to injury, the West is pushing genetically engineered (genetically altered) foods on Africa! What are genetically engineered or genetically modified (altered) foods? According to a report filed for USAToday by John Fagan in March of 1997 genetically engineered foods are foods that have been tampered with by scientists that have not been fully tested or researched concerning their negative impact on humans or the ecosystem. He said, “Scientists have altered foods by inserting into them genes from bacteria and viruses. Many more such products containing foreign DNA from insects, fish and even humans are in the R&D pipeline and soon will be headed for our dinner plates. Foods altered through genetic engineering often contain proteins and other components that have never before been part of the human diet: proteins from bacteria and viruses and, in the future, proteins from insects, scorpions and people. There is no way to predict whether those foods are safe to eat. The only way to tell is to test them rigorously. Yet our government does not require such testing.” Common genetically engineered foods in the US are: corn, soybeans, squash, tomatoes, papaya and many animal hormones. What most AMeriKKKans are unaware of is that Europe has been fighting against GM foods for years. Last year I had Jeffrey Smith the author of Seeds of Deception on my Internet radio program. His book takes a serious look at genetically altered foods and how the US Food and Drug Administration have capitulated to the lobbying efforts of giant biotech and agricultural conglomerates like Monsanto in their rush to market these Frankenstein foodstuffs to the world. To their credit many of the nations in the EU have rejected genetically engineered foods. Unfortunately in the US, the biotech conglomerates set the tone, agenda and terms of the dialogue about these potentially dangerous foods.
Since genetically engineered foods are unwelcome in Europe companies like Monsanto are pushing them on so called developing nations. Officials in many of these so called third world nations are doing their homework and are sounding an alarm against the importation and imposition of Frankenfoods into their countries. One such country is Kenya. A recent report by the IRIN news service shows Kenya opposes imposition of GM foods/seeds from the West preferring instead to continue researching natural seeds and foods. “‘We have not exploited research into conventional seeds enough,’ Angela Wauye, officer in charge of food security at Action Aid Kenya, told IRIN. ‘In Kenya, we are not ready to handle GM crops - we do not even have a biosafety bill in place. We must address the real reasons our agricultural sector is performing so dismally,’ Wauye said. ‘Poor farmers must be empowered by the government to be able to access credit, cheaper farm inputs and better infrastructure. She pointed out that ‘because of poor roads, transporting crops from Marsabit [northern Kenya] to [the eastern Kenyan port of] Mombasa is more expensive than transporting the goods from Mombasa to Europe.’ Wauye also said not enough was known about the effects of GM crops on the environment and on human health. ‘We may not have seen any effects of GM crops so far, but more research needs to be done into their side effects over prolonged periods.’ Although research was a very important component of the struggle to end hunger, Wauye noted that it was important to focus the research on issues that were relevant to Africa. ‘The research must be driven by national needs - we must be our own agenda-setters,’ she added.’”
The sistah is right on the money. Africans aren’t poor because they have nothing. Quite the contrary they are poor because of the legacy of colonialism, neocolonialism and the stultifying, disadvantageous conditions placed upon Africa by the West’s economic shock troops the IMF, World bank and US-AID. The IMF, World Bank and US-AID discourage the very solutions Wauye says are needed to fix the problems in Kenya: access to credit, cheaper seeds and farming equipment, improved domestic infrastructures and fair trade agreements.
Africans throughout the diaspora should be asking the question, why are multi national biotech conglomerates and their Western governmental sponsors forcing genetically engineered foods on Africa and Africans when the EU won’t allow GM foods into their countries?! Remember the smallpox infected blankets Europeans gave to the Native Americans? Same game different day. Depopulation is a real goal for the New World Order honchos. Genetically engineered foods are not the solution to Africa’s food problems. In fact they may be portals for even more severe health problems given the hazards associated with these Frankenfoods. White people never do anything out of the goodness of their hearts, that’s an oxymoron. We should oppose GM foods both for ourselves and our African brethren at least until more extensive research is done to insure their safety.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Decolonize Your Mind

Decolonize Your Mind

“The social reality and consciousness of the oppressed as forged by their oppressors, motivate them to functionally perpetuate their own oppression. The labeling of certain aspects of reality by oppressors represents the imposition of the oppressors choice and worldview upon the oppressed. If this choice and worldview are internalized by te oppressed, then their consciousness may be transformed into one that confirms their oppressors consciousness.” Amos Wilson The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness page 118

African freedom fighter Steven Biko said,” The most potent weapon in the arsenal of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” He understood in order to maintain their hegemony over a people who outnumber their adversary, the oppressor and his institutions must eventually attempt to manipulate the thinking of the target group so the oppressed accepts their oppression as their natural lot in life and view their oppressors not as their oppressor but their benefactors or at the very least as invincible . This is an unnatural cognitive condition or state of mind. Dr. Bobby E. Wright called it menticide. The Dictionary of Psychology defines the word menticide as: mind murder, brainwashing,, the systematic attempt to break down ones beliefs, attitudes and allegiances in favor of the ultimate adoption of those of another. Meditate on the definition for a moment and reflect on our global condition. You will be forced (if you are fairly conscious ) to conclude we have been and continue to be targets and victims of menticide. The Caucasians (Arabs and Europeans) have made it their business to invade, conquer and subjugate Africans physically as well as psychologically to the point we embrace and internalize their culture, their religion, their languages and unfortunately their worldview and lifestyles to the exclusion of our indigenous culture and self-image. This process was/is not voluntary. It is the result of a ruthless and brutal modus operandi based upon terrorism, intimidation, torture, psychological debasement and adverse mental programming.
This is the condition we find ourselves all over the planet. In the Western Hemisphere the breaking or seasoning process was especially brutal. We got a watered down sanitized version of how it was done in the television mini series Roots when the overseer broke Kunta Kente the African by beating him until he accepted his new slave name Toby. That was light weight compared to what really happened! After slavery, the Euro-AmeriKKKans did everything in their power to reconfigure the socio-political landscape to restore their hegemony over Africans in AmeriKKKa. One way was to demean and demonize us in their media and their “popular culture”. The Coon Show, Vaudeville and the egregiously propagandistic motion picture Birth of A Nation are just a few of the archetypal mediums used to degrade us and bolster their fear and loathing of African people to coincide with and reinforce their onerous racial socio-economic and political cast system. We are not animals or beasts of burden. We are human beings, descendants of the original humans. Life itself affords us the opportunity to think, visualize, meditate and form our own opinions about ourselves and the world around us. That is why our enemies have found it so difficult to totally squash us. That is why their program of menticide takes so many forms and is so pervasive. We are a powerful people, the Mandinka, Mua Mau, Maroon and Quilambo in us is impossible to conquer. The spirit of Boukman flickers within our souls, ancient drum rhythms resonate deep within our psyches and call us to actualize our innate genius and power. The only way we can fully be who we really are and begin the arduous process of regaining our sanity and humanity is by decolonizing our minds.
The process begins as we listen to the internal drum, the ancient beat calls us to be who and what we are, Africans. We are not Arabs or Europeans; we are Africans in a state of unholy war. We are catching hell everywhere we find ourselves because everywhere on this planet Caucasians go they wreck ecological and sociological havoc. It is their nature to do so. For the salvation of planet Earth it is our duty to restore ourselves to sanity and restore Ma’at as the overarching value system on the planet. Energy follows thought! Our thinking is the key. We must reprogram our minds substituting the pathologically diseased Eurocentic worldview and value system we see in operation in the world today with a healthy African system of life affirming values. Our challenge is to fully understand these two value systems are diametrically opposed to each other and cannot peacefully co-exist. We are in a state of war not of our making nevertheless we must fight to save ourselves! If we remain passive and non-committed to our redemption, we will die. Look at the carnage all around us. It is a result of the ongoing 500 plus years of war the Europeans have waged against us. The first step to sanity as painful and awesome as it may be, is to recognize Europeans are powerful enemies but they are not unbeatable. Since the masses of whites resist our calls for reparations, economic justice and peaceful co-existence we must conclude they want to be perceived as our enemies. We must gird ourselves mentally to counter their most potent weapon against us, menticide and psychological warfare. We must neutralize what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called their “tricknology”. Once we do that, we will no longer fear them or believe they are invincible gods. To do this requires we decolonize our minds. We must accept the fact the white man (and woman) speaks with forked tongue. They are liars. Bush lied to invade Iraq for example, he lies about Social Security. They lie about themselves, they lie to themselves about us and they lie about us to us. The notion of white supremacy is a lie based upon their deep-seated feelings of inferiority about their melanin deficiency, their feelings of sexual inadequacy concerning their ability to reproduce themselves and their moral backwardness and delusional self-image. We must reject their worldview and stop buying into white supremacist stereotypes about ourselves. We have the power to define and redefine ourselves and the world we live in. Let us reprogram or minds on a moment to moment, day by day basis so our internal and external dialogue, our attitudes, perceptions and our worldview manifests in our conscious and unconscious actions towards one another our situation and eventually our enemies. Engage in mental decolonization. Free your mind, the rest will follow!


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Global Big Brother

Global Big Brother

LONDON – After 9/11, many European voices criticized the United States for passing the Patriot Act, which they felt sacrificed too many civil liberties in the name of cracking down on terrorism. Now, one week after 7/7, European governments are wrestling with the balance between security and privacy as never before. And their efforts are giving new energy to counterterrorism cooperation. In a flurry of activity this week:

• France announced plans to reintroduce border controls such as passport checks that were scrapped under the Schengen free- borders agreement with 14 other European countries.

• Italy announced closer monitoring of its northern border. And it detained 174 people suspected of being involved in Islamic militant groups. Italy's interior minister also asked parliament to expand police powers, including the right to question terrorism suspects without a lawyer.

• Germany drew up plans for a national antiterror database.

• In Brussels, meanwhile, British Home Secretary Charles Clarke called for better information sharing among law enforcement services and for redoubled efforts to stanch the flow of terrorist funds.

He also persuaded his counterparts to move ahead with plans to compel telecommunication firms to store phone and Internet records for possible intelligence use, saying the data would be vital to connect the dots of terror networks. - Mark Rice Oxley Christian Science Monitor 07-15-05

Following the bombing in London we are seeing a constant revision of the facts during the so called investigation. From bombs set using timers now we are being told four Islamic fanatics (why are all terrorists portrayed as Muslims?) did the deeds. As the controlled corporate media does its job demonizing Arabs, the politicians and security forces in European will roll over and do their part by pushing for national ID, more information gathering storage and surveillance on ordinary citizens as a “preventive measure”. The question is, will all this spying and checking stop terrorists? I doubt it. If supposed Islamic fanatics could circumvent the mammoth multi-billion dollar US defense system, military and civilian safe guards and long established protocols on 9-11 allegedly from caves in Afghanistan, how can the rest of the world feel safe? While it takes a major suspension of disbelief to entertain something this preposterous, the mainstream media and Bush administration expect us to believe nonsense like this! In many ways this says a lot about their arrogance, their confidence in their mind control apparatus and the low regard they have for our intelligence.
Right after 9-11 the Bush administration pushed through the PATRIOT ACT which by all accounts had already been written by the administration. Sadly Congress passed it without any legislators having read it or conducting any debate?! The PATRIOT ACTs I and II have raised concerns that 9-11 is being used a cover to erode civil rights and Constitutional guarantees and usher in a totalitarian police state. The London bombings seem to be having the exact same effect in Europe. In an article in The Christian Science Monitor entitled How Far Will Europe Go To Stop Terror the writer says, “British Home Secretary Charles Clarke called for better information sharing among law enforcement services and for redoubled efforts to stanch the flow of terrorist funds. He also persuaded his counterparts to move ahead with plans to compel telecommunication firms to store phone and Internet records for possible intelligence use, saying the data would be vital to connect the dots of terror networks.” Hmm, let’s get this straight, European officials want to spy on all their citizens without probable cause in the vain hope it will allow them to “connect the dots of terror networks”. If that’s the case what’s the function of the billion dollars they spend for the global Echelon Spy Satellite system employed by the US Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada that has the capability to monitor telephone conversations, faxes and emails or the proposed Project P415 another global spy system that includes Japan, China, Germany, Britian and the US. What about what is called Communications Intelligence (Comint) a far reaching system of global telecommunication spying? Didn’t know about any of these systems? Don’t feel bad most people don’t. The New World Order feels the need to spy on the world and 9-11 and the London bombings are ruses being used to get their tentacles into more and more of our lives. In a report entitled Interception Capabilities 2000 by Duncan Campbell, IPTV Ltd. it is revealed: “1. Communications intelligence (Comint) is defined by NSA, the largest agency conducting such operations as ‘technical and intelligence information derived from foreign communications by other than their intended recipient’. (4) Comint is a major component of Sigint (signals intelligence), which also includes the collection of non-communications signals, such as radar emissions.(5) Although this report deals with agencies and systems whose overall task may be Sigint, it is concerned only with Comint.

2. Comint has shadowed the development of extensive high capacity new civil telecommunications systems, and has in consequence become a large-scale industrial activity employing many skilled workers and utilising exceptionally high degrees of automation.

3. The targets of Comint operations are varied. The most traditional Comint targets are military messages and diplomatic communications between national capitals and missions abroad. Since the 1960s, following the growth of world trade, the collection of economic intelligence and information about scientific and technical developments has been an increasingly important aspect of Comint. More recent targets include narcotics trafficking, money laundering, terrorism and organised crime.

4. Whenever access to international communications channels is obtained for one purpose, access to every other type of communications carried on the same channels is automatic, subject only to the tasking requirements of agencies. Thus, for example, NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ, used Comint collected primarily for other purposes to provide data about domestic political opposition figures in the United States between 1967 and 1975.” This lengthy and technical report is available at I suggest you check it out because this is the foundation upon which the New World Order plans to implement their global data collection and spy systems. The NWO has accelerated their plans in light of the massive resistence to their invasion and occupation of Iraq and Bush’s bungling of that operation. Hence they stagged the London bombings to scar us into accepting the next round of surveillance and police state policies. Now that you know their game plan don’t fall for the okie-doke!


Thursday, July 14, 2005

It’s Time For African People To Face Reality

It’s Time For African People To Face Reality

“Because of their lack of ethical or moral development there is no conflict between the Whites religion and racial oppression. The White race has historically oppressed, exploited and killed Black people all in the name of their God, Jesus Christ and with the sanction of their churches. For example it is generally overlooked that the Klu Klux Klan is primarily a religious organization and Blacks should never forget the Pope blessing the Italian planes and pilots on their way to bombing Ethiopian men, women and children who only had spears to defend themselves.” - The late Dr. Bobby Wright Ph.D.

As we gaze upon the carnage caused around the world b the Caucasians we have to conclude as our trail blazing ancestor Dr. Bobby E. Wright who along with doctors Franz Fanon and Francis Cress Welsing pioneered African liberation psychiatry; that Europeans have attained their position in the world due to their psychopathic racial personality. Every institution in their culture reinforces and reaffirms their psychotically, predatory and cannibalistic way of life. We see this in today’s current events as the imperialist powers of Europe use their military and economic machine to strangle and dominate the world. Dr. Booby E Wright was the first psychiatrist to use psychiatric tools to study and examine European’s collective behavior vis a vis themselves and black people. Dr. Amos Wilson a trail blazing psychologist astutely reminded us Europeans’ psychology is not in their psychology and psychiatry books. He said to understand their psychology we must examine their history. When we do so, we see a five thousand year continuous pattern of patriarchal domination, bloodletting, pillage, cannibalism, invasion, social and ecological disruption unparalleled in human history.
People are creatures of habit, both individually and collectively. On the individual level a person’s repeated ideation, emotion and behavior are called habits, patterns or customs. On a group level be it familial, tribal, clan or the nation state these patterns are called folkways, norms, and culture. The Dictionary of Psychology defines culture as: “the totality of the customs,, arts, science and religions and political behavior taken as an integrated whole that distinguishes one society from another.”. When we look at Indo-Europeans and contrast their behavior and relationships with themselves and others we can see a clear pattern of wanton depravity and predation that separates them from the rest of humanity! All societies experience conflict and war from time to time, but for Caucasians it is a perpetual norm, a way of life. It is time for Africans to wake up and recognize that yes Caucasians are energized and animated by the Universal Ashe and it a true sense are an integral part of creation. But, their lack of melanin, their calcified pineal gland, their limited left brain orientation to life and their long history of social cannibalism, has so disconnected them from even an awareness of the Ashe and the implications of this spiritual reality, for all intents and purposes they have forfeited consideration as members of the human family. They have demonstrated especially during the last five hundred years a collective ruthlessness and depravity beyond words. Their xenophobia, hostility and aggression especially towards all melanated people is a well documented fact. Their inability to repent or to apply the rudiments of a higher consciousness ideation, ideals or abstract notions like Ma’at (Divine Order, Harmony , Balance, Truth, Righteousness, Peace, and Reciprocity) that guided Africans and other First World indigenous people for millennia is a clear indication of their backwardness and benightedness. After proving his case that Europeans indeed exhibited clear psychopathic personalities Dr, Booby Wright put it this way, "Psychopaths inability to accept blame and inability to learn from previous experience can be easily proven. They never accept blame for Black’s environmental conditions which are clearly the result of White oppression." This was proven recently when France passed a law mandated French schools and textbook publishers revise history to paint French imperialism as beneficial to its victims. Notice Europeans rarely if ever acknowledge their genocide of the indigenous inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere. And if they do all they never do anything to make amens for the egregious atrocities they have inflicted and continue to inflict around the world! This because they don’t want to nor do they even know how to.
Amidst the babble at the G8 meeting in Scotland about African debt relief, and global warming we must realize this; the leaders of the “developed nations” will never admit they got where they are due to the rapine, cannibalism and ecological devastation they have engaged in for the past five hundred years. Their words about debt relief for Africa are a sham and pretext to conduct even more exploitation and plunder! They can’t help it, it’s in their genes, it’s part of their ongoing cultural dynamic. It’s time we realized they lack the cognitive and moral fortitude to change. If you doubt what I’m saying start viewing current events through the prism of psychiatry and abnormal psychology. You will be forced to conclude Europeans are sick. Why are those whites who profess to love peace so cowardly and impotent in the face of the New World Order’s agenda of perpetual war and global domination? Why do whites who profess to be so spiritual choose their stock portfolio dividends over the welfare of humanity? If they really had a consciousness of peace and love of humanity, things would change overnight. Why is the psychopathic leadership winning? The burden is on us now to re-establish Ma’at, and rightly so, since it is clear the masses of whites lack the capacity do anything to put their leaders in check. As targets of their animus and larceny , the rest of the world, especially Africans should wake up, face realty and act accordingly.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

London Bombings An Inside Job

No Doubt The London Bombings Were An Inside Job

“Operations like these are generally conduited through the government bureaucracies under the cover of a drill or exercise which closely resembles the terror operation itself. So it was with Amalgam Virgo and the multiple exercises held on 9/11, as I show in my 9/11 Synthetic Terror — Made in USA (Joshua Tree CA: Progressive Press, 2005). So it was with the Hinckley attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan, when a presidential succession exercise was scheduled for the next day, as I showed in my George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992; reprint by Progressive Press, 2004). An uncannily similar maneuver allows the necessary work to be done on official computers and on company time, while warding off the inquisitive glances and questions of curious co-workers at adjoining computer consoles. Such a parallel drill was not lacking in the London case. On the evening of July 7, BBC Five, a news and sports radio program, carried an interview with a certain former Scotland Yard official named Peter Power who related that his firm, Visor Consulting, had been doing an anti-terror-bombing drill in precisely the Underground stations and at the precise times when the real explosions went off. Peter Power and Visor had been subcontractors for the drill; Power declined to name the prime contractors. Small wonder that Blair, in his first official report to the Commons on July 11, went out of his way to rule out a board of inquiry to probe these tragic events.” Webster G Tapley

I had relatives from out of town visiting over the weekend and from time to time they had the television on. While I was cleaning up last night after they left, I was channel surfing and was surprised to see the London bombings were still being prominently featured on the cable news channels. I say surprised because I don’t get my information from the corporate media anymore. I knew the London bombings would be used as a scare tactic to frighten the public and generate sympathy for the New World Order’s agenda for global domination, perpetual war and imperial over reach but after a week I thought things had subsided coverage wise. Since 9-11 I have been even more leery of the mainstream media and how even PBS is used to further the New World Order’s globalist agenda, which is why I stopped watching the PBS news programs except for an occasional Frontline. The London bombings have all the earmarks of an internal state government sanctioned psychological operation/red herring project. This time the truth movement is saving all the initial pronouncements and media uttering so we can examine them in light of subsequent back peddling, revisions and lies as the ruling elites and media puppets scramble to spin events to conform to their program. There are many similarities between 9-11 and the 7-7 London bombings. The most glaring is: they were done under cover of live government simulated “ant-terrorist” or emergency preparedness exercises. What this does in effect is completely paralyze or slow down the normal response or reaction to any perceived threat or emergency which explains why no US fighters were scrambled on 9-11. The honest unsuspecting first responders think it is part of the drill, a radar or computer screen simulation to be played out or responded to like any table top or real time live drill. Once it is discovered it was a real emergency the agencies charged with serving and protecting the public, intelligence and emergency management, immediately go into a CYA mode to prevent charges of dereliction of duty, malfeasance or in the case of 9-11 and 7-7; treason . Meanwhile the perpetrators who were in the inside planning and who benefit from foreknowledge of the exercises get off scot free! The second uncanny similarity between 9-11 and 7-7 is that both Bush and Blair immediately ruled out a thorough investigation as to why and how the events happened. Remember Bush had to be pressured by family members and activists into empaneling the 9-11 Commission which turned out to be a total whitewash but who nevertheless did assert there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and 9-11! Both of these are part of the public record, you can check them out for yourself, especially the London bombings because the information is still fresh and readily available.

The truth, anti-fascist and peace movements are savvy enough now to realize in order for the Bush/Blair/Sharon connection to continue their plans to reshape the so called Middle East, a war weary public must be continuously bamboozled and frightened into believing they are in imminent danger and under attack by a ruthless and cold-blooded enemy; in this case mythical Islamic terrorists. Tony Blair wasted no time in fingering Muslims although like 9-11 there is no concrete evidence the people (al-Qaeda) Bush and Blair claim did the dastardly deeds actually exist. If they do exist at all, most knowledgeable people know they are a convenient creation of the CIA, MI5 or Mossad! A requisite patsy is needed to blame the attacks on and provide a target or an enemy the ruling elites can use as a bogey man or justification for the huge economic expenditures for perpetual international war and police state lock down at home. Walter G Tarpley in an article entitled The London Explosions The Rogue Network Bush and Blair observes, “Last week's London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included. With the London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds another horrendous crime to its own dossier. But this time, their operations appear imperfect, especially in regard to the lack (so far) of a credible patsy group which, by virtue of its ethnicity, could direct popular anger against one of the invisible government's targets. So far, the entire attribution of the London crimes depends on what amounts to an anonymous posting in an obscure, hitherto unknown, secular Arabic-language chatrooms in the state of Maryland, USA. But, based on this wretched shred of pseudo-evidence, British Prime Minister Tony Blair — who has surely heard of a group called the Irish Republican Army, which bombed London for more than a decade — has not hesitated to ascribe the murders to "Islam," and seems to be flirting with total martial law under the Civil Contingencies Act. We are reminded once again of how he earned his nickname of Tony Bliar.” The London bombings pose too many unanswered questions just like 9-11. Thinking folks however, those not caught up in the Matrix of the corporate media mind control apparatus know the London bombings were an inside job no matter what the NWO and their media lackeys say.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The West Moves to Justify and Continue Its’ Imperialist Past

The West Moves to Justify and Continue Its’ Imperialist Past

PARIS, Jul 5 (IPS) - France and other European countries are claiming, either officially or through historians, that colonialism was a positive thing. In a law passed on Feb. 23, the French parliament, dominated by President Jacques Chirac's right-leaning Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), demanded that teachers at schools all over the country and textbooks emphasise ”the positive role (played by) France overseas, especially in the Maghreb region” in North Africa. This move sparked debate among French historians, politicians, teachers, and representatives of former colonies, especially Algeria. At first, the Algerian government considered calling a special joint session of the two chambers of parliament to discuss the issue and formulate a response to the French claims. But President Abdelaziz Bouteflika decided against the special session. Instead, the two chambers will review the issue separately and adopt a resolution condemning ”the crimes of colonisation.”

As the G8 hypocritically and disingenuously meets to discuss global warming and African debt it was revealed that France and several other colonial powers have instigated movements to glorify and justify their predatory, exploitative and brutal legacy of imperialism rapine and colonialism. France passed a law earlier this year mandating French teachers and textbook publishers “emphasis the positive role played by France overseas especially in the Maghreb region in North Africa”. In AmeriKKKa, Hollywood will continue its long tradition of glorifying war, genocide and larceny with two new television series one on HBO called Rome and the other on ABC called empire. Taken together it is clear both these countries and their European counterparts have no intention of changing or altering their approach to the rest of the world. It is almost funny that France and the US still are in delusion and denial about the virulent violence, rapine, degradation and victimization they imposed upon the world. In their dementia the colonial powers like France Britain and the United States refuse to see themselves as heirs to the behaviors of the immediate ancestors the barbaric Normans, Anglos, Saxons, Jutes, Pics and other Germanic tribes that pillaged and plundered their way across Europe and subsequently the whole world wrecking havoc, displacement and disruption on a scale unseen in human history.
Response to the French law has been predictable. No self-respecting nation who liberated themselves from the ruthless savagery of colonialism would sit back and passively acquiesce to the Europeans delusional and insensitive attempts to rewrite history at the expense of the truth and reality. A former freedom fighter in Algeria Bachir Boumaza who was tortured by the French responded angrily to France’s new policy, “praising colonialism, a system universally condemned, cannot contribute to curing the historical conflict it gave birth to. Colonialism is, above all, the humiliation of human beings. It is sad that France is not able to put an end to its colonialist mentality.” Others have likened France’s behavior to that of the Nazi Germany. Opponents of the move in France have also decried the intent and consequences of the policy, “In Paris, leftist parliamentarians, such as socialist senators Bariza Khiari and Jean-Pierre Michel, have called the new efforts by the French government to revise colonialism's historical record ‘a crime against memory.’ In a joint declaration released in late June, Khiari and Michel denounced the French law as ‘an unacceptable, unprecedented provocation, which insults the historical facts and the victims of colonialism alike, and also historians and researchers who have condemned colonialism.’ Similar positions were adopted by historians and teachers. The French association of history and geography teachers dismissed the law as ‘a call to write an official version of history.’ History professor Francois Durpaire told IPS: ‘It's as if the government had asked mathematicians to teach that two plus two equals five.’ ” This is how the right wing rolls,, it always moves to glorify the ugly, defend the indefensible and promote their barbaric legacy as the norm.
There is a saying “there is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed”; in this case the thievish and genocidal nature of the French and their G8 counterparts will eventually and ultimately be unmasked in their actions. For example while the G8 talks about African debt relief, the usurious policies of their economic shock troops, the IMF, World Bank and US-AID systematically place so called Third World countries deeper in bondage to their former colonial master’s. These agencies’ mandated larcenous and unbalanced trade policies coupled with the already predatory capitalistic economic system, ensure Third World countries will remain dependant, underdeveloped and impotent for generations. Thus the global race war continues! Just as the French want to defend their colonial legacy and the AmeriKKKans want to promote their invigorated imperialist agenda, those of us who advocate freedom, self-determination and the end to global white supremacy must use whatever means necessary to ensure we accomplish our ends.


Monday, July 11, 2005

Something's Fishy About The London Bombings

Something’s Fishy In London Bombing

LONDON (Reuters) - Suspected al Qaeda militants behind the London bombings may well have come from a previously unknown local cell and yet had access to military explosives, European security officials familiar with the probe said. "The explosives appear to be of military origin, which is very worrying," said Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Coordination Unit and one of five top officials sent by Paris to London immediately after Thursday's attacks. "We're more used to cells making home-made explosives with chemicals. How did they get them?" he said in an interview with Le Monde newspaper. "Either by trafficking, for example, in the Balkans, or they had someone on the inside who enabled them to get them out of a military establishment." Chaboud's comments went further than London police, who have only said so far that the bombs contained less than 10 lb. (4.5 kg) each of "high explosives" and were small enough to be carried in rucksacks. By comparison, the 10 bombs that blew apart four commuter trains in Madrid last year weighed about 22 lb. (10 kg) each. The explosive, known as Goma 2 Eco and used in quarrying, had been stolen from a mine in northern Spain. Asked about the French comments, a senior London police spokesman said the explosives were still being examined and there was no confirmation that they were military in origin. "We are waiting for the forensic tests," he said. 07-11-05

As we cognitively sift through the ashes, issues, explanations and reports from last week’s London bombing, things are getting fishier and more foul smelling which means it’s probably an inside job, a false flag operation to ratchet up the “terror alert” in Britain and around the world. Bush and Blair need such a disaster to bolster sagging support for the occupation of Iraq and the bogus “War on Terrorism”. In addition to reports Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was warned not to leave his hotel to venture out to give a speech at a building over where one of the bombs went off, we’ve learned live simulated terrorist exercises were being conducted in the transportation system just like the US military conducted live simulated terrorism drills to provide cover for the “terrorist attacks” on 9-11. As if that wasn’t bad enough we know the London transportation company’s video surveillance systems mysteriously shut down that day (so no pictures or images of European looking bombers could be found to discredit the insinuation that Arabs did it) and now there is a report the explosives used in the bombings were military grade and issue! If this is true, it looks more and more like this was indeed an inside job. But then again, why should we be shocked at this. There are enough legitimate questions about the blatant contradictions, inconsistencies and distortions of the “official” story about 9-11 and resulting “investigations” ( 9-11 Commission cover up) to suggest this is a similar false flag operation to 9-11 Reuters printed a report today stating a French Anti-Terrorist specialist who was sent to London to assist in the investigation claims the explosives used in the bombings were of military origin. Of course British authorities have not confirmed that and are tight lipped about the ongoing forensic investigation. Don’t be surprised if the Brits do what their AmeriKKKan cousins did ;ship all the evidence off to China or Japan so there can be no evidence around to refute the “‘official” report that will be released that blames the mythical terrorist organization al-Qaeda which in reality is a secret police/intelligence agency created bogey man used to keep the dolts and uninformed in a perpetual state of fear and confusion while the CIA, MI5, Mossad and similar entities carry out dastardly deeds and blame them on al-Qaeda.
If the explosives are military that means someone somehow gained access to them and was also able to plant them in the tunnels and buses without arousing suspicion or appearing to be a foreigner or Arab. Even if the explosives weren’t from British military installations, they were probably gotten from some Western power’s arsenal. This raises additional questions about which country they got them from and how were they planted without arousing suspicion, (aside from the fact the underground’s video monitors conveniently went out the day of the bombing). Keep your eyes ears and mind open don’t allow the corporate media to influence you or pin you in their disinformation Matrix whereby you fail to think critically ask pertinent questions and challenge the media’s depiction of what happened in London. Do not allow the corporate media to convince you a non existent organization called al-Qaeda is behind this atrocity.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Is This A Coincidence Or What?

Is This A Coincidence Or What?

“A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th. On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a 'crisis management' advice company, better known to you and I as a PR firm. Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch. Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.”- 07-09-05

A report on Alex Jones’ Website dated July 9, 2005 details an interview with a man named Peter Power who is a former Scotland Yard Anti-Terrorist expert who now operates what he calls a “crisis management advice company”. This Peter Power stated the morning of the London bombings, his company, Visor Consultants, were conducting training exercises deploying over 1,000 persons in almost the same locations where the bombings took place around the same time. This is really interesting when you consider that on 9-11 the US military was conducting several live exercises simulating terrorist attacks using aircraft which partially explains the military’s paralysis that day. It has since been learned that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was in New York conducting some sort of activity in and around the World Trade Center buildings the night before 9-11. Is this a coincidence or are Alex Jones, people like him and myself becoming too cynical and paranoid about all this? Nah, there is too much evidence and documented proof the ruling elites will go to any length so create a climate of fear, confusion and amenability for their nefarious agendas. Just check out the US military’s Operation Northwoods or the intricate machinations of the FBI’s COINTELPRO for real life examples of how depraved and ruthless the United States government can be. Jones got the report on Visor Consultants activities from the BBC and supplied a transcript of the interview along with a brief and I mean brief (it would have taken too much space to document all the examples of ruling elite treachery) synopsis of CIA, MI5 and Russian false flag activities that led to patsies and stooges being blamed to turn public opinion in one direction or another to benefit the agenda of shot calling plutocrats.
We should not be surprised at this, this is how it’s done; via deception, connivance and media manipulation so we are kept in a Matrix of disinformation and emotional disorientation that makes it easy for the ruling elites to dupe and trick us into going to war or accepting policies and legislation that are not in our best interests. Is it coincidental that England is pushing for a national ID program that was being rejected by the rank and file Brits? Or that Britains role in the war in Iraq is immensely unpopular and Prime Minister Tony Blair has been taking serious heat for being perceived as George W. Bush, lapdog? Then amazingly in the nick of time London suffers a terrorist attack? Hmmm? Seems suspicious to me. Jones says this, “The London terror alert level was lowered before the bombings took place. This gave the perpetrators extra cover to plan and execute the attack without having to evade the most stringent security. In any crime you look at history and motive, The British government has been caught in multiple examples of carrying out bombings in London which were then blamed on the IRA. They even had one of their own MI5 agents within the Omagh bomb squad. The wider agenda will become clearer when Blair firmly points the finger at the selected patsies designated to take the fall. But for the moment he's happy to grandstand as the courageous leader who immediately returned to London to take control of the chaos. BBC polls that were showing 80 per cent plus opposed the ID card will now likely flip back in the opposite direction. Support for the European Union and increased globalization through the G8 will rise. Who stands to gain from all this? Who has the motive?” Good question who has the motive, why would the government do this a normal person would ask? Why did Adolph Hilter burn down the German parliament? Why didn’t the Bush administration act on the numerous security and intelligence agency warnings about 9-11 from countries like France, Germany, Russia, Israel, Morocco and Argentina? Hmm? Makes you wonder whose side the government is really on? Certainly not ours! Now a “terrorist” bomb goes off in London while a private consulting company is conducting exercises simulating a terrorist attack at the exact time a real attack takes place?!! The same thing happened in AmeriKKKa on 9-11. Makes you wonder what’s up?! Is this a coincidence or what? There aren’t that many coincidence’s in the universe! Certainly not like that! Most AmeriKKKans know in their heart of hearts Bush and his NeoConmen pals are up to no good. They know they’ve lied and are sending US men and women into harms way for a lie. People know it’s time to stop going for the okie- doke and stop allowing the power elites to piss on us and tell us its raining.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

“Unlike four years ago, however, I refuse to accept that the attack on London was anything less than a false-flag operation designed to enrage Western "civilization" against the Middle East. Why? Because there is no reason for "terrorist" groups to attack England. As recently as this week, the Ministry of Defense announced that plans were being drafted that would pull British armed forces from the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan. With the British effectively admitting they're throwing in the towel, the only motivation to stay could come from an attack that compels the forces to stay and fight "global terrorism." Think about it. The attack only benefits empires desperate to maintain a foothold in the Middle East without further eroding public opinion. Will Parliament shrug their shoulders and push their soldiers into longer tours of duty because of this? Obviously it's too early to tell, but if that happens, insurgents and rebels will have lost more than they could have ever possibly gained in destroying part of the Underground. Brian Kilmeade of Fox News agrees, claiming the sabotage 'works to ... [the] Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together.' It doesn't just make 'terrorism' an American problem. It makes it a worldwide problem. The Number One problem. No longer do we need to concern ourselves with two world leaders (who have spawned more worldwide terrorism than any fanatical religious organization) going unquestioned in their lies that started a war. We can cast off our sluggish economies, lack of freedoms and pitiful descent into draconian law. Terror is on the rise.”- Matt Hutaff Cannon Fodder 07-06-05

I haven’t been watching television since I got back from a trip South to attend a wedding Sunday. I saw something on the Internet today about a bombing in London and while at the gym this evening I noticed the cable news networks were devoting all their time to the “terrorist attack” in London. I thought to myself, “How convenient, a major terrorist attack happens just when Bush and the New World Order NeoConmen are on the ropes and enthusiasm of the AmeriKKKan public for Bush’s war is waning like a falling rock . I knew the fascist were desperate, Bush’s credibility is plummeting, the US military can’t attract flies, the New World Order took a thumping in recent elections in France and the Netherlands and no one seriously believes the G8 has a humanitarian bone in its’ collective body. So what are the elites to do? Obviously they stage another major terrorist attack, that’s what. But they couldn’t do it on AmeriKKKan soil it would be to fishy, with all that money allocated for Homeland Security and all. Even the brain dead and gullible AmeriKKKan public would start asking too many questions and would be too skeptical and cynical given all the lies Bush has told are now coming so unraveled. Plus if there is another major attack on AmeriKKKan soil during Bush’s watch he would literally be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Bush’s credibility is so bad there are Republicans deserting his sinking ship and people are even talking about impeaching his sorry behind. So they create a diversion, a tragedy the prostituted corporate media will play over and over to stoke the fires of indignation revenge and fear so unthinking people will go along with the color coded terror alerts they have dismissed in the past. The media will generate enough pictures to virtually create panic and fear, sort of like a modern day Chicken Little, “The sky is falling terrorists are under every bed!” I was riding along an interstate highway and I noticed Big Brother type lighted signs “Report any suspicious activity by calling 1 800 Safe NJ” or something to that affect. part of thir program to keep the sheeple afraid, anxious and insecure.
But if we stop to think about it and ask ourselves why this, why now? We are forced to entertain the real possibility this may be a diversionary ploy to take the heat of Bush and Blair for the Downing Street Minutes, the pending Karl Rove indictments, the AIPAC spy scandals and any real scrutiny of the G8 proceedings. It also ratchets up the fear of terrorist attacks making it easy for the government to pass and enforce more Draconian laws under the guise of protecting us from a global network of Islamic evil doers. Just like 9-11 created the bogy man of Osama bin Laden and the amorphous and omnipresent evil of Al-Qaeda a terrorist network supposedly being directed from caves somewhere in Afghanistan by a millionaire fundamentalist Muslim, now we have some new organization a sort of European Al- Qaeda for everyone to focus on and be afraid of. Just in the nick of time to save Bush’s plunging approval ratings we have a new terrorist organization to take the place of the old one Bush vowed to destroy but now that he has illegally and immorally invaded and occupied Iraq he never mentions. If you think I’m being too conspiratorial, do some research on Operation Northwoods which was true and verifiable or Report From Iron Mountain which is supposedly a hoax to glean just how depraved and psychotic the leaders of this country are. Don’t believe the hype keep your eyes, ears and mind open. Don’t drink the Jim Jones flavored Kool-aid and don’t go for the okie-doke.


The G8 Doesn't have Africa's best Interests At Heart

The G8 Doesn’t have Africa’s best Interests At Heart

“After reading the harrowing account of the brutalities of slavery, of subjugation, of deprivation and humiliation when whole civilizations were crushed in order to serve the imperialist interests of he West, when settled societies were disintegrated by force of imperialist arms so that the plantation owners of the “new World” could get their uprooted and therefore permanent labor force to build what was now the most advanced capitalist economy, it become absolutely clear that the only way out of our current impasse is through a revolutionary path- a complete break with the system which is responsible for all our past and present misery.” A.M. BaBu from the Postscript of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney

The G8 leaders are meeting in Gleneagles Scotland under tight security. The G8 is comprised of the major developed nations: Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the US all of whom have a long and storied history of imperialism, colonialism and war that contributed mightily to their status as “developed” nation states. At this year’s session the G8 plans to take up aid and debt relief for Africa. To coincide with the G8 meeting activists and musicians performed fund raising and awareness raising concerts in al the G8 counties plus South Africa called Live 8. Amidst the hype about who would perform and showing pictures of war ravaged Africa which reinforce the stereotypes and disinformation about conditions in Africa without explaining why these conditions exist, representatives of the ruling elites will meet in Gleneagles near Edinburgh to supposedly discuss ways to assist Africa. What I find most disingenuous about this G8 summit putting Africa on its’ agenda is many of the participants especially, Britain France and the US are the prime movers in the causes of the poverty, sectional strife and corruption that exist continent wide! Europe is what it is today because of five centuries of rapine, rape plunder and exploitation of not only Africa but Asia, the Americas and the Pacific. Africa is in the state it’s in today because of massive invasions by first Arabs then Europeans which have resulted in wholesale social and ecological disruption and degradation. Time and space do not permit me to capsulize the authorities the Arabs Europeans inflicted and still perpetuate upon African people. Suffice it to say, the fact the G8 has Africa on its agenda does not bode well for Africa and Africans.
The pictures shown during Live 8 and about Africa in general depicting land ravaged, by war, famine, starvation and a socio-political milieu fraught with corruption and malfeasance are the effects of deliberate policies employed by the G8 and their monopolistic trading company predecessors in collusion with the militaries of the various imperial powers. Africa today is in a state of total dependency not because the indigenous inhabitants are incapable of governance, how could that be given our ancestors showed the world how to govern on a communalistic ethical and moral basis (Ma’at , Ifa, Belo etc); Africa is in shambles today because the Arabs and Europeans made war on us and once they got the upper hand militarily they established a ruthless, predatory and exploitative colonial system that sucked Africa’s natural resources out while keeping the masses impotent and subservient to the colonial administrators and the various religious missionaries who were part and parcel of the beat down Africa was experiencing. Kimbwandende Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau explains what happened in the ancient kingdom of Kongo (modern day Congo) “Certain parts of Ex Belgian Africa ad well as certain others of the Angolan Popular Republic and that of the Congo Popular Republic were constitutional parts of the Ancient Kingdom of the Kongo that was destroyed by the Portugese and its allies in 1492. The Berlin Geographical Conference on 1884-85 divided the Kingdom into three imperialistic zones: One part, part of the present Angola, went to Lusitanian imperio-dictatorial system, the second part of the present Congo, to the imperialistic system of France, and he third, part of the present undemocratic Democratic Republic of Congo was made the private property of Leopold II the King of Belgium.” Similar divisions were done continent wide by the Europeans. It should be noted the United States of AmeriKKKa was invited and was a participant at the Berlin Conference Dr. Fu-Kain referred to.
The imperial powers or Europe suffered huge economic and social setbacks from cannibalizing each other during WWII. The allies’ propagandistic fervor used to hype the war amongst their colonial soldiers boomeranged on them as First World people demanded their own freedom and self-determination following the war. Too weak to resist the liberation struggles of people of color around the world, the Europeans regrouped and reconfigured their colonial possessions into a Neo-colonial political and economic arrangement. This new arrangement was spearheaded by the US which assumed the baton of global white supremacy and perpetuated the race wars which began in 1492. Neocolonialism allowed the European and Euro-AmeriKKKan imperialists to still maintain control of natural resources, finances, capital and trade in the supposedly free countries of Africa. “Foreign aid makes it easy for the global giants to settle down and make long range corporate planning and it also lessens the risks to the corporations of lang range overseas investment. This is accomplished through various ways. There are many investment guarantee programs designed to insure US corporations against loss from war, insurrection, expropriation, incontrovertibility and revolution. Thus any dispute arising between any African state and American corporations certainly involves the U.S. Government.” Imperialism and Dependency Obstacles to African Development by Daniel A Offiong Page 145 The G8 meeting going on now is nothing more than a continuation of this ongoing race war. The G8 has no intention of forgiving Africa’s debt nor actually saving the population from HIV/AIDS or any of the other man made ethnic specific diseases they created for just that purpose, to kill off millions of non-Europeans. Even if they forgive Africa’s debt, notice they are only talking about a few countries and the existing system of trade imbalances, conditioned loans by the IMF World Bank and USAID will only re-enslave them within a few years! The Live 8 and the G8 meeting are PR shams designed to make us think the developed European nations are not the predatory, exploitative bloodsucking barbarians their five hundred plus year history has demonstrated them to be.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Resisting Militarist Imperialism

Resisting Militarist Imperialism

“Marti Hiken, co-chair of the Military Law Taskforce, does not see the draft on the far-off horizon; she sees it as existing reality for hundreds of thousands of Americans. There is the "poverty draft" of young people who are told the military is their only path to a career; the "backdoor draft" of the Stop-Loss program which mandates soldiers stay in active duty for up to 24 months after their contracts have expired; "the senior draft" in which reservists (who make up 40 percent of the fighting force in Iraq) are compelled back into active military service; and finally, there is the "secret draft" of mercenaries and private military contractors. For Hiken, worrying about the draft is an abstraction compared to the havoc wreaked by these real but covert forms of compulsory service. For every covert draft, Hiken sees grassroots groups countering and gaining traction. A lot of the energy is focused on the outrages of Stop-Loss, which has been legally challenged eight times so far. One suit, brought by Emiliano Santiago in Oregon, climbed to the Supreme Court before it was rejected and Santiago was shipped off to Afghanistan to re-join his unit. Representative Jim McDermott (D-WA) championed Santiago's case, saying on the floor of the House, ‘Santiago's plight should be known and feared by every high school junior and senior across the country. The ugly little secret in the Pentagon is that Emiliano Santiago's voluntary service is involuntary.’” Freda Berrigan Alternet 07-05-05

Despite the promises of an obvious pathological liar that there will be no military draft while he is president, many grass roots organizers and concerned citizens fear the return of military conscription. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are not going well yet the NeoConmen and their allies (Christian Zionists and their right wing Ashkenazim counterparts) are beating the drums for additional and simultaneous war, with Iran or Syria. The US military (the imperial enforcement arm of the elitist plutocrats to whom both major political parties are subservient) is over stretched. The US military welds unimaginable fire power and the ability to kill and destroy at will. However, determined freedom fighters have demonstrated a cunning ability to neutralize US fire power and savagery since the Korean War in the 1950's. In Afghanistan and Iraq the US military occupies the land but the resistance forces have the support of the masses (even if in some cases they are intimidated by them). Unfortunaley for the US, the bungling arrogance of the NeoConmen fails to take this into consideration. So now the New World Order needs additional cannon fodder for their expanding crusade for empire and oil; only this time they don’t have any takers. Recruitment for the US Army (active and reserve) and Marines the branches carrying the bulk of the illegal invasion/occupation are both having extreme difficulty getting suckers and chumps to sign up. Despite increasing financial bonuses, raising the age limit and lowering standards, they are still not likely to meet their yearly quotas. As the Iraqi resistance increases and US casualties continue to climb, the AmeriKKKan public’s enthusiasm for Bush’s war has waned proportionately. Things are so bad for Bush, his approval numbers are in the toilet with no improvement in sight. In fact his recent nationally televised speech in front of a captured audience of US soldiers and his 4th of July speech before hand picked sycophants went over like lead balloons. The televised speech was a total dud, the only people who watched it were the corporate media who covered it and Bush loyalists who are decreasing in number daily.
The AmeriKKKan public in its own way is resisting involvement in the empire’s latest folly. While there have been no major demonstrations, more and more grass roots organization are popping up resisting the draft and the encroaching fascism that is engulfing AmeriKKKa. Young folks are eschewing joining the military looking at other areas for career opportunities. The more politically astute people are tired of Bush’s lies and are girding up to resist the Nazification of AmeriKKKa. Others’ who are less politically conscious or motivated are merely looking out for their own best interests. To them, dying or getting maimed for a lie is not worth it. It will take a while for the anti-war sentiment to reach Vietnam era type levels because AmeriKKKa’s whole economy is based on perpetual war. Since WWII the AmeriKKKan public has been bamboozled and manipulated to fear one “enemy” or threat after another. At first global Communism was the bogy man and that lasted until the ‘80's when a series of bad guys from Muammar al-Gaddafi to Manuel Noriega, Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein were manufactured to keep the military industrial complex’s cash cow con game going. But following 9-11 Bush played that card once too often using an amorphous and equally bogus “War on Terrorism” as the justification for increased militarism, war and rapine. Now even the brainwashed masses have grown weary and are starting to see how they are being hustled and played. AmeriKKKa is going bankrupt, the war on terrorism is draining the nation’s coffers increasing national debt which like Vietnam will adversely impact domestic programs which is part of the Neoconmen’s plan. Their ultimate goal is to destroy the last vestiges of AmeriKKKan socialism (the New Deal and Great Society programs) so they can reduce the masses to debted serfdom and wage slavery. The economy at least job wise, is still stagnant and folks are worried about their pensions, Social Security and their pay checks’ inability to keep up with rising costs. The NeoConmen’s corporatist agenda does not bode well for Joe and Jan Sixpack; either in the short or long term! Africans in AmeriKKKan already know the deal, we are used to a police state, government sanctioned oppression, social caste and economic privation. The Nazification of AmeriKKKa will soon shock lower class white folks to their core. While Joe and Jane Sixpack don’t comprehend the long range ramifications of all of this, many are increasingly rejecting the call to support ravaging imperialism and fiscal recklessness. Good for them! Let's hope they keep it up!


Monday, July 04, 2005

Re Examining The 4th of July From An African Perspective

Re-examining The 4th of July From an African Perspective

“Congress is now finalising a sweeping energy bill that seeks to increase production of energy at home while the administration, and international institutions controlled by Washington, like the World Bank, are joining forces to promote oil production in countries that are not members of OPEC, especially in Africa, Central Asia and Latin America. West Africa is widely regarded as one of the priority areas for investment by the oil industry, and oil production from the region is universally projected to rise. Nigeria, the largest oil producer in Africa and one of its most indebted, now says it has plans to increase production by 160 percent. But the study warns that, based on past trends, this will cause a rise in external debt for Abuja by an additional 21 billion dollars by 2010. Although Nigeria has proven oil reserves of 35.2 billion barrels, and goals of expanding proven reserves to 40 billion barrels by 2010, the country's external debt stands at a whopping 30.5 billion dollars, one of the world's highest. Kretzmann says that the 160 percent projected increase in oil production in Nigeria virtually guarantees that ‘they'll be out of the frying pan and right back into the debt fire.’ ” - Emad McKay Inter Press News Service 06-30-05

As we pause to “celebrate” the independence from England of the thirteen East Coast British colonies in North America, we must look at not only the past but the present as well. For the Europeans who were settling in the colonies, their revolt against King George was fomented and fashioned by the large land owners, mainly the wealthy African slave holders, indentured servant agreement holders and their colonial business associates. For the rank and file colonialist, the outcome of the revolution did not change their way of life nor their status one Iota. To participate in the new government one had to be a white male, over thirty-five and a property owner, which effectively prevented participation by all women, most males known as poor whites, indentures, tenant farmers etc. Despite the rhetoric about freedom, federalism and republicanism the real agenda of the revolutionaries was: the continued genocide against the indigenous inhabitants and theft of their lands, firmly establishing a new government with themselves at its head and having it recognized by the powers of Europe as a sovereign nation. Once this was accomplished, the US government and the elitist plutocracy that directed and manned it set out to become a global empire just as Britain, France, Spain and Holland had done before it. Slave labor by our African ancestors fueled AmeriKKKa’s growth until the industrial revolution. With the industrial revolution and expanded trade with the European imperial regimes, the West and its infant cousin AmeriKKKa, modified and expanded its hegemony around the world. Today we see the results of this imperialist expansion as AmeriKKKa took up the torch of Western imperialism and assumed the mantel of global white supremacy following the devastation of the European colonial powers during WWII. One of the driving forces behind AmeriKKKa’s new imperialism is the desperate quest for oil and other natural resources to fuel its' economy and lifestyle.
AmeriKKKa accepted the baton from her European cousins to continue global domination but in so doing , she arrogantly refuses to study or learn the lessons of history; neither its own nor the world’s. What AmeriKKKa foolishly ignores is, the human spirit yearns for freedom, expansion and self-actualization. Just as some upper class North American colonists felt abused and exploited by the policies of King George, the rest of the world feels put upon by the US and its European cohorts. Just as the European colonial powers used their military to rob, rape and plunder foreign lands and wage war against their perceived rivals and victims, justifying their carnage by using noble and obfuscatory notions such as “the White Man’s burden”, spreading Christianity and civilization, freedom and democracy and by conscripting members of the lower classes to fight their imperialist wars, those returning conscripts demanded a share of the spoils of victory which for many of them amounted to participation in the process. As people of African ancestry we must look at the 4th of July in a different light, not only for its hypocracy here, but for its implications globally. The present configuration of Western neo-colonialism is sowing the seeds for global strangulation unless we mount and support the freedom struggles of our people. AmeriKKKa’s gluttony for oil is forcing its policy-makers to increasingly put Africa in its cross hairs. As we have seen throughout modern history, (particularly the last five hundred years) any dealings with the Arabs and Europeans are tantamount to dealing with the devil. All trade with them has been extremely lop-sided, they got far more out of us and our people than we ever got from them (because they really never had much of any worth to trade)! That lop-sided and exploitive relationship continues to this day!
The G8 is set to meet in Scotland and Africa is on their agenda, specifically debt reduction, trade and HIV/AIDS relief. Bet your last dollar Africa will turn out the worst because of anything these thieves and murderers come up with. The developed nations (who got that way through pillage, plunder and carnage) need more oil, they are like dope fiends craving a fix. Africa, particularly West Africa is their latest target. A recent study by the Oil Change International concluded, “‘Developing nations that depend heavily on natural resources -- especially oil -- have historically been ruled by authoritarian, corrupt governments, with few or no benefits trickling down to the poor.’ The 53-page study comes ahead of meetings of the Group of Eight (G8) most industrialised nations in Scotland next week, where African development and global warming will be two key themes. Ahead of the summit, the G8 finance ministers, who represent Britain, France, Russia, Germany, the United States, Japan, Italy and Canada, have also indicated that they want to talk about spiraling oil prices. The study is particularly relevant because a G8 finance ministers' meeting in London on Jun. 11 issued a communiqué committing to the ‘elimination of impediments to private investment’ in Africa. Oil and minerals receive at least 60 percent of foreign direct investment in Africa -- and the figure is much higher in oil-exporting countries. The report by Oil Change International, the Institute for Public Policy Research and Jubilee USA Network faults the G8 energy strategy, which is based on encouraging more private investment in oil and energy projects in Africa. ‘The energy strategy for the G8 is at odds with the development strategy for Africa, and in fact with the rest of the world,’ said Kretzmann. ‘Our report documents the energy strategy followed by the United States, particularly with regards to the LDCs (Least Developed Countries), where they want to increase oil supply and production from non-OPEC nations, (which) has actually severally deepened those nations' debts.’ ” This report just affirms what we already know, capitalism is a predatory system. Investment for oil and natural resources will do nothing for the masses in Africa, Asia or the Pacific, primarily because the leaders of the nations of many of the countries in these regions are puppets under the direct control of the US and their European allies! This goes for the recently invaded countries of Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq as well!
What does this mean for us on this 4th of July? It means we must be vigilant, serious minded and resolute. It means we can not continue to go for the okie-doke of Western imperialism masked in high sounding words like freedom and democracy. We are at war all over the world. Our survival and the survival of Africans globally depends upon what John Henrik Clark and his student Del Jones repeatedly tell us, Pan-Africanism or perish!


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Bush's Credibility And Apporval Ratings Are Dropping

Bush’s Credibility and Approval Ratings Dropping

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - President Bush's address to the nation, urging Americans to stand firm in Iraq, drew the smallest TV audience of his tenure, Nielsen Media Research reported on Wednesday. Bush's speech on Tuesday night at the Ft. Bragg military base in North Carolina averaged 23 million viewers combined on the four major U.S. broadcast networks and three leading cable news channels networks that carried the speech, Nielsen said. That number was 8.6 million viewers below Bush's previous low as president, his Aug. 9, 2001 speech on stem cell research, which was carried on six networks. Even Bush's last prime-time address, his April 28 speech on Social Security overhaul, drew more viewers, 32.7 million. Bush garnered the biggest U.S. TV audience of his presidency -- 82 million viewers on nine networks -- when he addressed a joint session of Congress nine days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America. By comparison, his May 1, 2003, speech from the deck of an aircraft carrier declaring an end to major combat operations in Iraq averaged 48.4 million viewers.

President Bush's televised address to the nation produced no noticeable bounce in his approval numbers, with his job approval rating slipping a point from a
week ago, to 43%, in the latest Zogby International poll. And, in a sign of continuing polarization, more than two-in-five voters (42%) say they would favor
impeachment proceedings if it is found the President misled the nation about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.”- <>

Like myself most AmeriKKKans refused to tune into the Bush speech last week. A Nielsen Media Research report issued the following day revealed Bush drew the smallest number of viewers ever as he went before the AmeriKKKan public with another one of his staged speeches to plead with the nation to “stay the course” meaning keep going for the okie-doke and continue allowing him and his cohorts to make suckers out of us. Most African-AmeriKKKans stopped listening to what Bush has to say long ago. Only the most crass opportunists and unscrupulous dolts have cosigned Bush’s nonsense about the war on Terror, bringing freedom and democracy around the world and progress being made in Iraq. People can only take so much. Even the most cowardly and mentally ossified folks will only allow you to disrespect and debase them so often. It is fast reaching that point for Bush and the NeoConmen. That’s why some of the more astute members of his cabinet jumped ship following the theft of the 2004 election. Even the compliant, compromised and corrupt corporate media could not hype Bush’s speech or market it to a populous grown weary of incessant lies and misrepresentation. Bush and his handlers are so out of touch with reality they actually thought people would tune in and listen to a man who has lost all credibility, who’s own Secretary of Defense (War) and commanders on the ground dispute his Bizarro World assessments of the situation in Afghanistan and Iraq. The truth of the matter is the AmeriKKKan public is feed up with all the lies and like the boy who cried wolf, Bush has evoked 9-11 and his bogus War on Terror one time too often. So now just like the boy who cried wolf even if for a nano-second Bush ever entertained a truthful thought and accidentally uttered it, most people won’t believe him.

The Nielsen ratings are not just an indictment against Bush they are, in many ways a slap at the networks and cable news channels. After all folks had unlimited choices they could have turned on the television or the radio and listened to George W. Bush proclaim progress is being made in Iraq and that the nation must not forget the lessons of 9-11. They could have chosen to watch a baseball game, some other program or do something different altogether. They chose not to watch Bush and that says a lot. It says in effect “we are not going to allow you to piss on us and then tell us it’s raining.” This attitude is long overdue! After all immediately following 9-11 I started asking questions and none of the responses from the Bush administration and the media about what actually happened that day, made any sense to me whatsoever! Most people were shocked angry and confused, both Bush and the media took advantage of that to launch a war against the Taliban when none of the supposed highjackers where Afghani. Bush and Co to this day have not provided any concrete evidence Osama bin Laden masterminded the attacks! After all Bush’s rhetoric about hunting Osama bi Laden down capturing him dead or alive we still don’t know where he is and Bush went off and invaded two more countries since then: Haiti and Iraq. Not that white folks care but it’s not coincidental the same situation exist in both countries. There has been regime change but both countries are worse off now than before the US invasion! Bush lied and people know it; that’s the bottom line, no WMD, Saddam Hussein was not connected to 9-11 and Iraq wasn’t a threat to anyone. Yet Bush won’t give it up. Like the energized bunny he keeps ongoing and going. But alas his lies aren’t getting him anywhere. Perhaps that’s the reason most AmeriKKKans refused to watch his speech last week. That’s pathetic, Bush BS is so raggedly he/it can’t even draw flies.
